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Stardate 53185.2


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Stardate 53163.8

Roving Reporter on Karemma

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Roving Reporter on Risa

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Contact the staff of Dateline Dominion:
Editor-in-chief Rallanah


Dateline Dominion is the only news source specifically targeting the interests of Dominion citizens and loyalists.  Tired of learning about the war between the Federation Alliance and the Dominion from the Federation News Service or that Federation produced propaganda, Deep Space Nine?  Then check the weekly edition of Dateline Dominion, bringing you continuing news from the front lines of the Alpha Quadrant War.

A new edition of Dateline Dominion is released each week on Sunday when you can find a fresh news story here in Current Articles. And check back in for Extras! covering news too hot to wait for the weekly edition.

This week in the news...
Federation Alliance shattered by Romulan surprise attack

Stardate 53185.2

Romulan, Klingon and Starfleet forces face off in battle as the Romulans  launch a surprise attack against the ailing Klingon Empire.  

"Opportunistic elements within the Romulan Empire sounded the death knell for the Federation Alliance..."



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Dateline Dominion is happy to announce an open search for artists and writers interested in contributing news stories, editorials, original artwork, or cartoons to Dateline Dominion. If you are interested in becoming part of the Dateline Dominion reporting team, e-mail Editor-in-chief Rallanah with your name, e-mail address, and desired role in Dateline Dominion. Applications are welcome from any Dominion loyalist resident in the Alpha Quadrant.

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