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The Gathering

Feb 22, 1993, new footage added for 1998 re-release

Ten years after a devastating war between Earth and the alien Minbari race, an alien ambassador is attacked and lays dying. The commander of the Baylon 5 space station is suspected in the assault leading to many questions about the involvement of others on the station.

Things to watch for: Everyone involved in scanning Ambassador Kosh was quickly removed from Babylon 5 by the time the series began. Sinclair describes what he remembers happened to him on The Line. The mystery of Babylon 4 is introduced. The words Kosh uses to greet Sinclair will have special meaning in season 3.  

Cast: Michael O'Hare, Jerry Doyle, Mira Furlan, Tamlyn Tomita, Peter Jurasik, Andreas Katsulas, Johnny Sekka, Patricia Tallman

Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Directed by Richard Compton


In The Beginning

January 4, 1998

The story of the Earth/Minbari war is told by Emperor Mollari in the last hours leading up to his death. The events leading to the cause of the war are revealed in full as well as a look at many important characters from the Babylon 5 series 10 years before the station is completed. 

Things to watch for: The parts of the story set in the far future on Centauri Prime takes place between scenes in War Without End Pt. 2. Sheridan's first use of nukes to create major destruction on an enemy. An early team-up between Sheridan and Dr. Franklin and the first meeting of Sheridan and Delenn. We get to witness in detail the tragic incident with the Prometheus, the destruction of the Black Star and the Battle of the Line for the first time.

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner, Mira Furlan, Peter Jurasik, Andreas Katsulas, Richard Biggs, Michael O'Hare, Theodore Bikel, Raynor Scheine, Robin Atkin Downes

Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Directed by Mike Vejar



July 19, 1998

A giant alien artifact used by the Vorlon race to open a doorway to another dimension is discovered in hyperspace. As a science team arrives at the station to examine the artifact, it begins exerting a telepathic hold on many of the stations inhabitants. As the mysterious beings from the other side prepare to invade our dimension only Lyta holds the key to reveal what they are. 

Things to watch for: An early example of Lyta's enhanced abilities. In retrospect a rather tragic one-sided conversation in the transport tube between Zack and a preoccupied Lyta.

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner, Claudia Christian, Mira Furlan, Richard Biggs, Jeff Conaway,
Shari Belafonte-Harper, Patricia Tallman, Stephen Furst, William Sanderson

Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Directed by Jesus Treviņo


River of Souls

November 8, 1998

Garibaldi returns to Babylon 5 to meet with one of his company's black project operatives. A Soul Hunter also arrives at the station to stop the man from unleashing a dangerous force. Also, Captain Lochley has to deal with an unscrupulous businessman trying to set up a holographic brothel.

Things to watch for: Not much to see except for Capt. Lochley in lingerie.

Cast: Jerry Doyle, Tracy Scoggins, Martin Sheen, Jeff Conaway, Richard Biggs, Ian McShane, Wayne Alexander, Jeff Doucette, Joshua Cox

Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Directed by Janet Greek


A Call To Arms

January 3, 1999

A Techno Mage talks President Sheridan into acquiring a new prototype starship in order to discover plans for an attempted invasion by the Drakh. This movie introduces the Techno Mage Galen and the thief Dureena Nafeel, who would both become regulars on the series Crusade. The events of the conclusion this film also are continued in the Crusade series.

Things to watch for: The return of the Techno Mages from The Geometry of Shadows episode. 

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner, Jerry Doyle, Peter Woodward, Tony Todd, Carrie Dobro, Tracy Scoggins

Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Directed by Mike Vejar


The Legend of the Rangers


A controversial Ranger captain is put in charge of a aging and haunted starship and given a mostly untested crew. After rescuing a group of alien ambassadors from their damaged ship the Rangers must evade a powerful alien force known as The Hand. They must also deal with the ghosts of their ship's former crew.

Things to watch for: The return of G'Kar!

Cast: Dylan Neal, Alex Zahara, Myriam Sirois, Dean Marshall, Warren T. Takeuchi, Jennie Rebecca Hogan and Andreas Katsulas

Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Directed by Mike Vejar


Babylon 5 Feature Film

Year: If it happens it'll be sometime after 2005

This film probably deals with the Telepath War suggested in Babylon 5 season 5 and briefly shown in flashback in the Crusade episode "The Path of Sorrows".

Cast: Unknown, but probably would have Jerry Doyle, Patricia Tallman and Walter Koenig involved to some extent.

Written, I'm sure, by J. Michael Straczynski




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