Episode VI

285 South - (Opening Scene)

Michael drops down from what looks like a huge sewage pipe. In the process he tumbles onto a green alien balloon doll. He glances at it in disgust and looks around. We see that surrounding him are figures of what looks to be Roswell police and the FBI dummies. As the camera pans back, we discover that Michael is in the UFO museum. It appears that he is alone as he stealthily walks to a room that has a PC and begins his search. He is researching information on the picture of the dome he has discovered. When the search query turns up something that contains information about the author of the book Max was reading, Michael prints the two pages out, only to discover when he walks into the adjourning room that Michael is not alone afterall. The true believe curator was in the print room taking a nap. The sound of the printer going off awakens him. He sees Michael and Michael attempts to beat a hasty retreat, only to be cut off at the entrance by one of the sheriff's officers.

(Theme Song Begins)

It's back at school as Max and Isabel exchange bored and amused looks at the back of a class (social science?). The teacher is announcing their new assignments - finding out other people's secrets and writing a biography about them. He pairs the class up. The teacher announces that Liz is paired with Evans. At first, Liz thought it was Max Evans and so did Max so both looked pleased. But then, it was clarified that it was Liz with Isabel Evans. Isabel doesn't look happy and Liz looks a little disappointed. Maria was paired up with Michael who wasn't even in class. When she protested against the idea of having to be partnered with a person who's cutting class as they speak, the teacher blithely ignored her objections and told her to make the best of it. Max is paired up with Kyle. Neither boys look too happy about that either.

After class, Maria and Liz walk out as Maria complains about being forced to partner with Michael. Liz spots Max and Kyle across the hallway exchanging contact information. She walks up to them and as Kyle walks away, she asks Max if he'll be okay. Max replies that he will be fine. Just then, a teacher walks up to Max and tells him he has a phone call, so Max leaves. The next scene we see is Max walking into a police station. He approaches the curator who looks melodramatically shaken and upset. The curator tells Max about the 'break-in' as Michael walks accompanied by the police officer to the counter behind them. Max tells the curator that he knows Michael, that Michael was there to do him a favor and get some research materials that he needed for class. A bit disappointed that Max would know this "punk", the curator agrees in the end not to press charges. As Michael gets his belongings, Max tells Michael no to do "him any more favors," before stalking off, obviously a little annoyed at what Michael has done. Michael follows Max out a little sheepishly, and as the two left, we see Valenti walking out slowly from the room right behind the area where the two had their arguments. The arresting officer turns in a copy of what Michael has printed over to Valenti and Valenti has a thoughtful expression on his face.

Max, Isabel and Michael are sitting on the football stadium benches as Isabel berates Michael for getting too reckless in his actions. Max feels the same way but Michael is defiant, telling them that this opportunity to find out more about where they come from and who they are won't be there for now. He asks Max for the keys to the Jeep so they can go look for the dome for which he knows has the address for, but Max looks at Isabel and then tells Michael that they need to do more research before jumping right in. Michael angrily stalks off when he hears this. As he leaves the stadium, Isabel tells Max that Michael won't get far without a car. Just as Michael storms off the field, Maria, who was in her car, got out and approaches him to talk about her assignment which she needs him to help in order to complete. Michael is in no mood to talk to her until he notices that she has a car. He told her that if she gave him a ride to the station (where she was headed to run an errand for her mother), that he would answer her questions. She agrees.

Meanwhile, everyone seems to be completing their assignment at the Crashdown. Isabel and Liz are asking each other questions. Isabel is obviously disgusted that Liz's favorite ice-cream flavor is vanilla. Max and Kyle are asking each other questions as well. Kyle asks Max what his favorite tv show is, to which Max responds that he doesn't watch too much television. Kyle's favorite show is America's Most Wanted, which he watches with his dad. Kyle is asking Max what was the best thing that ever happened to him. Max looked over at Liz who is sitting by the counter with Isabel and then turns back to Kyle and replies that it must have been when he was adopted. Kyle sneers at Max's response. His' answer to that same question was when he won some junior rifle competition. Isabel sees that Liz keeps glancing over at Max and Kyle worriedly. She suggests that Liz go over there with ketchup as an excuse to see how they are doing. Liz takes that suggestion immediately, bringing over a ketchup bottle and then asking them how they are doing. Kyle snidely tells Max that since she's here, they can jump right to question 16, which is, "Have you ever been in love?". There is a tense and awkward silence (Max looks tense, Liz looks awkward, but also curious). After a long pause, Max replies, "No." Liz looks a little disappointed.

The scene shifts over to Michael and Maria. Maria has driven Michael to the gas station, complaining about the fact that Michael is making up answers to all her questions even though she gave him a ride. Michael gives her witty comebacks to all her berating. She gets out very annoyed to pick up some money from the gas station manager and as she is conducting the transaction, Michael gets into the driver's side and starts driving off. Maria sees what he is doing and leaps in front of the vehicle before rushing into the passenger side to ask him why he is stealing her car. He told her to get off and when she didn't told her "she's had her chance" and starts driving.

Liz at the Crashdown, receives a call on her cellular phone. It's Maria who is secretly trying to let Liz know that she's been abducted by Michael. Michael thinks she's rambling to herself initially, until he finds the phone and throws it out of the car. But by then, Liz has pieced together enough to clue Isabel in on what Isabel knows. Isabel immediately grabs Max and the two leaves in a hurry. Liz follows behind, anxious to find out what happened to Maria. Walking out, Isabel quickly tells Max that Michael 'has found a car' and the two gets into the jeep. Liz wants to follow but Max wouldn't let her. Kyle has managed to come up behind them and he gleefully remarked at this scene, "What? Trouble in Paradise so soon?" Max gives Kyle a look and then told Liz to get into the car. Liz jumps right in the they drive off. Unbeknownst to them an FBI agent was parked right next to the jeep watching everything. He makes a call to the guidance counsellor who told the man to follow them closely. The guidance counsellor then types into an encrypted email that there is 'tension in the ranks', they will soon slip up…etc. She sends the email.

Maria and Michael are in the car and Maria is yelling at Michael for kidnapping her, vandalising her property (throwing her cellphone out of the car), crossing state lines with a minor and driving above the 80mph she had asked him to. Michael is clearly annoyed at her and tells her to be quiet. He tells her that this is possibly the most important day of his life and she's only concerned about herself. Just then, a patrol car pulls them over and Michael is completely freaked, and also devastated b/c now he won't be able to realize his dreams of getting to that dome. Maria looks at him for a moment and quickly tells him to give her his reason for why today is the most important day of his life. Michael tells her reluctantly that he's looking for a house in Texas that could possibly give him information about who he is and where he came from. The police officer approaches the car and asks them why they were driving so fast. Maria quickly tells the officer that it was because she had to use the ladies room really urgently, having drank all this caffeine as the last gas station, so she asked Michael to drive quickly to a rest stop. The officer gives her a strange look but lets them pass with only a ticket. Michael is relieved and Maria tells him that he owes her big.

Meanwhile, in Max's jeep, Liz is making a phone call to her parents to tell them that she's studying over at Maria's house. Isabel makes a comment about the "perfect liz parker, lying to her parents". Obviously, Isabel doesn't really like Liz and Liz knows it, but she remains silent rather than argue. Liz looks at Max and Isabel and tells them that they must know where Michael is headed b/c of the silent and purposeful way they are driving and it must relate to something they are hiding from her. But neither say much of anything.

At Kyle's house, we see Kyle making a round of phone calls trying to locate Liz. Valenti watches from the entrance of Kyle's house and Kyle reveals to his dad that he saw the three of them rushing off in a strange fashion earlier this afternoon, and now, it seems as if all of them are lying to their parents about where they are. Valenti asks Kyle if he knew where they were going and Kyle confesses he doesn't really know. Kyle then looks at Valenti and asks him if he knows something about Max and if so, what is it, but Valenti tells Kyle that he has to go back to the office (even though he has just returned home) and leaves.

Maria's car has stalled in the middle of the road and Michael is frustrated and Maria is annoyed. She asks him to use his 'secret super powers' to fix the car, to which, Michael replies that that's not what they are called. But Maria continues mocking him and asking him to fix her car. Not eager, but provoked, Michael storms out of the car and opens the hood. Using his power, he manages to cause a fire to go off in the engine. The two had yet another spat until Michael notices a hotel sign right in front of them. He informs Maria of his intention to spend the night there and proceed to abandon her. Maria quickly follows him out.

At a gas station, Max is entering the convenience store for food. Liz tries to be friendly with Isabel by offering a hot drink but when Isabel turned around in annoyance, she ended up spilling the stuff on both of them. Even more annoyed, Isabel cleaned off her shirt with her powers while Liz looks like she feels really stupid. She then tells Isabel that she knows Isabel thinks that she's "taking him away from her." Isabel doesn't say anything and Liz continues that "she can never do that, it just wouldn't happen" - in a tone of voice which implies that Liz can never take Isabel's place in Max's mind (of course, Max is the "he") but then Liz asks Isabel, if what they find in Texas is something that can take Max away from Liz, will Isabel take Max away from Liz? Isabel looks at Liz and cleans the stain off Liz's sweater with her powers. Liz smiles. Max leaves the store with a bag of food and he notices a man arguing with the FBI agent, hogging up the phone when he's not using the phone at all. This arouses Max's suspicion who casually walk past the agent's car and touches it's top lightly. As he drives off with Isabel and Liz, the agent hurriedly walks over to his car, only to discover that he has a flat tire

Meanwhile, back at Valenti's office, Valenti has called highway patrol and discovered Michael was stopped earlier in the day for a speeding ticket. He asked for directions as to where they were headed and rushes off after determining based on a map that they must be headed for Texas.

Max, Liz and Isabel are still driving. Liz suggests they go home since their parents could help them locate Michael and Maria but Max says no. Even Isabel is inclined to agree with Liz but Max remains unmoved and determined. Isabel commented that Max is just like Michael, determined to find out his past at the risk of being discovered to which Max remains silent. Liz's phone rings and it's Kyle who asks her where she was and she lied. He knows she's lying b/c when he hangs up later, he drives off in his car, engaging in his own pursuit of Liz, Max and Isabel. Back in the car, Max, Liz and Isabel keep driving until they hear that there is a roadblock on their highway which will delay them. This frustrates all of them as they are certain by now, that Michael and Maria had made it past.

Michael and Maria walks into their motel room and everything is very loud and red. Maria made a remark about this resembling some adult film version of Aladdin. Michael ignors her and plops down on the bed. Maria tells Michael how hungry and tired she is, and howmuch she wants to go home right now. Michael looks slightly guilty and then got off the bed and tells her he's going to look for the vending machines in the hotel to get them something. Maria is a bit taken back by his sudden kindness and just watches silently as he leaves nodding when he told her to lock the doors. When he brings back an assortment of candy bars and chips, she asks him if he has any normal 'urges' to which Michael walked very closely to her suggestively, then told her, "not if you were the last woman on earth". Offended, Maria replied evenly, "ditto". She then proceeded to ask him the questions for the assignment (his favorite ice-cream flavor is pistachio and he likes the show, "Win Ben Stein's Money"). She then asks him a personal question about why he's so intent on going to Texas and that house. He didn't want to reply at first, but seeing as how she didn't turn him in to the patrol officer earlier, he told her it was because he thinks "There's got to be something better out there than Roswell" Maria then tells Michael that she can relate b/c she used to feel the same way about her father who she kept hoping would one day come in a limo and take her mom and her away but that it never happened. Michael is touched and they shared a moment. After all this sharing and bonding, the two got kind of awkward around each other and Michael suggested going to sleep, trying to feel out Maria on whether she planned on sharing the bed. In response, Maria got really close to Michael suggestively, and said, "Not if you were the last alien on earth."

At the roadblock, Liz and Max watches as Isabel attempts to charm the officer into letting them past. Max tells Liz that he's sorry. Liz tells him that it's okay b/c she's sure the roadblock will be removed soon. Max tells her then that it wasn't what he was apologizing for. He was apologizing for Michael taking Maria, Isabel being…Isabel and getting her all involved in this mess. Liz assures him that it's fine and then she apologizes for Kyle and how her stupid life caused them reason to fear. Max tells her that she's *not * stupid and that he didn't think his life began until the day he told her the truth. She tells him she feels the same way. They leaned towards each other and Liz asks Max whether he thinks that they should still remain uninvolved. Max leans very close to her and seals a hole that was by her seat. He smiled and told her that "just wanted to keep her warm." Liz smiles and then asked him what he will do if what they find in Texas does give him clues as to his past. Max didn't say anything and Isabel climbs back in to tell them that the roadblock will be removed in one hour. They climbed out of the jeep and the group contemplated the fact that Michael could've gotten there already. Isabel looked over, sees Maria's abandoned vehicle about 30 yards away from the, sees the hotel and says, "we may already be too late" - referencing an entirely different subject matter. Liz and Max follows her gaze.

The three quickly walks towards the hotel room. Liz is saying, almost as if to convince herself that there is nothing that has happened between Michael and Maria that they should just knock. But when she is about to, she couldn't do it. Isabel uses her powers to unlock the chain inside and they walk in. Maria who has heard the door open, jumped up, and in the confusion, fell on top of Michael which was how the three found them when they opened the lights. Liz tells Maria that they were frantically searching for them thinking she was in trouble, but could tell that she was obviously mistaken. Maria quickly tells the trio that they have the wrong impression and asks Michael to back her up who cheekily called her "honey" to deliberately cloud things up even more. Isabel however, seems to believe them. Max then walks up to Michael to berate him for possibly exposing them all but Michael angrily tells them that he's not about to let a chance to discover their past be hindered by fond feelings for Roswell, that sooner or later, someone will find out about them and their happy lives will be disrupted for the worse. Just as he finishes, Kyle walks up behind them into the room and asks them what they are talking about. He then demands to know what they are doing here. Michael tells Kyle to get lost but Kyle keep insisting and more aggressive. Michael, tired of Kyle's ranting, throws him into the couch nearby. Kyle is surprised at Michael's strength and tries to take Liz (against her will) so she can leave with him. Max intervenes telling Kyle to leave her alone. Kyle retorts in kind. As tension escalates, Liz screamed at them to stop their foolishness before telling Kyle that she's no longer his girlfriend anymore and told him to go home since this is "none of his business." Kyle leaves in anger, wondering aloud what he ever saw in her.

Alone in the hotel room now, Liz demands to know of Max, Isabel and Michael what it is that they are hiding from her and Maria, that she and Maria can't protect themselves from something they don't know about, nor can they help the three conceal their identity. Michael replies that he doesn't need their help to which Maria points out earlier in the day with the state patrol. Isabel asks them if they aren't afraid of being held as accomplices to which Liz courageously said she wasn't. Max then sits down on the edge of the bed where Isabel and Michael were and tells them the truth, about Michael having broken into Valenti's office, the key, the book and this dome which could hold the secret to their past. Upon hearing all this, Liz then calmly said, "Well, then what are we waiting for." And the five leave in Max's jeep for the dome.

Looking like they drove all night, the five finally got to the dome. Michael attempts to use the key to unlock the door but finds that it doesn't work, causing him great disappointment. Max used his power to unlock the door telling him that it could be for something inside. Inside, they see an abandoned house that looked as if it has been searched for something important. Just when they are about to give up, they asked Michael to hold the key. At first, it didn't appear as it it'll work but when Maria asks him to do it a second time, Michael see flashes of a hidden room. Looking all around for the entrance way, Michael stumbles across a loose stone on the stone paneled wall. Opening it reveals a lock, which Michael used the key to successfully unlock. From the floor across the room, a doorway popped open and the five went under. Just as they were about to explore, they could hear Valenti's footstep above them as he had followed them directly to the dome house. Valenti is looking around when something knocks him out from behind, and we see that it's the guidance counsellor. The five are trapped helplessly as the screen fades to "…To be Continued"….

*the end *

River Dog

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