The Guestbook
These are just a few of the souls that have stopped on by and signed my guestbook.
12/26/00 20:42:37
Hey Elana! My name's Elana 2!!! You don't cme across to many Elanas! Wrll i was just surfin the web and i came upon your page! I ope you visit mine! ttyl
09/13/00 03:23:36
Here there be dragons...hmmm, dragons always seem to do well in my monster poll...come take a look...

08/24/00 06:20:39
07/07/00 05:15:32
06/20/00 04:35:21
Name: Elana |
My URL: Visit Me |
Favorite Dragon: Falkor |
Hey there I found your page while I was looking up our name as I see others have also done. It looks great, keep it up!!
04/21/00 14:51:40
Name: merlin1 |
My URL: Visit Me |
Favorite Dragon: smaug |
04/12/00 17:06:19
Intersting page. As you can see my last name to is Shenton. I have the history of the name and the Coat of Arms for it if you would be intersted.
My son Troy who is 19 is very into Medevil type lore such as this.
We live in Baltimore. I was unable to see exactly where you live maybe because that is the way you wanted it. If you would like to know some more history on our sirname email me and I will tell you what we know.
12/15/99 00:38:38
Name: Zenobia |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: How could I possibly pick/ |
You know, I make it a point to surf here about once a year and just say hi. The pelicans at the muni pier miss you....they say no one's ever fed them squid quite like you....*snugs* --Z.
11/16/99 21:19:29
Cool site. Most of the ones i've seen are really not too much to look at. Keep it up!
Good luck
10/25/99 19:49:15
Name: Inky Pinky |
My URL: Visit Me |
Favorite Dragon: Puff the Magic Dragon |
Whuz up "Gina" ? I was just searching the web passing time and I can across this. If this isn't my sister, DISREGARD!!!!! Anyway, cool website. Later.
03/23/99 22:21:08
Name: Elana Cherin |
Favorite Dragon: Puff The Magic Dragon |
Hi Elana!
I see that I am not the only Elana that has visited your page, infact the other Elana in your guestbook did the same thing as me, searched for our name to see what came up. I'm not really into dragons, though I have nothing against them, it's a cool idea
I'm so happy to know that I am not the only Elana on earth, I know I'm the only Elana in Santa Cruz California.
Elana Cherin
Age:14, Santa Cruz, CA
02/27/99 15:26:00
Name: james warner |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: haven't seen all yet |
thought about having a page for myself, but not too sure whether it can make me any money or famous or anything.
02/21/99 03:51:12
Name: Ember, the Black |
Favorite Dragon: Ember |
A nice lair Elana...
02/07/99 04:16:12
Name: Dragon Hunter Kira |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: any and all |
Hi There! I'm DragonHunter Kira from the Darksbane
Dragons at the Site Fights. I was just looking over your site and I
think that you might really do well over at our web competition called
"The Site Fights".
There are so many wonderful things you can do over at the Fights, like Adopt Dragons and other little cute creatures for your pages, get in on scavenger hunts, and most of all, meet a lot of really great people from all over the world.
If you're interested, you can find the Site Fights by going to the
following url:
My particular team is called the Darksbane Dragons. You can take a
look at my team at the following url:
Come on out and take a look around... We can't wait to meet ya!
Dragon Hunter Kira
& Sarina Blackmoon, Manager
Darksbane Dragons
02/04/99 20:38:54
Name: Alexa |
My URL: Visit Me |
Favorite Dragon: Morath |
Hey-I got the link to this page looking at Patricia Wrede sight titles-so where does she come in?
02/03/99 08:20:53
I like your theme, very unique!
11/28/98 21:32:04
From one Elana to another, neat web-page, I just happened to come across it when I was searching for our name. What's up with the dragons?
11/05/98 00:06:38
Name: Rex Nocte |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: Smog on the hobbit |
Hey there, long time no see, I ahve done some serious great work on my site, you must come and check it out. I know you have done it once, but sign the guest book, vote for me and have fun. Check you later
10/24/98 08:57:15
I do not understand what this is all about. I love the Anne McCaffrey's Pern series. Could you please send me a thorough explantion
10/24/98 01:35:43
Name: |
My URL: Visit Me |
Well, Elana your family is checking you out. Grandpa says that your page looks pretty cool ( that's a direct quote you know....) Gma and Gpa are visiting Humboldt with my parents.
Take care, cousin Melis
10/15/98 09:41:31
Just surfing. Thanks.
10/12/98 17:39:29
Name: david horden |
My URL: Visit Me |
Favorite Dragon: karen |
I lool like Mark Curry and i fancy Karen
10/12/98 17:30:20
Name: richard perrins |
My URL: Visit Me |
Favorite Dragon: karen |
I want to go home and have a cup of horlicks and a nightcap. Goodnight
10/01/98 09:53:02
Name: crazy ladyhorse |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: Elana |
Hey there, Elana, famous dragon... your page is really cool and I like it a lot... dragons are besides to unicorns my favourites... will check your page from time to time... see you.. have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... the ladyhorse
09/29/98 14:47:40
Name: Neil Shenton |
My URL: Visit Me |
Favorite Dragon: blodwin |
A very interesting site !!!
07/05/98 20:08:05
Deja vu.. I could have sworn that's my name on your link somewhere.. and that dragon could have been my idea.. so what's it doing on your page?!!
Well, I'll forgive ya since you did such a good
job at it. Love your page. Now keep that lil'
dragon snug and warm, you hear?
Safe hunting.
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 07:45:14
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you! 
06/23/98 17:24:03
Cool links!!!!!!!
06/18/98 01:52:23
Name: Reptilian |
My URL: Visit Me |
Favorite Dragon: Desmond |
06/17/98 19:49:44
Name: mAdD hAtTeR |
My URL: Visit Me |
Favorite Dragon: the most evil one |
kik ass page. found it in the list of pages like mine.
05/28/98 20:22:02
Name: Lord Bricon |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: Hmmmm....that would be...Me. |
Greetings Geo-neighbor:
Now this is one cute site! I love it! As an avid dragon lover, I found this site to be just wonderful! Thanks!
If you like, come see my site sometime...not quite as cute, but definitely for the true dragon lover.
Until then,
Lord B.
04/28/98 14:50:36
Name: David Davis |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: Bronze Tiamat ( Ogre Battle) |
Great page, I love dragons and think what you have done is fabulous!!
04/24/98 17:52:39
This one it's pretty kool how it flies
04/17/98 19:39:11
Dear Elana,
I enjoyed looking at your web cite and found it interesting but I think you should get more writing.
Thank You
Dragoness AkiraSianana
04/14/98 00:43:36
Name: Dalis Tauris |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: Golden Dragon |
Nice page! Just surfing on and ran into yours, you've out done yourself and I think that yer one of the best sites I've been to. =^.^=
04/13/98 15:27:17
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: ELENA |
04/10/98 16:26:02
Name: Lady Reiana, Queen's Warrior |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: Kazul, from Patricia Wrede's Enchanted Forest Chronicles |
Thy site hath much in valour; it doth be a truly
interesting place to vist. As well, thine story is
of a good breed. I do wish thee well in continuing it. May your hoard grow quickly and well, becoming full of wondrous items.
Fare Thee Well,
The Lady Reiana;
Queen's Warrior
04/07/98 04:37:29
04/05/98 23:38:12
Name: Spirit of Disorder |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: All fire-breathing dragons like myself. |
It's an excellent page about and for dragons.
I immediately bookmarked it to visit your lair now and then... - best wishes for your future projects.
Bye, Spirit of Disorder.
04/04/98 19:48:29
Name: Silver |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: Ruth (Jaxom's white) |
Great page here! I think you deserve an award... maybe I'll get around to creating one...
04/03/98 17:33:19
Name: Amanda Lavender |
My URL: Visit Me |
Favorite Dragon: Ruth the White |
Nice Page. very interesting.
03/29/98 18:54:22
Name: Dragonlover |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: Crystals silly. That's what I am |
Like the page. Keep up the good work!
03/28/98 22:01:09
Name: Akira D'Kelos |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: Myself, except for a dragon I once saw a picture of in a video game, called Breath of Fire. |
This is a very well-done page! I just had to keep on going to see what would pop up next! I'll be awaiting any new goodies! Keep it up, fellow dragon!
03/26/98 19:13:06
Name: The Phantom |
My URL: Visit Me |
Favorite Dragon: i guess all of them, DRAGONS RULE! |
Great page!! My page is under massive construction right now, so if you want to visit it go ahead, but it is very bad right now. It has only been up for 4 days and i workd on it 1 day, oh well....see for yourself. Your page deserves those awards and man
03/20/98 22:43:01
Name: Ben Upton |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: Either the Platinum or Chromatic Dragon |
The lair is an interesting place. It is definately a cool site.
03/20/98 05:28:22
Name: Gemini II |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: All of them! |
This is a magnificent page. The dragons are all fantastic and you have the product of your work seems to be well worth the effort. Good luck with all of your future endeavors!
03/14/98 04:56:21
Greetings M'Lady,....I am a CL for Lair, and was asked to vote on your site for the FP program.
You have a VERY nice site *smiles* and yes gets my vote....
03/12/98 20:27:15
Name: janet thomas |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: the one in the chronicles of narnia |
Ta da! I got here by clicking on the link you sent me.... FINALLY got the right level of address book to ease all my woes (didn't know that one item could cure all, huh?) ah, technology....
03/11/98 00:59:43
Name: Paul Goemans |
My URL: Visit Me |
Favorite Dragon: um, .... |
Hi E,
Just surfin' through.
I'm the father of Bob Goemans who is Kate Butler's SO who is... Ah you know her!
02/22/98 01:48:42
Name: taleka |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your web page is different to say the least...
02/14/98 20:48:47
Name: mom |
My URL: Visit Me |
Hi - Haven't had time to fully view this yet
02/04/98 04:38:26
Name: Patty G |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite Dragon: geez...whats that dragon in one of the children's books called? Well, that dragon is my favorite dragon. =) |