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Sexual Healing - (Opening Scene)
The scene opens up with Liz Parker taking a hot steamy shower in the girl’s locker room after gym. Her voice over is contemplating her discovery that her body is undergoing changes that makes her she can remain her mother’s little girl forever, but b/c these powerful changes seem almost chemical in nature, she feels there is no choice but to succumb to them. As the locker room empties out, she finishes her shower and turns around….only to see Max standing there from behind, looking at her – suddenly, she snaps out of her fantasy, and back to reality at the Crashdown as Maria passes by and comments on the great looking strawberries in the bowl besides Liz. Startled, Liz accidentally knocks over the entire bowl and the two proceed to pick them off the floor. Maria looks up in the middle of the process and notes that Liz has a visitor before taking a bite from one of the strawberries and rising to walk towards the approaching Max. As she passes, she gives him one of the strawberries.
Max quizzically takes it and heads towards Liz, bending to help her pick the remainder up. They make light conversation and Liz takes the strawberries to the back but Max follows. When Liz asks him if there was anything he wanted, he said he was picking up something for his family. Upon further prodding, he admits that he also wants to see her and make sure that they remain friends. Liz lightly tells him that of course they are still friends, what else could they be? When he brings up the Valentine’s Day kiss and how they haven’t been talking very much since then, Liz brushes it off casually saying that lots of people do silly things when they are drunk. In the tight kitchen space, she maneuvers around him throughout the conversation to get to the refrigerator and get more strawberries. Every time she passes him, the air seems to crackle with tension, as the two are obviously keenly aware of the other. Finally, the two of them are unable to restrain themselves and start kissing each other passionately. While they are kissing, Liz sees a first person view of passing through the stars rapidly. When she looks up from the kiss, she is completely awestruck.
(Theme Song Begins)
Later at the Crashdown, Maria is concerned about what happened to Liz but Liz repeatedly claims that she is fine. Finally at school the next day, she tells Maria about what happened when she kissed Max, describing what she saw in detail. Maria is surprised. Concurrently, Max is asking Michael if he has similar experiences when he was with Maria. Michael tells Max that he has, but he just never mentioned them to Max.
The two head towards to same class, with Liz getting there first. When Max walks in, Liz smiles at him and he takes a seat beside her. Their teacher is talking about the possibility of life on other planets but it’s quite obvious that Max and Liz are only paying attention to each other. Max passes her a note and Liz pretends to drop her pencil. When Max retrieves it for her from beneath the desk, he caresses her finger from under the table. Liz experiences more sensation of orbiting through space, and the strong feelings cause her to moan aloud in the middle of class, causing the entire class to look at her. The teacher is not pleased with this interruption and sentenced them both to detention after school. Liz finally gets to look at the note which asks her to go meet with him in 6th period in the Eraser Room. She smiles in acceptance.
Later in the football field, Michael is sitting on the bleachers when Maria approaches. She brings up the visions that Liz has been experiencing while with Max and asks Michael if he has heard of it. Michael tells her nonchalantly that he has already found out about it from Max. Maria then asks him what he thinks of it, and he asks her what her thoughts are. Maria tries to offhandedly brush it off as being highly unlikely. The next scene finds them making out heavily as they try to create visions of their own. Maria tells Michael that she experiences vision of orbiting through space. Encouraged, they continue making out. When Maria asks Michael if he sees anything, he tells her that he sees her tying her red sneakers – a discovery which pleases Maria.
Back in the Eraser Room, Max and Liz are making out as Liz tries to get more visions. Her visions this time are that of seeing earth as if she is the one approaching. These visions cause her to moan aloud, which attracts the attention of higher authority and they are discovered by one of the teachers. Subsequently, Max and Liz’ of parents are called in and told about what has happened. Liz’s mom is upset and asks that Liz go directly home after school, but Liz tells her that she can’t b/c she’s in detention. This apparent change in character of her perfect daughter upsets Mrs. Parker but she leaves.
Outside, in the schoolyard, Alex approaches Isabel and asks her if she has heard rumors about these vision-inducing make-out sessions. Isabel warily affirms that she has. When Alex pursues further by offering himself as a volunteer, Isabel is amused, but firmly tells Alex that she will not be making-out with him anytime soon. He is understandably disappointed.
After school, Max, Michael and Isabel are at Michael’s new apartment, as Isabel bustles back and forth helping him move in, all the while complaining about the heathen aspect of the place. Michael is very interested in the visions that Liz and Max are getting, encouraging Max to verify first if these visions are real and then to pursue it if it is b/c it could be their only link to finding out more about their home. Isabel doesn’t seem too happy with the way they are encouraging this, but she reluctantly goes along with the plan. Michael then tells them that he will also pursue other avenues in the interim.
Liz is at home doing her homework when Mrs. Parker walks in to have that talk about her behavior in the Eraser Room earlier. Liz tells her mom that she’s not comfortable with having this discussion but Mrs. Parker is determined to have this discussion anyway. She launches into a lecture about why Liz shouldn’t be having sex – but stresses that Liz should always feel open to telling her everything. Liz nods, thanks her mom. Satisfied, Mrs. Parker leaves the room.
The next scene opens up with Michael making out with Maria in the Eraser Room. In the middle of their session, Maria confesses that she made up her prior visions in order to be closer to Michael. Michael is extremely angry that Maria would lie about this and he stalks off, but before he leaves, Maria lashes back and accuses him of closing up to her so she can’t see his vision (unlike Max and Liz who are completely open with each other). Michael then tells her that he too, had lied about seeing her red sneakers. Maria is hurt asking him how he knew then, that she had red sneakers. Michael replied coldly that everyone had red sneakers at one point or another and stalks out of the room.
Right before gym class in the girl’s locker room, Maria tells Liz how she lied about visions to get closer to Michael. Liz is shocked that Maria would do such a thing, but the topic moves quickly away from that when Maria sees something shocking on Liz’s neck. As the gruff gym teachers barked everyone into class, Maria points at her own neck and tells Liz to take a look before dashing off. Liz is left alone and as she starts to head towards class, the door swings open behind her and she sees that Max has just entered the girl’s locker room. Pleased to see him, she asks him what he’s doing in there. He takes a look around and then walks towards her, telling her that he needed to find out if these visions are real b/c he has been seeing visions of her when they kiss as well. When Liz asks him what he saw, he hesitates. Upon further prodding, he gives a meaningful look towards to shower and asks Liz if she has ever thought about this place. He quicly adds that while he wasn’t sure if it was her fantasy – or one of his which could very well be but he had to ask b/c he had never been in the girl’s locker room before. Realizing that Max had seen and was referring to her fantasy from earlier, Liz is completely mortified. Max ameliorates that mortification by telling her he was really surprised, and pleased, that anyone felt that way about him. He then shifts focus and tells her that it’s important for him to verify this b/c when he was seeing that vision, he could feel everything that she was feeling and he thinks that if these visions are real, they could lead them to a big and significant discovery. Just then, the gym teacher storms back in looking for Liz. Liz quickly grabs Max and they hide in the shower stall behind the lockers. When they are hiding, Max sees something on Liz’s next and points at it. Turning to the mirror behind her, she sees what Mara had been referring to earlier: on the side of the neck, Liz has a hickey – and it’s glowing.
Back at Michael’s place after school, Isabel and Michael are discussing what this all means. Michael thinks that the more Liz and Max connect, the more they can find out about their origins and family. Isabel looks askance at the idea of Max and Liz connecting but she is willing to go along if they can find out more information. Max arrives and tells them that Liz will be there soon. Michael gives more encouragement to Max but Max is starting to feel guilty, since he feels like he’s treating someone he cares about as an object. Michael brushes it aside and tells Max to focus on what’s important, finding out more about themselves. As Michael and Isabel proceeds to leave him alone Liz arrives and there is a moment of awkwardness until Michael and Isabel leave the apartment.
Liz then asks Max, already guessing that they did, if Michael and Isabel know. Max tells her that yes, they both do. A little hurt, Liz sarcastically calls them the cheerleading team, cheering him on like the entire thing is a football game, but Max quickly tells her it’s not like that. He asks her if she is sure she want to help them, but Liz is determined to also find out where this all need. Max touches her neck to look for that hickey and sees that right now, it’s just a large dark bruise. Placing his hand gently over it, he uses his powers to heal it. Liz thanks him and things quickly heats up as the two start to make-out. Liz seems unable to control herself, asking that Max remove his shirt, which he did. She touches him but finds that she is unable to create visions when she initiates contact. They settled onto Michael bed and in the midst of their heated kisses, Liz sees a tower, and experiences the sensation of being buried. Just then, Maria walks in on them b/c she had been looking for Michael.
In Maria’s car that night, Maria is berating Liz for going to fast with Max, not even thinking about the possible outcomes of her action. She points out to Liz that some spiders are known to kill their mates after intercourse, and she is not certain if all Max is using Liz for is for information. Liz defiantly tells Maria that she knows what she’s doing and if it feels right, then that’s all she needs to know.
After Maria drops her off, Liz tries to sneak back into her room only to find her mom sitting there waiting for her. The two got into an angry argument ending with Liz angrily telling her mother that Mrs. Parker cannot control Liz’s body b/c it’s not hers and storming into the adjoining bathroom.
Later that evening, Maria finds Michael lying outside the hood of his car looking at the stars. When he sees her approaching, he doesn’t say anything. Maria asks him if he knows that Max and Liz were at his place. Michael casually said that he did, and he asked Maria if they are still there. Maria tells him that she interrupted them and that now they’ve both gone home. In response, Michael hops off his car saying that it’s good so he can go back home to catch his dodger’s game. He then drives off, leaving Maria behind, looking after him.
Outside her balcony, Liz is writing something when she hears Max calls her name from below. She looks down and smiles at Max who tells her that he couldn’t sleep. He climbs up and she shows him the sketch of what she saw in her vision. Max immediately recognizes it as the old radio tower two miles away from the crash site. He then tells Liz that he has to get Michael to go there. Liz stops him and asks him quietly if that’s what he really wants to do. Max hesitates and admits that it’s not. Liz then takes charge and tells him that if they are going to go there, it has to be tonight. The two proceeds to climb down the balcony.
When Max and Liz arrives at the site, they find a spot to settle down. Liz asks Max if she thinks they should start digging or try to get more clues (by making out). Max looks at Liz, and the two seem unable to control themselves from drifting closer as he responds that the clue-retrieval idea sounds better. Liz affirms that it would be more efficient and they lie down on the blanket to start kissing. As they proceed to go ahead with full intercourse, he asks her if she’s sure. She pauses and in the moment, she hears the ringing noise that always accompanies the visions she sees. They both get up and Liz leads him to the site where the ringing noise is coming from. Liz and Max frantically dig and retrieved an egg shaped object that beams a blue light directly towards the sky. When they pick it up, it has the symbol that they have been seeing all along. Not sure what it all means, they go back to their ‘camp’ site.
The next morning finds Max and Liz sleeping together (nothing happened) as a shadow emerges looking over them. Meanwhile, Mrs. Parker has discovered that her daughter is missing. Shortly thereafter, Maria is ringing on Michael’s apartment. Seeing that she is upset, he lets down his cold reserve and allows her to come in. Maria and Michael make amends with both side apologizing for their actions. Michael confesses that he did see Maria’s visions, describing them with further detail as proof. He thanks her for opening up to him and holds her. Isabel goes to Alex, to find out if kissing him will produce any visions but when they do, she tells him that she found nothing that would lead her directly to her missing brother and leaves. As she walks away, Alex tells her he’s always available for further experiments, which Isabel hears and smiles at, even as she’s walking away.
When Liz and Max finally wakes up, they see nasceto (the fourth alien) looking over them. He’s in the same form as he was when he shape-shifted back from Hank earlier. He tells them they need to leave b/c it’s private property. The two hurriedly put the stone in their backpack and leaves.
At the Crashdown, both Max and Liz’ parents have convened to talk about the sudden change in their children’s behavior. Mrs. Parker suggested separating them for a while but Mr. Parker is more reasonable, suggesting they wait until they hear an explanation from Max and Liz first.
Outside, just a block or so away, Liz and Max are kissing again in his jeep. Max asks Liz if she can see any more vision but Liz can’t seem to see those visions anymore. She then asks Max if he thinks all the visions came about just to get them to find this one rock. Max says he’s not sure but he seems to be in a good mood b/c this is a new clue. Liz quietly asks Max if he was just using her for the past couple of days, to which Max asks her if she thought he was. She doesn’t seem sure, but Max reasoned that she could be using him to be part of something that may seem very exciting to her. She smiles, believing that their experiences together wasn’t just all about finding out more about Max’s history. They walk back to the Crashdown and Max continues joking about how w/o him, the biggest excitement in her life would be watching Kyle barf after a beer party. Max then tells her that he doesn’t think it’s likely that she would suffer to have such a destiny in all seriousness, with or without him. When Liz asks him lightly what he thinks her destiny is, he takes her hand in his and said softly that he knows what he would like it to be. They smile at each other and with that, the two walk into the Crashdown to face their anxiously awaiting parents.
*the end *
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