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Robert Beltran, Pages, 12 May 2001

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Funny, back full circle, and just like last time I had mixed feelings going to this event. Though this time it wasn't to do with Robert. And sorry for getting on my soapbox, but this is important to me to say.

For anyone who hasn't heard it, back last November I was in hospital for three days having lost my memory of several years of my life. My recovery has been a weird ride, in some ways incredibly positive. I have a new job, which before my amnesia I'd not applied for because I thought I would never get it. So my standard of living has improved dramatically, because of my amnesia. On the other hand, it has been a trauma. Imagine the trauma of finding your home trashed and precious possessions missing. Well, that's what happened to my brain.

The relevance? Well, sometimes the memories returning can feel wrong somehow. They can be incomplete, jagged, not quite fitting together. It's probably impossible to fully explain to someone who hasn't experienced it, but revisiting past event and places, especially from last year, can be uncomfortable and emotional for me.

So, I did my preparations. I printed out a new set of web address slips to give to people (the ones I'd left on the printer the week before having mysteriously disappeared: they mysteriously reappeared a month later!) I also had a present for James. I'd done a test print of a photo of Chase: the one of her auctioning her bra (bottom left on this page). Basically I'd found that I need a better printer: the result was not good. But I thought James might like to see the photo printed out anyway.

Actually though, I had a great evening. I arrived well before the doors opened…well, apparently not early enough. People had already been waiting a couple of hours! Luckily James was one of the early birds, so when we got let in we got to choose a prime table, close to where Robert would be (though it turned out not to be the best spot for photos. Sorry). We had a few hours to wait. A couple of Voyager eps…and the chance to try and spot a few ORBies. I've never been good at names and faces, but since my amnesia I've had to cope with it tenfold. And so many faces there were familiar, I guess from various other events. I ended up asking practically everyone if I'd met them before! Luckily everybody took it as a bit of a joke. I wasn't the only one wondering where they'd seen such and such a person before…One bad moment though was when someone recognised me and I'd almost totally forgotten them. Apparently I spent an afternoon with them (and some others) shortly after coming out of hospital. I do remember it, and now remember the person, but they obviously felt they'd been snubbed badly, and I felt embarrassed. But I also felt a little angry. It's hard to be sympathetic when incidents like that mean I have to face the possibility that I may have some continuing problems with new memories as well as old ones.

Anyway, then I met up with some of the ORBies, and that was very easy and comfortable. I didn't get the chance to talk much to Eva, Freddie, Panda and Ally, and various others. But I had a good natter with Gizmo and Billinblack. Nice women.

Now, I had sort of worked out that Page's would quite likely been up to 'Human Error', and I did wonder if they'd be brave enough to show it! Well, the answer was…No! They showed 'Resolutions' and 'Initiations' two good choices, especially after meeting Aron Eisenberg (who played the young Kazon in 'Initiations') the week before. I showed a few people my pictures of Aron, and they were amazed that it was the same person!

There was also time for a few announcements: smokers were asked to indulge outside as Robert is strongly against smoking. Also details of the autograph policy. One free item, then there would be a small charge for any personal items. I checked out the pictures available: I was still hoping to get the picture of the Voyager cast laughing (yes, still…) especially since I'm hoping to see them all this summer, so it would have been great to get it signed. No such luck though.  (NB, one of the traders at Odyssey told me that the picture is only legitimately sold signed, and I've since had this confirmed by an insider. Apparently you have to get the permission of the whole cast to sell it. So I guess I won't be getting my copy unless I get a lot richer. Sigh). Luckily I had my fallback: a magazine with a cast photo…and  2 copies of the magazine with the escalator shot in it…one for me and one for a friend.  In case you haven't seen it, it shows Robert standing at the top of an escalator with his trousers down!

Finally the build-up was over, and Robert arrived. Well, everyone was saying he'd arrived… I couldn't see what was going on by the door, but apparently he made a joke of running away when faced with a sea of camera! Finally he came through though, taking the mike and announcing 'Hello, I'm Ronnie Biggs! Then he said something about Queen Victoria's Seaman's rest. He also quipped that what we called football was not 'real' football, to which someone shouted out that real football was called Rugby, which got a round of applause! It was interesting looking at the crowd during the PA: while there were a lot of dreamy, adoring faces, there were also a fair few who were not going to be easy…

Robert adjusted the lights, saying he needed more red (the coloured lights at Pages can be a little unflattering…) and announced that he didn't really want to answer questions about Voyager. Advice he should have listened to himself… He also asked for a mike for the audience to ask questions, and seemed a bit annoyed that the usual second mike wasn't available.

Q: What are you doing now?

He said, Brian, I'm doing Paris… he asked him to line up a few events.

Q: What about the Galaxy Ball?

This year, since Voyager is over, they decided to combine with the other actors off the show and all their charities. They don't have a date yet, that will be arranged by the charities. But it might be October/November.

They are all happy to leave Voyager except Kate. She may still be on stage 8

Q: About his first Paris con:

It was very nice, small.

Q: What does he dislike most about Star Trek?

He thinks for a moment, looking down. Then notices that there is a pattern of com badges on the carpet! ...Finally he said just about every episode!

Q: What does he like about it?

The money! ... He will have to think about it.

Q: If he could get the film rights what book would he buy?

Carlos Quentin, the death of Artemio?. He mentions another book by Theroux, then asked the audience if they are familiar with it. I don't think anyone put their hands up. So he asked how many had read Mosaic, and when few put their hands up for that he said there was hope! Then he added '100 years of Solitude' by Gabriel Marquez.

Q: Was doing Trek a good career move?

It was sort of sideways, because nobody watches it except Trek fans. Otherwise he would have had to audition to be in a film with Bruce Willis or….(goes on to list various stars. I think he was implying that the same people get cast all the time, and unless you are one of them you are just looking at working with them if you are lucky…)

Q: If there is a Voyager movie, would he do it?

'No way!' 'And the writers hate me!'

Q: Did he ever do anything where he wasn't killed off, films that is?

'You've seen two of my films haven't you?'

Q: Would he do Shakespeare films?

Acts sick, then grins… of course!

Q: Who did he get on best with in the cast?

Great guys Everyone except maybe… Johnny, Robbie, Garret, Tim, Jeri were the ones he had most fun with. Roxann too, but they were not always together, as she tended to be down in Engineering. Kate was there too, but she tended to be somewhere else. Picardo was fun too but only occasionally had scenes with him. (responding to names shouted by the audience) Jennifer? Yes. Scarlet spent most of the time laughing at Johnny Phillips and him.

Q: Favourite sport?

American football. (Joking boos from the audience).

Q: Did he have any input into Chakotay's background?

Only one thing, that he was from a tribe in Central America. He went on to talk about the the Southern Mexican tribes such as the Maya, who were advanced mathematicians. The tattoo was designed by Micheal Westmore.

Q: Any practical jokes on the Voyager set?

No. There's not enough time. You have to plan them. (This is a question he really doesn't like answering…definitely being a bit evasive, and splitting hairs between different types of jokes I think…)

Q: (Asked by a male if I remember correctly). Would he sing something?

Do you look like my girlfriend?

To which the questioner answered 'I could try…'

Q: Does he like SF?

Robert asked the audience, and some of us dutifully shouted out 'No!' The questioner then asked if Robert liked Stargate, and Robert said he hadn't seen it. Apparently the questioner did not look pleased, because Robert asked them 'Don't you like that?' then told them to 'Get a life'. It was pretty strong, but Robert did soften it by then blowing them a kiss

Q: What Shakespeare character would he like to play?

Apparently Robert wasn't listening too well at that point, because his answer was Captain Janeway, because she was the only character with real balls. (see what I mean about taking his own advice about not answering questions about Voyager?)

Once someone pointed out to him what the question actually was… He's done just about all the ones he wants to. He wants to do King Lear, Othello.

The questioner shouted out 'what about Oberon?', to which Robert replied 'The king of the fairies?'

Q: Would he do some impressions for us?

I couldn't quite believe this, but I think his first one was of Jeri saying 'Oh f… me', and him replying 'Can't do that Jeri… the line starts around Paramount.'

He did a brilliant impersonation of Robert Picardo as the Doctor, which he said was developed by him and Garrett working together.

People in the audience were daring him to do one of Kate… 'you don't have to work with her anymore…'

He gave us a naughty-boy grin, then did one of her smoking in her trailer, coughing her way to the stage, and then doing her distinctive gravely 'Engage'.

Q: What film has he liked recently?

'The Sixth Sense'.

Q: About the last episode, was he happy?

Endgame…No, he was not happy. (summarising here) He felt they'd tied up all the lose ends too fast. Also just re-used an old episode and called it a 'final extravaganza'.

Q: When he gets a script, how does he work on building the character? (I don't think this was actually meant as a Voyager question, but Robert answered it as such…)

He calls the writers and says can I have one more line! He tried to get fired. The writers are idiots. He used to do a mean thing… he would say to them 'why don't we just beam out of here?' And they'd say 'No, can't do that Robert…' (and give him some ridiculous reason…)

Q: You don't like the writers?

How do you say that?

Q: Does he write?

He's not cheeky enough to consider himself a professional, but he does.

Q: Is there any TV series he would like to do?

Very few. They are selling a product.

Q: Does he think the problem is committee writing?

Could be. He doesn't know.

Q: Is Tolkien his favourite author, and would he like to get into the film?

That information is out of date! He liked Tolkien when he was in school. People still send him pictures of Bilbo Baggins! But sure, he'd be in the movie.

Q: Does he remember his dreams and what did he dream about last night?

He dreams of objects…signing objects…Can't tell you!

At this point the mysteriously unavailable mike became mysteriously available, as one of the staff used it to make an announcement from the bar (I couldn't see that area from where I was…) Apparently they had someone there who wanted to ask a question…but they were a bit shy…

Robert announced (apparently surprised and delighted) that the people who'd just arrived were Chase Masterson and Lolita Fatjo. I think he was a lot more surprised than I was, since I knew they were around at various events, and I had wondered if they would show up!

Anyway, though I couldn't see them, I'm pretty sure it was Lolita doing the talking. She asked what was Robert's favourite episode of Deep Space 9. After some thought he answered that it was the one with the Tribbles ('Trials and Tribulations', good choice Robert!), but that he didn't really watch the show. Heck, he didn't even watch his own show… To which Lolita (well, I'm 90% sure it was Lolita) replied that that was OK, she didn't watch Voyager either!

They then told him they'd been sitting upstairs watching what was happening on the video surveillance camera. Robert said 'I've been being a naughty boy, haven't I…'

Q: About classic movies (I think it may have been asking which ones he would like to be in.

Frankenstein. Treasure of Siera Madre.

Q: What is he reading?

On the plane he started reading Fidelio magazine. It's a magazine of poetry science and politics. Someone shouted out 'What were you really reading?'. Robert gave us a big grin and added '…and after that I read Mad magazine.'

Q: Would he like to do a comedy program?


He's just done seven years on one.

Q: Since they are coming over later in the year, has he any stories about his cast mates, like Jeri and Roxann, so we can ask them about them?

He started to tell us about Garret having a massive crush on Jeri. But he got interrupted before he could tell us more…

Q: Is Luminarias going to be available over here?

He doesn't know.

At this point Billinblack got dragged up on stage, and Robert told us the story behind the picture on her t-shirt. Apparently it got taken in London by a very effeminate gay guy who kept telling him 'Just flirt with me Robert…'

It was time for Robert to stop answering questions and start signing, but not without a few last attempts to get him to sing. Sing what you hate about Voyager… sing to Janeway… I'm not sure if it was then or earlier, but someone shouted out that someone had their Birthday, and would Robert sing to them, to which Robert replied that it was always someone's birthday!

Got to say, a few of us were a little annoyed about the arrangements for the autographs. We were given tickets at the door, and some at least of us at the head of the queue had been given high numbers. I don't know if this was a consistent policy or a mistake, but it did seem unfair that people who'd already waited hours would have to wait again. Anyway, we weren't really that bothered: James and me headed off to talk to Chase and Lolita.

They were over by the bar, surrounded by people and apparently having a great time posing for pictures with people. It was a while before we got close, but then James' film camera got called into action to take pictures of each of us with them. They also posed for a picture with my camera (see below). Of course, one of the great things about having a digital is having an LCD display and being able to see the results straight away, and show them! Then I got to talk to them too.


I was worried about writing about watching the rehearsal the week before, as I felt it qualified as 'in private'. So I was glad of the chance to check it out with Chase. I told her that I'd found it ironic that she, as the non-Ferengi, had been the one having what seemed to me a pretty long make-up job (in fact she'd done the whole run-through sitting on the edge of the stage with her make-up being done partly by herself and partly by an artist). Turns out I'd got very much the wrong impression: Chase seemed totally puzzled by what I was saying, and when she finally twigged, informed me that in fact her wardrobe and makeup on DS9 had taken as long as the Ferengis' (3 hours) as she had to have her hair done. Bit of a surprise that!

I also asked Lolita a bit more about what happened to scripts submitted to Trek. She told me that they all get read (since she told a story the week before about one that didn't, I guess she meant that they all get read as long as they fit the guidelines), but it is by readers rather than the script co-ordinator.

Other than that we just made small talk, (e.g. about their matching outfits). Chase and Lolita also kept posing for photos at regular intervals as I talked to them. Funny, while them talking without looking at me had bothered me the week before, now it didn't at all! I guess I was feeling really comfortable with them. At one point we were interrupted by shouts of 'Go xxxx!' Chase said 'what's that?', and I looked over and saw someone I recognised had reached their turn in the queue…then had to explain what was happening to Chase! 'Oh, it's a woman who got her breast signed last year…She's come back to get the other one done.' Chase's jaw dropped! Apparently she thought it was outrageous! Anyway, after a good natter, I left them. After all, there were other people waiting for the chance to talk to them!

Yep, that's my hair...

There was quite a wait after that. I talked to a few people, took a few pictures, but there was nothing much of note happened. Finally it was my time to go up. I gave my camera to James to take a picture, worried Robert by telling him that I was one of the people who'd 'written all those awful things about him last year', (and had to reassure him quickly when I saw his expression!) then got in a total tangle with my stack of magazines. Ended up with Robert helping me find the pages and me apologising for expecting him to look for THAT picture… I'd been wondering what his reaction would be to the elevator pic, but the answer was, basically, nothing. Very cool! He signed it 'Much Love' anyway. I guess he'd probably already signed it a few times by then. Anyway, I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and James took a great picture of him. I'm in it too, but I look awful, which is why once again I'm being coy…

When everyone had been through the queue, Chase and Lolita went up. Chase gave Robert a hug, and they got a few things signed too (for future auctions I guess). Then they took the mike, and I got my camera out to take a few pics. Only to find while I'd been focussing on them, Robert had walked past. I hope he didn't find it rude of me! Anyway Chase and Lolita talked about their matching outfits: how they'd bought them in a kid's store (a story they'd already told me), and even gave their sizes (I think one of them was 6-8). Also how they'd had to come to Pages after they'd heard how outrageous it could be. (Huh? Really?!? ;-)) And was anyone going to take their clothes off or something? Breast signing not enough, hey, Chase?


Meanwhile Robert was working the room. Going to each table in turn and talking. Chase and Lolita got some photos out and did a few signings. Of course, then James had to get the printout I'd given him signed… and he even forgot to tell her I'd taken the picture! Chase and Lolita, still by the signing table, started to dance to the music. I tried to get a candid shot, but they have an incredible radar for cameras! So they started to pose… while I got in a tangle with my new camera… and they finally gave me a look that clearly said 'too long!' and broke pose. I gave them a bashful look and took a picture anyway. It felt nice having that non-verbal communication with them too - very 'real'. (Gawd! The strange things us fans rave about!)

Another interval for talk with various people as Robert worked his way around the room. As he headed back our way last orders was called, so I decided to go for my first alcohol of the evening. Then 5 minutes later they told us to drink up! They also announced that Robert was leaving, but he wasn't about to take the hint. By the time he got to me, he was obviously very tired. I told him I regretted not getting to ask some questions…He looked like he was trying to come up with a good excuse, so I took pity and said 'Maybe next year…' He also posed for one last picture. It's not the best I've seen of him, but I was grateful to him for making the effort when he was obviously totally beat.

Anyway, then I headed for a vegeburger and the tube with a small group. The drink I'd had had hit, and I wasn't the only one slightly tipsy. We indulged in some pretty scurrilous speculation, which I will definitely not be reporting! We were listing which Star Trek stars we'd met, and I pointed out that they'd missed out Chase and Lolita. Their reply was pretty much, 'Oh, they just feel like friends now…' and I've got to agree. That's the way I'd begun to feel with them too. It's sort of weird that in a way I've always wanted to get close to these people going to these events, meet them as real people, but now I realise that getting all star struck is kind of a buzz, even if the resulting photos are deeply embarrassing… But though it took me a while to work out what to make of them, it's also a buzz to meet people like Chase and Lolita who seem to really enjoy hanging out with the fans. I can't wait to see them again.

One last picture...

As for Robert, I was less bowled over by him than I was last year. I was more aware of the fact that to me it looked like he was tired, and not enjoying the night as much as it looked on the surface. Also regarding him and Kate: last year he said a few things that in my opinion got misread. He also made a point of saying him and Kate were good friends, and I saw no reason to disbelieve him. But this year it did seem that he really has fallen out with her. I think it is since his last Pages visit, and I truly hope they can make up. Someone said to me that maybe they have a love hate relationship, and maybe that's true.

So, I feel I was probably a bit more objective this year. I'm not sure I'd get on with Robert if I was around him all the time (look, someone who can't appreciate SF? Enough said!) But my opinion of Robert hasn't really changed. I still enjoy his humour, respect his honesty, and feel that he genuinely cares for his fans. Even if I'm right, and he was putting a bit of a brave face on it at times, it doesn't alter the fact that he made the effort to go round and spend time with every person there. He doesn't patronise his fans by bullshitting them, but at the same time he really goes that extra mile to show he appreciates them. Thanks for a great night Robert!

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