High Seas

     Qule is a warrior on the high seas of adventure. It is the time of innocence, the time of crime, the time for gold in this young chaotic world. Adventure and worth is meassured by the challenge and danger in which one finds themself in.

       Seven weeks out to sea down the Coast of Lentend the crew was getting eager for action. Qule, a man known for his actions, was intensely studying the maps of Thainland and its riches. Qule’s first mate, Leop, was standing facing the wind to the south. The seas were a mysterious calm in an area known for it unsettling seas and sunken rocks. The creaks and moans of the ship made the crew quick to act. As Leop went to get Qule, the crew took out a hook and weight (to find the path through these narrow passages.) Standing at the bow Qule leaned over the railing looking at the ocean blue depths with its deadly rocks.
        “Two notches west, the rocks are too near to starboard”, with that Qule jumped to the left side, looking into the water again. His normal stature of an intimidating man gone to something more of a mystic in his concentration.
        “He has an eerie way of knowing the rock of our travels”, whispered a lowly sailor near the railing.
"Aye, matey, his memory and instinct of the sea has no match”, answered Maque, the top fighter and good friend to Qule.
                                             *   *   *
       Later in Qule’s chamber, he spoke excitedly to Leop and Maque. His face making a twisted smirk of greed and pleasure. “I figure one more day of travel and we will be at Baila Harbor, there we can figure out our next hit”, said Qule hovering over a map that showed the island of Thainland and all its cities. His eagerness and apearance matching that of a hungry wolf as his mind seethed over the riches to be found in this new land

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