Episode I

Cast of Character:
Liz Parker
Max Evans
Isabel Evans
Michael Guerin
Maria De Luca

10/7/99 Season Premier

The story opens with a scene in a diner where Liz and her best friend, Maria are in the midst of serving customers at the diner that Liz's father owns. Liz is wearing a standard waitress uniform with antennas attached to the top of her head. She is busy serving her tables, and along the way, humoring tourists who have come to visit Roswell for its UFO origins. She tricks two seriously wacky tourists by showing them a fake picture of what looks to be an alien for laughs with her best friend Maria when Maria points out to her that Max is staring at her "again". Liz turns around to look at the table behind her, notices Max eating with his best friend Michael. Max quickly looks away and Liz tells Maria she doesn't think so, besides which, she is already seeing the Sheriff's son, enumerating many characteristics about him that are 'fine and upstanding' (BORING, actually!).

Suddenly, a fight breaks out between two diners and a gun is drawn. Before anyone can react, a shot is fired and Liz has been shot in the stomach. She collapses onto the floor. Confusion and chaos break loose, everyone is running or screaming. Mike urges Max to leave with him, but Max sees that Liz has fallen and he rushes over to her instead. Max opens her shirt and sees blood gushing out of her stomach. He urges Liz to open her eyes and make eye contact with him. She opens them wearily and immediately, Max places his hand on her stomach and we see flashes of imagery from what appears to be Liz's childhood, some of which have what looks like a very young version of Max in them, all looking at her. In a second, she is healed and Max runs off, but not before pleading with her to keep what has transpired a secret between time. Liz is confused but she is alive and no longer wounded.

When questioned by her concerned father and the sheriff, she says that a ketchup bottle fell on her in the shooting but that she was not hurt. No one makes too much of it, until the two gullible tourists point out that they have thoroughly searched the area where Liz fell and were still unable to locate a bullet. The sheriff then notices a table, which was the same table that Max and Mike had occupied. There were two completely emptied bottles of Tabasco dispenser on them.

Later that night, Liz returns home to her room and looks at what had been her wounded abdomen. There is no scar except for what looks like a sliver hand print on the stomach, where Max had touched her. She looks afraid. The next morning in biology class, Max comes in late and sits beside her with a pencil in his mouth. When the teacher asks the two's side of the room to scrape the inside of their cheek to inspect their cells, Max is visibly nervous and requests a bathroom pass so he can leave the room. Liz took her own sample and looked at them under the microscope Then she looked over at the pencil Max had left and took that pencil to take a skin sample for examination. The two looks completely different. She is again, shocked. After class, she runs after Max and grabs him insisting that she needs to speak with him. They went into the band room where Liz finds her boyfriend, Kyle playing with the drums. She lies that she and Max are looking for a quiet place to study and her boyfriend leaves them alone.

When they are finally alone, Max asks if she was dating the Sheriff's son and Liz tells him to focus. She then showed him the hand print, and then confesses to having taken a cell sample from his pencil. Still a little in disbelief, she asks him if they can go back to the lab so she can take another sample to prove to herself that she had taken something else's sample from the pencil b/c it looked nothing like hers. He tells her that he is an alien and she is shocked and starts to run for the door. But before she leaves, Max restrained her and pleads again with her not to endanger his life by saying anything to anyone. She leaves shaken.

A while later, Max is eating with his sister Isabel and Mike in a small outdoor fast food joint. They load up their food with Tabasco sauce all the while, Isabel and Michael were berating Max for saving Liz when he should have just left it alone. Max tries to brush their concerns off but they are worried about being discovered. Michael suggests they leave town but Isabel and Max don't really want to b/c they consider Roswell to be their home. Max also reveals to them that he told Liz about his true identity. This angers both Isabel and Michael greatly. Michael suggests they leave at once but the two are still hesitant. Michael bitterly concludes that it is probably b/c they were adopted by a good foster family while he is stuck with a cold man who only adopted him for the welfare checks. The three hops into Max's jeep and drives back. On the way, they were stopped by the Sheriff's car. The Sheriff just checked Max's driver's licences but Michael is tense. The Sheriff is about to leave them after a friendly warning but he notices that there was a half-emptied bottle of Tabasco sauce sitting near Max and he becomes suspicious, but does not say anything. Scared and very nervous, Michael jumps off the car and walks off, still angry and afraid that the three of them might be discovered.

At school, Maria complains to a mutual friend of hers and Liz's - Alex, that she thinks Liz has been avoiding her a lot. Alex brushes aside her concerns. That night, after Liz's date with the Sheriff's son, Liz tries to brush off his observation that she wasn't really there all night and reaches up for the key to get into the house. When she does, her cropped sweater moves up slightly and Kyle sees the handprint on her stomach. He asks her what it was he just saw and she said nothing, quickly saying good night and leaving him outside. A little while later, Max calls Liz out to the balcony saying he needs to speak with her. They go to her father's restaurant to talk. Max looks at Liz and unintentionally smiles, remembering the image of her in his mind, with the dress that had cupcakes on it. Liz was confused, but then remembers the dress in question, which she wore when she was in kindergarten. She laughs a little but then quickly became suspicious that Max would know about this dress since she didn't know him until third grade. Max explains that when he heals her, images came to his mind of strong memories that she had, including that dress which had signified to her, the "single most embarrassing moment of her life". But it was a dress her mom had made for the first time, a dress her mom was very proud of, so Liz wore it to please her mother. Max then tells her that he can try to do what he had done to her in reverse - let her see his thoughts and what he feels. The cups both his hand around her face gently and Liz sees images of Max as a very young boy, being found with his sister while wandering in the highway, going to school on the first day, and then her. She sees herself through Max's eyes and realizes that Max has feelings for her and that he finds her beautiful. She also feels his vast loneliness. When she opens her eyes again, Max asks her if it worked and she said it did. Things seem a little uncomfortable now that she knows how he feels. The two went home.

Over the next couple of days, Liz is very confused since she seem to also find herself attracted to Max, but fate is not on her side. One day, a couple of people walked in to Liz's class, one from the sheriff's office. They came for Liz. Liz walks with them and sits down with the Sheriff who shows her a picture of a corpse dated in the 1950's with a handprint on his shoulder/upper chest area. He noted that no one was able to determine the cause of this man's death and the only visible signs were the handprints. He then asks her if she has ever seen this. She denies it. But he points out that he was told by his son who had seen the handprint on her stomach. She denies it again. The Sheriff then tells her he would need to see it himself. She hesitantly raises her sweater a little and we see that the handprint is no longer there. The Sheriff remains unconvinced since the handprint on the corpse also faded after a few days. He lets her go. Liz decides to go to the gym where Max is in class and pulls him out. She takes him into the biology room and says that she needs to know everything or else she cannot take it anymore. She tells him that unless he answers all her questions, she will go straight to the police. Max looks slightly amused and said yes, he'll answer all her questions. Looking a bit surprised at his easy compliance, she rummages through her pockets and takes out a crumpled notebook paper. Max looks amused as she nervously begin her line of questioning: Where did he came from? Max replies he does not know. What were his powers? Max demonstrated how he saved her. How come he's so young when the crash was so long ago? Max says that there was an incubator on the ship. What happened to his parents? Max replied that they died and that he, Isabel and Mike are the survivors. That there were more besides just him answered Liz's other questions, and then she asked him why he would risk his safety to save her and he replied that it was because it was "her". That left her a speechless. She rushes out and tells Max he's in trouble relating the whole story with the Sheriff. He quickly dashes off before she could stop him. The minute he rushes home, Max walks into Isabella's room, tell her to pack her things and told her that they are leaving.

Meanwhile, Liz gets confronted by Maria who threatens to go to the sheriff with evidence that Liz WAS shot if Liz does not confide in her. Liz confides in Maria who is blown away. The two set about driving and she spots Max' jeep. She stops him from leaving by blocking his road. Everyone gets out, acrimonious and demanding. Mike and Isabel wants to leave. Max doesn't really want to but feels that staying further would be too dangerous. Liz wants them to stay because she thinks if Max leaves, he would incriminate himself in the Sheriff's eyes. Max agrees but he still have his best friend and sister to think of. Liz has a plan that she thinks will divert suspicion away from them, but Mike and Isabel are not prepared to trust her. Only finally, when Max announces that he will turns himself in that Isabella and Mike agrees to go along with Liz's plan.

Liz's plan to have Mike wear an identical costume as Kyle(that of a wasp), who she is supposed to go with to the Alien-fest with that night (where the whole town gets into alien getups). At the scene, Maria will pretend to be hurt and Mike, in the wasp costume will come up to her in the Sheriff's full view while he's with Max and Mike will place his palm on her to 'heal' her before running away. At first, the plan seems to work until the Sheriff notices that the hand print is paint and he tells Max that he's on to him. Max feigns ignorance. The Sheriff leaves. The alien-fest ends with a burning of alien dolls. Everyone is cheering happily except for Max, Isabella and Mike who look on with sadness. Max spots Liz standing by herself atop a hill and went over to her. He touches her hair, she thought he was going to link their thoughts again, but it was only b/c he saw something there. They look at each other and Max tells Liz that he truly wishes that it could be different, but it isn't so it can't be. Liz understands. They smile and that night, Liz writes in her diary that it was only a few days ago that she died but then she was saved.

*the end*

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