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Chapter VI |
It was a subtle evening in the Spirit Fire Inn; people filled it with travelers of all places who enjoyed the pleasant fire ale served with best of sweet smelling stew. |
Terk Cherfan was the gloomy Innkeeper, his business as not in since the little town of Greenwood. The Yule season in coming brought many travelers upon his doorstep, and Terk couldn't have been happier, his Inn was filled, and ale was drunk as water, aligning his pockets with gold. That evening was as pleasant as any other was the speaking of an upcoming storm alerted travelers to stay for roof cover, and the chubby Innkeeper was never so glad. |
"Sir Terk, a round of ale to table 7, and some veal as well." A little girl, waitress leather outfit lining her slim figure as she leaned up upon the counter facing the crude innkeeper a tray at her side. |
"Table 7 again? I'd think they were dwarf smiths; I'm loosing money by the second with those thirsty thieves, why don't you dip the ale in some water filling so those beggars will get their money's worth." The innkeeper giggled as the younger girl gave him a look nodding, and then turned to the kegs serving the filled table, making her way through the crowd. Terk was about to turn toward the kitchen to bring out to speed on his lazy cooks, but his attention shifted as the front door shrieked pulling open, and a windy breeze flew through into the inn. |
Eyes shifted their attention to the front, and most of them pulled down and back to their ale and business. Terk studied the characters; the first was a fumbled old man, leaning on a marbled moon staff shifting his weight for support. Beside the old man was a warrior, mercenary by looks, Terk have seen many of those in his time and they only seemed to come around in mounted numbers looking for excitement and a fight, usually forgetting which differed from the other. And the innkeeper frowned as he recognized the shiny sword at the warrior's belt, his cape running down from his back, stained and torn. Behind the warrior, was a woman, she might have been pretty at times, but now Terk could only recognize a battered and torn lady, her face was grave from exhaustion. Her cloths were ripped, banded only by ties upon herself, revealing a bit of her belly then necessary proper. Eyes through the Inn turned in certain lust upon the girl, but their thoughts subtitled with the Warrior's gaze showing off his sword by his side and the crowd turned for other luck. Beside the Girl supporting her step was a Minotaur, rising tall and strong. Terk was surprised at this, not many of the bull men stepped through the little town, and even those who did, they were usually slaves, but this one seemed to maintain a proud stance, and he walked as one of the strange group. |
“A strange bunch.” Terk whispered to himself signaling the little waitress waving his hand that he will take care of this mordacity and then turned with a grin to face the travelers. |
"How may I help you travelers?" The innkeeper grinned eyeing the tired old in front of him |
"We need rooms, and food." The old man addressed the innkeeper his eyes tired as he leaned upon the counter. |
"Well you came to the right place, we got ale and food to serve, and rooms to stay, with proper payment of course…." The innkeeper's words were cut as the old man tossed a couple of steel coins in front of him. |
"Well that will do!" The innkeeper released a mighty smile. “But one rule old man, the beast stays outside tonight, take its place with the other farm animals!" The Minotaur snorted but held his step back as he felt the woman's hand calming him back, and motioning her lips she whispered in his ear rising to her toes and the Minotaur then gave a last glance and turned beside the woman his breath calm. |
"That will be fine, once we get settled." The old man noted in reply as he noticed the Minotaur calming. |
Terk was a bit pulled aback from this odd cooperation but then only sighed in relief proud of his negotiation and stepped beyond the counter. |
“Very well. Let me show you to your rooms, you may wash up there, and then join us downstairs, the food is plenty and not a Kender to be seen to snatch it under me.” Terk laughed at his little joke but the companions only stared at him blank and with a frown he led front with the old man showing them up the stairs, the Minotaur carrying their gear slowly with the woman beside him. |
The figures made their way up the stairs, the woman stumbled wearily leaning on the banister that led upstairs, she looked back then with a glance, her knees failing beneath her and wondered at the young warrior who halted his step looking beside himself as if searching for something that was no longer there. |
“Jatson are you alright?” the woman motioned toward the young warrior, her touch as if awakening him from a distruptful dream. The warrior shook vibrantly. |
“Just go on Sylvia,” the young man motioned swaying his hand slowly. The young lady tried to motion forth looking around in attempt to detect what the warrior was following, but then met by the young man’s penetrating glance she was pulled aback and with the Minotaur’s help she followed up the stairs leaving the warrior to his thoughts. |
Finally, the warrior gave a last observant glance at the stairs, noticing Sylvia finally making her way up disappearing around the curb. He then gathered his red cape around him, and with a slow motion noticed the old wizard settled upon the counter mixing some sort of herbs in a clay bowl. Jatson frowned at the sight of the old man and with a shrug settled on the opposite side of the counter where in a hurry a young waitress was upon him. |
“Anything for you traveler?” the young gal asked with a sparkling tone, her soft feature reflecting in the inn’s dim light as Jatson glanced up at her. |
“A pitcher of ale will do…” Jatson whispered his voice cracking. A painful spasm took his side as of sudden as he gripped down, feeling his ribs and throat grow sore instantaneously, and with a crude motion he signaled the waitress away, his forehead twitching in effort. |
The spider poison was still looming in full effect upon the young warrior, and these short pain attacks seemed to only get shorter and stronger with every turn, and with a feel of a dry throat, Jatson hurried to reach for the served pitcher that the waitress placed infront of him and he gulped down the drink in yearning, the bitter liquid streamed down his throat, and soon the dry feeling was filled with a burning sensation as the young warrior felt the liquid rush to his head causing a violent brain freeze which made him drive his fist to the counter and grab hold of his forehead in pain. |
“You ok sir?” the waitress began but backed off hurridly noticing the warrior’s stone gaze and with a quick arm grasped the drink and motioned back to the kitchen for refills. Jatson caughed in a sudden spasm and felt as if his insides turned upside down and back and his stomach was forced a turn as he leaned his elbows on the counter placing his arms around his head trying to relax. |
Suddenly, voices struck Jatson’s mind, they came within the inn, a short conversation that for some reason caught the warrior’s attention, and with reaching to his second flask he sharpened his ears to listen. |
“Seems you got a full one on your head this time Derek.” |
“Blast the gods, I heard lots of things in my short life, but a Unicorn? Sounds like a Kender hunt to me!” |
“Hell! Why don’t we just grab ourselves a loot and chase after the Gray Gem, we can release Chaos and vanish the gods all over again while we’re at it!” Jatson heard the three voices, many others joining in complaint and he was dubious as to what was the discussion aroused about but in certain curiosity he settled up forgetting of his pain for a moment and moved closer still to grasp more of the heating conversation. |
“I thought you were warriors, not a bunch of diffident bastards. I’m telling you, there is a blasted Unicorn in shadow wood, and we got the offer to hunt it, that is, if we reach it first.” The man speaking, as Jatson detected, was a short man in compare to his surrounding companions, by his dressing it was easy to judge that the man was a mercenary and the scars across his flamboyant face resembled of his experience in the field, with his speaking again arouse questions until suddenly the man threw something with a noisy thud on top of the table, silencing the people around him. |
It was a bag of steel coins, they cluttered in a piercing ring upon the table and all eyes turned wide at the lot upon the wooden board. |
“By Gilian’s wit! How many is in here?” a man, wide in figure, but also wide in muscle, he slipped the coins through his full fingers, the ringing coins reflecting in greed full eyes as they rang back upon the table as raining pebbles. |
“Try counting to a nice fifty flab boy.” The crowd released a short laughed which shortly ended |
“And imagine double coming along with that when we come back from our little task.” With that comment everyone’s eyes widened and a commotion began with new raging arguments. |
“A hundred steel coins for us huh, still aint worth venturing into Shadow Wood with those damn Centaurs there.” |
“Oh, you got it all wrong, not a hundred coins for us all, it’s a hundred coins a HEAD!” the commotion suddenly stopped and the eyes shifted around to face the scared fellow who stared back a mischievous grin upon his face. |
“A HUNDRED A HEAD??? Who on Krynn is that desperate for that amount, what will a Unicorn hold in stock for them that’s worth that risk?” Another man, his figure was broad in shoulder built, an eye symbol marked in a tattoo in his flesh representing his powers as a magic user, the man settled onto the table, his hair in silver color flashed back on his neck. |
“Mages, strange fellas, they want the unicorn’s horn, magical properties of some sort, but who cares, its 500 steel coins for us to share! We won’t ever have to work another day in our life!” The group nodded, all of them exchanging glances knowing in mind of the possibilities that amount of money could hand them. |
“And h…hhooww…wil..ll…we ge.eet ou.r… mo…oo…nee..y…?” a man, his face blistered and cut in burning flesh wounds marked through the majority of his face, his tongue apparently suffering burns as well as he slurred in speech and stuttered madly nearly loosing his breath with each passing word. |
“A man who takes his job too seriously!” a vivid recollection suddenly struck Jatson’s mind remembering his friend Jaxel who used to always say that. Jatson couldn’t help but smile at the memory of his old friend and he shook his head abrupt then listening intent settling on a low desk table in the shadows behind the commuting group. |
“Let that worry come to me my friend, tomorrow, we go onto a hunt!” |
“To the hunt!” a voice echoed and the group followed with him raising their ale mugs high in the air, splashing with roaring conversation and blasphemy drinking. |
Jatson leaned away on the counter now, he barely caught his breath, feeling as if a boil was tearing within his chest, his mind raced trying to analyze what he just heard, and with a hard breath climbed onto a seat reaching a hand for another drink. A sudden shadow then climbed beside the young warrior, just as he put his pitcher down the figure reached around him placing skinny shuddering fingers on the side of his shoulder for leaning while placing a strange mug in front of him. |
“The fever is still upon you my boy, try this, will feel like an iceberg slicing into your stomach, but at least will take the heat down.” Jatson wondered weakly at the old wizard who used his shoulder to balance his old bones in standing, the bowl below him released steaming smoke which surprisingly had no scent at Jatson frowned pushing the mug away again his head clutching in pain as he turned to face the wizard. |
“We need weapons.” Jatson said finally after thought in a pinched tone, avoiding the wizard’s gray penetrating eyes. |
“Why of course we do.” The wizard replied with a smile reaching for his staff which magically seemed to flash into his hand in a breeze. |
Jatson rose and fast caught his chest falling back to his seat, the wizard not moving an eye from the breath taken warrior. |
“Drink the liniment I prepared for you my boy, we will soon be fit to journey again, I have an old friend in this town which I’m sure could be of assistance, I’ll take care of the weapons, I’ll find the Kender as well, you just make sure you get better.” Jatson sighed and didn’t answer the old wizard but instead in a hard pull he moved the strange brew to his lips and eyed the wizard intent as the old man smiling leaning on his staff vanished behind the swinging doors. |
****** |
“Tik wait up!” Feral, as always cheerful, followed behind her Kender friend, the poison effect has already dwindled and passed by her and she felt rejuvenated and actually put in note to herself to ask Fizar later for some of that sweet cold tasting brew. |
“Eh Tik, when Sylvia told us not to move out of sight, are you sure walking two blocks down the street qualified in the directions?” Tik lifted a brow at this and paused looking back at the fiery Kender girl who followed beside him. |
“Well, I think the directions were misgiving if you’d ask me, but if you think about it, I’m sure that from the upper levels of the inn you can see the whole city, so practically we wouldn’t be moving out of their sights. Besides, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if we explored the city a little bit before supper.” Tik smiled brightly at his remarks, and Feral only looked at him oddly considering the Kender’s approach to the matter, but was soon shifted in attention as she had to race down the street to once more catch up with her older friend. |
“Gosh, wait for me you brat!” Feral boomed down the street as Tik slipped into an ally. |
With Feral finally turning around the Corner, her red hair gleaming, she opened her mouth wide and her eyes sparkled with curiosity. |
“A marketplace!” Rows and rows of sale booths and stands stretched through the short ally, almost as if they totally shifted from the silent and calmly town into Phantalas itself. The sales men shouted their ears in conception and followed with that were raging arguments amongst merchants as for stock and sales. Feral quickly detected Tik and grasped at him landing beside the older Kender. |
“Now this is a place of my liking!” Tik smiled broadly, Feral still fascinated studied the small spaced market with interest. |
“Wow Tik, this is awesome, they have so many things here, look! Someone selling shiny stones!” Feral exclaimed pointing while pulling on Tik’s shoulder. |
“Eh… so?” Tik resorted looking at Feral oddly. |
“Oh shut up! I want a pretty stone!” |
“What for the sake of Sastun do you need a stone for?” Tik persisted questioning |
“I want a pretty stone! Won’t you get me a pretty stone?” Feral gave a weepy look at the Kender, and Tik sighing his eyes still blinking could not help but smile at his younger companion as he set across the crowd. |
Tik wondered solemnly through the crowd. No one seemed to notice the little Kender, and even less cared to do so. Finally Tik came upon a counter, many stones lay there in silken shreds that held them in reflection to the weak sunlight yet beaming through the ally. Tik wondered fascinated at the colorful stones, some which changed in color due to light reflection, but the Kender’s attention was shifted momentary as someone bumped into him from behind. |
“Hey! Watch where you’re going…” Tik began to say but he shut his mouth noticing the figure racing into the shadows. It wore dark and heavy cloaks, apparently to hide its identity, but it moved in enormous steps to be human, but way too fast to be any other beastly race the small Kender knew, but what most hit him with awe was the creature turning in the shadows to stare at the shouting Kender, orange beaming eyes beamed as fireballs within the darkness, and Tik noticed powerful jawed teeth and with a pull of the cloaks, two huge slaying daggers gave a glint within the darkness, and before Tik could say another word the creature vanished into the shadows. |
Tik was about to follow in a hop after the mysterious terrorizing creature, but he was put at halt as he felt a slim hand pull on his shoulder. |
“Hey! Stop that!” The Kender again began to say but then he face shone as he recognized the tall character. |
“FIZAR! There you are! You’ll never believe what I just saw,” Tik smiled in surprise noticing the old wizard beside him, his gray aging robes dragging on the dirt solid ground as the Kender set beside him in chatter. |
“Follow me Kiddo.” The wizard appointed ignoring the Kender, and moved across the ally, Tik following beside him slowly wondering. |
“Hey, where are we going?” Tik asked frantic his hand pulling beside the wizard’s robes. |
“Going to see a friend of mine.” The wizard replied shortly continuing with wide steps leaning on his staff. |
As the two figures emerged back into the town, Feral appeared back from within the valley hopping frantic to catch up with the old wizard and her older Kender friend. |
“Hey wait for me!” Feral shouted her red hair shone in the lowering sun giving it a powerful crimson color as she followed down the path to join her two friends. |
“Where were you going without me?” Feral asked in a shrill voice as she joined beside Tik, the older Kender blinking at the notice of little Feral beside him still looking onto her hair. |
“Hey! You got me a pretty stone! Thanks Tik!” Feral reached to Tik’s side belt and pulled an orange stone, which with reflecting the sunrays, shifted in color and contrast. Tik blinked oddly looking at the pretty stone, he then turned and stared onto the ally, back at the stone, and then to Feral’s face, and wondered in thought of how did the stone reach his pouch but then shrugged playfully and smiled at the Kender girl who placed the stone in her side pouch as the two followed beside Fizar. |
Finally after a while of walking and placed conversation and chatter, the three figures followed to the outskirts of the sleepy town and came upon a small house, or what seemed like a house. |
“Whoa! What’s that Fizar? Why is the strange house spitting ashes?” Tik asked pointing at the house side, which repeatedly as in perfect timing kept blowing a cloud of dust and ashes onto the garden yard, following by buzzing creatures who lifted to air to feed upon the cloudy dust. |
“Maybe it’s sick?” Feral offered stupidly, Tik looking at her oddly as the Kender girl silenced looking onto the house which again released a cloud of dust. |
“No Feral, the house isn’t sick, on the contrary, it’s making its environments healthy. See, there is a short mechanism in there, what it does is burn all the waist, trash and garbage of the residents, and then turning it into ashes it flows outside. |
“Why would you want ashes?” Tik asked curious as he approached a step closer to the house starting to study the interestingly carved wooden staircase. |
“Well, the waist feeds into the grass and leads bugs and other creatures onto the air which die of poisoning and therefore let the garden keep its posture.” Fizar finally exclaimed his explanations, both Kender looked onto him with baleful eyes and the wizard just smiled and gave a sigh as he climbed slowly up the stairs. |
“That’s really interesting, who lives here, some sort of gnome or something?” Tik asked curious as he borrowed unintentionally a number of interesting bolts from the wooden frame. |
“Not exactly…” The wizard smiled and offered no more in reply as the three finally made it up the stairs. |
“Hey look a silk string!” Feral shouted and pulled on the rope string before Fizar could react. A bell sound boomed within the house then and was heard to echo a few times till it finally dwindled in sweet melody and the door then opened and a small figure appeared at the door. |
It was a little boy, maybe 8 years of age no more; he peeked out through an opening crack at the door and studied the figures standing at the door. |
"Who's there?" the little boy blinked noticing the short figures on the doorstep. |
"Hello dear boy, were here to see your father." Fizar cast his shadow upon the door finally reaching up the stairs as the little boy's eyes widened. |
"Let… let me get him." The little boy eyes flickered mumbling and with a quick step raced back into the house. |
Tik though, growing impatient, and always being a big believer in true hospitality, believed that it’s never polite to leave a door closed to a guest. He reached to Feral's hair grabbing her shiny hairpin, and with a twist threw the door open, the lock finding its way to his pocket pouch. |
"You dropped this…" Tik smiled handing Feral's pin back. The Kender girl flashed then, and with a determined hand she took the pin back and with a another shove she smacked Tik powerfully across the back of his head, practically sending the Kender toppling through the doorway falling off his feet. |
“Let yourself in why don’t ya!” a voice glimmered above Tik’s head as he burst through the entrance. Tik looked up then, a small figure yet built wide stared upon him tiny glasses reaching down from his floppy nose stretching above a limering smile muffled in a misty light beard. |
“Hello!” Tik whispered stupidly as he released an innocent smile. |
“The door was open.” The Kender commentated and pointed a finger at the entrance. The stubby man studying the Kender apparently amused. |
“I’m sure it was.” The figure mused sarcastically. Now Tik noticed the man was a dwarf smith. The resemblance of the flowing beard and powerful legs stretching to the short arms, but there was something different about this one, the reflecting flickering eyes threw an expression Tik fell confused to, and the relaxed posture indicated of the resemblance of another race. |
Just as Tik was about to introduce himself, Fizar followed through the door, Feral dragging behind him, still attempting to place the pin back in her hair. |
“Well look what old bag of bones the wind dragged in, I’m surprised to still see you at stance old man.” The dwarf drew his attention to Fizar, and unexpectedly the two embraced in friendly hug. |
“It has been a while old friend,” Fizar smiled as the two parted exchanging glances |
“Leyr! Good boy, fetch down here will ya?” The little boy then appeared peeking down the stairs, then rolling down joining beside the dwarf. |
“Come here my boy, let me introduce you to an old friend of mine. This is Fizar Nuturius, Wizard of the Moon, and these little fellas would be…” |
“Tik Lockpicker! At your service!” Tik smiled releasing a bow staring sideways at Feral. |
“The pretty girl over there is…” Tik began. |
“Feral Sunchaser, Thank you very much!” Feral cut Tik’s introductions short as she released a mischievous smile still attempting to bolt the pin in her hair. |
“Here let me help you with that” the dwarf offered and with agility unlikely for a dwarf reached to Feral’s hair and with a finger snap locked the pin in place. |
”Wow! Thank you so much sir….” |
“Grifward Ironsmith, Smith and inventor at your service, this over here is my “assistant” Leyr.” The little boy smiled shyly as he exchanged short glances with both Kender. |
“Say Leyr, why don’t you shot the two small fellas around a bit, don’t let them touch anything. Me and Fizar would like to have a few words.” Leyr nodded at the instructions and Tik began to follow the boy, only to go back to pull Feral who seemingly didn’t understand that she was suppose to follow them as well. |
The Two Kender, led by the young boy disappeared into another doorway, leaving the old wizard and the dwarf to converse. |
****** |
“Wow, look at all this stuff!” Tik raced across the floor, his eyes flickering studying the various devices across the room. |
“So say Leyr, is there anything that follows with that? Tik, his eyes now directed toward a certain rack of leather balls asked promptly looking back at Leyr who walked beside Feral Slowly. |
“No, Not really, I’m adopted, and father says it’s inevitable that I find my own roots or live to sprout new ones.” |
“Grif? You call him father?” Feral asked now looking at the young boy brightly. |
“Yes. See, I was cast as a witch child since my parents left me and no one could take care of me, so they threw me in the river, father saved me, he taught me a lot, I’m going to be a smith one day you know, make him proud.” |
Feral then smiled warmly at Leyr and reached a small hand petting through his hair playfully. |
“Say Leyr! What do these balls do? They seem to have a trigger…” |
“NO! Don’t touch!!!” Leyr began to shout in attempt to stop the Kender but was too late. |
A cloud of black smoke exploded around Tik, Feral and Leyr barely managing to pull back as the smoke cleared. |
“Smoke trap.” Leyr commentated as he watched Tik’s tiny figure cough and choke on the thickening yet clearing smoke. |
Tik then appeared, his face was black as a coal miner’s, the only thing to differ were the Kender’s wide eyes, blinking round in confusion as Leyr held back a laugh. |
“Awwwww….. You look so cute!” Feral giggled cooing and Tik blushing red to his ears reached to his backpack pulling a small towel cloth to cover and wipe his face. |
Both Leyr and Feral burst laughing and Tik then peeking within the towel threw the piece of dirty cloth straight on Feral’s face causing her to stumble and fall straight on her behind, Tik releasing a laugh. |
“HEY! That’s my towel!” Leyr said then confused and all three fell tearing laughing. |
“So, mind me asking, what does Grifward mean?” Tik released a question as the three finally made their way into the kitchen, Feral still attempting to wipe her leather breaches from the dusty floor. |
“It means ‘Thinker’.” Leyr commentated simply, both Kender exchanging glances. |
“Thinker? Is your father a gnome?” Tik imposed a question, Feral smacking his shoulder for the rude inquiry. |
“No, not exactly, he’s half gnome, half dwarf smith.” Leyr replied shyly, the Kender again exchanging glances. |
“A real fixer upper.” Tik giggled, Feral looking at him oddly as he silenced with Leyr smiling proudly, leading them from the kitchen to another wide room filled with metal and iron devices laying about with well jotted plans. |
“Say what’s this?” Tik’s voice inquired as he stepped down the hall his eyes on a iron built device. |
“that’s a slinging machine but I wouldn’t touch…..” But again Leyr was too late and a spring releasing sound tore through the air followed by a loud shattering of glass. |
“Oops…” A whisper came about. |
“It wasn’t me!” Tik said defensively then pointing at Feral whose eyes blinked and widened her mouth dropping open. |
“I DID NOT!” Feral yelped angrily and couldn’t help but chuckle at Tik’s innocent smile, Leyr joining her with a giggle. |
“What do you need a slinging machine for anyway?” Tik asked finally, observing over the broken machine. Leyr shook his shoulders in reply. |
“Here, let me show you how easy it is.” Feral pulled Leyr’s hand and her eyes glowing as she shifted into her hand a simple wooden sling. |
“Hey! That’s mine!” Tik began, only having Feral ignore him as she took position beside Leyr stretching the tiny sling in her hand. |
“It’s real simple, all you do is stretch, focuse behing the target, pull shoulder, and shoot!” Silence came with the stone penetrating through the air, finally breaking with a loud shattering sound of yet another busted window. Both Tik and Leyr turned surprised horrified glances from the split window back to the Kender girl who only returned and innocent look, stretching a tiny smile. |
“I thought that one was the already broken one…” Feral offered a shy smile, Leyr looking at her oddly as Tik shook his head solemnly holding back a laugh as he pulled the sling out of Feral’s surprised grip. |
“All right, now you try it, I doubt there are anymore windows to break now, thanks to Feral.” Tik smiled as he placed the sling in Leyr’s tiny grip. |
“Hey! That was mean!” Feral cried, but no attention was given as Tik focused Leyr’s shoulders and balance. |
“All right kiddo, just hold it back, keep steady, focus behind a target and sho….” But before Tik managed to finish his instructions the sling rang abruptly releasing a irritating snapping sound as it released the stone in powerful force. |
All three characters watched the stone fly swiftly through the tiny room, and with the strike of a needle Tik watched with growing horror, Feral yelping, as a huge double shelf, carrying various glasses, containers, pouches and devices collapsed loudly shattering into the floor. Shattering and eclipsing sounds boomed loudly to the ear as the different flasks and powders released a midst of colorful smoke into the air. |
“That’s not good.” Feral pointed out stupidly as another explosiong sound struck her ear, a purple shiny sparkling cloud rising within the enclosed room. Leyr paniced ran across the room opening every window and opening he could find trying to let the smoke out through the tiny openings, his face covering with dark powder which made him sneeze abruptly. |
“Eh…. Maybe we should go outside to practice.” Tik gave a suggestion in a breaking voice, Leyr could only sneeze in return, followed by Feral who began to giggle at the rising smoke which still shifted in color. Then leading outside, the three characters emerged frantic into the moonlight, orange smoke following them into the night air. |
****** |
“So, what brings you upon my door step old friend?” Grifward Ironsmith, although dwarf in character had a sympathizing hospitality feature and a curious nod of reason in his eyes as he watched the old wizard settle into a seat, his staff loomering about. |
“I’m in need of your assistance.” Fizar said simply, observing the Hill Dwarf offer a flask of tea as he set himself to sit in front of him. |
“Well, now a days it seems every dolt needs my help with those rampaging roads open. What do you need?” Fizar smiled slightly his friend’s ferocity and pulled a zip of the offered tea as he watched out to the moonlight. |
“I’ve come upon a new group of companions, it seems we will take our journey eastward into Shadow Wood, I have a little intention of purpose to be served there, we will need weapons.” |
“Shadow Wood?!? What nail have you knocked loose this time?” Grifward spat at the mentioning of the Centaur dwelled woods and homeland. |
“Lets just say I have my reasons.” Fizar replied with a whisper still looking out the window to the reflecting moonlight. |
“I bet you do! As always..” Grifward returned, hardly hiding the sarcasm in his voice. |
“Does this ‘Group of companions’ even know who you are?” Grifward persisted in question noticing the wizard motion his concentration from the window back to him at the mentioned question. |
“They will know when the time is right.” Fizar motioned uncomfortably exchanging glances with the dwarf. |
Suddenly a tiny explosion sound reached the ear, and Fizar sharpened his sense trying to detect the noise source. |
“Smoke bomb.”” Grifward sighed slowly recognizing the noise, not even bothering to move as he watched the Wizard settle back in his seat. |
“From all the rats and Gully Dwarves on Krynn, you had to bring two Kender into my home, may Reorx save me, what kind of a friend are you anyway.” Fizar smiled gloomily at his old friend’s sarcastic humor who stressed a look within beady eyes also releasing a smile. |
“So, to business, your in need for weapons…” Fizar came to answer the acquired question but was cut short by the sound of a breaking window. Both friends exchanged glances, Grifward shaking his head irritated but didn’t motion as the wizard once more shifted his eyes to the dark night. |
“And again… what kind of weapons would you be in need of?” Grifward asked, but then noticed that the Wizard as if barely heard him as he watched out the window into the moon shining night. Grifward stood up then, and with a slow step came beside the wizard. |
“You still see her don’t you?” Grifward asked awkwardly as he watched out the window as well, noticing beyond the outskirts a huge soaring owl which shone back a look onto the house as two bright stars. |
“Yes, she’s always there.” Fizar answered with a whisper lowering his head. |
“You realize that you can’t hide who you are from this group, it can destroy them, it can destroy you, your not as young as you used to be, you have to let go…” but before Fizar managed to answer, another window blasting sound struck the ear, as this time Grifward lifted a brow, Fizar knowing that the dwarf was beginning to lose his temper. |
“Your right, my friend, I’m not as young as I used to be, and that’s exactly why I’m here, I’d like you to join us, I need a shoulder to lean on, someone who knows me to give me strength.” |
“Join you??? Seems your brain has already began to decay, have you gone mad? Me? On the road? I have something good going for me in this little village, I can study, and practice my skills and trade, what makes you think I would go on such a goose chase into Shadow wood, a place which just by names makes me quiver.” |
“I’ll leave the Kender with you.” Fizar said determined, Grifward’s eyes widened in shock as he lost his tongue as Fizar gave a weak smile reaching for his staff rising to his feet. |
“You wouldn’t dare!” Grifward cried looking onto the wizard frantic trying to detect if he was bluffing, and then as of sudden a huge explosion sound hit the ear followed by dozens of shattering and breaking sounds, each widening the Dwarf’s eyes with tears. |
“You can’t do this to me Fizar, its inhumane, its cruel, I wouldn’t give such a faith to a Silver Draconian!” Grifward frantic tried to reason, and watched with dismay as orange smoke flew into the air, smelling mahogany and paprika. |
“I need you Grifward… There is no one else I can trust, these companions don’t trust me anymore then they trust the Kender, I have to do this, you know it, for Lark, and for myself, please help me old friend?” Grifward blinked considering as he watched the wizard’s sincere tired eyes, and then as he was about to give reply, a tiny stone smashed through his window, continuing in course finally shattering a vase on his table and roll at his feet as he looked aside to the now broken window which let the night air breeze chilling the tiny room. |
“I think that was a little too high Leyr.” Grifward recognized the voice as the boy Kender’s. |
“Sorry about that!” The Kender girl called into the night, Fizar now pulling his glance from the window, shifting onto the dwarf. |
“Let me get my stuff…” The dwarf sighed. |
“And may Gods help me if I don’t kill those Kenders on the way.” Fizar smiled at his old friend patting his shoulder in gratitude and Grifward once more watching to his broken window disappeared into the next room, Fizar one last time looking onto the silent night, nodding at two flicking star shiny owl eyes. |
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Chapter VI comes to a close, hope you enjoyed it and please continue to Chapter VII, Shadow Pursuit.(Still under writing process) Please leave your comments in the Silvermoon Guest Book, and hope you come again... ENJOY!!! |
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