NISSAN SKYLINE 3L EFI This is my second car and i love it especially in wet.It has a lot f power but i wish i had the money to turbo charge it.Also wanna upgrade my stereo to 3 sets of 6x9 and an 800 watt amp.Would go much better than one set of 6x9 and a 250 watt amp taht i have atm.Also i wanna put a bodykit on it and other fancy gadgets but i guess that will have to wait till i pay it off and get more money to spend on it. |
HOLDEN HQ PREMIER 3.3L CRABED This is my friends colins car.its his second car which he has swapped for a crappy Ford XE panel van.This car was a beast at one stage he cut the exhaust on it so it sounded better and we allmaust sufficated inside it because of the fumes we had to keep all the windows open at all time.He also had toilet rolls sticking out upwards out of his speakers so it would have more BASS i guess you could have called it a home made sub woofer |
NISSAN PATTROL 2.6L CARBED This is my buddy Lukes's car.He paid around 6 grand for it and i think he is still paying it off.its the only 4x4 in the whole of my group.It is also along side with mine the most relible out of the whole group.All the cars taht have been owned by my group of friends have had some mechanical problem with them well all except mine and this one . GO THE NISSANS |
FORD XC 5L CARBED Well what is there to be said about this car.My frien shane has bought it for around $1500 a couple of months back.it clonked out on him after about 5 KM.then it clonked out during the night of my lan.Him mike and chucky pushed it down the hill but dickheads forgot taht the car does not steer itself so the stupid dicks almaust hit a car.sine then he has spent around $2000 on fixing it up.Wondering where the car is now??? the conrod snaped in half while he was doing 120 in seocnd so we decided to give it good panel beating and dump it out the bush. |
NISSAN DATSUN BLUEBIRD 2L CARBED This is my first carit was good and reliblae and boy did it smoke up asyou can see.my parents gave it to me when they got their new hynday excel which is a gutless piece of shit.This car was a gun till i burned out the clutch in it doing burnouts in my front yard. Also it is the car in which i actuallylearned how to drive.its a manual 5 speed but yet i have an automitic lisence. there is something for you to think about LOL. |
FORD XC GTS 5.7L CARBED This would have to have been the best car taht anyone in our group has ever owned>it was big it was loud it mas mean and it was red.one of the engine mounts snaped because he weelied it so it couldnt get registered again unlesshe changed it which he should have.Anyway he has sold it for measly $500 odd and got him self an XE which i do not think is anywhere near as good as this beast. |
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