Shadows were draped about the cold stone covered room, hiding many of the details, except for the fact of the great size of the gothic court chamber. The air was still and silent allowing even my heart beat to sound in my ears. It permitted the stranger’s footsteps to be heard as he made his way hidden in the corridor to the chamber of his inevitable doom. Standing beside the empty throne, my skirt of extreme length resting one of its folds of black soft satin on the marbled armrest, waiting for my targeted victim to enter. I had yet to see him, but knew it was he, I could feel it inside my gut. Hearing his steps increase in volume, I began my spell that would bring about his death. Concentrating fiercely on centering my powers, holding my breath, causing my bodice to squeeze tightly, almost exposing my chest completely, I waited his arrival. Then a man entered. Tall, with darkness covering bits of his square and narrow face, he looked about suspicious of a trap. His strong build passing through the sparsely placed moonlight exposed them to be well defined. Dark eyes peering outward through a black lock of twisted hair into the shadowy room, his features struck a cord deep inside my emotions. Deep enough to lay hidden from even my own conscientious. Sword out, prowling about, he looked for the physical attack to begin. Obviously dismissing me as a threat due to my gender. Little did he know of my powers, but soon he would see and know. Using a little of my power, I drew him to me once our eyes meet. Side stepping his way to me, he constantly moved his head about looking for others hiding while I waited him in the open. He stepped closer coming into the trap I made for him. With in arms reach of my tiny form he looked into my eyes with his will-bending, beautiful dark eyes. My arms shot out clinging to his chest with an imaginary magnetic bond fusing them to his body. With amazing ability I pulled his larger mass to me, bringing his face close to my own. Suddenly deep in my mind a thought of reconsideration stretched out, but if I did not do as I planned I would never be able too. So I set my spell upon him, casting it with a fully passionate kiss on his soft full, pale lips. However, after two seconds of the spell he drew back, but was unable to free himself from my clinging grip. Black velvety smoke escaped from my mouth, blowing into his face. Standing still with the smoke forming about, I was unable to pull him back to my kiss. Bewildered, I stood staring at him, his countenance losing conscientiousness, beginning to daze, eyes glazing over. No longer did I wish to destroy him. Allowing him to be free of me, he fell back to the floor, the muscular man coughing and wheezing from the poison I had placed in to “You failed”, a crotchety, worm like, old man chided me in his annoying voice. In his eyes and face I could read his enjoyment of the fact I had failed. Still standing hidden in the shadows of the entrance he had used beside the throne. Beside him was a woman whose dressed in the similar dark, sensual clothing as I did. Her skirt caressing the ground around her feet, the dark lace traveling down her arms hanging slightly over her hands, the whiteness of her skin standing out like a beacon. “Maybe she wished to fail”, the dark woman said hitting on exactly what was present in my mind. Blowing a kiss at the fallen man the smoke ceased. Turning my discombobulated attention to the two lap dogs, I glared at them with anger boiling forth from me. Hushing their words with a simple show of my pale refined hand in their direction, I thought of another way to eliminate my target as instructed. “Maybe since he resisted this show”, I said, moving my hands to emphases my present appearance. “He might succumb to the sweet, lighter side.” With those words I snapped my fingers and my dark exterior changed to an image of light clothing that possessed slight glimmers over the princess like gown that I appeared to wear. Hair flowing over my shoulder, no longer was it dark twists of hair locks, but combed and well fashioned placed mainly into a bun high upon my head. A noise from behind distracted all of our attentions. Turning to face the origin of the noise, I saw the warrior standing on shaky legs, sword raised to kill. Yet the poisons still seething inside him, causing him to fall forward unto my arms, which had immediately stretched out once he began to fall. Dropping his blade as he fell, the strong metal weapon clattered as it landed on the stony floor. With the heavy weight of the large man falling into my weak arms I stumbled slightly, using some still present powers from early. Though I was now holding him in my arms and smelling deep of his masculine odors, I tried to express a look of irritation on my face. The more I touched him the more I was losing my wish to kill. It would be fatal for me if I did not at least prevent from his mission. “He could be a useful ally”, I said, as if considering a way to convert him like I had done to others in the past. Yet I knew of no way in which to do so and remain secure in myself while he was around. “Not many can with stand that spell as he did”, I kept my eyes down on his unconscious face which laid on my cleavage. Feeling the weight of his head over my heart was causing it to race, yet I tried to give no sign of the turmoil inside me..... |