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Independence Day - (Opening Scene)
Maria and Liz are walking down the hallway during school as Liz describes the ‘other worldly’ experience she had when she kissed Max on V-day. Maria stops to a halt, rummages a small bottle from her bag and instructs Liz to open her mouth and ingests a few drops of the mix. When Liz inquires what that “nasty” stuff was, Maria reply that it’s something that will help calm her down when Liz gets emotionally distressed over Max. Seeing Max down the hallway walking towards them, Maria mutters that Liz will be needing a lot of it before walking off. Max comes up to Liz and in an effort to start conversation, asks her what the little dropper bottle she is now in the possession of is for. Liz brushes his question aside with a “nothing”. Liz then gently broach the subject of their kiss, a topic which Max also wants to talk about. However, before they got very far, Isabel interrupts them from behind and demand that Max sees Michael to find out if anything is wrong with him. Isabel saw Michael come into school, seemingly intent on avoiding her, so she wants Max to go to the boy’s bathroom – where Michael is, to find out if he’s okay. Max reluctantly tries to get out of it since he wants to finish his conversation with Liz but he ultimately drags himself off to go find Michael.
In the boy’s bathroom, Michael is by the sink and Max walks up to his right and leans on the adjoining sink. He casually asks Michael what’s up but Michael is evasive, shielding the left side of his face as he walks into a stall even as he demands that Max leave him alone. Max pretends to go along with Michael’s demand by opening and closing the bathroom door and then taking a seat on the sink to wait for Michael to emerge from the stall. When Michael walks up, he sees that Max is there and Max is shocked because Michael has a large bruise on his left eye.
(Theme Song Begins)
Michael and Max are now hanging out by the rails as a train passes by. Michael is throwing pebbles across the track while Max is leaning against his jeep, clearly disturbed by that he saw. When he finally asks Michael what happened, Michael answers in a ‘too’ casual tone of voice that Hank did it when he was drunk. Max wants to know if this has happened before and Michael admitted that it has in the past, but this was the first time it showed up. Max wants Michael to take action but Michael wouldn’t. Instead, Michael asks Max to heal the wound for him since he can’t do it himself. Max agrees. After Max uses his powers to heal Michael, Michael then tells Max that Max must not tell anyone b/c he doesn’t want people to know what happened.
At the Crashdown, Liz is telling Maria how hard it is for her to not want to succumb to Max but Maria is adamant that Liz remains strong, giving her a pep talk as the two moves to and fro in the restaurant. At that moment, Maria’s mom, Amy walks in with several pies. She puts them down at the counter for Liz and Maria to remove when Valenti walks up to her. They chatted and flirted a bit before making a date for that night. However, Amy warns Valenti that since their last two dates ended with him dashing off before the meal was over, this third date will go by a “three-strike” rule. Valenti smiles at Amy and promises that he won’t be late.
Meanwhile, Max is telling Isabel in a table by the door what happened with Michael. Isabel is completely horrified and scared. When Michael comes in and sits next to them, it wasn’t too long before the awkward conversation and Isabel’s expression tells Michael that Max has told Isabel about Hank. He storms off but Isabel and Max chases him outside. In the parking area, Isabel pleas to Michael to do something – the next time hank touches him – she urges Michael to use his powers. Michael in frustration tells them that he can’t control his powers like Max and Isabel. Given the emotional flux he was feeling at the time, he could very well end up killing Hank. Isabel isn’t dissuaded from her efforts to help Michael and insisted that he spends the night over at the Evans, at least for the next couple of days until Hank calms down. Michael finally relented before storming off. When he has gone, Max quietly asks Isabel if asking Michael over is such a good idea. Isabel nods her head and tells Max that it’s a great idea b/c at least he’ll be with a family. Max remains silent.
That night, as the Evans are about to start supper, there is an awkward silence in the table as Isabel and Max watch Michael helps himself to the food even before Mrs. Evans is seated. Across from Michael, Mr. Evans watch – with slight disapproval. He gamely tries to make conversation with Michael about his past and his situation but Michael respond to all inquiries with his standard rudeness, leaving Mr. Evans a bit put off. Isabel and Max looks on awkwardly throughout.
Same night, but a little later, Maria and Liz are coming back to Maria’s house to study. As Liz tells Maria about how tired she is, Maria suggested they eat a bit of a coconut pie by the counter. While Liz is eating a bite, she notices that there are two plates in a small table nearby. Signaling to Maria, who seems surprised. Then, Maria accidentally sits on what turns out to be a sheriff’s hat. Even more horrified, the two silently backed out to the door and open it before slamming it loudly. Maria then announces quite loudly that she’s home. Amy rushes out from behind a door, casually patting her hair in its place as she makes light conversation with the girls. Maria broadly hints to her mom that whoever her mom was with, he better go b/c Maria thinks her mom should get some sleep – alone. Amy looks a bit embarrassed and suddenly she feels a push from the door behind her. Out pops Valenit, with this shirt untucked and a lipstick mark on the side of his mouth. Liz and Maria looks horrified.
Back at the Evans, the family have now joined for a game of monopoly. Michael is losing and not liking the ribbing he gets from Mr. Evans so he makes an awkward scene before bolting to go back home, even after Isabel goes after him. When he’s gone, Max gently tells Isabel that she can’t make up in one night for what Michael has never known his entire life.
Maria is now in her room, and Liz has returned home. She is brushing her hair when Amy walks in to test her reaction to Valenti in the house. Maria calmly gets into a lecture mode with her mother, warning her mom not to get too involved with Valenti b/c Maria is afraid that like all other men, once he gets what he wants from Amy, which was to sex, then he’ll leave her like all others. At first, Amy was concerned that Maria was speaking from past experience, but when Maria pointedly tells her mom that she was referring to Amy, Amy looks chastened.
Michael has returned home and his foster dad is seated in front of the TV. Ignoring him, Michael grabs a drink from the fridge before going to his room where he lies in bed unhappy. Hank suddenly opens the door and yells at Michael about not doing the wash, demanding that Michael does it immediately. Losing his patience, Michael tells Hank to go to hell. Angered, Hank dumps the entire laundry, including the basket on Michael. Michael stands up to him but doesn’t say much and storms out of the room into the living area. As the two get more contentious, Max and Isabel let themselves into the trailer. When Michael and his dad get to the living area, they see them and immediately, Hank starts leering at Isabel, demanding that she has a drink with them. Even when she wouldn’t and Max and Michael tries to step up for her, Hank ignores them placing the glass in front of her. Angry at what Hank did to Michael and at what he’s doing right now, Isabel flung the glass in Hank’s face. As she does, she yells at him that if he ever hurt Michael again, she will kill him. Angry, Hank picks up his gun, loads it and aims it at the three of them. Everyone in the room tenses up but Michael suddenly tries to use his powers. It’s obvious they aren’t so good but he manages to open and shut the fridge a few times, before swinging the gun out of Hank’s control, causing him to fire at the side wall. When Michael stops, Hank is clearly scared. He calls Michael a freak and leaves.
Outside in the jeep Michael blames Max and Isabel for intervening b/c now Hank knows about his powers and he’s lost the only thing he has. Isabel tries to reason with Michael that b/c Hank is too drunk he most likely won’t remember what has happened. Not in a mood to listen to their logic, Michael leaves them w/o letting them know where he’s headed.
It starts to rain later that night and Maria walks over to her bedroom window and looks out. When she casually looks straight ahead, she sees Michael, all wet, standing there in the rain, looking at her. At first, she was determined not to let him in but softening, she lets him in, even toweling his hair. When he starts to cry, she took him to her bed where she held him as he sobs, not questioning him about why he’s there or what he’s crying about. The two fall asleep in that position.
The next morning, Amy walks into their room and catches them together. Immediately assuming the wrong thing, she starts freaking out in hysterics. Michael immediately leaves but Maria is told to go directly into the kitchen where she receives a lecture on how she shouldn’t act like Amy b/c Amy wants better for her. At the same time, Amy demands to know why it’s okay for Maria to have a boy in her room but it’s not okay for Amy to see Jim Valenti. Maria rolls her eyes and it was some time before she was able to convince Amy that nothing happened that night. This incident however, has become a sort of alarm bell for Amy who is determined to see to it that Maria doesn’t make the same mistake that she did when she was young.
In class the next day, Max and Michael are in class taking an exam. The entire time, Max is watching Michael carefully. Michael is aware of the looks but pretends he doesn’t notice. Suddenly, the classroom gets a knock and it’s deputies from the sheriff’s office. They take Michael with them while Max looks on with concern.
In the sheriff’s office, Valenti is questioning Michael about what happened last night. Neighbors claim that they heard noises of a fight, then a shot and then some more fight. A while later, they heard agonizing screams and some more noises. Now, Hank is gone and Valenti wants to know where Michael had been all night. Michael doesn’t say much beyond the fact that he had in fact stopped by back home earlier in the night to pick up his stuff but he doesn’t know what happened to his dad – probably passed out somewhere.
Liz and Maria are at the Crashdown. Liz is optimistically telling Maria how right Maria had been. Liz had been practicing saying “no” to Max in front of her mirror and she feels she’s making progress. Maria listlessly listens but doesn’t say much even when Liz inquires if anything is wrong. Isabel walk sin to the Crashdown and asks Maria if she knows where Michael is b/c there is an emergency. When Maria refuses to tell unless Isabel tells them what’s wrong, Isabel didn’t want to say at first but she soon sees that Maria won’t reveal anything until she hears what Isabel knows, so Isabel finally relents and tells Maria that Hank had been physically abusing Michael and they are worried about his welfare. Maria and Liz are shocked - Maria quickly tells Isabel that Michael had slept over at her house last night but that was the last she saw of him since this morning when her mom walked in on them. Suddenly Max walks in and quietly tells Isabel they had to go b/c Valenti just hauled Michael in for questioning over Hank’s missing status.
Quickly rushing home, Maria asks her mom to go with her to the Sheriff’s office to tell Valenti that in fact, Maria had been with Michael all night in her room. At first, Amy didn’t want to, but she relented in the end. At the office, Valenti brings Michael out to Amy and Maria. Amy tells the two to go and in private, she reveals to Valenti that she’s concerned about how his work always seem to come between them before telling Valenti that b/c Maria was in such a delicate age, she needs to spend a lot of time watching her and therefore, can’t afford the distraction of a relationship with Valenti, who she really likes a lot. Valenti is happy to hear that she likes him a lot, and asks her not to give him up so soon. She smiles and leaves.
Outside in the aftermath, Max, Isabel and Michael are in the jeep as they went over how Michael got out. Michael tells them that Valenti will try to find him a new ‘situation’. Max and Isabel plea with him not to give up but Michael isn’t about to take another foster family and has already made up his mind to leave Roswell. He tells them that he doesn’t expect them to give up their casseroles or monopoly games to go with him but that it’s just fine with him before leaving them and walking back. Isabel is distressed and extremely upset that Michael would leave them. Max is silent and moody.
That night, as Liz looks through her telescope by the window of her room, she notices Max there. He apologizes for not getting a chance to speak with her but she tells him she understands. Max then bends down to sit and tells Liz about his problem with Michael. When he talks about how he can’t be w/o Michael, Liz bites her lower lip and looks down, reflecting on her own feelings about Max before sympathetically squeezing his shoulder to show her understanding.
Later that night, Isabel is in her room, playing with the rocks from the cave when Max lets himself into her room using his powers to unlock her door. She tells him that she can’t go on w/o Michael, that the dream of finding their real home means nothing if Michael is not there with them. Max understands but doesn’t say much.
Later, Michael is packing his bag of stuff in his room when Max walks into his room with a bag. Max makes an impassioned speech about how Michael will always be a part of their family, that no matter what, they are linked to each other and Michael shouldn’t leave them. Michael is moved, but he finishes packing and leaves anyway. However, before he does, Max gives him a package that’s from him and Isabel.
It’s late at night and Michael is on the side of the road hitch hiking. Soon, it starts to rain but he is eventually picked up by a trucker. Inside the car, Michael opens the package to discover the stones and the books about the UFOs. As he reflects on his dreams when he was hallucinating in The Balance, the trucker is remarking how unlikely it is that any aliens would be found in the town of Roswell – that it being the tourist trap it is, it would be the last place to find an alien. Michael has a thoughtful expression on his face throughout.
The next morning, someone is beating eggs in the kitchen when Isabel walks downstairs. It turns out to be Michael who is cooking for the family. When Mr. and Mrs. Evans come down, they are pleased by this surprise. Michael then asks Mr. Evans if he can help Michael declare emancipation so he won’t have to go to a foster home anymore. Mr. Evans tells Michael it’s a lot of work but he will help Michael. Max and Isabel are pleased with this turn of events.
A couple of days later they are in front of a judge as Michael is officially declared to be emancipated. Everyone is very happy, including, Michael.
That night, a drunken Hank appears in Valenti’s door. He seems amused that Valenti has put out a notice for him and is actively looking for him. When a slightly disgusted Valenti asks Hank where he’s been. Hank replies with a conspiratorial smirk that he had found a bar in a nearby town and a woman, the rest being history. Hank then casually brings up the fact that he found another job and will be leaving soon – but w/o the boy (referring to Michael). He then asks Valenti if there are any papers he need to sign, but Valenti waves him off, telling him before he leaves to be quick about leaving down, glad to be rid of him. Hank then looks back and says cryptically that he’s already gone.
Later that night, Hank is driving an old car in the middle of an empty forest. He stops in front of a huge tree, eats some mints, and walks out to the back of the car trunk to pull out a dead man who looks exactly like him. It appears the fourth alien had killed Hank and had shape shifted into Hank in order to get Valenti to stop the search. The fourth alien then proceeded to bury Hank and when he’s done, he gets back into his car and shape shifted into a slender Spanish man with a moustache.
*the end *
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