This is my new toy. It is a Craftsman 5 horse rear tine tiller.
I am trying a method of growing tomatoes on string suspended on a cable between two posts. Also my beans are being grown in this fashion.
My fancy sunflowers did not develope.
My Kentucky pole beans did not perform well. The pole limas are growing well, but not filling out yet.
The tomato vines get wrapped around the twine. It seams to work ok but the weight of the fruit pull the cable low. Next year I am going to use poles conected to the cable. (This is supposed to be an English gardening method.)
The Hibscus bush is doing well. Say "Hi!" to Rollin' the cat
Well I got a "two for one" close out deal on the leaf rakes. All of my old ones were falling apart. I have never had a bush rake before (little one).
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