11/3 - Missing
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(Opening Scene)
Liz is seen walking down an empty street at night towards her home, which is right behind the Crashdown Café. She walks quickly, frightened almost, as if she thinks someone may be following her. Her voiceover muses about how the world seem to be a much scarier place than she remembered. As she quickly gets home and into her room, she opens her drawers to look for her diary - only to find that it is missing.
(Theme Song Begins)
Liz rings on Maria's bell. Maria comes out, looking as if she had just been sleeping. Maria asks Liz what's the matter. Liz explains that she has lost her diary. Maria doesn't realize the significance of this event until Liz reveals that she had used her diary to record everything that has happened to her, including that day of the shooting, when Max saved her. This immediately arouses Maria's concern. The two freaks out in front of Maria's house.
Meanwhile, at Michael's house, he is awaken in the middle of the night by a vision he sees in his dreams. He gets up immediately, sharpens a pencil with his powers and attempts to sketch that picture out. He is drawing a semicircular shape. Michael then rushes over to Max's house, climbs to his window and knocks on the window pane. Max is awaken by the knocking, lets Michael in and tells him that he better have a very good reason for waking him up in the middle of the night. Michael says he does and thrusts his picture of the semicircle in front of Max. Max looks at it and asks Michael if he was awaken just to look at semicircles. Michael explains that this was what he had seen in his vision when he touched the key, but when he dreamt about it, it came back much clearer to him. Max is mildly irritated, but more exasperated. He asks Michael if they can discuss his semicircle in the morning to which Michael agreed. Michael then asks Max if he could - but before he can finish his request, Max told him sure and Michael proceeds to bunk down for the night.
The next morning in school, Maria and Liz are trying to play detective and determine who could have taken her journal (actually, more Maria than Liz). Maria pointed out that since Alex had studied at Liz's last night, he could have been a likely suspect with the opportunity, plus he had the motive of feeling left out and wanting to find out what it is that Maria and Liz are hiding from him. Liz still tries to hang on to her theory that she had temporarily misplaced it. Suddenly, Alex walks up behinds them and the two acts as if nothing has happened. They exchange small talk before Alex leaves them to go to gym. Liz sees Max from afar, he is leaving the school building. Maria sees him as well and they both wonder how Liz will be able to tell him that she has lost the all important journal.
Max is seen trying to get the vending machine to give him his snack items but with no luck - until he starts to use his powers. Liz comes up from behind him and tries to explain to Max what happened but isn't able to get it all out b/c Michael interrupted them. He basically told Liz to go away and she did. Max looks at Liz's departing figure and tells Michael that he thought he told Michael to be nicer to Liz. Michael retorts that he thought that he told Max to stay away from her.
Forlorn and upset, Liz tries to find peace and quiet in an abandoned class room when the guidance counsellor walks in on her. She tries to make friends with Liz in order to get out what seems to be bothering her, but Liz remains silent and tells the counsellor that everything is fine before leaving with an excuse about needing to get somewhere.
In another attempt to find some peace and quiet, Liz sits outside on a bench by the school when Kyle plops down next to her. He is obviously angry about their breakup and despite Liz's plead with him to be understanding, he doesn't want to, blaming their breakup on Max who Liz insists to Kyle, she's "just friends" with.
The scene switches over to Maria who bumps into Alex and in her attempt to get the truth about whether he stole the diary from Liz, ends up bungling everything until it came off as her directly accusing him of taking it. Alex is understandably hurt and upset. He leaves Maria in a huff and takes out his frustration on his locker. This moment was captured by the guidance counsellor. She uses this as an opportunity to get info on Liz and Alex slipped out that Liz has lost her diary. The counsellor offers to mediate which Alex declines and he leaves. Once he leaves her office, the counsellor quickly calls some secret number and we see that she is asking for backup. - So Liz was right, she's not just a guidance counsellor.
Meanwhile, Michael attends the art class that he has been cutting for the past two weeks and starts drawing with dedication on the sketch board. Of course, what he is sketching is that semicircle he has drawn the night before.
Max is at the UFO museum filing and reading a little on the side. The "true believer" curator offers him some book to read which Max readily accepts. They start a discussion about various UFO believers/author when Max notices that Liz has walked in. The curator nicely offer to let Max talk to Liz since he's sure Max would rather be with her than him and Max walks over to Liz who request they be alone. Max took her to the back room completely clueless as to why she wants to speak with him, but friendly. They make very small talk until Liz confess to Max that she keeps a 'journal, as scientists calls them" Max isn't concerned at all until Liz reveals that Max is in that journal along with his secret and that her journal is missing. Max is clearly worried, but in a very quiet way. Liz is also upset, but she attempts to assume the "I can take care of it" attitude so she won't cause Max to worry more than he already his. She asks him to give her a day while she finds it, since she's sure it's just misplaced. Max nods, but understandably, he's not happy.
At home, Liz turns the house upside down trying to find the journal. Her mother walks in, mentions something about Alex calling which leads Liz, paranoid with fear, to assume that her mother has the journal. After many veiled accusations, Liz finally realized that her mother doesn't have it and she continues her frantic search.
At the café, Max, Isabel and Michael are sitting down eating. Max is completely engrossed in one of those books he got from the museum while Isabel worries aloud about Michael's open obsession with the vision of the oval - as evidenced by him sketching that picture at the moment on a napkin in the restaurant. She attempts to rope Max into helping her urge Michael to stop but Max does so very disinterestedly. Just as Isabel was warning them both that they could be exposed if they get too careless, Kyle and his friends walk in. Kyle walks right up to Max and tells him that he's on to Max.
Max rushes up to Liz and tells her that he knows Kyle must have the journal because of the incident at the café. Liz tells him she's sure Kyle wouldn't have taken it since he's not a thief and she hasn't seen him for weeks. Max asks her if she's sure and Liz says it's because Kyle is jealous over their breakup and he's blaming Max for it. Max remains unconvinced. Just then, Liz's mom comes home and Liz drags Max into her room and closes the door. The two stands a little awkwardly. Max make a comment about this being Liz's room and he walks over to touch a cd saying that it's a great album when he suddenly catches an image of Kyle holding that same cd in Liz's room. Max tells Liz that Kyle must have somehow gotten into her room. Liz doesn't believe him until he tells her that his powers are heightened when he's experiencing fear or other stimulating emotion.
Michael is happily painting away in class and his painting is starting to get clearer and clearer. His teacher watches with puzzlement from outside the class window as Michael stands alone in the empty classroom working on his drawing listening to music and seeming very content. Meanwhile, Liz approaches Kyle in the basketball court to try to determine if he did in fact take her journal but after a long winded conversation where they were on completely different wavelength, he left, with Liz still uncertain as to whether he took her journal or not.
Concurrently, in a secluded area, the guidance counsellor is meeting with two agents and excitedly telling them that this could be the first time they have a credible witness to the existence of extraterrestrial life living on earth. She shows them Liz's files, alluding to her straight-A record and informing them about possibly being able to locate the files. She mentions that she knew of Kyle's recent breakup with Liz and Liz could be having trouble on that end…
Later that day or the next, Max and Isabel are standing in what looks like an art exhibit the school is having. They are looking at the painting Michael has done of a dome and Isabel commented to Max that it looks pretty good. But when Michael approaches, she berates him for putting them in danger by having that painting displayed in public. Michael had seemed pretty proud of his work so when Isabel berated him, he defensively replied that it's only a dome and that he doesn't even know what it means. They take their argument to a quieter corner where Max tries to explain in more tactful terms that they are concerned about the way Michael has been exposing himself and them to danger. This angers Michael who once again asks why Max didn't think it was exposing them to danger when he saved Liz. Max calmly replied that it was completely different. He was saving a life, whereas Michael was dabbling in the arts. Not having a good retort for that conclusion, Michael storms off leaving Max and Isabel
That night, Liz walks up to Kyle's house to ring his bell. Max is hidden around the corner of the house, telling her not to worry b/c he's there for her. She looks nervous. When no one answers, she knocks again , this time, the door opened on its own. Liz calls for Kyle and Sheriff Valenti but no one answers. Max quickly walks inside and despite Liz's initial misgivings about breaking and entering, she ended up going along with Max to look for Kyle's room. As the two walked into Kyle's room, we see a figure emerging (almost as if from out of the wall) into the hallway. The figure is seen passing Kyle's room as Liz and Max searched for the journal. Max finds a picture of Kyle and Liz and he looks a little upset about it but when Liz emerges from the closet where she was searching, he quickly puts it away. Suddenly, as if Max senses that something is watching them, he went out to the living room to see if anyone is out there. In the living room, he sees Kyle coming back and Max and Liz quickly make a quick escape. As they leave, that figure which had been watching them throughout, seems to emerge out of the cactus, watching after them (pretty spooky scene).
The next day, Max is sitting with Isabel and Michael outside the school quad. He breaks to them the news of Liz's lost journal, taking care to tell them that it wasn't Liz's fault. Isabel is visibly upset but Michael is silent with a thoughtful expression on his face.
Later that night, Liz is cleaning up the Crashdown Café after closing hours. Michael walks in by himself. Liz tells him that the kitchen is closed but Michael approaches the back of the counter without a word. Now apprehensive, Liz tells him that's the back of the counter is only for employees. He just continues walking and circles the counter to get to the customer area again. Michael starts talking. In summation, Michael didn't know if he could trust her so he stole her diary to see if he could. Upon reading the diary he realized they have a friend in her and then he returned the diary to her. Liz asks him why he didn't destroy it since it contains information that would lead people to know about "them". He smiled and said, no, the reader of the diary would know about her. They share a bonding moment and then, Michael asks that she not tell Max it was he who had taken it. Liz didn't say anything.
At the UFO musuem, Max and Liz are alone in a filing room and they are making small talk and joking. Max mentions something about how Liz can get a package discount at the UFO museum for $20. Liz told him that he doesn't have to worry about the journal anymore. He looks at her and asks if it has been found. She says yes, that a customer had returned it - that a very good friend who was the customer. Max seems to accept that as indication that the secret is still safe. Liz then tells Max that she wants to explain to him how she could have written in her journal about his secret. Max says he doesn't care why she did it, basically, it doesn't matter to him and he's not mad that she did it. But Liz is insistent and spills out that the reason she kept her journal after the shooting incident was because of the fact that when Max healed her, he touched her in a way that so moved her, she needed to describe in words how it felt - so that in later years, when she meets another person who touches her the same way, she would remember. Max looks at her, then walks behind her to continue filing. Then, after a short pause, he asks her casually if he could see it - her diary. She tells him it's not a good idea. He asks if it's b/c if he read it, he would know how she sees him. She admits that's the reason. (The way the dialogue were setup, Liz seems not to be comfortable at confessing as she would look down or away as she is speaking, but would also shot a quick look here and there to Max to gauge his reaction to her words, same with Max)
The next day at school Max is reading, Isabel looks bored and Michael is spacing out. Isabel asks Max why he keeps reading that lame book. He replies "guilty pleasure". The conversation then shifts to Michael's disappointment with the fact that all along, he had been painting the roof of a house (a dome design that had been popular years ago). Max consoles Michael and calls him "spaceboy" affectionately. Isabel notes Max's good mood and asks if it's b/c the diary was found. Max says yes. Isabel asks if Liz told him who took it. Michael looks at Max as Max says that Liz told him it was a good friend. Michael smiled and says nothing. The two boys then got up to get some food and Isabel leafs through the book. The last page turned up a picture of the dome which Michael had been obsessing about. She hurriedly calls Max and Michael back, the three stares at the book.
Final scene: Liz walks down the same way home as she does in the opening scene. Her voiceover is saying that she had been thinking about life before the shooting, when she was wishing for something to break-up the small world she lives in, the small world that consists of school and work - something to make a small town girl feel a little bigger. But ever since the shooting, she has discovered that with a bigger world, there are also bigger problems.
*the end *
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