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Contact the staff of Dateline Dominion:
Editor-in-chief Rallanah
Breaking News

Here in Breaking News, look for news on the latest site updates as well as any important Deep Space 9 or Star Trek news of general interest which comes across our desk.

10006.29- We at Dateline Dominion would like to apologize for the extreme delay in updating this site. Unfortunately, fate has conspired to keep us busy with all manner of frightfully important, though depressingly non-Dominion related, activities over the past few months. Hopefully, we will get a chance to bring you the latest from the Alpha Quadrant soon.

10003.6-Loyal followers of the Dominion: Due to circumstances beyond our control, the reporters of Dateline Dominion have been unable to report in for several months. However, this long news draught is soon to be ended. Look for coverage of the continuing Dominion conflict in the Alpha Quadrant in the weeks to come as Dateline Dominion comes back online.

9910.16-Over the past few weeks, I have become increasingly dissatisfied with the webhosting services of geocities. Incredibly slow servers and now this irritating ad in the corner have strained my patience with them. To visit Dateline Dominion's new, pop-up free mirror site Click Here.

9909.24-Repeat visitors to Dateline Dominion will notice the new look of our front page and some small changes in the names of the sections of the site. The Database has become Current Articles and Editorials has become Episode Reviews. Look for additional overhauls in the near future and don't forget to check back each Sunday when we post the latest update from the front lines in Current Articles.

9909.05-Archives has been expanded to include information on a few of the races of the Dominion and will continue to expand bringing you background on the major races of the Federation in the near future. This section of Dateline Dominion is meant to bring you any information or media on the Dominion you would like to see. If you have a request for material you would like to see added to the Archives, please leave your request in Perspectives.

9908.24-Reviews of the final episode arc are up in the Editorials section. WARNING: This section of Dateline Dominion contains spoilers. Read at your own risk.

9908.23-New, Dominion oriented interpretations of the Federation propaganda presented as Deep Space 9 are up in the season 7 section of the Editorials. And stick around for reviews of the final chapter of DS9 coming soon.

9908.21-The first in a series of breaking stories is up in the Database. In the coming months, expect to see a new story following the development of events in the Alpha Quadrant each week.

9908.20-Get ready for a major influx of Dominion info! Editor-in-chief Rallanah has been on location deep in the internet inaccessible wilds of the Alpha Quadrant (namely Wyoming) for the past month but has returned with a renewed commitment to bring you all the news they'll let us print. In the coming days stay tuned for planet shaking new additions to the Database.

9907.13-Check out the latest report from inside the Alpha Quadrant, this time from the Breen System, in the Database.

9907.05-The Editorials section has been updated with Dominion reports on sixth season episodes of DS9 involving the Alpha Quadrant War, plus additional images have been added throughout the Editorials section. Also, look for more personalities in the Personalities section of Dateline Dominion.

9906.27-The first installment of our reports from Dominion reporters on location in the Alpha Quadrant is up. This week, hear some preliminary thoughts on the current situation of the war from veteran reporter, Rallanah, on location on Cardassia Prime. Check it out in the Database.

9906.26-Sending out a special welcome to any cross over guests from the Borg Recruitment Center. Please enjoy Dateline Dominion and try not to assimilate us... yet.

9906.24-Welcome to Dateline Dominion! After a long start up process, we are finally operational and looking forward to being of service to loyal followers of the Dominion throughout the Alpha Quadrant and beyond! Sections of this news service currently operational include Editorials for seasons 3, 4, and 5 and Personalities for both the Dominion and Federation Alliance. In the coming weeks, look for the completion of the Editorials section for all seven seasons including more pictures and the start up of the Dateline Dominion Database which will feature the real story on the Alpha Quadrant War.

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