Episode XII

Into the Woods - (Opening Scene)

A flash of lightening streaks across the sky in the middle the night. In the forest, a couple making out in the back of a pickup truck is startled out of their interlude and slowly turns around.

Liz is at the employee area of the Crashdown, with what looks to be the beginning of a bad cold. She turns around just in time to see Maria walk in and tells Maria that she is late. Ignoring Liz’s look, Maria blithely and confidently declares that today is the beginning of a new day – Liz incorrectly guesses that Maria must have been forced to spend time with her mother, which has caused her strange outbursts. Maria then finishes her thought – she will no longer be subject to the whims of men – to be hurt by them and crushed at their mercy, and so, she have devised an alternative solution -- even as she starts to unbutton her blouse. Liz is shocked, thinking that Maria is implying that she will start preferring women, but when she sees that Maria only meant to show her newly acquired navel ring, she smiles. Maria tells Liz that this is the beginning of her new life, and urges Liz to do the same, but Liz tells Maria that it’s not her idea of a symbolic gesture to puncture a hole in her stomach. Maria triumphantly removes the navel ring (it’s one of those non-piercing fake ones) and hands it to Liz who is amused. Liz sneezes again and Maria asks her if she had taken any of the Echinacea that Maria had given her. Liz tells Maria that she has – four times already. The two walks outside to begin work when Liz spots her dad carrying a tray of glasses out from the kitchen area. She puts the navel ring between her nose and walks up to her dad and greets him casually. Mr. Parker almost dropped the tray in shock until he realized that Liz was just teasing him. However, the little mischievous act on Liz’s part starts him thinking about how he needs to get to know her better so Mr. Parker asks Liz if they are still “on” for the Father-child camping trip in the woods that coming weekend. Liz reluctantly tells her father that they are on, but she is definitely not enthused about it.

Suddenly the UFO fanatic from the museum (aka: museum curator) rushes into the Crashdown demanding to know where Max was. Maria sarcastically tells him that since Max works for him, he should be the one to know. The curator ignores Maria, and spots Liz. Rushing up to her, he tells her that since she’s Max’s girlfriend, she must know where he is. Liz quickly corrects him and tells him that she is no longer his girlfriend. This little piece of news has aroused the interest of Mr. Parker who didn’t know that Max was Liz’s boyfriend. Liz asks the museum curator why he’s in such a hurry to look for Max. With a gleam in his eyes, the curator tells her, Maria and Mr. Parker that “there has been a sighting.”

(Theme Song Begins)

Max is standing in a small room (presumably somewhere inside the UFO museum b/c he’s wearing his uniform) with the museum curator with his arms folded across his chest. He looks skeptical as he asks the curator why he’s so certain this is not a hoax. The curator excitedly tells Max that he’s sure this is the real thing b/c he has seen a lot of hoaxes in his days but this one was picked up off the police radio, with a lot of collaborators who support the sighting and also, that Valenti has sealed off a four mile perimeter around the location of the sighting.

Meanwhile, Valenti is in his office with one of the collaborator, Rocky Calhoun, a man who was fly fishing when the sighting occurred. He’s trying to pry Rocky to talk about exactly what he saw, but Rocky is reluctant, thinking that if he say anything that is construed to be insane, he will be deemed as such and locked away. In part to assuage his fears, Valenti turned off his tape recorder and tells Rocky that he can tell the truth. Rocky then confided that he saw a while hot light which was unlike the streaks of lightening that has been happening lately and that this light resembled something of an x-ray light but does not tell much beyond this. However, this was enough to gain Valenti’s full and undivided attention.

The following morning at school, Maria pushes open the school’s main exit and strides confidently down the halls. Boys everywhere are exclaiming in admiration of her as she walks by, many taking the time to greet her. Maria smiles at them all as she walks up to Liz. She then tells Liz that the secret is in her new water-padded bra which enhances “w/o surgical incision.” Liz cracks up and tells Maria that she must really have lost it. Maria asks Liz if she would like to try it herself, an offer which Liz declines, but she soon becomes distracted as she sees Max discreetly walks into the Eraser Room. She wonders aloud who he is meeting in the Eraser Room. Maria is disappointed that Liz can’t get over Max after their breakup reminding her that what he does is none of her business, and in fact, he was the one who broke up with her. Liz nods, but her gaze remains fixed on the doorway of the Eraser Room. Soon, Michael casually walks up to the door and enters. Maria comments that now she realizes why he wasn’t interested in her. As they continue watching from across the hall, both spot Alex walking towards them. Alex is passing out flyers about the father camping trip that coming weekend to get extra credit and foist one on each of them. Liz asks Maria and Alex if they are planning to go but neither plan on going – Maria b/c she doesn’t have a father and Alex b/c his idea of serious athletic work is dodge ball. He sees Isabel at her locker and quickly makes an excuse to leave the two as he walks up to Isabel. Liz and Maria watches him headed Isabel’s way, shake their heads as they both pronounced that Alex is like a puppy in heat with Maria adding that she plan on making Alex her next ‘project’ while walking away.

Alex strides up to Isabel and try to ask her to go with him to an artsy film that Friday but Isabel tells Alex that she’s not interested in that type of film. Taking it as a sign of rejection, Alex is understandably rejected until Isabel casually suggested they watch a regular film instead. Ecstatic that she is willing to go out with him, Alex practically skips off. Isabel then proceeds to walk into the Eraser Room.

Once all three are inside, Max tells them about what the curator has told them. He then say that the three of them should check out the scene b/c it’s near the caves (which is where that painting/map is) but Isabel is not thrilled. She points out that going to forest is only when one camps or something, waving the flyer she took from Alex in front of Max and Michael. Max then seize on that as the means by which they will go to the forest to conduct their search. He pauses for a second, and then said that the only problem would be that the cover requires a father. Michael, seeing where it was going bitterly tells them that they are right, so he can’t go before stalking off, leaving Max and Isabel alone in an awkward silence.

Meanwhile, in Valenti’s office, Kyle is restlessly waiting for his dad so that he can go shopping for a tent with him. Valenti is a no show but finally arrives 15-minute late. Having completely forgotten that he was supposed to go shopping for the tent with his son, Valenti asks Kyle what he’s doing there. When Kyle reminds him, Valenti apologetically tells Kyle that he can’t make it this weekend, but will be sure to call Kyle’s coach so that Kyle’s taken care of. Kyle is hurt, but doesn’t show it and leaves w/o showing that he cared too much – despite the fact that he had pointedly told his dad this was the only weekend they see each other two days in a row. Valenti looks slightly guilty at letting his son down but he seems obsessed about making sure the sighting is searched until he finds whatever it is that he’s looking for, before anyone else gets there.

Later that day, after school, Mr. Parker walks into Liz’s room looking for Liz when he sees her come out in her bra. Embarrassed, he quickly looks down, apologizes, saying he needs to work on the whole privacy thing. Liz tells him it’s okay and asks him what’s up. He wants to discuss the camping trip with her b/c he wants to make sure they are going. Liz reluctantly tells him that she’ll go after she realizes how psyched Mr. Parker is about the trip. She hints however, that a lot of her friends won’t be there b/c they have ‘outgrown’ this sort of thing. Mr. Parker is a little surprised but he asks Liz if she has, to which Liz, unable to hurt her dad’s feeling, replies that she hasn’t, even as she glumly considers the prospect of this weekend trip.

Later downstairs in the employee section, Liz is trying to convince Maria to come along, finally resorting to offer of payment and a promise to do a week’s worth of math homework for Maria. Maria agrees and the two go to Liz’s locker as she gets some money. Remembering that she has purchased more Echinacea for Liz, Maria takes the plastic bag of blue pills out of her locker and the two traded. Just as they were exchanging the cash and the medicine, Mr. Parker walks down and sees the transaction, quickly makes the wrong assumption and is understandably concerned.

In the trailer park, Michael stalks outside the dingy little trailer he and his foster father shares with a battered box of cereal as he attempts to eat dinner. His dad yells at him about not cleaning the dishes, which Michael ignores. Frustrated by his situation, Michael kicks an empty garbage can in frustration when he sees River Dog across the park. Walking up to River Dog, he asks him what he’s doing there. River Dog excitedly asks Michael if he or Max or Isabel has seen “it”. Michael asks if he was referring to the “sighting” which River Dog nods, before telling Michael that is was real, b/c he has seen this sort of thing before. Michael is suddenly quite interested and excited.

That night, while the girls were waiting tables, Max, Isabel and Michael are sitting at a booth discussing the possibility of meeting this fourth person who could possibly be related to them. Michael then brings up his theory that River Dog could be their dad, which Isabel and Max are skeptical about. However, Michael angrily tells them they shouldn’t think of Mr. Evans as their father b/c that man knows nothing about who they are, less than River Dog, who knows everything about them, including how to cure Michael when he was sick earlier. They don’t say anything much beyond that, except it is established they should try to see if they find anything near that ‘sighting’.

Alex is sitting in the Crashdown, on the stools by the counter. He asks Liz if Isabel is looking at him. Liz looks over at their table and tells Alex that it doesn’t seem like Isabel was looking at Alex. Alex then wonders aloud how it’s possible she would go out with him and by rambling aloud, manage to conclude that it must be a cruel joke. Liz quickly snaps him back to reality and tells him to calm down. Alex decides to go to the restroom to calm himself down and Liz agrees it’s a good idea. When he’s gone, Maria walks up to Liz and tells her to stop being so concerned about Max. Liz stoically tells Maria that she is over Max, they haven’t talked for days. Maria “uh-huh” in a rather skeptical tone before asking if that’s why the entire night, Max has been staring at Liz. Smiling with pleasure that Maria thinks so, she sneaks a quick look over at Max, who by now is at the counter, waiting to pay. Maria then tells Liz that she must play it cool and act like she is completely over him, even if she’s not. The two walk up to the counter where Max and Michael are standing. Max asks Liz how she’s doing and Liz answers that she has been fine. Intervening on her behalf, Maria tells him and Michael pointedly that they have been really busy, having just met these college guys they are going out with this weekend for a really expensive dinner. Michael gives Maria’s bust a pointed glance when she said she was busy, but otherwise, he just looks faintly bored and indifferent. Max seems a bit surprised but they pay and leave w/o pursuing the topic much further.

Out of the bathroom, Alex sees that Isabel is alone and walks up to her booth to ask her about plans for the movie that Friday. Isabel then tells Alex that she can’t make it b/c she had to go to a camping trip with her dad. Alex is disappointed, but makes a quick recovery by saying that he was going to tell her the exact same thing b/c he had to go to that trip with his dad too. Isabel is a bit amused that he is camping, but Alex confidently tells her that he is in fact going to the Father Camping Trip as well.

The next morning, kids and their dads are milling around a bus, including Max and Isabel with Mr. Evans, Alex with his tweedy looking father – and Liz and Maria with Mr. Parker. Kyle is packed very well, alone, thinking that he will have to be with t he coach until his dad shows up which surprised Kyle. Valenti tells his son that he will make it afterall. Kyle is appeased that his dad places him as a priority above his job. Kyle then spots Max and Isabel from afar and tenses. He then calls on his cell phone to his office ordering that more men be put on the watch over the perimeter b/c he thinks that something is going on tonight. The roll call begins and all the families get on the bus. Liz is mortified that Max will find out she and Maria have lied about the ‘college boys’ and in fact, when Parker is called, Max immediately turns around to look for, and find Liz and Maria. Smiling, he asks them what happened to their ‘expensive dinner.’ Liz is too embarrassed to respond and smiles weakly but Maria tells him there has been a change of plans. He smiles again and takes a seat. Maria mutters to Liz that it’s such a shame b/c it was going so well.

When the bus has reached the forest, everyone looks for a spot. Max convinces his dad to moves to a clearing closer to the trees (so him and Isabel can make a quick escape later) but Valenti quickly joins them (to keep an eye on them), as does Mr. Parker (to get to know Max and Liz’s new friends better) and Alex (to get to be closer to Isabel). All of them end up camping very close to one another – to the dismay of Liz (forced to be closer to Max), Max and Isabel (hindering their plans for a inconspicuous searching trip later that night).

At night, Liz and Maria sit near the fire talking while Max plays card with Mr. Parker, Mr. Evans and Alex’s dad. Max has three aces and a pair so he ups everyone’s bet, forcing them to drop out with only him and Mr. Parker left. Mr. Parker looks at Max and asks him half-jokingly/half-seriously, what kind of powers he has over the other two men to make them believe he has great cards. Calling him bluff, Mr. Parker calls. Max pauses, and then he changes one of his aces to another card, leaving him with two pairs. Mr. Parker is happy that he has won, and called Max’s bluff successfully.

As everyone gets ready for the night, Liz brushes her teeth and w/o a cup, has to awkwardly rinse her mouth with the water from the pipe in a small area near the camps. Max walks up behind her and makes a small joke about being prepared but Liz impassively tries to leave as soon as possible. Max then calls her and asks her if she plan on acting like this around him going forward. Liz asks him if that wasn’t what he wanted. He tells her that he wanted to slow things down, but not bring it to a halt. Liz looks as unhappy and confused as Max, she tells him that if he wanted to keep things going, he would’ve brought this up a while ago with her. That he’s not here b/c of her, but b/c of the ‘sighting’. At the mention of his plan, he tells her to not say anything about it. Liz then tells Max that he can’t cut her out of it b/c he was the one who brought her into it to begin with. Unable to respond, Max says nothing and Liz walks away.

When Liz got back to her camp, she goes into the tent to see her dad searching her bags. When she asks him what he was doing, he holds up the bag of blue pills and asks her what they are. She tells him they are Echinacea – used to prevent a cold when one is about to occur. Mortified, Mr. Parker tries to apologize but Liz is a bit offended that he thought she would be doing drug, and so, she slept outdoors with a sleeping bag, all the while thinking about Max, and wishing that he would open up to her. When suddenly she notices movement from his side of the camp an sees him and Isabel sneaking out. Liz quickly gets up and puts on her shoes to follow. Halfway into the dark and foggy forest, Liz is confronted by Max and Isabel. Max tells her to go back but Liz pleads with him to let her follow. He seems like he wants to let her but Isabel warns Max that she doesn’t think it’s a good idea. Suddenly they are joined by yet another person - - Maria. Exasperated and not at all happy by the company, Isabel walks forward. Liz asks Maria if she is going with or not. Seeing that Liz is never going to let go of Max (b/c in Liz’s words, “she couldn’t”), Maria follows loyally with Liz as they walk to Max and Isabel who are waiting for them a little further front. Unbeknownst to them, Valenti is on their trail.

Meanwhile, Michael is in his room sleeping when he is awaken by an opened door. It is River Dog who tells him that it’s time and tells Michael to follow him. Michael gets out of bed and follows River Dog out of the trailer.

As Max, Isabel, Maria and Liz walks deeper into the forest, they suddenly are followed by dogs. The four runs but are not fast enough to outrun the hounds. Hiding behind a log, the four try to figure out what to do when Liz suddenly tells Max that she and Maria will sacrificed themselves so Max and Isabel can use the distraction to escape. Max doesn’t want to leave Liz alone in that situation but Liz forcefully tells Max that she thinks it’s the only way, and that it doesn’t matter if she gets caught as long as he finds what he is searching for. Max deliberates and finally agrees. He runs off with Isabel while Liz and Maria climbs on a log to get the attention of the patrolmen with their hounds claiming they have been lost. Back at the camp, Liz’s father calls out of his tent for Liz to come inside b/c it’s cold. When he sticks his head out, he realizes that Liz is gone and immediately commences his worry-thon.

Michael and River Dog are deep within the forest walking towards the cave when River Dog trips and breaks his ankle, unable to go on. He tells Michael to go w/o him. Michael stands over River Dog and tells him to make himself better. River Dog understands what Michael is telling him and shakes his head, telling Michael that he is not Michael’s father. Disappointed, Michael tells River Dog that he had to know before bending over and placing his hand over River Dog’s ankle. Using similar healing powers that Max had done with Liz in the Crashdown at the shooting, he heals River Dog and the two continue making their way into the forest.

Meanwhile, Maria and Liz are now surround by patrol cars as Maria and Liz tells the patrolmen their story of how they got lost after trying to find a cleaner place to go to the bathroom. Everyone bought their story and Mr. Parker arrives in relief to find Liz. Mr. Evans has also realized that Max and Isabel are gone, asking the patrol officers if they have seen him. The patrol officers shake their head, not having seen Max or Isabel.

By now, Max and Isabel have reached the cave. They see River Dog and Michael and gather together. Valenti has followed Max and Isabel all the way here but just as he is about to find out what they are up to, he gets a tap on his shoulder from Kyle. Kyle demands to know why he’s so busy hunting Max that he doesn’t have time for his son. Valenti tries to get Kyle to go back and Kyle does, but not before bitterly drawing a comparison of why Valenti has always ignored his own father -- b/c in his father’s eyes, he had been a low priority during his childhood, which is precisely how Kyle feels now.

While the Valenti’s are having their dispute, River Dog shows Max, Isabel and Michael a marking on the floor created by the white light, it’s a swirly mark which is the same as the necklace Isabel had found earlier when they searched the white domed house of the UFO author. When Max, Isabel and Michael place their hands over the design, a glowing light emanates from the design.

Having sent Kyle back, Valenti reveals himself to the group and demand to know what they are looking at. While Michael and River Dog blocks Valenti and stalls for time, Max quickly uses his powers to remove the marking on the ground, regrowing the grass which had been burned by the flash of light. By the time Valenti sees what they are looking at, all he sees is grass, causing him to exhale a sigh of disappointment and frustration. Max and Isabel claim to be lost while Max tells Valenti how glad they are to have been found by him.

Days later, Valenti is in a nursing home, watching his dad struggling to eat from afar. He finally approaches his dad, perhaps, thinking back to Kyle’s accusation that night and makes amends with his dad by apologizing for not having believed him. Valenti junior then assisted Valenti senior with the pears from the dessert cup as the camera fades into black.

*the end *

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