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Featured Music:

Roswell Theme Song

Artist: Dido
Song Title: "Here With Me"
Album: No Angel
Also featured: "Honestly OK"

Artist: Sheryl Crow

Song Title: "I Shall Believe" (Max&Liz wedding song!)

Album: Saturday Night Music Club

More music...

Liz's Journal

Features all of Liz's journal entries chronologically starting from the first season.

Liz's Journal...

My Reviews:

Hmm...Roswell to New York...very interesting. Loved how they tied Brody into it, and how it explained his abduction. Brody made a great leader, I think he'll be a good guy in the end. Nicholas is way too young and the thing with was Isabel and Michael having "alien" make-out sessions. Otherwise, Liz being "different" now is something I'm sure they will pursue later on, and it was nice how she saved him. The little alien ears Max gave her at the end was cute. I'm very glad they're friends again. I really don't have much to comment on in this episode. We learned a lot about Max's planet, like it being the center of the five stars, and a lot about what happened in the past. I'm pretty sure this whole summit thing won't be over soon, so it'll be interesting to see what's going to happen. keepppp watchingggg...

Winamp Skin
Download my first Roswell winamp skin! You need winzip or any other unzipping program to use the skin. Enjoy!