Moonlight and Shadows

The light breaks and shatters my mind's eye,
Letting the brightness hurt,
Shadows are leaving that should have never left,
It hurts my eye,
It alighten's things that should have stayed hidden,
That has made me die,
That is making me die,
And that will make me die, again, and again,
The heart's love should never be scorned and if it is,
The mind and heart will hide in darkness,
To never be hurt again but the light,
The light does not like the shadows,
It breaks and shatters the sercet of the past,
That has been put there in a passion
A passion that should have never been done,
A green eye seeps and destroys the mind,
As jealousy and betrale control one's soul and heart,
All for the light shinning on the shadows.

       -Anna  10/22/96
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