Episode XVII

Crazy - (Opening Scene)

Sexual Healing - (Opening Scene)

Liz and Maria are waiting for their short-order cook to fulfill their orders at the Crashdown. Suddenly, we hear a surly voice from behind the kitchen counter and sees Michael standing there. He apparently has found a job as the short order cook in question. He indicated a plate of food and sarcastically tells them to give it to the customers. At that moment, new customers enter the Crashdown and it turns out to be Isabel and Max. Upon seeing Max, Liz all but skipped over to where he stands and the two kisses and cuddles in front of the entire restaurant. Isabel is not at all pleased at this public displayed but huffily sits down on the counter to peruse the menu while Max tells Liz that he wanted to take her to the movies that night. Liz went back to Maria who has remained standing at the back of the restaurant with Michael who was also watching from behind the serving window. When Maria sees Liz’s imploring look, she relented and told Liz to go and “do what she could only dream of doing.” Liz happily goes off with Max. Left by themselves, Maria sighs with envy but Michael remarks that he doesn’t know what all the fuss is about. All he sees are “two horndogs looking for a place to make out.” He then added that he doesn’t need to go look for a place b/c he has his own place. There is a moment of silence and the two exchange a look. Just then, Isabel have finally decided what she wanted, but before she could utter more than “I’ll have…” Maria and Michael tells her they are closing early and dashes off.

In the middle of a forest, or near the edge of one, Max’s jeep is parked nestled behind some trees. Inside, things are steaming up as Liz and Max makes out. Liz wonders aloud about the movie, but Max tells her that it received bad reviews. Accepting that as a satisfactory explanation, the two continue their heated session when suddenly a hand plasters against the side of their window, startling the two. A face is next, and it is a bedraggled Ms. Toposky. She is no longer the well groomed, neat and organized Toposky from before, but a completely fearful, wornout version. In ragged breaths, she warns Liz and Max that they are in danger, that no matter what they need to act like normal kids. Max replies semi-confusedly that they are normal kids. But Toposky seems to sense someone watching her and dashes off after telling them she will be in touch with them shortly.

(Theme Song Begins)

Back at Michael’s place, he and Maria are staging their own little heated session in the dark. Just when things get even more serious, Maria says, “Max”, which startles Michael until he realizes she has said that b/c Max and Liz, along with Alex and Isabel are in the room, having entered unnoticed. Max then relates the entire story to them. Michael is immediately untrusting. He suspects it’s another ploy to draw them out, this time though playing on their fear of discovery and allying Toposky on their side. Isabel is scared, and silent. Alex is visibly scared and freaked out. Liz seems to be the only one who believes what Toposky have said, saying that she felt this time, she sensed Toposky fear not only for them, but also for herself. In any event, it was decided that they should all just stay away. Max also gives to Michael’s care, the blue oval orb/rock he and Liz had found while camping earlier.

At school the next day, Isabel is listlessly eating her salad outside with Alex. Their direction of sight leads right to a cuddly Max and Liz exchanging small kisses and smiling at each other. Isabel again, looks annoyed and displeased. Seeing her annoyance, Alex sympathizes, saying that it’s hard to miss the love in the air between Max and Liz, and Michael and Maria. He then broaches the idea of being a ‘someone’ for Isabel who can help alleviate her fear. His approach seemed to have softened a little, until a female voice chimed in to ask if the empty seat at their table was taken. Looking up, the two see a petite blond girl with curly hair. Isabel recognizes her as the new girl at school and invites her to sit. They sit together and this new girl, who introduce herself as Tess begins to open her lunch, all the while trading confidences with Isabel about what it’s like to be the new girl. The two have a lot in common – b/c of their looks, guys go after them to jump their bones, girls speak to them only to see if they are threatening, they even add real sugar to their plain yogurt. Isabel is clearly pleased to find a soulmate. Alex, meanwhile, recognizes that he has lost his moment, gives up.

After school that day, Michael and Max are at the Evan’s. As they are in the kitchen helping themselves to some drinks, Michael complains about how he feels that Maria is asking so much of him, but at the same time, he wants to make her happy. What he concludes is that he needs a little advice from Max on how he keeps Liz so happy. Max, in a big-brother sort of way, coaches Michael on doing little things to make the girl feel special, like leaving a note in her locker, or buying her little things. He tells Michael to look at her like she is the only girl in the room when they are together. To this, Michael replies blithely that usually, they happen to be alone anyway. In the middle of their conversation, a voice piped up in admiration at how much Max knew about girls. Whirling around, the two sees Tess, who is in their house. Feigning complete ignorance at their wariness, she asks Max how he knew so much about girls, her attitude a little flirtatious. Isabel walks in behind her, pleased that they have met, but Michael and Max are still suspicious. Michael veer on the edge of rudeness. When she left them to go up to Isabel’s room, the three argue, with Isabel defensive of bringing Tess over and Max and Michael warning her not to be too trusting, since Toposky was planted in school as a spy, it could well be that Tess is just another bug.

At the Crashdown, flowers have been delivered. Thinking it might be for her, Maria is ecstatic at first, until she realizes the flowers are for Liz. She grumpily takes them from the delivery guy and shoves them at Liz. When Liz opens the card, she finds a note inside telling her to meet at a restaurant. Smiling, she tells Maria that it’s the first restaurant she and Max ate at together and bounds off, leaving a dour Maria behind.

Later that night, Liz walks into the restaurant all dressed up. She sits down but to her surprise, when the visitor arrives, it turns out to be Toposky again. This time, in a brunette wig, dressed almost like a homeless. She frantically tries to gain Liz’s trust, telling her about a list that she saw with Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Isabel and Alex’s name on it. She warns them that they will have no qualms about hurting anyone who has anything to do with Max Evans. Before she can get too far, Toposky looks behind her and see men in suits looking around. She quickly asks Liz to meet her behind the old theater at 9pm tomorrow night before leaving off. Liz is shocked.

The next morning, Liz walks up to meet Max in the hallway. He kisses her lightly and smiles at her but soon notices that she seems distracted. In a hurried state, Liz tells Max that Toposky approached her last night, that she mentioned that FBI has some list. This freaks Max out.

Later that afternoon, the six are gathered at the edge of the cliff where Max, Isabel and Michael had discussed their problems. Liz tells them she believes that since they are on the list, they should have a say in what to do about Toposky, with her advocating meeting them. Max is distrustful, so is Isabel. Maria is quiet. Alex freaks out, walking about nervously, agreeing with Liz that they should meet Toposky. But when it comes time to vote, Max, Isabel and Michael are vehemently against meeting while Liz and Alex aren’t. The tie breaker was Maria who sided with Michael and said that if they are so against meeting, then who are she, Alex and Liz to force them to meet when it could be their lives at stake. Decided, the six return back to town.

So that night, Toposky waited but when she realizes that Liz will not be there, she heads for Valenti. When Valenti got home, he looks around and senses a presence. When he sees Toposky, he is immediately concerned based on her physical appearances and asks her how she is. She claims to be fine but warns them that the FBI has an alien hunter department where she was sent for debriefing, having been the first agent to make contact. The head of the department, a man named Pierce, did unthinkable things to get her to talk fully. When he was through, he told her she was in for life, unable to ever leave that secret group again. To make an example, he took Agent Stephen and ‘made an example of him – piece by piece’. Toposky tells Valenti that his name was on the list too, so he needs to be careful. Alarmed, Valenti tries to calm Toposky and offers to try and help her, but she tells him that she is beyond help the only thing she can do is try to save those kids. She didn’t join the FBI to kill innocents. Then she pleaded with him to help her gain the trust of those kids before slipping off into the night.

When she has left, Valenti calls up Stephen’s work number and was told by a hesitant operator that Stephen no longer works there. When he tries the home number, he spoke with the wife who tells him that Stephen had died before getting hung up on.

Next day at the UFO Center where Max is working, he is passing out masks when Valenti comes up behind him. In a friendly, non-interrogative manner, Valenti reminds Max of the Hubble incident, then tells him that there are a lot of crazies who come to down. The safest thing is to act normal. Max wryly comments that he hears that a lot. Valenti tells him it’s good advice. He also tells Max that while most kids think sheriffs are bad people, out to get them doing something wrong, they can also serve to protect those in need of protection. When he feel his point is made, Valenti leaves.

That night, Liz and Maria are working, and half arguing about Michael’s slowness at cooking the orders. When Michael asked Liz what she was planning to do with Max that night, Liz tells Michael she planned on staying in with Max to keep a low profile. Michael suddenly suggest they all go on a double date. Maria being his date, of course. When Maria express surprise, he tells her that him changing has to start somewhere and a double date is the first step. So the girls afterwork, got ready to go out. When they meet up with Max and Michael, Max gave Liz a kiss and a small bag with a present inside, it turns out to be bubble bath. Liz is pleased and thanks him. Michael gives Maria a paper bag, in it is an economy sized shampoo. Maria understandably, is not too pleased. The two couples decides to eat Mexican at a restaurant and starts off, but Michael seemed to not be familiar with any manners of being a ‘proper boyfriend’, like not waiting for the girl before walking off on his own, or holding her hand. The evening promises to be horrid.

Watching all the couples go off, Alex tries again to see if Isabel may consider going out with him. His cleverness seemed to be doing some good until Tess interrupted them again to hurry Isabel along home so they can do each other’s hand. A disgruntled Alex leaves. When he is outside, walking on the alleyway, a long towncar pulls alongside him. The window partially opens and a silky, polished male voice tells Alex that he is coming for Alex on behalf of Topoksy. He tells Alex that he knows Alex wants to talk and he can take Alex to Toposky. Alex seemed hesitant, not sure of what to do. Suddenly sirens sound behind them and it’s Valenti. Seeing Valenti, the window rolls up and the car drives off. Valenti, glad that he has chased off the strange car, warns Alex about ‘hitch-hiking’ and then takes Alex home, ‘no questions asked’.

At the restaurant, the date is definitely not going well. Michael is pigging out and the meal is heading towards an end. The check is placed on the table and Max discreetly takes it to look at his and Liz’s tab. Michael gestures with his head at Maria telling her she needs to cover for him b/c he doesn’t get paid until Tuesday. This was the last straw for Maria who gets up hurt and slightly embarrassed, and stalks off. Michael follows her to find out what he had done wrong, only to find out it was practically everything. Maria rips into him for the generic economy-sized shampoo, the lack of table manners, every thing. When all is said, he doesn’t do what she wants him to do. Michael in turn is frustrated that his attempts to please her have failed miserably, so he asked her angrily why is it then that she stays with him despite all his failing before stalking off.

When Michael gets back to his apartment, he finds a mess. His place have been searched inside out. Shortly, Topoksy emerges from his bedroom, with the orb/rock thing in her hands. She tells Michael she knows what it is, it’s a communicator. She also promises to deliver the second one since it will only work with two if he agrees to meet with her tomorrow. Michael grabs it out of her hand and throws her out but his interest is piqued.

There is now another meeting at the cliff, this time to discuss what happened with Alex. They all agreed not to trust anyone except for the six of them. Everyone then leaves, but Michael and Maria are left. They make up and he seems distracted and a little confused.

Later that night at the Crashdown, Maria sees Michael rummaging through her lockers. When she demand to know what he was looking for, he admitted to searching for her car keys. Putting two and two together, Maria figures out that Michael planned on meeting Toposky after all his big talk about not trusting anyone. Not trusting him to handle it himself, Maria insist on going along. Before she leaves, she sneaks a note to Liz.

Shortly after they have left, Liz finds the note and together with Max, Isabel and Alex, they chase after them in Max’s jeep. Max is furious, Isabel is not surprised and Liz and Alex are worried. Meanwhile in Michael’s car, Maria demands to be let out of the car, finally managing to stop Michael from driving so she can get out. She then tell Michael she can’t let him risk his life like that and tearfully confesses she care too much to let him get himself endangered. They see a headlight and Michael orders Maria to hide, but Maria refuses. They see as the vehicle approaches that it turns out to be max. Max climbs out of the vehicle and demands to get the orb back. Filled with anger, he punches Michael who fights back. The two look like they are about to get into a really serious fight when two approaching cars from different side of the road encircle them. Out of one car is a tall man with a mustache. Out of the other is Valenti. Valenti is relieved and seemed pleased to inform the six that they don’t have to worry after all. The tall gentleman is a psychiatrist who had been treating Toposky until she escaped just a few weeks ago. Turns out everything she said was false and the psychiatrist checks out. Then Valenti tells them to go home. Everyone makes like they are leaving, with plans for Max and his friends to come back for the orb which had fallen to the ground during the scuffle. However, before anyone can say anything, Valenti notices it on the ground and picks it up. Angry that it has now fallen into Valenti’s hand, Max mutter sarcastically to Michael, “good job”.

Meanwhile the psychiatrist drives to an abandoned parking lot. It is empty and he shape shifts into a mountain climber. The only consistency about this man is his fondness for mints, which he eats in all forms. He pulls out some mountain gear and walks away from the vehicle.

In the forest, Toposky is still waiting for Michael with her orb. She is so frightened she is crying. When she sees an oncoming car, she is thrilled, thinking it was Michael, but it turned out to be that man in the long town car with the silky (sinister?) voice. He tells her she did a good job, leading him straight to them. When Toposky tried to run, the car cut her off and goons got out of the car and pulled her inside. She screams for help, but no one can hear her. The scene fades to black with her pressing her tearful face against the backseat of the vehicle as it drives away into the darkness.

*the end *

Tess, Lies & Videotape

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