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Old News

News is in date order. If you want to go to the most recent news, click here

Dec 31,99: This site is brand new – born on New Year’s Eve in fact. As such, it may still have a few bugs, not load as quickly as I would like, etc... Constructive comments and criticisms will be welcomed.

Now a quick plug for a film, made by a few people I vaguely know (but honestly, I wouldn’t plug it if I didn’t think it was exceptional). It’s called ‘Dandy Dust’, and is now available on video in the gay section at HMV and Virgin (In England, anyone know about elsewhere?). I was one of the few people lucky enough to see it at the cinema, and it really is different to any other film I’ve seen. It has no narrative structure to speak of, and involves a character of fluid gender time travelling between different punk/gothic settings. Don’t see it if you want a simple plot, and nothing ‘nasty’. Do see it if you want to be challenged and surprised.

Incidentally it also has the distinction of being (well it must be…) the only film to have at least 3 and I think 4 cast members change sex during its making. (And yes, I do mean in real life).

Jan 15, 00: First thing, I’ve now got a name for the site! Hope you like it!

I’ve already decided this site is not as ‘efficient’ as I would like, so I’ve decided to re-do the whole thing, and I’m learning HTML so I can! The first page to be re-done is The Hall Of Innocence. Hopefully the images are now loading, and I’ve put them in as thumbnails, so if you want a high-resolution version, click on them. There’s a little extra text too. This isn’t finalised; I hope to get a better graphics package and improve the background (plus do a few other tweaks).

I had hoped to do more, but flu has taken its toll. More updates soon. If you would like to be informed about changes, please mail me.

Feb 07, 00: At last I got a suitable address! I haven't actually seen the Voyager episode 11:59, but I checked Gina's site (see links) and apparently it has some subtext, so that will do!

I've been playing around with Paint Shop Pro, as you may have noticed. I will try and restrain myself from going overboard, as I do believe sites should load reasonably fast. I've got a new graphic in the Hall of Innocence I'm rather proud of. But being me I will no doubt continue to fiddle with the look of pages.

I've also gone totally mad thumbnailing everything. In most cases the original, larger image is not that different, so I would only recommend it if you want to save it. Please don't use my original graphic images on your own websites without permission. However, private, non-profit uses are fine (e.g. printing out for yourself or friends; I'd appreciate a credit in the latter case!).

I've put some new content in 'Consideration'. I've also bowed to the inevitable, and made this a Star Trek page. If I get enough content for a similar non-Trek page, I'll start a separate one.

20.02.00: I've now created an archive page for old news, should anyone want to look at the history of this sight. I will be including any special notices that are still relevant.

I also discovered a rather annoying little quirk with Paint Shop Pro. It gives file sizes for jpg's as much larger than for gif's, though I've now found it tends to be the other way round once they are saved. Yes, well, this is embarrassing, but a lot of those thumbnails I did the other week were actually larger than the originals they linked to...

I'm now in the process of de-thumbnailing them, but I've put borders on them because I liked the look. So don't panic if you click on them and nothing happens. Dawn and a couple of the others will be kept as thumbnails though.

And of course, rather than getting some new content in, I've been fiddling with the look of the site again...However I have added some new links and a Guestbook.

Click here to visit a special temporary page. (Yep, I know this is now out of date, but I thought I would keep it available for those taking the trouble to read this page!)

12.03.00: the story I'm working on is still not finished, however I've put up a short piece that I originally wrote for a message board. See under 'Stories' in the Site Guide. Other changes include additions to the Hall Of Amazons; there's now some stuff about Anne McCaffrey. Plus I've joined some webrings.

I've also being doing more general tweaking. (Yes, more fiddling with the look of this site...)

30.03.00:The story is still not finished, however I have added a little bit on dogs to the Consideration page. I've also found a better way to do the bullets and borders. Netscape users especially should find a great improvement.

I'm hoping to meet Roxann Dawson (B'Elanna) at an event this weekend. I was hoping to see 'Barge of The Dead' (apparently an episode which concentrates on B'Elanna) beforehand - it's due to be released on video in Britain. However, it turns out they are releasing it on Monday. People who have talked to me elsewhere on the web have heard me say this before, but how can they expect to avoid a black market in tapes when they make even people who can afford the videos wait for months? Of course, I can't generally afford the tapes, so I get to watch on the BBC, which is at the start of Series 5 for Voyager (Counterpoint on Sunday), and on series 6 for DS9 (No Ezri yet, and Kira and Odo just got together).

OK, I will stop ranting now!  And I will report on Roxann.

A new message board has been set up. It's called 'Sirens of Sandrine's', and it's a place to role-play and write collaborative fan fiction. It's also independent of any particular site, so nobody controls how it will develop. Should be interesting!

02.04.00: My report on meeting Roxann Dawson at Memorabilia is now available. Click here and Enjoy!

I've been in touch with the Jeri Ryan fan club about her possible visit to the UK in May. They have now posted that her management cannot yet confirm the visit. I suggest anyone interested takes a look at the conventions listing, in their page, The Official Jeri Lynn Ryan Homepage.

09.04.00 I've added some new links to the links page.

10.05.00: My apologies for the length of time since the last update. It's down to the fact that I subscribed to digital TV, so I could get Sky, which has the most up to date showings of Voyager - only 6 months behind the States. Wow! (she says somewhat sarcastically). It also has lots of repeats, plus more up to date Buffy and EFC, so I have been watching far too much TV!

It's now been confirmed that Jeri Ryan is not coming to the event I've previously mentioned. However, I'm hoping to go to 'An evening with Robert Picardo', which sounds like fun.

A photo from the event has been added to the Roxann Dawson report (thanks Shaun), and I have added extra navigation, which I hope will make this site more user-friendly. I've also added extra stuff on Trek to the Hall of Innocence (how could I have forgotten 'Blood Fever'...), and a couple of links to the links page.

31.05.00: Well, quite a bit of new stuff for you! First, I've finally got another story up. It's called 'Musing', and is partially inspired by the what I have seen of the episode 'Muse'. The longer story I've been promising for a while is still in the pipeline...

I also have my report on 'An Evening with Robert Picardo', which turned out to be an amazing night. Full marks to both Robert and the organisers.

12.06.00: I went to 'An Audience With Robert Beltran' yesterday, which turned out to be another excellent event. I hope to have the report ready in a couple of days.

Until then - I've updated the navigation around the site to take account of the new report index page (apologies to anyone who got lost!) I've also added quite a few new links to the link page.

15.06.00: The Robert Beltran report is now up. While his attitude to Voyager is cynical, to say the least, he proved to be a charming and witty man.

This will probably be my last fan report for a while, as I'm skint, and they're due to start filming Season 7. However, if my finances improve, you may see some reports for other shows! I have already got my ticket for the 'Voyager-The Return' conference in Blackpool, UK, next year. If the rumours are to be believed, it is going to be an un-missable event.

20.06.00: Inspiration has struck! I've added a new humour page; Tuvok's a Hologram! (And no, that is not a spoiler. At least not as far as I know...) Find out the truth about the crew and cast's glam identities....

27.06.00: I've added a gallery of pictures from the event to the Beltran report.

04.07.00: I finally found the picture of the cast laughing which I have been looking for! I've added it to the bottom of the Roxann Dawson report. In case anyone wondered, I haven't managed to get the original - they didn't have it at the Beltran event...

Wolf Events are saying they will be announcing the guest list for Voyager - The Return on 31st July. If rumours are true...well, lets just say I have heard there will be a lot more guests.

29.07.00: Firstly, an apology to The Sci-Fi Picture Company. Apparently they were the original instigators for 'An Evening With Robert Picardo', and invited Wolf to help with the organization. My apologies for not giving them credit deserved! Anyone wanting information about their picture catalogue, can contact them at this e-mail.

I've added another picture of Roxann to my report, this one actually taken by me (yes, it includes a little bit of the shoulder of the owner of the camera...)

I've also done my usual minor tweaks (especially to the Roxann report).

20.08.00: I've made minor adjustments to the story 'Musing', added another fanny story to 'The Hall', and added some new links to the links page. Hopefully there will be more within the next week.

06.09.00: I've added a report on an audition I took part in, for jobs at a Star Trek exhibition here in London. It turned out to be quite an event, and leads onto my next planned report...

Stop Press! 06.09.00: I just checked with the Science Museum, and the details of the exhibit opening that I posted earlier are a bit garbled. Thursday (14th Sept, from 12 noon) is the press launch only, though they will be letting people in if they are in costume. Friday is the official opening to the public.

25.10.00 Finally! My apologies to those who have been waiting, but two new reports are up! One on the 'Star Trek: Federation Science' exhibit at the Science Museum, London, and one on Marina Sirtis' PA at Pages. They can be accessed through the Reports page. The delay was caused by my script (for Voyager) taking priority. That has now been sent off, so wish me luck!

This page is part of The Borg Grail. If you have not already done so, please visit the Main Page for news and an introduction to my site.
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