Now with that out of the way.  There isn't much here, just the usual junky stuff, pics, links, BUT I got creative. hehehehehehe

What would action figures do if they set off on their own with no one to live their lives. 

The Action Figures Strike Back

Nothing Here, just another Pic Gallery.

Heho, to the Pictures

(This area will likely never be uploded don't ask me why I even bothered making a link)

I used to play the CCG, but gave that up long ago for Magic.  I still collect the cards and am trying to finish sets.  I do like to trade and even though this is lame and sucks here are the usual need/have lists.

CCG Trade



Home / Greatest Moments / The Vault

Star Wars / Magic the Gathering

All pics on these pages are copyright Lucas films, topps, kenner, lego, and whoever else.