The Happiness Patrol Webpage (& Fanzine) for Lesbian and Gay Dr Who Fans & Friends
People have visited this site since mid Oct 97.
This webpage is dedicated mainly to that strangely engaging British series Doctor Who - with a slightly BENT angle. There have been three "episodes" (so far) of The Happiness Patrol, and all the articles (and cover illustrations) are here for you to see on the website. Contributions, of any kind, are welcome for our next "episode". Contributors get a free copy of the "episode", unless we make the move to 100% cyberzine. (Articles do not have to have a specifically gay Doctor Who theme - even "Ellen" is acceptable!).
For more info about the "real world" manifestation of HP - the Fanzine, or to send a contribution - Email Sarah at
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Online "Best Bits" from our Fanzine:
(Note: Some articles contain language and concepts that may offend.)
HAPPINESS PATROL, episode 1 (4th October 1996)
Cover, by Peter Shaw (Cartoon - 8th Doctor & the Master in gay bar!) 44Kb
"I Hate Broccoli", by Alanna Macormack
"Not a Presidential Address", by Neil Hogan (ex-DWCA president)
"No, not the (fan) Mind Probe!", by Mel
"Is that a TARDIS in your closet?", by Kim Dickson
"It's a Straight, Straight, Queer Universe", by Sarah J Groenewegen
HAPPINESS PATROL, episode 2 (1st March 1997)
Cover artwork, by Peter Shaw (Alien Sex Cartoon ) 80Kb"Perspective... is all a matter of where you stand", by Kim Dickson
"Thought for the Episode (what, only one?)", by M.
"Ace and the Doctor don't have sex", by Alan McKee
"Nyssa with Alzheimer's", by Nyss.. Sarah J Groenewegen
"But, they are Gay!", by Mel
"School Days", by Anonymous
"Just a Query", by Neil Hogan
Column: Gay Watch, compiled by Mel
"The Damage of Gods", by Phillip Pascoe
HAPPINESS PATROL, episode 3 (21st November 1997)
The Evil of the Terror of the Writers, by Mel
Through a Glass Clearly, Anonymous
Sarah's Rant, by Sarah J Groenewegen
Calling the Goddess, by Audra McHugh
Who Does The Doctor Fight For?, by Alan McKee
Revenge of the Fzschwizzins, Anonymous
Review: Contact, by Brian Lindsay
Net Sex, Anonymous
Impressions and Community (A Title Anyone?), by Mel
InCWEJulous!, by Stephen Groenewegen
Odds 'n' Ends:
Slash fiction - what it is, some examples and links, by Sarah Groenewegen - still under construction.
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TAVERN - Monthly social gathering in Sydney.
[HP 1 Index] [HP 2 Index] [HP 3 Index] [Other Links] [Sydney]
The Doctor Who Club of Australia
The Doctor Who Club of Victoria
The Doctor Who Appreciation Society
The homepage of the celebrated Dr Who author, Kate Orman!
The West Lodge (Perth Doctor Who Fan Club)
The Brisbane Doctor Who Fan Club
The Broadsword Page (devoted to literary Dr Who)
The Aussie Ellen DeGeneres Homepage
The Official kd lang Page (Obvious Gossip)
The Fan Fiction on the Net site
Bernice Summerfield's BARMY ARMY
The Sydney Star Observer Page (gay newspaper)
The Stella One Eleven site - if you've not heard this band, rectify the situation ASAP!
The Journal of the International Association of Xena Studies - Whoosh
[HP 1 Index] [HP 2 Index] [HP 3 Index] [Dr Who Events] [Dr Who Links]
Visiting Sydney and don't know where to go?
Can't decide where to eat?
HERE to see a list of our favourite places in Sydney, Australia.
Thanks: BBC, Virgin, all the contributors, NBC, Geocities, Linda Hiller (for her wealth of experience and advice), Ellen, Sydney fandom, and us!
Note: Mel designed and created these pages. I've only just tinkered a bit to bring the info up to date. - Sarah (May 1999).
Disclaimer: No attempt is made to supersede any copyright. Copyright of all materials returns to contributors. The views expressed on these pages are not necessarily those of the editors. All writers have given permission for their articles etc to appear in our fanzine, The Happiness Patrol - this webpage being the online version . Do not reproduce any of the materials on these pages without the prior consent of the author. We receive no benefits from the various establishments "promoted" in these pages - everything mentioned is based on personal preferences only.