Episode XXI

The White Room - (Opening Scene)

Max has awakened and he is still in the white room, wearing a hospital gown. Pierce’s voice penetrates the room, prodding him into awake and telling him that they can “do this the easy way or the hard way.” At first in an attempt to play dumb, Max just simply said he wants to go home and provided his full name. Pierce is not easily fooled and simply asked him what planet he is from. Max proceeded to give his street address. Seeing that Max will not cooperate, Pierce calmly said, “alright, the hard way.” And suddenly, from out of nowhere, Max is accosted by several men in scrub who proceeded to chain him down onto a chair while they injects needles into him.

(Theme Song Begins)

Back at Roswell, Michael, Isabel, Tess and Liz are gathered at the Crashdown to rehash what has happened. Liz is in tears and Michael is very angry at himself, blaming himself for not having been with Max the entire time. As they try to figure out what to do, Alex and Maria walks in. Liz tells them the bad news and they are both instantly worried. Alex tried to comfort Isabel but she is too worried about Max. Tess, the voice of rational calm said they need to find a way to help Max. She then told them that she knows what her powers are, she asks them if they know what theirs are. Never asked this question so bluntly before, Michael and Isabel looks a bit uncomfortable before Michael mutters that their powers are elementary. Isabel then explains that they have only the ability to alter molecular structure on a basic level. As they thought about it for a while, Alex asked Isabel if she didn’t know how to do something else. At first dismissing it as a little trick, Isabel admitted that she can dream-walk into people’s subconscious and communicate with them. The group all thought that this could be a way for Isabel to try and reach Max so he can tell them where he is being held. A bit uncertain of whether she will succeed, Isabel agrees to try.

Meanwhile, back at the lab, Max has awakened to find himself strapped to what looks like a thin table of sorts. A man in scrubs walks in and points something at Max. Instinctively thinking it’s a weapon, Max tries to dodge, though being that he’s all chained up to this contraption, it wasn’t that easy to do. What happens instead is that the contraption shifts upward so Max is upright. The man in scrubs takes off his gears piece by piece until it is revealed he is Pierce. Pierce has come to Max b/c he can’t figure something out. Laboratory x-rays indicate that Max has the internal organs of a human being, even though he’s obviously not, as evidenced by the fact that his blood cells are clearly alien. Curious, he wants to find out why. Confronted with absolute proof that his identity has been blown, Max remains silent. Pierce then asks him about a series of murders targeted at the heads of the special unit of the FBI which Pierce now heads, including that of his mentor, starting from the 1940’s at the time of the crash. He also reveals that at the time of the crash, the FBI captured four aliens, two dead, two alive. Subsequently, one of them escaped – the famed nascedo. When Max is unable to offer more information, Pierce ordered more tests.

Back at Liz’s, Isabel is holding a picture of Max, about to try a connection. Worried that she might not be able to pull herself out of a dream sequence in such a dangerous situation, Alex holds her so he has someway of trying to pull her back. In her dream state, she is in the white room. At first, all is groggy and unclear until she finally hears Max calling her. In the dream, he is tied up against a wall, drugged and not coherent. Isabel urges him tearfully to tell them something about where he is. Then, Isabel sees flashes of what looks like a star symbol, something that looked like a satellite dish and then, she turns around and see an image of the deputy. Realizing that the deputy is Pierce, she is horrified and does not want to leave Max, but then, men in scrubs surround them and pull Isabel off Max. Shrieking into awake, Isabel is in hysteric. Only when Michael cradles her face in his hand did she manage to blurt out all the information about Pierce having Max. When asked if Max had given any clues, Isabel thought about it and said she saw something in her dream that was familiar, Eagle’s Point, the site of the Crash. They conclude that he must be held there. Purportedly an abandoned site, it makes a great cover for the type of work this secret unit engages in.

Having determined that this is where Max must be held, Liz wants to get Valenti to help b/c he has the resources. The aliens in the group nix that idea, still not trusting him. Liz then insists that she wants to go along on the rescue mission, as does Alex and Maria. This was nixed by Michael who thought it was too dangerous. Liz remained determined but only when Tess told them all flatly that Liz, Maria and Alex are a liability did they stop and finally, when Tess added that the whole purpose of this mission was to make sure Max gets out safe, did Liz relented, telling Michael to bring Max back to her. Michael promises that he will.

Michael, Isabel and Tess have reached the eagle’s point. Locating an underground entrance, they sneaked but are blocked at the entrance that required a palm scan that scans for both skeletal structure and fingerprint. Stuck at an impasse, they are not sure what to do. The sounds of footsteps make them duck and after a series of running around, they end up heading straight into the morgue.

Meanwhile Liz, Maria and Alex are at the Crashdown. Valenti comes in and offers his assistance, telling them that he is worried as they are, hoping that the Max he saw taken away at the carnival wasn’t the one they all care about. Liz remains silent about what she knows, merely telling Valenti that they know as little as he does. Sighing, Valenti leaves, but not before telling them that if Max is indeed in trouble, he’ll need a lot more help than any of them can provide. Once he is gone, Liz freaks, worried that she didn’t tell him when he could have helped. Maria tells Liz they should wait until 4PM, and if at that time, Michael, Tess and Isabel have not returned, they would go to Valenti. This seemed to calm Liz down who agreed to wait until then. A look at the clock tells them it is 11:25 am.

Meanwhile, at the morgue, Tess, Isabel and Michael are now standing over a covered body. Slowly, they uncovered the cloth and heaved a sigh of relief when the person they were looking at who was dead, wasn’t Max. Suddenly, a voice behinds them sharply asked what they are doing there while at the same time, telling them they shouldn’t be here. Turning around, they see that it’s one of the FBI agents. Terrified, Michael attempted to use his powers, but only got knocked out by the “agent’s” own powers. Realizing that it was Nascedo, Tess was at first elated, but then furious, berating Nascedo for leaving her. He tells her nonchalantly that he doesn’t only look after her now, he has four to look after. Telling them to follow him, he takes them back underground where he draws up a plan for springing Max out of the white room.

In the white room, Max is so drugged that he is unable to answer Pierce’s question. Frustrated, Pierce angrily orders the doctors to clean his systems out b/c he can’t ask any questions.

Meanwhile, Isabel and Michael are discussing whether they can trust Nascedo and Tess. Michael is inclined to trust them but Isabel is still unsure of whether they are on their side. Nascedo walks behind them and gives them a drawn map of the facility with an escape route. He gives them each their function and orders them to set their clocks. Everyone is very serious and intent on this mission, especially Nascedo who’s very businesslike. He then takes Michael with him, explaining that the only entrance way is thru that scan door but since he’s not human at all, he doesn’t have the skeletal structure to get through and being that Michael is the only guy in the group and Toposky, the only female is recently dead, Nascedo will need Michael to change his fingerprint using his abilities and get them through the door. Michael tells Nascedo that he can’t do it, but Nascedo calmly said he can, and Nascedo will teach him how. He then walk down the hall taking Michael with him, while telling Isabel and Tess he’ll be relying on them as well.

At the Crashdown, Liz is unable to wait and finally declares she will go to Valenti. Maria rushes from behind and asks her if she is sure. Liz said if Max was willing to expose himself to help her when Nascedo kidnapped her, then she can trust Valenti as well and rushes off.

At the morgue, Nascedo and Michael are leaning over a corpse as Nascedo attempts to teach Michael how to change his fingerprint to that of the dead agent’s. Nascedo explains that the four of them (Max, Isabel, Tess, and Michael) have been engineered to be humans, only 1,000 years more developed than the present society since the present human mind, though of enormous potential, has barely been put to use. As such, all their powers are humanly derived and there is nothing alien about it. To operate them, they just need to focus properly. Michael is repeatedly unsuccessfully. Partly in frustration, Michael blames this all on Nascedo, asking him where he’s been all these years when they, when he, Michael, had needed him. Nascedo calmly told him that emotions are a weakness, and tapping his forehead, he tells Michel to focus. Hearing the sounds of footstep, Nascedo goes to the door. Before he does, he tells Michael that Michael has until those footstep reaches the door and then he won’t be needing Michael to change the fingerprint and Michael can guess where he’ll be getting it from, implying he will kill the agent and used the agent’s hands, Freaked, Michael focused and successfully alters his fingerprint. However, when the door opens and an agent enters, Nascedo kills the agent anyway, so he can assume the agent’s identity w/o worrying about people seeing doubles of the agents and signaling any alarm. Angry that Nascedo has killed, Michael bitterly tells him that he wasn’t at all what Michael has expected. Nascedo replied likewise. He then gives a comb to Michael and changes Michael’s uniform to that of the FBI agents while changing himself to the agent he just killed.

Inside the white room, Pierce puts a virtual reality gear over Max’s eyes and said he realizes he has been approaching Max the wrong way. He needs to work on Max’s emotional side. Through the gear, Max sees Michael, Isabel, Maria and Alex, and Liz. Pierce also showed Liz, dying in Max’s arms. Shocked, Max starts screaming, until Pierce assures him it’s not real- yet. He then wants to know where the other communicator is, and if Max refuses to tell him, Pierce will kill one of Max’s friends. Giving Max ten seconds to tell him, Pierce starts the countdown. Unable to bear it, Max broke down and reveal the location to Pierce. Pierce merely smiled coldly and tells Max he better not be lying.

Back in Roswell, Liz is telling Valenti that Pierce was really the “new deputy”. She then said Pierce has Max and they all could be in trouble. When Valenti asked how she knew this, Liz said she can’t say, but she can tell Valenti where Max is being held.

Inside the compound, Isabel and Tess are sitting downstairs, waiting for their turn to take action. Isabel asked Tess what her powers were. Suddenly, she see an FBI appear out of the blue and heaved Tess over his shoulder, taking her upstairs as she shriek for help. Isabel is terrified, until she realizes it was Tess’ powers at work. She then guessed that it was how Tess got Max to have all those thoughts about her. Smiling, Tess confides that she can only do it for a small period of time, but that it was all it would take hopefully to use on Pierce when they rescue Max, a diversion they need to do through Tess getting into Pierce’s head.

A neatly combed Michael and a disguised Nascedo walks in and using his fingerprint, Michael gets them in. They are stopped by a fellow agent who assumes Michael is a new agent before walking on. Seeing men in surgical outfits walking by, Michael starts to follow them until he is stopped by Nascedo who tells him they have to stick with the plan, to the minute, and they have two left.

Inside the white room, Pierce is about to order Max to be opened up since Max has not been able to tell him how to operate the communicator, despite locating the second one for him. Just before he does, Max looks at him and asks, “Now who’s inhuman?”

At that same moment, Isabel performs her part of the plan and dream walks into Max’s subconscious. She tells him to buy them time b/c they are in the middle of a rescue mission. Isabel tells Max to tell Pierce whatever he wants to know. Waking up, Max suddenly screams “No” which causes Pierce to order a halt in the alien dissection. Pierce then empties the room and tells Max to show him. Holding the two orbs together, Max tells Pierce that it will need a little time. Thinking it is a ruse, Pierce is about to order the surgeons back in when suddenly, though Tess’ mind games, Pierce sees the orbs lighting up. He is fascinated and thrilled. Seeing this opportunity and from behind the one-way mirror, Nascedo and Michael breaks through the glass. Michael grabs Max but Nascedo stays behind saying he has something to finish. By now, Pierce has snapped out of his dream but Max and Michael are almost at the scanning entrance/exit barrier. Nascedo pretends to be an agent, getting closer and closer to Pierce, until other agents rushes in and warns Pierce that this agent has just been found dead. They then shoot him. Pierce is now alert, glancing without concern at the fallen Nascedo, he instead demands that they recapture Max. Rushing forth, they attempt to shoot Michael and Max as Michael drags Max past the scan point. Valenti suddenly appears and he helps them through and fires a shot that hits Pierce in the arms. His hand bloodied, Pierce is unable to reopen the door even as he pressed his palm against the scan detector. He looks on as Valenti escapes with Max and Michael.

To be Continued…..

*the end *

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