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The Morning After
Liz Parker is seen in her room looking through a telescope thinking to herself that she will never look at stars the same way again, nor will she look at anything else for that matter. Her mind is on Max as she wonders if he is agonizing over their fate and 'relationship' as she is about them. As she is thinking this, the camera fades into Max's room where he is soundly asleep, snoring. A small noise awakens him and he stealthily grabs a flashlight and a baseball bat to sneak up on the intruder who is sneaking into his room through his window. Just when Max is about to strike, we see that the intruder was Michael. Max asks Michael if he had another argument with Hank, which Michael denies as Max rolls out a sleeping bag on the floor besides his bed for Mike to bunk down for the night (the familiarity with which he does this suggests this happens quite often). Max then collapses onto the bed and attempts to sleep again until he notices that Mike is not sleeping. He turns wearily to Michael and said that he was trying to get some sleep. Michael chastises Max for being able to sleep when they have just found out about the existence of a picture that proves the existence of others like themselves. Michael is excited about the possibility of being able to find out more about this other alien, what their roots are, even possibly being able to return home. Max listens, but he looks skeptical even as Michael remains convinced that the picture and possibly other information would point the direction to their history.
The next morning, we see Michael standing outside the Sheriff's office drinking a Pepsi as he surveys the building, noting the Sheriff's office window that is locked by a window gate. As the Sheriff's car approaches the building, Mike ambles off inconspicuously. Meanwhile, we see that Maria and Liz are getting ready in the dressing room of the crashdown café to begin working. Maria is asking Liz what she thinks the aliens look like, whether they can kill people, the scope of their powers and other issues while Liz just calmly replies "could be" or "I suppose so" to each query until Maria is so frustrated that she threatens to strangle Liz for her overly calm exterior. Just then a co-worker walks in and Liz warns Maria not to speak aloud of "aliens" - The next scene opens up with them waiting on tables referring to Max and his cohorts as "Czechoslovakians." Alex, their mutual friend pops up behind them asking them what this Czechoslovakians is all about and Liz and Maria make up a story about a new kid in school who works in the hardware store. Just then, Maria looks out the window and see Mike looking through at them. She confesses to Liz that she thinks Michael creeps her out and walks off to wait on tables.
The next day in math class, Liz talks with her friends, but in the back of her mind, she is thinking about Max who is in the same class with her. She sneaks a look at him and remarks to herself that he has awfully soulful eyes. The bell rings and it looks like they will have a substitute teacher, a beautiful blond woman. The student in front of Max remarks to him that he wishes the teacher could be out longer so they can have the sub longer. The sub introduces herself as Ms Toposky to the class and then asks if anyone present believe in aliens since they do live in the town of Roswell. Max looks over at Liz and Liz casts a glance out of the corner of her eye at Max. Ms. Toposky starts taking attendance and eventually reachs Michael. When Michael didn't respond, the teacher asks if anyone knew where he could be. The entire class sort of looked in the general direction of Max who says that it's probably b/c Michael isn't too into geometry. The class laughs it off and the teacher too, but she has an odd expression on her face. After class, as everyone was leaving the room, Liz follows Max out and says hi to him, pretending that things are normal. Max greets her in return, but it is obvious that things aren't normal as seen by their mutual awkwardness around one another. Liz then asks in a lowered voice if Max thinks there is anything suspicious about the new sub and Max says he doesn't think so. But Liz points out that the Sub seemed to have singled out Mike. Max replies that he thinks it's nothing. Just as they were about to talk more, Isabel walks up behind Max and drags him off (it looks like it was intentionally).
Back at the Sheriff Valenti's office. Valenti walks in and sees that there is a man in a suit sitting at the entrance way of his office. Upon further inquiries, Valenti finds out that this man is from the FBI and promptly throws him out of the office, saying that FBI does not have jurisdiction over Roswell.
The scene then moves back to school where Maria and Liz are sitting in the quad eating their lunch. Maria wants to tell Alex about the Czechs b/c she is afraid that they could get hunted and that they don't really know all that much about the Czechs. Liz empathetically says no, that no one must know. But Maria remains unconvinced. They both looked over at Alex who was performing a strange double-jointed trick to impress some girls across the quad and Maria admitted that Alex wasn't really a James Bond, but he was all they have.
Afterwards, as they are pulling books out of their lockers Maria warns Liz that Kyle is coming towards them. Liz groans aloud and Kyle walks up to Liz calling her his "girl" and saying that he wanted to discuss what happened to her that night at the Alien-fest when she stood him up. Liz, not wanting to talk to Kyle too much about anything, makes some excuse to dash off when she saw the sub walking by. She ended up bumping into the sub and her papers fell to the floor. As Liz was helping the sub picked up her paper, she noticed Mike's file amongst them. After school, Liz walked over to the trailer park where Mike lives and knocked on his trailer. Mike's dad, Hank answers the door and he leers at Liz incomprehensibly while she tries to ask him if Mike is home. Finally, Hank called for Mike and Mike, upon seeing Liz, took her outside his home. There, Liz told him that she thought he should know that the sub seems awfully interested to him, recounting the story about the attendance in class and his file in her possession. Mike is a bit freaked out, but thanked Liz for the information while also apologizing for any offence she may have felt about his foster father.
Meanwhile in Sheriff's Valenti's office, the Sheriff is taking out his little "alien-file", sorting through the items in the folder, and extracting a little envelope that contains a key. He places the key into his thermo jug and that into his brown paper bag and into the side drawer of his desk. After, he walks out, just as Michael was coming out of a supermarket with a large brown paper bag. Michael walks casually into the sheriff's office pretending to sell candy and tried to get into the Sheriff's office until he was stopped by the deputy who was in charge for the night. Another sheriff arrived and Michael was finally told to leave which he did, unable to break into the sheriff's office as planned. He then heads off to the Evan's where he recounted his story, much to Max and Isabel's disbelief. Mike notices that Isabel was wearing a very revealing outfit and asks her why she is dressed like that. Isabel defensively stated that she had a date tonight and she liked the way life is at Roswell and doesn't want to have to run away all the time. Mike tries to convince Max to help him and use his powers to break into the Sheriff's office (implying that Max may have stronger powers than Mike). Max listens and follows along with Mike's plot until he received a sharp glance from Isabel and then he told Mike that he doesn't think Mike's plan is feasible. Mike then reveals that Liz told him something about people after him. Max was momentarily confused and Mike told him to "go ask Liz". Just then, the Evans return home with two pizzas in hand, inviting Mike to stay over and have dinner with them, but Mike declined saying his dad was cooking tonight. Max and Isabel then joined their parents for dinner.
The next day in math class, the sub incorrectly taught the class that a triangle has 360 degrees when Liz corrected her and says it should have 180 degrees (basic geometry concept). The sub fumbles a bit and Max is seen looking over at Liz during this episode. After class, Max asks Liz questions about how many files did she see sub holding, why she is so sure that the teacher is targeting Mike. Liz gets a little flustered and he's a little skeptical that the sub is as Liz suspects, an "alien hunter". He then tells Liz that he's thankful for her concern but that everyone has to be extra careful and telling Mike, an irrational person as Mike was, something like that would freak him out. Liz apologizes. Later, as Max was walking outside the school quad, he notices that the new sub is talking to Sheriff Valenti. He stops and looks from afar as the two seemed to appear on good terms and shaking hands. This arouses his suspicion, making him start to believe a little of what Liz is suggesting.
In the next scenes, we see a note in Maria's hand. It's from Max to Liz asking her to meet him in the eraser room during 6th period. Liz is in the bathroom, applying her lipstick as Maria freaks out about the implication of Liz meeting Max in the eraser room, claiming that many girls have lost their innocence there. Liz tries to brush it off claiming that there is nothing between her and Max, as Max himself have said to her before. Maria has a "yeah right" look on her face and they both leave the bathroom.
Sheriff Valenti is in his office when FBI Agent Stevens enters. They do small talk and Valenti asks about Liz's dress. Stevens tells Valenti that ketchup and salt were found on the dress-no blood. Stevens goes on to say that a crash never occurred in 1947 in Roswell and that no aliens are living in the town now. Stevens then hands Valenti a warrant giving the FBI the right to seize any information concerning aliens or alien reports. Stevens then sends in his agents to get the files. Valenti accuses that blood was found on the dress or else the FBI wouldn't be concerned about removing those files from Roswell. Valenti hands his keys over to the file cabinet as he leaves his office., casually, taking the thermos jug in the brown lunch bag with him as he leaves. Outside, Michael spots Valenti walking out of his office carrying his brown paper bag.
The scene moves back to school where Liz is seen entering the Eraser room. Max is already inside, cleaning erasers. Liz made a small comment about this being "the eraser room". Max said that he wanted someplace private to talk with Liz. Liz locks the door behind her and looks expectantly at Max. He walks past her to open a panel against the wall, revealing the counsellor's office behind a ventilation screen. He tells Liz that the sub isn't who she appears to be. She will be off on 6th and 7th period so he hopes they can find out more in this room as a 'stakeout'. A bit surprised by all this information, Liz walks over to Max by the ventilation panel and say, "oh yeah, definitely." He crouches besides her as they both looked through the vent and while Liz is looking at the office below, Max looks at her longingly and said that they may be there for a while.
The scene shifts again to outside the sheriff's office where Mike is apparently conducting a stakeout of his own. He's eating a hotdog with tabasco sauce when he notices federal agents carrying boxes out to their cars. He looks alarmed.
The scene returns to the eraser room. Max and Liz are sitting side by side talking. Liz is asking Max a lot of questions. She wonders aloud whether he is really a fifty-something year old guy trapped in a 16-year old body, or whether he ages differently, like one alien year to three human years. Max looks amused and says that she must think a lot about this stuff. Liz laughs a little and say, yeah, she does. Then she asked him Maria's question about whether he was green before he assumed human form. Max choked out, "green?" Liz says, "Yeah" and asks him if he was slimy and "stuff". Max says that he looked just normal, except for the third eye. Liz tried to be low-key and says, "oh." Max then acts as if he's bending down and while he's bending, Liz leaned towards his back to peer around (apparently looking for that 'third eye'). Max shot her a quick look to catch her in the act of staring at his back and smiled, telling her he was kidding. Liz laughs, punched him on the arm and called him a jerk. Max then got up from where he was seating and stood, looking toward the door and Liz kept talking, about how it must be so 'freeing' to be like him, inconspicuous - unlike herself, which the whole town knows about and talks about. Max smiles at her when she is confessing this and tells her that sometimes, he wishes he wasn't SO invisible. The two shared a look but Max suddenly looks at the ventilation area - he hears a noise. The sub has returned with another man. She says she will start first with Mike and asks the man to check his home address to make sure it is accurate. Max and Liz leaves immediately upon hearing this news.
The two drove to Liz father's restaurant where Max sees Mike outside. He tells Liz "five minutes" and she nods, quickly disappearing inside the restaurant. Meanwhile, Mike is trying to tell Max that Max must help him break into the Sheriff's office b/c the federal agents are removing them as they speak. Max tells Mike that the sub is going over to Mike's house, tells Mike to lay low and go over to the Evan's where Isabel is waiting for them. Meanwhile Liz is inside the restaurant asking Maria to cover for her. Maria is a bit annoyed that Liz is asking her to do this when they are so busy, and blames it on the eraser room. Liz promises to explain everything later and she is about to leave when the two were ambushed by Alex who demands to be told the truth, debunking their lies about the new kid who is a Czech. Liz dragged Alex to a corner and tries to think of an excuse when Maria came up with one: "Cramps". The two ganged up on Alex and told him that they've been talking about cramps but didn't want to make Alex feel grossed up by using codenames for it. They offer to tell Alex all he wants to know about cramps if that's his desire. Alex walks off disgusted saying he still wants to eat. Liz thanks Maria and dashes off outside to the jeep where Max and Mike have been talking. Mike is accusing Max of trying to protect his status quo and not ever thinking how life has been for Mike. Max denies this but it's obvious that there is a grain of truth in Mike's accusation b/c Max looks slightly guilty. Seeing Liz behind Max, Mike leaves.
Max and Liz then drives off to the trailer park. As they are driving off, Kyle spots Liz in Max's jeep and follows them in his mustang. When they reached the trailer park, Kyle watches as Max and Liz sit in the jeep and wonders what they are up to. Meanwhile the sub has arrived at Mike's house and Liz leans closer to Max to get a better look (Kyle, watching from behind, is getting the wrong idea and groans). Liz drops her ring and reaches down by Max's feet to retrieve it (Kyle, still watching from behind and still getting the wrong idea, is horrified, and struggles to get out of the car as he keeps saying to himself, "Liz, get up, get up!") He rushes over to Max's car to see that Liz is merely leaning down. Both Max and Liz are surprised to see him there. Kyle asks Liz what she was doing and Liz replies that she dropped her ring. Throughout the entire conversation, Liz is whispering to Kyle and Kyle demands to know what she is doing there and why she is whispering. Liz makes up an excuse that she and Max are here, waiting for Mike so they can, so they can…."bowl," Max finishes. Kyle is in disbelief, "bowl?". Liz and Max affirms that yes, they were waiting for Mike so they can go bowling. Max sees that the sub is leaving so he quickly said duck, which even Kyle did, although he isn't sure why. The sub, at exiting the trailer, notices Liz in the Jeep but didn't walk over and just drove away.
Max then drives Liz home and when they walked towards her house, Max suggested that maybe when this all blows over, Liz could have lunch with Max. Liz asks if he meant lunch in the cafeteria and he says yes - that is, if she wants. Liz says that it's a date, but quickly changes its to it's a lunch. Max says, yes, lunch. And they said good night. The two shared another look but Max see Isabel waving frantically behind Liz for him to close things up, so he bids her goodnight and left.
Once Liz is gone, Isabel quickly joins Max and says Mike is AWOL. The two jumps into his jeep and drives to the Sheriff's station. Mike is already there and has unlocked the window gate leading to the Sheriff's office with his power (lacking a bit in style, he almost fell off from excessive power-use). By the time Max and Isabel got there, they see the window gate opened and the sheriff's driving back to the station. The two quickly devised a plan whereby Isabel walks in to the office to distract the sheriff about a flat tire while Max climbs into the window to get Mike out. Mike is already inside, rummaging but finding nothing, until out of chance he stumbled on the brown paper bag with the thermos inside. Feeling something pulling him, he opens the bag and finds the key which fills him with images of what looks like an ariel view of a white plane/tent-like object. He is recovering when Max climbs through the window and urges him out. The two leaves, Max reseals the gate and they jumped into the dumpster below. Sheriff Valenti walks back into the office, checks that the gate was locked and went back outside to help Isabel with her tire. When he finishes, he asks her if she knew where his brother was, whereby she replied that she's only his sister, not his keeper. He looked thoughtful as she sped away.
Later that night, Mike asks Max and Liz to hold the key but neither could get any images from it and he is frustrated. He leaves but before he does, he tells them that there's one good thing about having a bad foster family, it's he is always ready to leave w/o any emotional baggage, warning Max to try to keep it the same.
The next day, Liz was approached in school by the sub who reveals that she is really a guidance counsellor and that she knows Liz is friends w/Mike and wants Liz to tell Mike to come in to see her b/c he's in danger of being expelled. Liz then ruminates on the power of secrets, keeping some people out and making some feel like they belong - while scenes flash by of the Evans playing basketball with Max and Isabel while Mike watches from afar, of Sheriff Valenti discovering his key is missing, of Liz and Max when they were in the Eraser room, of Kyle, watching Liz suspiciously from across the quad.
*The End*
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