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The Supernova Retribution Preview Page

What?  You thought you were going to see PICTURES here...

I'm afraid I've been caught up in the jigsaw mania that has been sweeping several Trek notice boards.  So if you want to see the preview pics, you'll have to work for them...

How hard these puzzles are varies.  Lolita is the easiest, while 'Roxann, closing ceremony' is the hardest to do.  If you don't like the 'cut' I've set (i.e. the shape and number of pieces), you can change it by clicking the 'Shapes' button.  And remember Rowan's convention advice: it's not just the headliner's that are fun!

These puzzles are copyright © Rowan Green.  Please do not link to them or publish elsewhere in any form (that includes on web pages) without permission.  You are welcome to download for personal use, and to link to my main page.

Roxann Dawson

Garrett Wang

Lolita Fatjo

Garrett at the Supernova Wrap Party, Pages

LeVar Burton

Robert (Not THAT Robert, ORBies!) O'Reilly

Natalie Wood and Larry Nemecek

Jeffrey Combs

Roxann at the closing ceremony

And if you just want to go straight to the lot and pick your own cuts, here's the gallery link.

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All original material, unless otherwise credited, is Copyright © 1999 Rowan Green. All rights reserved.