The New 1999

(- 1 9 9 9 -)

The MSN Gaming Zone []

The American Red Cross [not just for 9/11]


1999 News [stuff that just happened]

 » Thursday :: 12 February :: 2004
      Hi. My name is doom juice. It's very nice to meet you. No, actually it's me, Vakky. Just thought I'd say hi, wish you all a very belated happy new year. Hey, it's been exactly 1 year and 11 days since I last posted... oooo, spooky. If you're spooked by repetitious digits. I'm not, so that's fine. But it's still a shame that I've left this site so updateless and stuff. But now it's time I changed all that. Ladies and gentlemen, we are reviving 1999 once again!! We shall rise to the pinnacle of greatness among the 200 people playing Age of Empires nowadays! Then we will become rich and famous and buy 5000 cars that were manufactured in 1776, and drive them around going "ciao." No, I'm lying. We aren't reviving 1999, but all of that would so happen if we did. Frankly, the world's seen quite enough of 1999 and its revivals. Of which there were... hmm, three and a half, I think. The half was the last one, which never actually happened. It was planned, but was never executed, thus it was a half-revival. And that would be the cause of this website's decrepitude.

    Anyway, I just wanna tell you all that I love you very much (Darth Maup also says hi). And if you wanted to send me money, I would not object in the least. Or food, for that matter. Go forage some berries for me and hook me up, please. In the meantime, long live the long dead Age of Empires. Oh, and do sign up for fantasy football next season. It roxxorz joor boxxorz. Put that in hacker-type in your mind, I'm too tired to do it myself. And when the drama had reached its end, naught but dust was left, fated to drift aimlessly in that cell for all time.

 » Friday :: 13 December :: 2003
      Well today was kind of different. Saw me some shooting stars and such. Same old. Murph's wasn't that bad tonight. The band playing Pantera covers was a lot better than you would expect. Windy as usual, but oh well. Than damn SOCOM II is madly addicting though. Fixin to spend another 7 hours of killing and dying online here in a minute. I'm EL Dude T just in case you're ever on and bump into me. Callin the Bengals 26, 49ers 7 right about now. The SEGA simulation is rarely off by more than a few points. So ya'll take it easy. And just remember that the 1999 Fantasy Football season kicks off in July. So start assembling that dream sheet. Aites.
 » Friday :: 24 January :: 2003
      Hey everyone, you probably havnt seen me around here for awhile. Well lately I've been playing again and bouncing around from clan to clan. I'm thinking of restarting up this clan again in Aoe because of such a great clan it was. Just wanted to get your permission first and maybe if i could still use this site? :D Since vak has made such a lovely site here. Well just gimme a holler and tell me what ya think. Nice job on the site vak, like the layout. I heard bout u n calie darth...wtg! treat her right. Vipes havnt talked to ya for awhile bud hop online n play a few with me i miss ya. Well gotta go TTYL

 » Tuesday :: 21 January :: 2003
      Woo diddly hoo. The 1999 Clansite is up and running over the course of four years now. Who woulda thought? I think its pretty damn cool personally and all. You know, cause I'm personally pretty damn cool and all so its cool. Here's wishing the Oakland Raiders the best of luck this sunday in Super Bowl XXXVII!! Lets see at least ONE bay area team bring home a sports championship this year. (yes, I am finger pointing at the A's and the 49ers and ESPECIALLY the Giants - who totally blew it). You all have a wonderful SuperBowl Sunday and a wonderful year!!! Peace!!!

 » Monday :: 2 December :: 2002
      Hellooo there! Darth comin at ya with an update from the boring confines of work. Hope everyone had a delicious Turkey Day. Just wanna let yall know I still play AoE, you know...just in case anyone still does. I'm fixin to get Age of Mythology...I hear its so awesome. Stay away from Solaris and go see James Bond.    

OMG I almost forgot, you ALL gotta check out these awesome stories by some guy who plays Everquest a lot. You will LMAO! Here's the link: Skater Nome.

 » Thursday :: 14 November :: 2002
      Woah, i'm back guys! Well kinda. I'm just sitting here at school, bored to death and I check out the clansite. (nj btw Vak)Newayz, just wanted to type up and update for old time's sake. Does old time even have a sake?? I never did understand that... oh well. Yikes, class is gonna end in like, a minute so I gotta get going.

    I'm so bored at school, it's not even funny. Peace guys!

1999 Words [speech(es) from our leader(s)]


I am Legion1999 (also known as Darth_1999). I founded this clan in June 1999, when I was a frequent player of the StarCraft Demo. I, along with a nearby friend, began a clan that has expanded to several members over the past few months. I am proud of this achievment, and hope that all 1999ites are proud to be a member of this clan.

Soon it will be a year since I formed this clan. At the time of this writing we are 22 members strong. Clan 1999 may be non-y2k compliant, but we-- well... IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!! The point is I made this clan to be a fun clan. Not no Xperts only clan or a tight militaristic clan, but a FUN clan. I want anyone who is unhappy about it to talk to me and we'll fix it. I want gameplaying to be a fun experience for all of you. So go out there, and make your clan proud!


1999 Soon [upcoming stuff]

 » Friday :: June 7 :: 2002
  Basically, the plan is this:
  1. Get the history page back up and running, prettier than ever hopefully
  2. Get some idea of what the actual roster should look like
  3. Get the Strategies section at least somewhat operational
  4. Have myself a happy birthday
Sometime down the road I'm gonna work on getting the screenshots and downloads sections working, though as I've said, the downloads will take a lot longer than everything else, since I've only got a 56k modem and a not-so-great connection speed on top of that. Makes uploading stuff like mp3's and big campaigns and stuff kind of a pain. Anyway, that's all.


Copyright © 1999 clan, 2002