The Amiga

aminet.gif At the heart of the Amiga-scene one can find Aminet. Aminet is an extremely large collection of Amiga programs, written by Amiga enthousiasts from all over the world. Ranging from amateuristic games up to very good Shareware programs and demos from commercial programs the software collection will provide every Amiga-owner hours of fun. Aminet is the most obvious proof of the fact that the Amiga, as a system, is far from dead for its present users. Many users surf the net using their Amiga.

If you would like to know more about the Amiga, check out these pages:

  • AmigaInc. homepage
  • Amiga Germany homepage
  • Amiga Org. homepage

    A good site containing lots of info on the Amiga in the Benelux is called Amigabnl.

    For more info on Amiga games, check out:

  • Vulcan Games
  • Clickboom Games

    For dealers of Amiga hard- and software in the Netherlands, check out:

  • Amigis
  • Barlage

    For access to the Internet using your Amiga, check out the following links:
    miami.gif aweb.gif ibrowse.gif voyager.gif

    yamnow.gif Email with the Amiga

    For Email with your Amiga, check out the absolutely fabulous freeware Yet Another Mailer (YAM). Yam offers excellent filtering options, as well as the use as folders and taglines. Besides this, it can also deal with PGP-encryption. You tell it which PGP-key belongs to what address, and it will use the right key whenever necessary. For extra convenience, use Yam2NN from Karol Bryd (on Aminet) to have Yam access your favorite newsgroups.

    Another good way to take care of your email is the commercial program AirMail by Toysoft.

    FTP on the Amiga

    To transfer files by using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), there are several programs available. One of them is the shareware AmFTP.


    There is a wide variety of programs available to access your favorite newsgroups on your Amiga. Next to solutions like Yam2NN (described above), there are dedicated newsreaders available. FFNews is a shareware newsreader, available at rbm. There is also a support page for FFNews. Toysoft offers a commercial solution called WorldNews.

    AmigaICQ.gif ICQ with the Amiga

    I found out there is also lots of work being spend on creating an ICQ port for the Amiga. The one I am using right now is called StrICQ.

    AmIRC.gif/Internet Relay Chat

    Internet Relay Chat, or IRC is a great way to communicate with other people over the internet. Contrary to email or news, your commication is live and interactive. Whatever you type, your partner will read and vice versa. For those looking for IRC on the Amiga, check out the excellent AmIRC program.

    makecdnw.gif Writing CD's on your Amiga

    For information of CD-authoring software, check out the homepage of MakeCD, the best program of this kind for the Amiga. There you will also find links to other manufacturers of CD-authoring software.


    Last but not least, there is information to be found in printed form also. No matter what state the Amiga is in right now, there are still some printed magazines dedicated to this great computer. After the recent demise of CU Amiga, there is only one big Amiga magazine left and it is Amiga Format.

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