I spent a lot of time in front of computers. Both at work and at home, although the things I do with them differ between the two places :) I am the proud (yes indeed) owner of some of the best computers ever made. To be more precise I own a Commodore 64, an Amiga 500 (temporary on loan to a relative), an Amiga 1200 030/18 MB and a Pentium II/300. To most of my friends that last one probably came as a surprise, as I don't speak highly of Windows machines. However, playing games is a main part of my life and some of the better games are windows-only these days :( Besides, I need to keep up with the 'professional' software that I can use at work.
The computers at home are in use mainly for surfing the Internet, playing lots and lots of games and doing some wordprocessing. As for the games, my favorites include scrolling shoot-em-ups (SWIV rules!), action games and adventures. My all-time favorite platform game is Loderunner (which I played to death on my C64).
When I started with computers, it was with a Commodore 64, back in 1983. Great
graphics at the time, and lots of fun games. Partly because of emulation of the
system, there are still people that have fun with the system. Back then, a PC was
just something you used for serious stuff. Later on the Amiga
started to appear, based on the 68000 chips made by
Great sound and even better graphics at the time. Although the people behind the Amiga would have liked it to be a big competitor for PC's, it's main use would still be for playing games. But even nowadays the video-editing possibilities of an Amiga remains a very cheap solution when compared to those of a PC.
At a certain point in time, the PC started to turn into an expensive gaming-console. Even more important, in my opinion, seemed to be a change in attitude. People started to notice that playing games was not childish, it became alright for grown people to use their computer to play games. And so, with the bigger userbase of the PC (and because the Amiga didn't see any development for years), the Amiga returned to its underground status.
For me the Operating System of the Amiga has always been the easiest to use. Even though the Amiga isn't very good at running games like Quake, we have to keep in mind that the system is quite old at the moment. However, it is very good at displaying the kind of shoot-em-ups I am so fond of ...
Apart from an excellent Operating System, the Amiga is also known for its loyal fans. Even when the development of new Amigas basically stopped for a couple of years, fans have still been eagerly awaiting improvements of their system, carrying on having fun with the stuff they had. And now it seems there is a future for all those fans, as Amiga Inc. (owned by Gateway) plans on developing a new machine, to be ready at the end of 1999.
And ofcourse it needs some software to get stuff going, the current
configuration being (these are programs I use every weekl, for more info on
these programs, check out the Amiga page:
FFNews 2.38 (Newsreader)
YAM 2.0 (Mailreader)
Voyager 2.95 (Webbrowser)
Miami 3.0d (TCP)
AmFTP 1.91 (FTP)
AmTelnet 1.8 (Telnet)
AmIRC 2.0 (IRC)
StrICQ 0.1371 (ICQ)
CygnusEd professional 4 (text editor)
MakeCD 3.2
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