Chapter V
Fizban's Curse (Part II)

The companions, the wizard at lead with Jatson by his side traveled for hours within the darkening woods, with every step so increased the worries. A few hours have passed with time, and the sun settled rising a pale moon hidden by the storm clouds, the shivering light barely coming through the thick branches in cover. In soon enough the darkness became so thick that the Minotaur had to walk ahead his eyes a bit more used to the core darkness, he penetrated his way though the gathering brushes. Then finally coming upon a huge bush barrier, the Minotaur with his crude blade and Jatson's sword, they cut way through the bushes hoping that they would step outside to the mid night sky. But they were struck by disappointment.

Jatson was the first to penetrate his way through and as he stepped within the forest clearing he cursed loudly his voice echoing through the darkness. Nothing could be seen, the darkness was un-penetrable, and the companions stumbled within the clearing one after another blinded by the surrounding darkness.

"Someone torch a light in here!" Jatson ordered his senses sharpening as he tried to eye beyond the darkness.

"Light it is!" The wizard's voice faded through the dark comforting somewhat, and then with a whisper a tiny illumining ball struck out of the old man's hand and the darkness was penetrated revealing the vast clearing. The companions dropped their jaw open their eyes staring in horror, the Kender eyes more in fascination.

Around them surrounding the huge clearing were tremendous spider webs, as gigantic fearing walls, stretching fearfully from tree to tree. Jatson reached a little hand made torch stick lighting it up using the drifting light ball, and he stared down pointing his face twisting sick.

"By Paladine this is awful." Jatson lowered his torch down to the ground level revealing a stone figure carved to the ground. It was a Draconian, its face twisted with pain carved within. Jatson passed his torch over a couple of demented figures, all seemingly dying in horrible fate. Jatson then suddenly took halt as he was settled on his knee his senses sharpening as he felt Sylvia's hand touch his shoulder.

"Yes I heard it too this time." That was all that Jatson managed to say as he guessed at Sylvia's thoughts. He tried to listen intent, he heard the crawling sounds, crackling as snapping twigs, he listened carefully as the sound came closer, and all the companions apparently heard it and looked around suspicious.

Jatson pulled his sword then once more, the blade glistering against the torchlight; he heard the crackling sounds, coming closer, so close, so very close as if they were just….

"Jatson! Above you!!!!" Tik shouted as he leaped foreword. Jatson managed to hear the Kender's warning and he looked above him with warning and he saw the plunging shadow cast upon him and in act of instinct rolled back his cloak swerving around him and he rose his blade at hand watching the rising creature with growing horror.

"What in Abyss!!!" The creature rose tall, around the Kender's height rising 5 ft. tall and 4 ft. wide, 8 figuring legs stretched from the creatures sides, hairy stretching strong to the ground. A dozen of glistering red eyes reflected back at the staring warrior from within the creature's front, and two crooked jaws drooling at his apparent chosen pray.

"That is… one big spider!" Tik noted stupidly reaching slowly to his hopaak.

"Very big, spider." Feral added as she watched Tik pull his light weapon, she did the same pulling her bladed Chapak to her side. The creature pushed the companions back pulling one leg after another leading it's pray to the webs behind them.

Jatson rose his sword then realizing his situation finally overcoming his shock he maintained his stance removing his red cloak to his left hand, holding the sword firm in the other. The creature noticed the shiny blade in the warriors hand, and toying mused at the thought of struggling pray and with a shrieking sound charged foreword its jaws wide open. Jatson took notice of the creature's charge and instead of striking it with his sword arm; he gave a turn and threw his red cloak upon the creature's front as a shroud upon its eyes.

The Spider shrieked as it has gone blind by the covering shroud, and then released a even more horrifying cry as it felt the cold steel drive through the cloak shroud striking it within the eyes.

Jatson didn't hesitate in his movement; he plunged foreword releasing a battle cry, and struck straight and hard driving the blade through his own cloak striking the flesh between the eyes. Jatson felt his sword strike through the tissue, and finally make a releasing sound as it struck the creatures brain, and the squealing ended as the huge spider fell lifeless at Jatson's feet legs spread. Jatson pulled his sword out then stained with black stained blood, and he with a tilt of his sword removed the blood stained cloak and eyed with disgust the splattered head of the creature, the blood still flowing freely to the dark forest floor. Jatson pulled his glance away, his stomach tumbling, and he finally placed the cloak once more covering the hideous sight.

"Well, that wasn't TOO hard…." Tik remarked sheepishly as he turned to face the companions behind him, but his smile turned grim as suddenly the familiar crackling sound came to his ears. This time it came in more repetitive flows, that increased on and on, soon enough Jatson noticed Sylvia hold her ears shut in trying to avoid the horrifying sound.

The warrior felt as if he was trapped within an ant hill, the ants digging above, and he looked behind him and saw the threatening crackling feet landing in numbers one after another in the clearing around them in reach of the weak torch light. More and more huge spiders flowed from above in dozens stretching between the tiny Kender's height up to Jatson's own shoulder, their multiple eyes glaring at their new captives. Jatson gulped his brow sweaty, and his heart pounding hard, he pulled his sword beside him as the creatures circled him and he rose his glance and came beside the rest of the companions.

"That isn't good is it?" Feral mumbled as she watched the eight-legged figures circle them staring and pouting.

"That only depends if those blood sucking lunch bugs get a hold of us!" Tik sounding somewhat enthusiastic passed his Hopaak from hand to hand, and came to stand beside Jatson his feet ready to leap foreword.

"Well I don't know about all of you, but I didn't come all this way to die like a fly, so I'd say get ready to protect yourself, Bull-Boy, I hope you can cut through flesh as well as you can cut through the shrubs with that crooked blade of yours, and the rest of you, well. Take cover!" Jatson shouted his last orders, and then with a dangerous leap he ran foreword waving his sword in an arc.

The warrior's action brought the spiders who weren't quite ready for that reaction, to break their circle entrapment and with that the circle of the companions broke as well as a new battle raged on.

Jatson managed to penetrate through the circle drawing the first spider in his way down with a drive of his sword, he turned his blade keeping low striking another spider down driving the blade with a slash chopping its side to bits rolling it on its side.

Tik seeing Jatson break forth did the same, and as the spiders drew their attention side ways, he rolled quick under one spider's belly and with a drive he pulled a tiny dagger slashing the soft belly from underneath. The blood washed upon the Kender as he managed to roll away from the spider that tumbled upon him, he then noticed the little light ball that the wizard cast earlier, drifting through the clearing, and with himself leaping on top of the hairy eight legged creatures.

As the Kender came upon the illumination of light, he felt the certain heat driving through it, and with a quick sling of his Hopaak he caught the ball in his sling and shot it directly at the open jawed spider that crept behind him.

The spider was struck by the speeding light ball, and as it struck him it melted his eyes driving him insane and tumbling it tripped over its own feet and fell right on top of the light ball. The spider fell and released a last cry, and with the falling impact upon the light ball, fire struck and the spider lighted up as a torch, spreading a blasting light through the clearing. The sudden blasting fire setting took the spiders by surprise as they froze struck by blinding light, giving Jatson an easier chance to strike them down with his sword.

With each creature that dropped its brethren swarmed upon it feeding upon its wounds, in barbarous fashion tearing the dead apart limb from limb.

Tik watched with disgust and awe the creatures devour their dead, he smiled slightly then at the effect the burning fire he struck, and his attention soon drifted as he heard Feral's voice from beyond, and dodging the hairy drooling creatures he strolled foreword to help her. Feral herself wasn't managing well, she wasn't used to fighting in the dark, and the spiders were nothing like the goblins she struck at the inn. She waved her Chapak madly the bladed sides striking at times, she chopped the spider's feet that tumbled them down and almost driven, she struck under the spiders slicing their sides the blood staining her tunic. She only injured most, and that only drove the creatures' madder, as the numbers kept coming upon her.

Feral found herself quickly dazed yielding her bladed weapon in mad arcs with no real accurate results, and her chances began to overcome her as she felt herself loosing grip of her weapon and strength leaving her.

Then Tik appeared bouncing and dodging the creatures, causing confusion amongst them as he finally leaped above and under landing beside Feral as he struck the Spider behind her with a dagger throw striking its eyes.

"Need some help?" Tik released a weak smile as Feral only managed to nod and she saw him reaching his Hopaak foreword in offer. Feral wondered at that, and then she recalled the Catapult games they used to play in Kendermore as children, her and her brother, and she realized what Tik was trying to do, and with a slight hand she took hold of the Hopaak's end.

Tik then full force pulled his Hopaak launching Feral into mid air straight into the spider behind him, and then driving himself foreword hi managed to dodge the spider in front of him that tried to pin him with one of its feet. Tik then using another one of his daggers managed to chop the hairy stretching leg off, and then he held the dagger up, piercing the creature as it fell with full force upon the Kender. The launch was high enough as Feral found herself driven straight toward the spider's drooling jaw, and she drove her Chapak blade first with the force of Tik's pull straight into the creatures mouth, and with the force of her landing, so did land the nasty creature.The spider fell lifeless in form at Feral's feet, slaughtered by the Kender girl.

On the other side, Sylvia overwhelmed by fear managed to dodge her way, she was armed only with her body, and her effects in this battle scenery were quite tasteless. Two spiders both were overwhelming over woman warrior in size drover her back toward the web behind her. She took a wild leap foreword landing her left foot straight on the side of the creature's head, and then with a lift she managed to leap up and strike it with her right foot landing with a flip on the ground behind her.

The somersault strong enough to crash a human's jaw, took its effect upon the soft shielded spider who's mouth dropped close straining the vines in its head and it fell dazed to the ground lifeless. Sylvia though a bit shaken from her flip didn't manage to maintain her balance and found herself falling trapped in the web behind her, and her resistance only strained her arms more. She was entrapped within the core web, and the remaining spider advanced toward her with hunger lust within its eyes.

Sylvia managed to see her reflection beaming through the dozens of gathered eyes, forming in pentagons, the creature came close, its jaws touched her face as if teasing tasting. She moved her cheek aside and her stomach rolled in disgust, as a slim figure was hanging within the web, apparently human, its bones and flesh sucked within, leaving nothing but hanging skin.

Sylvia's eyes began to water and she was sick to the core. She tried to release her foot up to strike the creature with a kick, but she was caught in the web, and her efforts brought her no hope.

Jatson was battling strong, he drove his sword through tissue and hairy skin, blood washed over him and he managed to break through the circling spiders who took a step back fearing his yielded blade. The warrior heard Sylvia's cry and blinded almost broke through feeling the spiders bite through his shoulders, he waved the sword in an arc around him keeping the creatures at bay, and then finally came upon the trapped Sylvia. The spider beside Sylvia who was examining his pray ready to enjoy his prize turned slightly hearing Jatson's cry and the flashing sword drove down on his reached open mouth slicing a jaw down. And before the creature managed to recover from its first loss, it felt the blood stained steel drive through the bottom of its head slicing through, dark blood splattering over the warrior.

Jatson released his sword in disgust from the skull base and stood up pulling a dagger from his belt to release Sylvia who was still struggling her eyes watering as she looked above in horror.

"Jatson watch out!" was all she managed to scream, but it was too little, too late, and she watched as a huge spider supported by a web string plunged down and wrapped itself around Jatson biting his neck. Jatson was shocked by the weight falling upon him, and he felt the jaws close on the base of his neck, and turning in fury he managed to pull the hairy creature off his back, but then he felt weakness overcome him, and he knew poison struck him.

The warrior gazed up at Sylvia, his sword fell to the ground tilting, and he fainted the dagger in his hand, darkness engulfing him. Sylvia watched with a cry as Jatson fell at her feet, and she then watched in horror as the spider that Jatson pushed to the ground rose and came near her. The woman warrior looked down at the fainted Jatson, she noticed the dagger in his hand reaching for her, and she pulled a foot barely reaching the shiny dagger. Her gaze was still fixed on the threatening spider approaching, and she focused hard kicking the dagger up to the air, and with a bare reach she grabbed it with a loose hand and cut herself free just in time dodging the spider that tried to strike her down.

The spider turned seeing its pray escaping, and Sylvia still trying to dodge her way looked around feverishly watching Jatson's body, and cried for help.

"Tizarus! Help me!" was all that came to mind as she rolled foreword avoiding the spiders attempt to pin her down with one of its various feet.

The Minotaur not long a distance apart he was overwhelmed by odds as a pack of spiders concentrated their attacks on him hoping for a meat prize. His strength served him to pull the creatures away, and his bladed weapon wasn't much of an effect against them, but he cut his way through hearing Sylvia's cry and finally as he managed to spot her, he in force struck his way though.

Tizarus finally came upon Sylvia, he noticed Jatson's body laying on the ground, and gathering his strength he struck the huge spider with his crooked blade, but the weapon has lost its strength and flew out of hilt striking the bare skin.

The spider turned then its attention shifted, it reached a leg trying to strike the Minotaur in the chest. But Tizarus his fury taking toll, he grasped the reaching leg and with a pull torn it out of its root, the spider releasing a cry as it fell tumbling to its other side.

Tizarus stood upon the spider that was still trying to get itself up, and releasing a final cry he drove his huge fist downward crushing on the creature's head, splattering the skull into the ground below ending resistance.

"Tizarus, oh thank you so much. You must help me, we need to carry Jatson out of here, out of the clearing, we can't fight in the open space of the clearing, we must draw the battle to the trail." The Minotaur nodded at Sylvia's instructions and with a strong arm he pulled Jatson as if he was a sack of rice, and with Sylvia in cover they fought their way barely through the clearing.

The Minotaur using his bare hand yielding Jatson's two handed sword in huge arcs keeping the creatures in bay and with Sylvia in cover they managed back through the back trail. Only a few spiders followed the two outside of the clearing, most crying with the loss of their pray, but they had another pray to hitch, and the swarming hoards of spiders turned within the darkness to clout the two remaining Kender.

Tik and Feral tried to battle side by side, but the odds took them apart, and Tik found himself dodging his way, under and aside the creatures that in irritation tried to pin the raving Kender.

Tik's experience served him well, he drove confusion and distraction amongst the spiders, as a fly in frenzy, and it drove the spiders mad. Tik noticed the Minotaur carrying Jatson and Sylvia to safety, and he with certain relief dodged his way through and a thought in his mind, he wandered where did the wizard disappear to as he made his way toward the center. Hopping then, the Kender came beside the fire in the clearing center which he sparked earlier, and with his Hopaak he shot fragments within the dead burning spider's shell which drove through the air as fireballs driving even more confusion within the spider hoard.

Feral found her own match as the spiders surrounded her, greed filled trying to trap the hopping spirited young Kender, her hair pin shining in bright crystal view into the spider eyes which gave a shriek.

The Kender girl used her light weight to her advantage leaping between the huge reptile hairy legs driving the spiders into their own confusion tripping themselves finding Feral's Chapak driving them through and through, belly slashing with their skull bases.

Eventually Feral began to feel her bones grow heavy, she was covered with black blood, and it alone had its own poisoness effect on her and her strength dwindled into a certain tiredness that over came her.

She searched for Tik frantic, still dodging the hairy feet and splintered jaws, she called out the Kender's name her eyes wandering after the older Kender who vanished beyond the creeping creatures.

Then Feral noticed the bombarding fire from above and smiled as she hopped forth calling Tik's name, but as of sudden she felt a growing shadow overcome her.

Feral tried to turn but she felt a heavy hairy foot driver through her back stabbing her shoulder pinning her hard to the ground. She tried to turn paranoid as she felt the warming sensation of her blood washing out of her shoulder, she managed only to take a glimpse at the horrible creature that came upon her. Before she managed to open her mouth to shout she felt warm webbing cover upon her, and soon enwrapped her with the poison putting her sense to a deep sleep as the wrapping web engulfed her.

Tik then after bombarding the field noticed a different spider within the midst, it was a bit bigger and more threatening and definitely thicker, and he noticed a strange fact of the creature who seemed to carry a larger sack attached to its hairy back completing the huge body.

Tik's eyes lightened with alarm as of sudden as he noticed that the spider had Feral pinned down and was engulfing her with a thickening web making her a into a bud. He strode foreword under the threatening spiders his thoughts driven fast, he tried to recall what he heard of spiders carrying sacks, and then it suddenly came back to him with a flash as he hurried his step through the swarming spiders.

"The Queen!" Tik screamed off the top of his lungs, he didn't quite know much of spider queens, or the eggs they lay, but what he did know for sure was that they probably are quite hungry. The queen or her sprouting eggs, and in either case Feral would make quite an appetizer, and his mind racing he strode through his Hopaak in hand.

Tik started swinging the Hopaak in a round arc, a whistling sound started forming, increasing in pitch with the enveloping speed. The spiders shrieked at sound, it drove them insane, some fell as the vines in their heads burst with pain and Tik finally with a brave step stood under the queen his swing growing faster and louder.

"Hey Ugly!" Tik screamed trying to draw the queen's attention as he swung the weapon in force increasing the sound pitch. The spider queen stared down at the tiny Kender waving the little annoying weapon in circles, the sound drove her mad, stressing her concentration, and she struck down with open jaws trying to snap the Kender with a bite.

Tik was ready just for that, and he completed his swing striking the lowering jaws. His hit managed to pull him to safety from being chunked by the raging spider, but no damage was done, and the spider queen caught the swinging weapon within her jaws and with closing snapped it like a twig.

Tik fell on his back and rose back up and eyed his Hopaak fall to the ground shattered, and grasping it with his little hand he stared up his eyes watering in anger.

"Why you overgrown parasite gnat brained drooling stench ball!!!!" Tik threw an insult dodging the other spiders, which still tried to pin him down.

The spider queen stared down apparently not impressed with the Kender taunts. Tik desperate looked around for last resorts feeling his strength leaving him, and he was quite unarmed except the two daggers in his boots, and desperation for once in his life began to overcome him.

But then with a Kender eye he noticed a web string dwindling from a tree not too far from him, and leaping he came to his last idea, and he ran through the hoards leaping toward the string. Tik hopped over one of the already slain spiders and with that he got the momentum using his one foot to push away from the tree, and with his hands he managed to grip the sticky string. The Kender drifted a few feet above the spiders below, leaning on the web string, and as he came above the spider queen, he let go of his hold, and fell coming above queen's hairy shelled back.

Tik, leaping from above, reached down, his hands determined to his boots, and with an agile pull, he turned his daggers out turning them in his hands two full turns and with strength struck down as he landed on the queen's back stabbing through the soft shelled back. The queen releasing a horrifying cry then trying to tilt the Kender off, but Tik kept his hold firm to his daggers and as he was dragged off he pulled the daggers with him.

He sliced through the back sack, ripping it apart blood washing upon him as he fell with a thud. The queen releasing another cry as she plunged into the ground sliced and cut, the smaller spiders starting to feed upon her flesh, the small Kender below managed to look up and with a smile spat.

"Well, who's dinner NOW!?!" Tik managed to rise to his feet dazed, blood covered him in black, and he watched the still amounted spiders crawling foreword, waiting for easy pray. But light struck through the woods, and suddenly, Tik almost feeling as if dreaming, he noticed the old wizard stand beside him his gray robes dwindling around him. The light struck the spiders for a moment, Fizar was leaning heavy on his staff, and with Tik looking up, the wizard rose a slim hand and with command struck lightning turning the charging spiders to ashes.

The crackling sounds rose again with the spiders running frantic through the clearing climbing the thick bark trees with full legs as Fizar continued to strike them down with lightning touch turning them ashes to ashes.

"About time you showed up you know! Did you see how I killed all of those, I struck them left and right, and did you see how I killed that ugly queen, she broke my Hopaak, but still…." Fizar lowered his fingers his eyes tired upon Tik's lips hushing him.

"Get the Kender girl, my boy, my power won't serve me for long, we must be going." At that moment Tik did another thing for the first time in his life, he didn't argue and he leaped helping Feral out of the web bud she was in, and with Fizar to help they carried her unconscious form within the forest path.

The Wizard struck his spells the creatures hissing as they fell with a shriek burned and scorched by the wizard's spells. Fire struck from his fingers, followed by lightning and flaming spears, Tik glared with admiration as different colors engulfed in light drove through the clearing flashing bursting upon the spiders behind them.

The spiders hissed and shrieked and screeched in awful sounds as their pray slipped away upon the path. They feared the wizard's spells and his wreathed fire, and with the striking disappointment of food they began turning upon each other devouring their weak.

Tik turned with fascination as he noticed the spiders strike each other in bites and clashing claws, but as he tried to step foreword his curiosity driving him to get a closer look. His thought was stopped though as he felt the Wizard's firm hand lock on his shoulder, and he was dragged down the moon lighted trail.

Soon enough only glistering eyes followed the two backing shadows, and Fizar carrying the unconscious Feral on his shoulder dragged forth the Kender by his side, the broken Hopaak in grasp. As they advanced the first character to turn around the curve was Sylvia who with spotting the old wizard ran forth her step leaping.

"Tik! Fizar, oh my god, what happened to Feral!" Sylvia cried, running forth as she came in front of the old wizard and the Kender her speech fast and worried washing with tears.

"Where are the rest?" Fizar his face gray leaned foreword the woman warrior supporting his shoulder.

"Tizarus is with Jatson, he is coming around from the poisoning. I was beginning to loose hope, I came back to see in I could find your… well I'm just happy your back!"

"Don't worry of it child, all will be fine now, just some rest and all will be fine." Sylvia nodded her eyes watering as she supported the old wizard in his step leading him through the trail. The wizard, woman mercenary, and Tik striding aside walked tiredly around the band and they came under the shimmering moonlight where the Minotaur kneeled attending the human warrior as he rose his glance.

"Look who I found Jatson!" Sylvia tried to kneel by the warrior, and the wizard behind her leaped down laying little Feral her head on a log. Jatson as of sudden, even through his weakness, he rose with a strike grasping a dagger from his belt, going past Sylvia charging strong into Fizar. The old wizard didn't even do as much as raising his shoulders as he was charged to the ground pinned by the warrior dagger to his throat.

"You knew of this didn't you!?!" Jatson spat his elbow resting on the old man's chest as Fizar's marble staff struck the ground chilled as steel.

"Before I kill you wizard, answer me! Why? Why did you leave us to die there?!?" Jatson felt the fever overcome him, his vision was blur, only driven by his anger he managed to keep focus upon the pinned wizard who stared up blankly.

"Let go of him Jatson," the warrior felt the familiar comfort as Sylvia placed her hand upon his shoulder, and his mind fell in certain ease still dagger fastened upon the wizard's neck.

"Let go of him Jatson, he saved the Kender, you can let go now." Sylvia persisted, her voice soft reaching the warrior's mind through the mist of fever and madness, and his muscles reposed as he pulled the dagger back falling against the thick tree for support.

Fizar rose hardly, the Kender rushing beside him helping him to his feet. The wizard coughed hard holding his chest as he reached down raising his staff to lean and he turned then tumbling to face the companions who stood beside Jatson at care.

"Well now that you are quite done warrior, if your mind will take rest from proclaiming nonsense, I might tell you what happened." Fizar coughed easily clearing his throat and once more addressed the staring company.

"I understand you can not trust me, but I did not lead you to die, I did not know of any of this, these creatures were only a rumor, I swear it. And as for my actions, well maybe this will explain a bit better…" With this Fizar reached to his side and pulled a leather bag which was tied to his waist and tossed it weakly to the ground between him and the companions. Tik seeing the thrown package was as always driven by curiosity in instinct pulled forth to reach for the leather bag but pulled away with a sway in disgust.

"Ewwww…." Tik screeched as he the leather bag dropped open and tiny crackling spiders each the size of the Kender's fingernail; they crawled in hundreds like ants from within the bag finding the comforting sheath of shadow.

"Wha.. What is that?" Sylvia managed to gulp as she pulled away; the Minotaur drove his huge feet stepping on the tiny creatures squashing them with large numbers. Within the bag a cocoon of spider eggs revealed spreading and popping, spiders hatching by the second crawling into light and striking the bare floor taking hide in the bushes and brushes around them.

"That my lady, is a spider nest egg, and a human's head in its base for these little critters to feed upon hatching." Sylvia held her stomach in disgust nearly retching as Fizar rolled the devoured head with his staff into the ground splattering in pieces.

"For your information my lady, 7 in number of these nests I came to destroy, each containing dozens of these cocoons, so I came to be quite busy as you battled your way in the clearing, now you know what I was doing, does that satisfy your anger for now, dire company? Or would you rather charge me to the ground again?" The companions didn't offer a reply, and lowered their heads.

Tik took a step forth then using his light box and sparked the cocoon egg in flame, the tiny spiders and eggs melting within it, and Tizarus rising to standing stance threw little wood shreds to support the lightning fire. The companions then circled near the fire as the moon once more took hide behind the settling clouds, Fizar took his own place outside the circle mixing his herbs, and the finally as breaking the silence Feral gave a sound awakening feverishly.

Tik rushed quickly then beside the Kender girl who mumbled feverishly and leaned beside her on a knee his gaze wondering within the alarmed orange eyes.

"Tik…" Feral whispered feverishly her eyes flashing.

"Feral are you all right?" Sylvia joined Tik beside the Kender girl who desperately gazed up within the darkness.

"Where are we?" Feral asked blinking.

"We are outside the clearing girl, are you all right, can you feel your arms?" Sylvia persisted questioning as she ripped a piece of cloth swiping it with the remaining water supply placing it atop the Kender girl's head.

"My stomach hurts, I feel like I ate some bad cabbage." Feral managed to release a weak whisper as Tik smiled humorously upon her, she returned a weak smile blinking her eyes feverishly.Tik glanced around then, the Minotaur was tending Jatson making sure his head was bowed safe as the warrior released feverish mumbles.

Sylvia tended Feral below who seemed to be coming around, and Fizar stood in his side zipping his herb soup breathing hard from exhaustion, and the Kender wandered at the broken Hopaak in his back and with a decisive step stood beyond Sylvia watching the fire behind him.

"Eh.. Sylvia, I think that I'm the only one here that isn't totally bushed and tired, and well I think it would be a good idea if I went to get some food and fill our water." Sylvia looked up at the older Kender her smile spreading weakly and she pulled the two emptied water bottles and threw it toward the Kender who caught them with a free hand.

"Go ahead Tik, and don't get lost!"

"Yea food sounds real nice, as far as it has less than eight legs." Feral added weakly. Tik smiled releasing a laugh, he straightened his hair backward with a quick leap vanished within the shadowy trees Feral following him quietly as she was once more enwrapped into calming sleep.

Thats for Chapter V... hope you liked it! and please drop whatever comments you might have in the Silvermoon Guest Book.  The story follows on to a more peaceful interlude as coming to Chapter VI, Greenwood Stay... hope to hear from you soon.. and ENJOY!!!

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