The Faire
The Ceremony
The Rings
The Reception

Just Us

The Music

The Video Clips

The Music

We were lucky to find a musical group set up at the foot of the steps of the Royal Pavilion. They were Jon and Lisa Butts, who call themselves Menagerie. Jon plays the mandolin and guitar, while Lisa plays the hammered dulcimer and sings. Lani Roberts, Liana's mother, arranged for Jon and Lisa to play appropriate songs while we marched up to the Pavilion for the ceremony, and then afterward as we walked off. It was a nice touch and we appreciate Lani and Menagerie for providing it. The tune they played as we walked off was Haste to the Wedding, an Irish tune I believe. The link below will play a brief snippet of the song, borrowed from Menagerie's CD, Down the Brae. It is a WAV file, approximately 780 KB, so it may take a while to download.

Haste to the Wedding

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