In the shielded forest Kaeldra sat on a boulder thinking. Sunlight danced through the leaves causing playful rays of light to dance on her aquamarine gown. A soft breeze whipped through her deep blue hair, in the dull light it appeared raven. An old memory played through her mind; it is of her father saying “Beware of the Forest.” A smile crept on her face, and was followed by a soft chuckle. Crack! The sudden breaking of silence alerted Kaeldra, she peered around through the trees but saw nothing. From the corner of her eye she saw movement. Originating on it, spying a deer, she dismissed it, and continued in her thoughts of the past. Sitting blithely on a boulder had put her legs asleep. When Kaeldra adjusted her legs she saw not the deer, but a pair eyes staring at her from a large Mallon bush. Noticing them Kaeldra decided to move to a different section of the forest. Simply walking east, toward the sea, she left her thinking spot and the eyes, or so she thought. Later on while Kaeldra was on the sandy beach, west of the forest beach, she spied the eyes again. Being in a bold mood she decided to call out to the eyes. “Come out, I can see your eyes! Come out and let me see you.” There was a few seconds of silence before there was movement. Kaeldra thought, “It might be considering whether or not to come out”. Yet movement came and Kaeldra saw a form pop-up. He was gorgeous, elven, and duly embarrassed from being caught. Kaeldra’s mouth almost hit the sand, she hadn’t expected this turn out. Realizing she was gawking she recovered and walked toward him. “Who are you and why were you following me,” she asked in a semi-sweet voice, trying to charm him and control her anger of being followed and peeped at. “I am Gallion, of FuegoSilva.” His voice was slightly harsh, more from lack of us than of emotion. Yet the deep base which was present in it was enough to cause goose bumps to form on Kaeldra’s arm. “Nice to meet you Gallion, I am Kaeldra of SilvaMare,” she smiled. “I was following you because…you are the creature of heavenly dreams,” Gallion said as if reciting from a text. Kaeldra was taken a back, she was supposed to be charming him. The hairs on the back of her neck rose as her heart quickened. Though her blood was racing she gave no sign of what was happening to her. “Thank you Gallion, the same could be said about you”, at this Gallion’s very masculine face blushed. “But you haven’t really answered my question, tell me why you are here in SilvaMare.” Kaeldra decided to act mature and get information before she attempted other things. There was time for everything in due course. “I would be glad to answer your question, but can we talk in doors…For you see I have traveled a long way and am parched and starving.” An unlady like thought streaked through her head as he said indoors. “Ease, calm yourself”, Kaeldra told herself. Kaeldra tried harder to control herself and her imaginative mind. “Alright I will take you to my father’s home.” As she said father’s home, his constant smile faltered. Apparently He had had some ungentlemanly thoughts himself. Casually, Kaeldra smiled, exposing her white teeth through her full lips. “Why can’t we simply travel to your home, or do you still live with your folks”, he asked, hoping in his voice that they would change their destination. “No, I do not live with my folks. They do not live together, besides his house is closer and better stocked than my own is at the moment.” She couldn’t tell him she lived in a sea cave, under water, and in dragon form. Elves and dragons were probably the worst combination put together. Wars between the two have been happening for millenniums. The cause had gone from fact to legend to oblivion. First, she had to find out what his temperament toward dragons. “Why do your folks not live together,” he inquired as the two set off for her father’s home. “Oh, different styles of living, they love each other, but need their own elements.” She couldn’t tell him that her father was a forest elf and her mother was a steam dragon from the sea. That fact was libel to have her killed or punished by torture for her parents’ love. They did truly love each other and had even consummated the love with an outcome of Kaeldra. She had to grow up with the knowledge she was an abomination to both sides and would be killed if either side found out she was a half-breed. Most of the time she cared not of how one thought of either side of her heritage, but now she did. There was something about Gallion that was sending unfamiliar emotions flooding through her. “On our way why don’t you tell me your story”, she inquired, trying to keep any more possibly dangerous questions from arising. Smiling in her most disarming way toward him, Gallion freely offered a glimpse into his past..... |