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Recent Update (12/08/99): The Inspiration section has been completely revamped. It has also been added to, and more additions to it are soon to come.

Recent Update (12/07/99): A new apology, "Baptism" has been added to the Apologetics section. As usual, the apology gives the official Church teachings on Baptism. It proves through both the Scriptures and Tradition that all sins are forgiven at Baptism, that the Sacrament is necessary for salvation, the validity of infant baptism, and that baptism is not by immersion only.

Recent Update (11/25/99): The apology on salvation has been significantly improved, edited, and added to.

Recent Update (11/25/99): Apologetics page has been revamped.

Recent Update (10/23/99): Apology on the Papacy has been modifed, bettered, and added to.

Recent Update (10/18/99): Apology "The Particular Judgment" has been added to the Apologetics section. This apology includes extensive Biblical and Patristic proof for the doctrine of the Particular Judgment, and also puts special attention to refuting the claims of soul sleep and modern doctrines and forms of reincarnation.

Notice (10/17/99): The apologies "Who is God?" and "Definition of a Christian" have been temporaily taken offline. They will be improved and reformatted and put back online within 2 weeks. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Recent Update (10/16/99): Apology on the Sacrament of Confirmation has been written and added to the Apologetics section. The apology includes, as usual, Biblical and Patristic evidence for the validity of the Sacrament of Confirmation, as well as information about the effects of Confirmation and its momentary confusion with the lying of hands in Holy Orders.

Recent Update (9/26/99): Apology on Sola Scriptura vs. Sacred Tradition revised and improved.

Recent Update (9/16/99): Apology on Purgatory has been redone, reformatted, improved, and exapanded. It is now available under the Apologetics section.

Notice (9/14/99): Apology on Purgatory has been temporarily been taken out of the Apologetics section. It will be completely rewritten, formatted, and improved, and will be available again within two weeks. I apologize for the inconveniance.

Recent Update (9/14/99): Apology enititled "Indulgences" has been added to the Apologetics section. The apology defends the validity of the doctrine of Indulgences, giving loads of Biblical and apologetical evidence to reinforce the teaching of the Church. Also dispells a number of myths that have arisen over the ages concerning indulgences and their historical use.

Recent Update (9/9/99): Added two new message boards to the site! One is specifically for Christians, and the other is about this web site and web site design in general. If you click on the "Message Board" button, you will be brought to a page in which is a list of three message boards and descriptions of each.

Recent Update (8/30/99): Wrote apology on the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Published to the Apologetics Section. Includes Biblical, patristic, and ecclesiasitcal proofs for the Sacrament of Extreme Unction.

Notice (8/17/99): Vacation. Gone until the 27th. I apologize for any inconveniences.

Recent Update (8/14/99): The apology on "Salvation" has been modified to include more Biblical evidence for the importance of merit, as well as a more detailed explanation of the importance and purpose of belief.

Recent Update (8/12/99): The Hard Evidence section "The Divinity of Christ" has been added to the Hard Evidence page. I seriously suggest this apology as reading for any non-Christian. It is based upon historical records of Christ's life, including and mainly upon pagan and Jewish sources. The apology proves that Christ actually wrought miracles, and actually rose from the dead. Evidence is given for Christ's power over all aspects of nature, thereby exalting Him to the status of a deity.

Recent Update (8/6/99): I redid the Links page. It now contains a rather comprehensive index of Catholic doctrinal sites & pages. It has been made user friendly, and is excellent for quick, organized navigation.

Important Notice (8/4/99): I wish to apologize for the dire latency of the Hard Evidence section, "The Divinity of Christ." I have been working on it, and am trying hard to get it done for you soon. Unfortunately, I have been somewhat restricted on time limits lately. Thank you for your patience.

Recent Update (8/4/99): Added an abundance of material to the "Papacy" apology in the Apologetics section. The additions include patristic evidence for the Papacy and infallibility as well as more Biblical apologetics for the doctrine of infallibility.

Recent Update (7/19/99): A new essay, "The Existence Of Christ" has been added to the Hard Evidence section. It proves the existence of Jesus Christ of Nazareth using ancient pagan and Jewish records to back up the claims of Christians.

Recent Update (7/18/99): Full apology on the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the Real Presence has been added to the Apologetics section. The apology shows the evidence of the Eucharist and the Real Presence from Scripture, the Early Church Fathers, and even miracles. Portrays the undeniable Biblical Evidence that Christ is actually present in the Eucharist. The Early Church Fathers are shown to affirm the doctrine of the Real Presence.

Recent Update (7/17/99): Revamped Apologetics Index Page, Registered Page with CatholiCity.

Recent Update (7/12/99): Full apology on the Catholic Sacrament of Reconciliation has been added to the Apologetics page. This apology proves the need for a Christ-instituted Sacrament for the forgiveness of sins against both God and the Church. Shows the full Biblical support and proof for the Sacrament.

Recent Update (7/11/99): Apology on Salvation has been heavily modified and completed.

Recent Update (7/9/99): Temporary Apology on Salvation added to the Apologetics section. Entitled, "Salvation: How to Get It and Lose it." This apology will be worked on heavily in the near future. It deals with the necessities for Salvation and how Salvation can be lost through mortal sin. Also describes and explains mortal sin itself as well as sanctifying grace.

Recent Update (7/8/99): Chat Room added. Button has been posted on all Navigation bars and Front Page.

Recent Update (7/8/99): Hard Evidence Section, "The Existence of God" was published and is now available at the Hard Evidence page. Hard Evidence index page was also slightly modifed. "The Existence of God" proves the existence of a divine being, ordinator, or higher thinker. It was written from a purely logical and scientific perspective, intended for non-believers. It discusses the Traditional postulates for the existence of God and refutes their objectors.

Recent Update (7/8/99): This page, the News and Updates section, was added to the site. A button has been placed on all navigation bars and at the front page.