In deep darkness a man stands watching, waiting. His salaam face with silky, naturally pale skin stands out against his dark clothes, raven hair, and the shadows that surround him. Eyes peering into the darkness, he stood motionlessly, appearing to be part of the brick wall he stood in front of in the dark alley. Continuing his conversation in his deep rolling, transilvanian voice, “Some have called me demonic while others say I see truth in a world of lies.” The words thrummed through the girl’s young, but strong body. Standing barely a foot shorter than him, she adjusted her stance to face the direction he was peering at. She appeared slight in size with a long sword strapped to her back and dangers about her waist. Though that was more illusion than anything else was, her ability with weapons was matched by very few. “To tell the truth, you rarely tell the truth that you see,” she said, giving him a cynical glance. His impartial face cracked a grin. The wind ruffled Leirra’s, his partner, thin dark clothes. “So how long are we to wait here for anyway?” Having silence instead of an answer she felt her blade strap slip on her front. While fixing her sword from pulling her big, black blouse, she asked, “What kind of job is this one to be?” His smile and wink didn’t reassure; neither did his words, “You’ll see”. Moving his eyes to a movement in the dark background. Leirra went for her weapon strapped at her waist. “Stay here and I mean stay,” he commanded of her. With her recent lesson of what may happen to her if she ignored Maphisto, the dark man, words she still nursed the wounds around her ribs, hidden under the dark clothing. With his long legs Maphisto’s strides matched that of a normal man’s run. A clatter and crash to the other side of Leirra drew her attention away from Maphisto. When she looked back he was gone. Due to past experiences she drew her sword and waited for the next action of the thing out there. Moving shadows and suspicious sounds made her turn her back to the wall. A shadow on the wall behind her slowly grew in size, but with nothing in front of her gave her a sign of anything present. |