Episode XI

The Toy House - (Opening Scene)

Max and his mom are enjoying a moment together as Max's mom cooks in the kitchen while Max does his homework at the kitchen table. Max teases his mother about how her idea of being 'wild' is cooking a lot of fried and unhealthy food when Mr. Evans (his adoptive father) is out of town. The two chat about his classes (Biology) and Max agrees with his mom in that, like her, he also doesn't understand it very well, but he's lucky b/c he has a very smart lab partner and she really knows what she's doing. The mention of a 'she' perks Mrs. Evans' attention. She inquires further as to who this girl is until Max reveals somewhat reluctantly that she is Liz Parker, whom Mrs. Evans has met previously. Max mom is distracted by this turn of event in Max's personal life, and in the midst of her cooking, she spills some cooking oil onto the grill by accident, this slowly catches on fire as she asks Max whether he and Liz are just friends or dating - Max replied uncomfortably that they are just friends. Suddenly, the flames leaped into the ceiling and the kitchen has erupted into a dangerous grease fire around the stove. Mrs. Evans is terrified, but Max quickly jumps up from where he is seated and with his powers, runs his hands over the flaming stove putting out the fire with his hand as he does this. He then grab a pot of water and pour it over the stove to make it seem like he had put the blaze out with its content. His mom is in the corner of the room, her arms shielding part of her face, and very shaken. Max rushes over to comfort her and asks her if she is okay. She nods and draws a ragged breath of relief.

(Theme Song Begins)

The local fire fighters have arrived at the Evans' house b/c the fire had triggered the silent alarm are now inspecting the damages all the while, telling Mrs. Evan how fortunate she is that no one was hurt. They leave and shortly after, Sheriff Valenti arrives, saying he had just heard something about a fire and wanted to make sure no one was hurt. He looks up at the charred ceiling above the kitchen (which is a pretty high ceiling) and tells Mrs. Evans and Max how lucky they are. He then makes a point of saying how brave Max is and how Mrs. Evan must be proud to have a son like Max. Mrs. Evans doesn't seem to understand the undercurrent of his innuendoes, but Max does. Max brushes it off, clearly uncomfortable and wary of Valenti. After giving the scene of the accident a final sweeping glance, Valenti leaves.

At the Crashdown, Liz is telling Maria as she vigorously rubs a glass that she is completely fine and completely over Max. Maria skeptically watches Liz rub the glass before remarking that she thinks it's clean enough. Maria then asks Liz if she's sure. Liz nods her head a bit too hardly and walks over to the coffee machine as she explains that she had always known it was a matter of time being that she and Max were different and that they both knew it wouldn't work out. Maria watches Liz fill the entire coffee filter up to top with a lot of coffee before remarking that it seemed like Liz has added sufficient coffee. Liz shoves the filter into the coffee maker and the grinds spill across the entire coffee maker and Maria just looks at Liz silently.

That night, Isabel finds out about the fire from Mrs. Evans and is questioning Max about it in his room. She is clearly worried about the possibility of their mother being in danger. She then asks Max how much did Mrs. Evans see of Nax using his powers to put out the grease fire. Max tells Isabel that he thought he covered it up pretty well, plus the fact that she was terrified at the time helped to distract her from focusing on what he was doing. Isabel doesn't look reassured. She then asks Max why he's listening to Counting Crows' music since he only listens to that group when he's upset. He says he's not - half-heartedly. Isabel then tells Max that she thinks he did the right thing by breaking up with Liz. Max wryly thanks her for saying that - for the tenth time. Undeterred, Isabel insists that it's one thing to play around but in the end they were different from everyone else, so Max made the right decision. Max looks at her with a morose expression on his face as the Counting Crow group plays on in the background.

In school the next day, Michael and Max are walking down the hallway as Michael gives another pep talk to Max about how they are not able to trust anyone. Michael sees Liz and Maria in the hallway with a group of girls and references them as examples of such humans who are not to be trusted. They stop at Max's locker while Michael continues his tirade. Liz and Maria walks up to Max. Michael sees Maria and attempts to strike up a conversation by way of saying Hi, but Maria just blows him off with a "whatever". Michael is annoyed at her apathy and stalks off. Alone, Liz asks Max how he's doing. Max tells her he's fine, in a distant manner. She then tells him that since they had already gotten the tickets to go to the basketball game together (meaning the group) prior to their breakup, they might as well go since they don't need to make a big deal about it (a reference to their breakup). Max agrees that it's not a big deal. They agree that everyone should still go to the game together and that it would mean nothing. Just then, the basketball team runs by, cheered by the students in the hallway. Kyle is among them and as he passes Liz and Max, he glances over. Max watches Liz as she watches Kyle and his team run down the hallway.

That afternoon at the Evans, Mrs. Evans is watching videotapes of when Max and Isabel were children. The two were in the park feeding pigeons. Just when it looks like in the tape, they discovered something; Isabel walks in on her mom and teases Mrs. Evans about getting all nostalgic again. Mrs. Evans smiles, but then asks Isabel if she has ever noticed something different about her brother. Isabel immediately tenses and asks her mom in a casual voice what she means by that. Mrs. Evans confides to Isabel that she thinks Max keeps to himself a lot, even as a child and she thinks he may have secrets or something. Isabel tries to smooth things over by saying that Max's quietness is his nature. This causes Mrs. Evans to say it's precisely b/c Max is like that which causes her to worry about him. Isabel quickly brushes Mrs. Evan's concerns aside and tells her not to worry before attempting to make a quick escape to go to the game.

At the game, Max, Michael, Alex, Maria and Liz are sitting at the benches watching the game. Liz is extremely enthusiastic, cheering Kyle on with a lot of vigor. Max watches her, a bit surprised at how heartily she is rooting for Kyle and the home team. Meanwhile, Maria is watching a player on the opposing team, admiring more than just his basketball skills. When the player scores, Maria jumps up and cheers, forgetting that he's not from the home team. Michael watches her reaction, he then tells Max that humans are so strange - to be able to get so excited over a ball getting into a hoop. The five are joined by Isabel and her two friends. Alex bends backward to make a seat for them. Isabel sits next to Max and tells him in a low voice that she needs to speak with him. She drags him to the outer edge of the gym and tells Max that it seems that Mrs. Evans may be having suspicions after all. Isabel tells him that Mrs. Evans thinks Max has secrets. Max looks worried while Isabel starts to suggest that they tell her about their true idenitites. Before she got very far however, Michael interrupts them from behind saying firmly that they cannot tell Mrs. Evans about their true identity. Doing so would make the three of them a ticking time bomb and endanger their lives. Max seems inclined to agree. Back at the court, Kyle is running past Liz's benches as he attempts to dodge the opposing team's player while maintaining control of the ball. Liz is cheering particularly loudly at that moment, which causes him to glance up at her. He is quickly tackled to the middle of the court by the rival players and has injured himself rather seriously. Max watches from the edge of the court as he sees Kyle lying in pain on the court and Liz's visible concerns for Kyle. Max seems suprise at Liz's apparent concern and he looks none too happy about it.

Meanwhile, back at the Evan's, Valenti has paid Mrs. Evans another visit, and tries to probe Mrs. Evan's knowledge about her son - mentioning among other things, the incident of Liz getting shot at the Crashdown back in September. Mrs. Evans quickly got defensive after she understood his line of questioning revolves around his interest in her son, so Valenti leaves - but not before giving her a pamphlet that he thinks would be 'helpful' to her since it contains information about grease fires.

In workshop, Maria is attempting to cut a piece of wood quite unsuccessfully. Michael sees her from the far end of the room and walks up to try and show her how to do it properly, an offer which Maria refuses brusquely. Frustrated by her treatment of him, Michael demands to know what is wrong with her. She ignores him and he starts to leave, but stops when he hears her mutter, "Sure, run away". Michael then demands to know what she is talking about. Unable to control her anger anymore, Maria blasts him for being so ungrateful after she helped saved his life that day he got the fever, how she had worried endlessly about him throughout when he had to be moved to the cave and how she thought he wouldn't make it. Yet, how, when he woke up, all he did was hug Isabel and Max, like the three of them were all that mattered. She asked him if he even thought of thanking her. Ignoring his stunned silence, she stalks off.

In the Crashdown, Max is picking up food to bring down to the UFO Museum and he sees Liz rushing out of the kitchen with her backpack and carrying a box. Liz explains to Max that it's a pie for Kyle. Max is surprised that she is doing this, but doesn't probe too much. Feeling a need to explain, Liz tells him that it's b/c she feels sort of guilty for maybe inadvertently causing him to have the accident. She then tells Max that it was just a pie. Max smiles weakly at her and repeats, "yeah, pie" and watches as Liz hurries off to Kyle's house. He once again, seems wistful in a sad sense.

Liz arrives at Kyle's house and drops the pie and her ethics notes with him. Kyle is in a very unsociable mood, rudely ignoring her for the most part. As Liz tries to apologize for causing the accident, Kyle cuts her off and tells her very coldly that he doesn't want to talk right now. She nods and leaves downfallen from his meanness. Kyle watches as she exits before turning back to lie on the couch with the remote control.

Isabel is in her room, changing the color of her lipstick with her powers as she tries to determine which one suits her the best. Mrs. Evans walk in, almost catching her in the act of doing such. Mrs. Evans asks Isabel if Isabel can please tell her what she remembered before they were adopted. Isabel tells her mom that she doesn't remember very much, to which her exasperated mother told her, that yes, Isabel has told her that before, but being that she adopted them when they were 6, she finds it hard to believe they don't remember 'anything'. Isabel tells her mom that she remembered the orphanage, in a tone that implies she didn't think it was very good, but then, Isabel tells her mom that all she remembered was that the day she and Max got adopted and she saw Mr. and Mrs. Evans, she remembered that Mrs. Evans was wearing a big yellow sweater and Isabel just thought that it was the color of the sun, that Mrs. Evans seemed like the sun. She then walks up to the vanity chair where Mrs. Evans is seated and kissed her before leaving.

Upset that she has to lie to her mother, Isabel finds Max and pleads with him to let their mother know about their identity. Max resolutely refuses, telling her that there was no way they could tell her. Isabel loses her temper with Max, and yells at him for always making the final decision, warning him that it's not just his decision to make, to which Max replies softly that he knows. They drop the topic, unable to agree on anything.

At school, Maria is sitting at a table outside looking at the wretched napkin holder she has built. Michael sits down next to her and tells her that he knows what she's up to, that this was all a ploy to get him to feel like he is indebted to her for saving him. Maria rolls her eyes and tries to ignor him but Michael cannot be ignored. He grabs her napkin holder and places it under the table and mockingly tells her that he can fix it and make it any color she wants, and then they would be even. Angry at his obnoxious behavior, Maria attempts to snatch it back from him under the table. A tug of war ensues and the napkin holder was broken. Very upset at this dismal turn of events, Maria stalks off leaving a very confused Michael behind.

In the Crashdown afterschool, Liz is working her tables when Kyle hobbles in the front door. He says hi to her and they sit down in a booth where they finally spoke on friendly terms for the first time since she broke up with him. Liz apologizes for hurting him the way she did when they broke up - now that she has experienced it herself, she knows how he feels. She also apologizes for hurting him. Kyle in turn apologizes for not acting very understanding, despite the fact that she was pretty straight with him about everything. They smile and agree to try and work towards being friends. Kyle then asks Liz in a joking manner if there is anything high in cholesterol and fat on the menu to which Liz jokingly showed him a section of the menu for just such a dietary need. They are hunched over in mock seriousness examining the menu when Max was about to walk in the door. He sees through the window that Liz and Kyle are very close together, makes some false assumptions and backs off with a pained expression on his face.

Valenti has asked Mrs. Evans to come to his office, where he shows her a file of the Liz Parker shooting and tells her that Max is in the file, having been noted as one of the people who fled from the accident. He then drops innuendos to let her know that witnesses saw him save Liz's life by placing his hand over the bullet wound and sealing it. Mrs. Evans doesn't understand what this means but she is shocked. Valenti then looks at her innocuously and said "he thought she should know."

Later that afternoon, Max lies morosely on his bed in his room, listening to Counting Crows again when he hears tapes of him and Isabel as children being played by Mrs. Evans. He shuts off the CD player and walks downstairs to join his mom. She shows him a segment of the tape where he heals a bird that has a broken wing and asks him how he was able to do that. Max uncomfortably tells his mom that he doesn't remember b/c it was so long ago. Mrs. Evans continues to press Max until Max loses his calm. She asks him how he was able t put out the kitchen fire even though it says in the pamphlet she got from Valenti, that grease fires cannot be put out with water, in fact ,water only makes it spread more. Max is trapped and he knows it, so he asks in desperation why she's doing this, even though she's their mom and he accuses her of investigating him. Mrs. Evans is upset that Max thinks she's "investigating" him and tells him that she's not, but Max refuses to listen and leaves the house distraught, leaving behind a very upset Mrs. Evans.

At a desert cliff, Max, Michael and Isabel are together, discussing the plan of action they should take. Michael logically concludes that they should destroy the tape of Max curing the pigeon first and then it'll only be Mrs.. Evans' words against theirs. Isabel is incensed at the way Michael refers to Mrs. Evans, reminding him that Mrs. Evans is Max and her mother. She propose telling her, claiming that an adult who knows and is on their side could prove useful one day. Max flatly vetoes her suggestion saying it's too dangerous, siding with Michael that Mrs. Evans is not their real mother, they don't know for sure if she will be loyal or if she will be repulsed and turn them in. Isabel lashes out at Max for being a control freak and storms off. No one looks very happy.

In school the next day, Maria opens her locker and finds a beautiful handmade napkin holder from Michael (with a card and everything). She smiles and tucks it back inside after looking at it. Outside her shop class later, Michael waits as the class is dismissed. He catches up to Maria and asks her if she got an A in her project to which she replied that she failed, as predicted. Michael is infuriated, ranting and raving about how long he spent on that masterpiece, which redefined napkin holders for generations to come. Maria agrees with him and finally reveals that she didn't submit it b/c she wanted to keep it. Michael is speechless and visibly touched. He then tells her that next time he gets sick, he doesn't want her to save him b/c he wants to be a stonewall, something he can't be when he's around her. Maria asks him softly what he feels like when he's around her and he said he feels confused. She nods and walks off.

That night, at the Crashdown, Liz is putting up the chairs as the restaurant closes for the night. Max knocks on the glass door and Liz lets him in, curious at his appearance. She asks him what's going on and he replies nothing before shifting restlessly about. He then tells her that it'll be okay with him if she decides to get back together with Kyle. He would understand. Liz smiles for a moment and tells him that what he's thinking is the farthest from the truth, but even if it were true, she doesn't need his permission. Irritated, Max starts to storm off, saying that she's being just like Isabel, calling him a control freak. Liz stops Max and tells him gently that he * is * a control freak, that he puts too much pressure on himself, and that sometimes, he needs to trust those around him and not carry the burden by himself.

At the park the next day, Mrs. Evans is seated at a bench and watching children play. Max walks up to her and he sits down. He gives her a package badly wrapped. It's a toy house. Mrs. Evans recalls the house, saying that when Max was initially adopted, w/ Isabel, he used to cry every night b/c he wanted to 'go home'. So Mrs. Evans gave him the house saying that if he held onto it, it will take him there b/c the toy house was magical. She wonders sadly if he wants to look for his 'real parents' to tell them things that he can't tell her. Max tells Mrs. Evans that no matter what, not to think that she wasn't enough of a mom to them b/c he's afraid to think where he'd be w/o her and Mr. Evans. He then begs her to please trust him and not ask any question beyond what he tells her, that he doesn't know what his home is and that his real parents are probably not around anymore. Max tells Mrs. Evans he loves her but if she can't accept not knowing, then he would go away. Mrs. Evans tells Max that she loves him as well and there's no need for that sort of talk. They hug, reconciled.

Max drives back to the cliff where Isabel is. They make up after agreeing that their first fight was 'pretty interesting'. Isabel asks Max if he told their mother and Max says no, but that things have been taken care of. Isabel cries into Max's shoulder telling him that she really wanted to tell their mom, very badly. Max hugs her and tells her that he 'knows'.

*the end *

Into the Woods

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