Episode VII

River Dog - (Opening Scene)

The scene opens with the five standing under the basement. The guidance counselor has just knocked out the sheriff and she is walking around the house inspecting everything as she goes searching for them. The Sheriff is starting to regain consciousness and when he realizes who has hit him from behind, he quickly feins unconsciousness again. Liz is scared and everyone is visibly nervous but Michael continues searching saying that chances are they will get caught anyway and he's going to find out as much as possible before they do. As they all look around frantically, Maria spots a mouse scurrying across the floor and wordlessly points at it in horror to Liz. Liz notices that the mouse is scurrying behind some curtains of sorts. When she unveils the curtains, she discovers s tunnel (sewage pipe style) and motions for Max and the others. They all go through the tunnel with Michael carrying a box of files with him. Isabel stalls by a statue and notices a necklace, when Max called her insistently she quickly grabs it from the statue before following the others into the exit. Meanwhile, the guidance counselor has successfully picked the lock, which released the hatchdoor leading downstairs and she begins walking down. By the time she has reached the bottom level, the room is empty and when she finally discovers the sewage pipe tunnel and works her way to the exit above ground, the five have already left.

(Theme Song Begins)

On the ride home from Texas, Isabel, Max and Liz are in one car while Maria and Michael follows in another. Liz is musing aloud to herself where before, her biggest anticipation was being able to catch the A&E special on Maria Curie, now she has lied to her parents, crossed state lines, walked into a stranger's house - "essentially stole stuff….and engage in general bonding with aliens". Behind them in Maria's car (with Michael driving), Maria is musing aloud how before this day, she had always thought that Michael was some weird guy from the wrong side of the track - not that he wasn't still that, she amended. Michael asked her if he was referring to his alien origins and she replied, no, that she was aware of that awhile ago. She just thought it was interesting that underneath his "poorly bathed" exterior, he was a halfway lovable guy. Michael quickly tells her that nothing happened between them, they had just talked and that was it. Maria looks a bit rebuffed and told him "ditto", but after a moment, she turned to him and told him that he must have thought "something" happened between them (or why would he bring it up?). Michael looks a bit uncomfortable and remains silent while Maria smiles to herself.

That night, Isabel is in her room, scrolling through family photos until she found one which quickly led her to rip it off and run into Max's room. Max was rifling through some of the items and quickly covers the box when she enters. Seeing that it wasn't their parents, he asks her what she's doing in there and she asked him about a childhood memory where they drew a symbol on the beach. Max can't recall exactly the symbol that he drew but when Isabel asked him to do it with his eyes closed, he manages to be able to do it. Max is surprised and asked Isabel what made her think of it and Isabel showed him the symbol on the necklace she has taken from the house.

The next day at school, Liz is asking Maria what had transpired between her and Michael the previous night. The two talks about Maria's obvious thing for Michael and they share a good giggle or two about this sudden development. Suddenly, they spot Kyle and Liz reluctantly tells Maria she needs to speak with Kyle. Right before they left, Maria asked Liz if she will see her at Max's house later today. Liz is surprised to discover that they are meeting at Max's house, but she replied that sure, she will make a showing. Liz then walks up to Kyle and they go into the janitor's closet where he remarked on the irony of the situation. It turns out that Liz and Kyle had shared their first kiss in their closet the last day of school the previous semester. Liz has forgotten about it but she tries to cover it up to Kyle's disbelief furthering his disillusionment. Basically, while Liz is asking Kyle if he was okay, what she was really trying to ascertain if he plans on telling anyone about what transpired the night before. Kyle assures her that he won't say anything - "until he finds something that will destroy him (max)". Liz is shaken as Kyle leaves her alone in the closet.

Ms. Toposky is doing some kind of breathing exercise as she speaks with her superior. He thoroughly chews her out for almost blowing their covers when her initial assignment have only been to "covertly" observe the subjects and see if what they have studied about them are true. Ms. Toposky is obviously displeased at being chewed out but accepts orders to search the subject's house and take whatever it is that they have taken from that place.

In the jeep, Max, Isabel and Michael are driving over to the Evan's. Michael casually tries to determine if they plan on letting Liz and Maria help them. Max and Isabel are firmly opposed so Michael has no choice but to acquiesce to their wishes even though it is quite evident he wanted to let Maria along. This amuses both Isabel and Max greatly and without too much teasing, Michael rambles on about how he wouldn't have invited her if she didn't make him and then he calls her a "vibrator" - meaning to say that she sends out all these vibes. (It's a pretty funny conversation). The three approaches the Evan's house and notices police cars outside. Max and Isabel quickly tells Michael to get off and wait for them at the Crashdown while Max and Isabel moves forward, acting as if everything is normal and to see what has occurred.

When they approach, Valenti is there to tell them that their house has been burglarized. The Evan's mother is there, shaken and the two rush to console her and make sure she is okay. Isabel and Max then quickly leave to check their rooms - Max's first (b/c that's where they hid his box of materials which they have stolen from the house). There, they discover the box was one of the stolen items, which arouses their suspicion. As Isabel is freaking out and talking aloud about how this whole thing must be a cover to take their stuff, Valenti walks in on them. The two quickly claims that nothing is missing and Isabel goes to her own room to see if anything is missing. Inside that room, the Indian Sheriff notices her necklace and asks her how she got that b/c he hasn't seen it for years when he used to be at the reservation. Isabel lied in reply that it was from a mall and feigns ignorance but she is clearly interested, asking the deputy before he leaves what reserve he came from.

Meanwhile, Michael is entering the Crashdown from the back alley and just as he walks in, notices a men in black following him. He rushes into the restaurant, bumping into Maria in the process. Brushing off her indignant scolding, he asked if Max and Isabel are here yet. Liz is there too and they are unaware of the fact that Max and Isabel are supposed to be there. Just then, Max and Isabel entered to the back area telling Liz that they need a place to talk. The five gather in Liz's house where Michael talks about feeling as if he's being followed and Max admits to having that same feeling when they were on the road. Everyone is on edge. Isabel brings up the information about the Indian reservation possibly having significance as to their origins but Max refuses to go b/c right now, it is imperative that they all keep a lower profile. This despite both Michael's apparent and Isabel's more passive eagerness to explore the venue. Liz and Maria are just sitting there silently.

The next morning in school, Valenti pops in on the guidance counselor and the two talked in veiled words with Valenti basically dropping hints that he is on to her, mentioning his headache, the fact that she must keep a very close eye on her student, etc . The guidance counselor is not afraid at all and responds in kind to all his questions.

Later that afternoon, Max hears a knocking on the window and as he opens the window, and in a frustrated tone of voice, starts to say, "Michael, we are not going." He realizes that it's Liz and asks her what she is doing there. Liz asks if she can come in and he opens the window. As she climbs through, she falls right into Max's arms and he holds her for a second before they parted awkwardly. Liz then sat next to Max on his bed and tells him that she has decided to go to the Indian Reservation. Max immediately tells her no to which Liz tells him that she need to do it b/c he got into all this because he saved her life and if he, Isabel or Michael got into trouble b/c of her, she wouldn't be able to live with herself. She also points out that today, they may come for their stuff but tomorrow they could come for the three of them. Max looks at Liz, thanks her for her thoughts but tells her its too dangerous for him to let her go through with it. Liz then looks at him and tells him that she didn't come for his permission, she came for his pendant and if he doesn't give it to her, she's just going to draw it. With that said, she got up and proceed to climb out of the window. Max stops her just as she was getting ready to make the climb out and he walked very close to her and placed the pendant in her hands, leaning down and touching his forehead against hers. He asks her tenderly to be very careful and at the first sign of anything strange happening, to leave at once. Liz smiles at him and nods.

Later that night, Liz is driving in Maria's car and arrives at the reservation. There, she looks around and asks a vendor if they recognize the symbol on the pendant Max has given her. The vendor confesses ignorance but almost as if out of the blue, a hand reaches out and grabs her hand, and she sees that it's an elderly Indian, asking her where she got that pendant from. Liz is visibly shaken and tells the man that they --- she found it. The man then told her that it signifies death and asks her to leave. As she walks back to her car, the older man comes out again this time, asks her urgently where she got it from and Liz claims ignorance again. She leaves.

Later that day, Liz is in the restaurant and a young man is watching her. She asks him if he wanted anything and in a low-keyed sarcastic wat, he asked her for the "red-skin…whatnot" (can't remember exact name, but it's not p.c.) Liz apologizes profusely saying that she's been trying to get them to take that off the menu. The man says it's okay and introduce himself as Eddie while Liz introduce herself as Liz. He then tells her that he has a message for her and show her the connecting piece to her pendant which has been chipped. He tells her to go to the reservation at 10 that night and wait for someone. Liz nods.

Max and Liz arrives at the reservation again. Eddie sees her and demands to know why Liz has brought someone but Max tells Eddie that the pendant means something to him causing Eddie to relent. He takes them behind some tall grasses for a long while before abandoning them in front of a cave. As they walk inside, it become pitch black and Liz screams. Max can't see her and frantically calls her name.

Meanwhile Toposky and Valenti are drinking in a bar. Valenti exposes everything he knows about Toposky and tells her that he is only giving her a heads up before he blows her cover to the FBI and get her pulled off the case. She quickly strikes up a bargain with him b/c she doesn't want to be pulled off and the two form and alliance of sorts to share information.

At the Crashdown, Isabel, Maria and Michael are hanging out in the closed restaurant. Michael is antsy and complaining about the fact that Max is going on his vision quest. He wants to follow them but Isabel insists they wait. He then sat on the counter and helps himself to some cake with tabasco sauce. Maria asks him why they like that stuff and they explain that they have a dietary quirk that makes them predisposed to either very sweet or very spicy. Maria and Michael flirt/bantered some more. Isabel is sickens by it all and leaves the two.

Back at the cave, Max uses his power to create a light in the cup of his hand and sees that River Dog is the one who has taken Liz. He tells him to let Liz go which he does, seeing his power and saying that Max has passed the test. He leads them further into the cave.

Isabel has left the Crashdown and only Maria and Michael remains. Maria is frazzled and worried about Max and Liz as Michael silently leans back on the counter and waits. She takes out her frustration on him, imploring him to tell her something that would calm her down. Michael is frustrated by her whining and tells her to stop moving the sugar from one container to another. As she leans against the counter and covers her eyes in frustration, Michael comes up from behind and just as she turns, he kisses her. (This was a fairly long kiss and rather involved). After, he quickly broke away from her and tells her that it was only to calm her down. Maria nods, "right" and in a disoriented fashion, the two walked to opposite sides of the cafe.

At the Cave's inner recess, River Dog is explains what happened to the other alien who mysteriously disappeared after killing the author who the alien had once thought was a friend and even gave the pendant to. River Dog showed them the wall painting inscribed with unknown symbols which Max finds very familiar but is unable to decipher. He then ushers them out. Right before they leave, River Dog grabs a hold of Liz and tells her that she's not one of "them", that she should be sure that they can be trusted before trusting them. Max calls out to Liz, holding out his hand for her and she looks at River Dog before going towards Max and taking his outstretched hand. The two walks out and River Dog watches as they leave.

*the end*

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