Episode XX

Max to the Max - (Opening Scene)

The episode picks up right where it last left off. The four are standing in the desert. Having just heard Max calmly revealed that Tess is “one of them”, Michael asked him what he meant. Max looked at them, and then looking at the jagged cliff, he told them to follow him. They reach a side of the cliff that is covered in rocks. Using his hands, Max waved over a part of the wall and a handprint appears. When he place his palm onto the print, the wall opens up into a secret doorway. Shocked into silence, Isabel and Michael walked inside with Max and Tess. Michael wanted to ask Max how he knew this, but Max just simply said that he “just knew”. The inside of the cave is exactly the images that Max had seen. This was where they were all born. There were four empty pods in the dark room. Looking at the surrounding, Isabel has flashes of herself as a young child first emerging from the pods. Suddenly, feeling as if everything is too much, she rushes outside to the light. Seeing her distraught state, Max tells Michael they can’t leave her there alone and he follows. Michael is still insides, slightly unwilling to leave. Tess comes up behind him and promises to tell him everything he ever wanted to know if he can help her gain Max and Isabel’s trust. He doesn’t agree or disagree. To make her offer more attractive, Tess places the book she had withdrew from the library’s wall earlier in Michael’s palm. She repeats her promise to explain everything, including what is written in the book if he will help her. Still silent, but holding onto the book, Michael withdraws from the cave to rejoin Max and Isabel. Alone inside, Tess looks at the surroundings for a moment when suddenly, emerging from the walls of the cave itself, was Tess’ father. He is Nascedo. He demands to know what she was thinking to bring the three of them here which could put them all in danger. Tess tells them that she is one of them, and then demands to know if he has indeed killed all the people that Max said he had. Unremorseful, he replied that he needed to get rid of people who go in his way. Tess then realizes that Nascedo is afraid of Pierce. Nascedo replied that he is wary b/c Pierce seems a bit more smarter than the others. Angry at his coldness, Tess leaves him to rejoin the group. Nascedo tells her sardonically to go on and find them.

(Theme Song Begins)

Outside by the jeep, Michael is carefully handling the book as he opens it’s pages which appears to be constructed of a hard material. He accusingly asks Max if he knew about it. A bit uncomfortably, Max replied that he had seen Tess removed it from the library’s wall when he was with Liz that night they were spying on Tess and Kyle. Looking inside at the engraved letterings, they don’t know what it means. Michael wants to find out from Tess if she can decipher it, but he is still angry that Max withheld information from him. Suddenly the three stopped at a page that had pictures of all four of them – Michael and Isabel on the top, Max and Tess on the bottom. They concluded that they might have been engineered on purpose to look the way that they do. Isabel is near panic as she tells Michael that this means the baby could be real. Alarmed at the mention of a “baby”, Max demands to know what Isabel is talking about. Michael mutters that Isabel thinks she is having a kid. When fully explained, Max finds out that though Michael and Isabel have not done anything in actuality, in their dreams, they have and that was why they think she may be pregnant, especially since they are aliens and Isabel does think something is going on with her body. Resolved to find out what is causing these dreams to happen and what it could mean for Isabel, Max indicated he will find out from Tess what they want to know and walks off.

At the halls in school the next day, Tess is at her lockers when Max walks up behind her. Without announcing himself, Tess already knows he is there and tells him that she is glad he has come. Max tells Tess that he wants to find out everything, from what’s in the book to what they are. Tess is glad he is willing to listen and tells him they need to find a place to talk. They go off for a drive.

Near the Crashdown, Tess’ father, aka Nascedo is parking his car. Seeing that he is being followed, he not only looks amused, but he looks almost pleased. The blond FBI man follows him into a relatively empty block. When suddenly, he is pulled against a wall by Nascedo. Seeing him, Nascedo tells him he is glad that it was an FBI man b/c he has a message for Pierce. Using his hands, Nascedo promptly killed the man, leaving a handprint on his chest.

Meanwhile, Isabel and Michael are in the kitchen of the Crashdown as Isabel worries aloud about the baby. Just as they were having this discussion, Maria walks in and overhears everything, but not fully realizing that Michael and Isabel haven’t done anything, she looks heartbroken and leaves when she see Michael holding Isabel to comfort her.

Out in the desert, Max is asking Tess about her origins and why she is with Nascedo. She explains that when she emerged from the pod, he was already there and she has been with him ever since. He is cold b/c he is completely alien and assumes many shapes to hide his true identity. When asked if she has ever seen his true form, Tess replies that she hasn’t. Max concluded that it must have been very lonely. Tess said it was, but now she’s okay b/c she has found them. Turning the conversation to the four of them, Max asked her if aliens conceive through their dreams. Tess smiles and said that the dreams only guide them in the right direction. To have babies, they need to actually do it the old fashion ways. Relieved, Max doesn’t reply. Tess then asked him if he had ever received signs or had dreams about him and her. Max is silent, but looking at her as she leaned against the truck, Max suddenly have a flash of him and her naked making love in the middle of the desert, snapping out of it, he tells her they should go.

Inside the Crashdown, Max rushes inside to the back and finds Liz telling her he wants to go somewhere with her. At first, Liz wants to tell Maria but Max urges her not to since they spend so little time together. Charmed by what appears to be a plea for more ‘alone-time’, Liz consented and he rushes her off. Watching them though was Maria who assumes they are off to another make out session. Outside, he leads them to a black convertible. When Liz asked him what happened to the jeep, he tells her it needs to be fixed. Just as they drive off, the real Max pulls in, having just dropped off Tess. Liz had gone off with Nascedo w/o realizing it.

Behind the Crashdown, Michael is throwing away trash when Maria confronts him about Isabel’s baby. Annoyed and not having the patience to placate her, Michael blows up at her – saying that all he cares about right now is Isabel and he doesn’t have time to worry about their ‘stupid relationship’, leaving Maria more hurt than before. Frustrated that he has lost his temper and gotten into a fight with Maria again, Michael kicks a trash can in disgust before walking back in.

In the Sheriff’s office, Valenti is reviewing a background check he is conducting on Tess’ father with a deputy when they are interrupted by a clean-cut man in uniform. He eagerly introduce himself as the extra man Valenti had requested. When Valenti countered that he had made the request over six months ago and was turned down, the man cheerfully said that it must have been approved b/c he’s just been transferred from Santa Fe. Annoyed and not trusting of this new person, Valenti was at first going to throw him back to Santa Fe, but then ordered him to clean the coffee filter. When the new deputy leaves, Valenti asked his deputy to call the Santa Fe office to conduct a background check on this new guy.

Meanwhile, Max and Liz are driving down the highway. Getting couple-like, Liz leans over to kiss Max as he is driving. He warns her with a smile that if she doesn’t stop, he might have to pull over. Teasing him to do so, “Max” does and they kissed for a long time. In that kiss, Liz see flashes of a dark background with flashes of lightening white streaking across it. The mind feels completely foreign and cold. Distancing herself, she looks at “Max”, not sure of what has happened, but no longer trusting of him.

In the Crashdown, Max walks in to tell Michael and Isabel the good news that Isabel is not pregnant, she has just been sensitive to the development of her body and they were guided, not forced to mate. Relieved, Michael goes to make up with Maria who upon seeing Liz remarked on whether Liz had found out yet. When Max in confusion asked Maria what she meant, since he hasn’t seen her all day, Maria countered that she just saw him leave with Liz not just an hour ago. As it slowly dawns on the group that Nascedo was among them, the group hits high panic mode.

Back at the road, Max stops the car in mid-stream and gets around the trunk. Liz is already highly suspicious of him. When her phone rings, she realizes that the real Max is at the Crashdown and that Nascedo is with her. But before she can say tell Max where she is, Nascedo takes the phone and shuts it. He then pulls a dead FBI man from the trunk and dumps it on the side of the road, “to leave a clue” before driving off.

At Valenti’s, the new deputy is rifling through a bottom cabinet when Valenti kicks it shut, angrily demanding to know what he is doing. The new deputy gives a harmless front, showing his fingers which are all tapered with different colored stickers, saying that he only meant to color code them. Valenti grudgingly conceded that the background check indicated that this new guy was an overachiever, but warned him to simply do his job at the office, no more, no less. The new deputy cheerily agrees to do as Valenti orders and then brings up the fact that his dad was also a cop, a parallel that Valenti does not miss and soften to. Complimenting his son, Kyle from a picture Valenti has on his shelf, the new deputy then walks out to wash Valenti’s car, as he has asked, warming up more to this new employee.

On the highway, Liz wants to know what Nascedo wants. Nascedo tells Liz that he needs Max’s body as bait and Liz will also prove useful as collateral in a hostage kind of sense. He then leaves another clue by setting a gas station on fire – not before leaving his handprints onto the scene of the accident. Driving off, he is quite pleased with himself but Liz is terrified.

In Roswell, the gang of now, five, are gathered in front of the Crashdown. They don’t know what to do, but Max wants to get Valenti involved since he has the resources Michael and Isabel are adamantly against it. Maria thinks of an idea and she and Alex goes to Valenti with a story about seeing “Max” driving off with Liz and how Liz subsequently tried to contact them, seeming to be fearful and no longer wishing to be with Max. This arouses Valenti’s concern since he also realizes that they wouldn’t come to him unless it was something serious.

That night, Tess is walking by herself down the boardwalk when Michael accost her from behind and bullies her into Max’s jeep telling her that Nascedo has Liz and it’s all Tess’ fault but they need her to help them figure out what Nascedo is thinking and they all drive off.

Meanwhile in Valenti’s office, the new deputy tells Valenti that they received reports of a strange gasoline fire with strange handprints. Demanding to know immediately where this is taking place, he rushes off. When the new deputy offered to come along, Valenti tells him instead to look for that fax which is expected any minute. Just as Valenti drives off, Max’s jeep roars into view. Stopping them with the intention of slapping them with a speeding ticket, the new deputy decides to let them go when Isabel coyly pleads for him to let them go. He agrees. Inside however, when he gets the fax showing another Max, he doesn’t seem to look the least bit surprised that he has just seen this young man but moments ago when the fax showed a Max who was some distance away from Roswell.

Nascedo has taken Liz to a carnival as he continues to lead Pierce to him using “Max” as bait. Liz tries to make a break for it when he ignites the skies with a symbol of what is now common whenever signs of aliens at large are indicated.

Valenti pulls into the side of a highway where two FBI men in black are covering up the body of the earlier dead FBI man Nascedo left on the road. He demands to know what they are doing but things look like they might have gotten dangerous for Valenti as the two threatening ordered him to go. Suddenly distracted by the symbol in the sky, Valenti left them to follow the source.

Driving by, Tess realizes what Nascedo wants to do, to lure Pierce out so he can kill Pierce. Max is more and more worried about Liz’s safety and they all rush towards the sign.

At the carnival, Liz has managed to shake Nascedo loose by going into a house of mirrors. Seeing Nascedo-as-Max entering the Mirror House, Valenti follows. Seeing Valenti entering, the real Max follows as well. Once inside, it’s a game of cat and mouse until the two Max finally meets. Nascedo angrily tells Max to get out of here b/c he’s in danger but Max refuses until he has Liz. Suddenly, one of the Max spots Liz and rushes forward, and grabs her to leave. The other Max is surprised by not only Valenti but the two men in black FBIs – and the new deputy who has somehow followed them. Gun shots are fired and one of the Max is taken hostage by the men in blacks as Valenti looks on in confusion. He sees that even as one of the Max is taken, another one is leaving with Liz. The other max, with Liz got onto a bus and Liz kisses Max in relief, only to realize that the Max she is with is Nascedo and in fact, it was the real Max who was taken. Nascedo shape shifts into a clown and tells her that he will get the real Max out before bounding off the bus. Liz is heartbroken and worried. She tearfully and blindly walks the carnival grounds until she bumps into Isabel, Michael and Tess. Crying and confused, she tells them the real Max has been taken by Pierce and his men. Michael holds her to comfort her.

Meanwhile, Max is in a facility where he is surrounded by four blank walks. No matter how he pounds, he is unable to find an opening. Watching him from behind the windows, one of them asked Pierce if he would like to start the tests. Pierce turns around, revealing himself to be that new deputy at Valenti’s and smiled. He said it can wait until tomorrow so they might has well let Max have a good night’s sleep. By now, having give up, Max sits down against a wall, an expression of fear on his face as he awaits his fate.

*the end *

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