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Four-Square - (Opening Scene)
The scene begins with Isabel in a dream sequence. Against the backdrop of a starry night, she is telling someone that she is ready to open up and the person she wants to open up to is – the camera pans out and we see she is talking to Alex. They move in to kiss and a series of images flashes by. One of Isabel in the desert, one of Michael standing on a tall jagged cliff looking at her. Another of her standing alone on the ground amongst what appears to be alien symbols on the ground with Alex, and then, Michael standing behind her. Suddenly, a voice calls her from beyond the dream and she snaps into awake. Alex is telling her that Tess is on the move. They quickly get on the phone to call Maria’s car where she and Michael have been napping behind the wheels. Alerted that Tess have left the house, Michael and Maria follows her to school. On the way, they warn Liz and Max, who are waiting in school to continue the covert operation to follow her. Max and Liz appears to have made up with Liz telling Max that all along he must have been mind-controlled somehow by Tess, who they now all believe to be nasceto – the fourth alien. When Tess passes by, Liz follows her into the bathroom. When she is in there, she looks around for Tess, only to be startled by Tess from behind in the end. Tess asks Liz if things are okay between them, whether they can all be friends, now that the whole issue with Max is cleared up. Liz tells her they can but Tess leans closely to Liz and asks her if they are all friends, then why were they following her all morning? Liz is speechless.
(Theme Song Begins)
The gang (Max, Michael, Isabel, Liz, Maria and Alex) is gathered around a merry go around in a park to discuss what has happened. They don’t know what to make of the situation, only understanding that Tess is dangerous and not to be trusted. Michael doesn’t seem to be as whole-heartedly behind the concept as the rest of the gang but they all agreed that as of the present moment, the only people they can trust are the six of them within the group. Just then, a man walks by across the park all the while glancing at them. Spooked, the group split.
Meanwhile in Valenti’s office, Tess’ father is showing the hidden camera to Valenti telling him he doesn’t know where it came from and who could have planted it. After providing his innocuous background to Valenti, he mentions that the only people who have been in his house besides Tess have been the movers and some of Tess’ friends. Valenti examines the camera before commenting that it’s been a known practice for unscrupulous movers to do things like this to check out a potential house for robbery. He then promises to look into it and ushers Tess’ father out the door. Once Tess’ father is gone, he goes back to his desk and removes the pictures he has taken of Max, Liz and the gang earlier that night when they were all at Tess’ house.
At school the next day, Isabel skips into the Principle’s office area pretending to be from the Sunshine Squad (a made-up group that welcomes new students to Roswell) in order to get information from the Admin Assistant on Tess. When the Administrative Assistant goes into the Vice Principal’s office to check out her story, Isabel quickly accesses a computer and retrieves Tess’ files, unknowing that Tess has seen her in the room and was watching her the entire time.
After school, at the Crashdown, Max and Liz are going over what happened with Tess that day and after confirming that she hasn’t done something unusual, they breathe a sigh of relief. That is until Maria brings up the topic of someone needing to watch out for Max since he appears to be Tess’ primary target. Liz agrees but Max thinks that it has something to do with Liz not trusting him with Tess. When Liz vows that she is only interested in the idea of someone being with Max b/c she fears for his safety, he calms down somewhat. They started to discuss going back to the garage to look at Tess on videotape when they were interrupted by Valenti who puts the camera on the counter table at where they are seated. Noting that it’s not a good idea to do anymore of what they are planning to do, he tells Max that unless they tell him things, he will find out through other means and when they get in trouble, he might not be able to protect him being in the dark. At this point, Michael and Maria have also gathered around the counter area listening to Valenti. He furthers tell them that he believes the camera may have been used on Max by Pierce’s alien hunter, FBI team and them trying to use it on Tess’ father isn’t the best idea. When he leaves, Michael flatly tells Max not to even think about it (meaning trust Valenti with their secrets and suspicions).
Back at the Evans, Isabel returns home from school to discover that Tess is already there with Mrs. Evans, who had been sharing pictures and stories about Isabel and Max’s childhood with Tess. Slightly alarmed, she asked what sort of memories only to find out it encompassed pretty much their entire childhood. When Mrs. Evans left them alone, Tess confides that she feels a closeness to Isabel that makes her want to be completely honest. She touches Isabel’s arm and tells her that while she realizes Max is with Liz, she has very strong feelings for Max. Then she inquires if Isabel have ever felt such a way. Suddenly, Isabel has a flash of her and Michael on the desert again. Shocked, she quickly denied it. Tess then leans very closely to Isabel and tell her that the signs are everywhere, she only needs to pay attention. Glancing behind her to where Tess was standing, Isabel notices four cubes of sugar placed in a square formation, which reminds her of one of the symbols she saw in her desert vision. Spooked, she does not respond.
That night, Isabel recounts the story of what had happened with Tess to Max. She adds that when she was having those flashes, she felt like something she had never known before, a feel that was almost primordial. Max tells Isabel that when he had flashes or interacted with Tess, he had a similar sensation. Suddenly, Michael pops in through the window. It turns out Isabel had called him to spend the night with them, feeling that they should stick together.
Later when everyone is sleeping, Isabel has another vision of being in the desert with Michael in her dreams. This time, they are kissing passionately. The vision startles her in awake with a scream. Michael was having the exact dream and he awakens from it the same moment as Isabel. Upon hearing her scream, him and Max rush to her room. At the kitchen later, they drew up the map that both Isabel and Michael had seen in their dreams. When asked if Isabel or Michael had seen anything else in their respective dream, both of them looked at the other uncomfortably before Isabel said that there was nothing else important in the dream. Looking at the map and unable to decipher it, Max is frustrated. Isabel then venture to ask Michael to tell Max his theory. Reluctant to talk about something that hasn’t worked, Michael declined but Isabel tells Max that when Max was drunk that night Liz went on her blind date, Michael had taken her to the library to set up a signal, b/c he believed that the symbols was a map. However, it had appeared at the time that the theory didn’t pan out b/c nothing happened. Max is furious that he wasn’t told this earlier, which ignites Michael’s temper and the two got into another argument with Max berating Michael for getting them into danger all the time w/o thinking, that it could very well be that incident which lured nasceto to them, putting them all in danger. Michael retorts that all Max cared about was maintaining his happy existence in Roswell, New Mexico w/o regards for anyone else. Just when it got close to blows, Isabel, apparently having taken enough of the two of them, interrupts w/ a fiery diatribe of her own – how they have been so busy arguing, they never thought about her feelings. This made Max and Michael calmed down somewhat and the argument ended. Isabel ended with a comment that she thinks her dream (and Michael’s) have something to do with Tess.
The next day in lab, Liz and Max are trying to determine what the constellation theory Michel had and it’s significance. As they are running a program to draw up the appropriate constellation based on their description of its shape and the timing of its occurance, Max looks out the window and sees Tess there, reading a magazine. Kyle sits down next to her. Liz looks curiously at Max and asked him how it felt when he was kissing Tess. He tells her he didn’t like the feeling but they are concerned that Kyle is getting close to Tess.
Meanwhile, Michael is rushing up to Maria in the halls, in a hurry to cement their relationship with the symbolic gesture of “going steady”. This pleases Maria who has no idea that the reason for his commitment is b/c of his dreams that previous night about Isabel. At the same time, Isabel is trying to further her romance with Alex in the eraser room by speeding up their progress and engaging in a make-out session. When Michael and Maria walks in on them while trying to get into the Eraser Room, each tell the other about their new found commitment to their existing partners. Maria remarks, oblivious to the tension that there must be something in the water.
After school, Alex walks Isabel to her room where she curls up to sleep. After tucking her in, Alex leaves her. This time, in Isabel’s dream, she is passionately making out with Michael. When she wakes up, she has a worried expression on her face.
At the same time, Michael is in his house, drawing with some tools and trying to find out more from the map. When he looks outside the window, he is surprised to see Tess there. With her finger, she makes four dots that outlines the shape of a square. When he pushes open to window to demand what she knows, Michael suddenly see flashes of when he was a child, climbing through a fence marked as some ranch. When he snaps out of his vision, Tess has gone.
At the Crashdown, Max and Liz are looking at Tess’ background but finds nothing incriminating. Seeing Kyle walks in, Liz goes over to try and warn Kyle to stay away from Tess. But thinking that Liz either is jealous over his new found attraction to Tess, Kyle is even more intrigued and determined to go out with Tess. Finally, Liz warns Kyle not to be alone with Tess. Gloating, Kyle then informs Liz that he has a date with her today in the library.
At the library later that night, Liz and Max spies on Tess as she leads Kyle through the history section. When Tess reaches up to a very high shelf out of Kyle’s reach for a book, Max sees that she is actually reaching behind the walls, using her powers, to remove a book with a unique cover. Once she has retrieved the book, Tess ditches Kyle and leaves. Max, sensing that Tess had wanted him to see her accomplish this feat is dumbfounded.
Later at the Evan’s, Michael reveals he remembers where he’s born. Max asks him how he figured out, but Michael doesn’t tell Max that it was with the assistance of Tess. When Michael asks Max what he found out in the library, Max lies and says nothing. Distrustful of each other, they sleep for the night. That night, Isabel has another dream. This time of her pushing a toddler on a swing alongside Michael who is nuzzling the child. It is apparent that the child is theirs. She wakes up with a gasp and stands outside by the kitchen door. Michael, having the same dream come up behind her. Alone, they both confessed to having the same dream. Isabel is worried, b/c she thinks that she really is carrying Michael’s child, which doesn’t make any sense. But Michael seemed more accepting of it, after all, they are aliens, this sort of thing was bound to happen. He holds her to comfort her.
Back in Max’s room, he is alone sleeping when Tess climbs into bed and leans on top of him. Waking him up, she tells him to follow her so he can learn what he wants to find out. In Tess’ car, they drive to the cliff that has often appeared in Michael, Isabel, and Max’s visions. Recognizing this place, Max demands to know what this place is, but Tess keeps insisting that Max should recognize this place. Fearful, Max turns on Tess, and forcefully restrains her, demanding that she turns into her real "form", so he can see what he’s really like - what she’s really like. Tearful, Tess tells Max that he has seen her before. Suddenly, Max flashes back to when he was an infant and just emerging from his pod. Isabel and Michael had already came out of theirs, but there was a fourth, and when little Max rubbed on the panel/window of the fourth pod, there was a little blond girl inside, not yet ready to come out. Just then, little Michael had discovered an entrance way which when they placed their hand print on, split the cliff into two and opened into the desert. Michael and Isabel urged him to leave the little blond girl by stretching out their hands for him to take. At first unwilling to leave her, little Max eventually took little Isabel’s hand and they walked out into the light, into the dessert. Snapping back into reality, Max finally understands that Tess is not nasceto, but another one of them. Just then Michael and Isabel have caught up with them. Michael angrily demands to know what Tess has done to them, but Max tells him and Isabel that Tess is just one of them.
*the end *
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