Divine Connections

John 10:30 The Father and I are one
Cliff notes about MsDacia and her family

I am an African-American female, born April 13. In this world there is no hope or true love, but I have found something that keeps me filled with continual joy, and that is the love of GOD. Love is not a feeling or an emotion, but an unbreakable promise, a covenant. And I know that I am loved in GOD, therefore, I don't have to seek love from worldly things or from anyone else. See my life has changed completely since GOD brought Life Changers International Church into my life back in 1998. While, I am no longer a member there, I can not forget the growth and the solid foundation that I developed there. As I learn more about GOD and His Will for my life, my identity, my life has done a 180. My faith has arisen to a whole different level, nothing is impossible to me, because I believe! I am around a diverse group of people who are living life and enjoying it to the fulliest in GOD!! Then there is my Poetic Words where I have a site with some of my spoken words (I suggest you all go and check that out, for sho!).

I am the oldest of three. I have a little brother and a little sister, Tyler and Levon. Tyler is 16 years old, and Levon is 21. I love them both dearly. They both are anointed and powerful teenagers of GOD. They are strong pillars, only set to be stronger. A mighty work is going to come forth through them. Then there is Mom, whom I call Ms. Marlene, and Daddy. They were divorced for 9 years (now re-married as of 12/29/2005 - talk about restoration). As far as friends are concerned, my mom is my best friend. We can share any and everything with each other. She is so precious to me, and she is also my best friend. She has so many gifts and talents within her that everything she touches prospers. Witty inventions are coming her way all the time. My dad is a business man, holding things down for the City of Chicago. He is a mentor and inspiration to many men. He teaches them how to overcome from their pasts, and how to move on and forward with GOD.

Let's see... I also have my "tru" family. There is James, Iris, Latisha, Chris, Nicky, Ursula, Stacy, Yashica, Kevin, Lesley, and the Morris' a.k.a. Rashad and Melissa. Even though they are not apart of tru anymore, I can not forget Kendra, Michelle, and of course, Stephen and Jenny. While I started tru, which stands for "the real u" at our Chicago location at LCIC, GOD lead me to these 12 people. Recruiting them all for there God-given talent, ability, overflow of love for teenagers. We have become a family, inside and outside of the church. We grew intimately, coming to each other's aid in times of need. Travelling with one another to enjoy special moments in their lives. Dude, man, I don't think I would have been the woman I have become without them... wow, I am starting to cry!

With tru, I learned to plan major events, services, build sets, lead people, follow directions, and gain an appreciation for myself and others. I recognized that I need you, and you need me. Oh, and most importantly (like how I said that..lol), I learned that IT IS NOT ABOUT ME!!!!

I have some life changing scriptures that I confess. And I know how my life was changed; I just want to share it with others. Because when someone has a good thing, they want to share it. I attend church to serve and to receive everything that GOD has for me. Some times people misunderstand the life of a Christian, however, I am a Christian, and my life is blessed. I have learned how to live life, and enjoy it to the abundance, to the full, and until it overflow. Wow, a Christian that knows how to have fun, and not be so stiff and rigid.