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This is the part of the site where I have collected a series of useful links to cool pages that may be of interest to just about everyone. The page is subdivided into four sections so that all of the links are categorized according to site content.

If there is a link you would like me to add to this collection, please feel free to email me.

If you would like to link to this website, you can use the banner below to do so. Thanks so much!

General Star Trek

Star Trek.Com

The OFFICIAL Star Trek web site as sanctioned by Paramount. Enough said.



THE source for everything Trek. For late breaking Star Trek news and rumors, this is the place to go.


TrekToday is the first and only daily updated guide to all things Star Trek. Here you'll find news on upcoming episodes, novels, games, toys, and all other relevant Star Trek news. If Trek is happening, TrekToday is where you'll find it!

Star Trek Universe

Although this site is not updated with spoilers as often as it used to be, it is still worth checking every so often for supplemental information and online video archived footage.

Other Paris and Torres Sites

The Official P/T Collective Archive

Official archive of FanFiction for the P/T Collective, this is the largest collection of P/T fanfiction on the web.

Deck 9, Section 12

This is one of the premier sources for P/T photos on the web.

Star Trek Role-Playing Games

Starfleet Special Forces

Starfleet Special Forces is a FREE Star Trek Play-By-Email Sim. Now you too can be one of the Star Trek characters that you have always wondered about. See what it's about today. You have nothing to loose and EVERYTHING to gain!

Omega Squadron

The Omega Squadron is a FREE Star Trek Play-By-Email Sim and a part of the Starfleet Special Forces RPG.

USS Caledonia

The USS Caledonia is a Prometheus class starship under the command of Rear Admiral Leigha Jacobs. She is a Star Trek Roleplaying by Email Sim and member of the Omega Squadron.

General Miscellaneous


Home of the famous JunkMachine JavaScroll Applet creator!

Bare Bones Guide to HTML

HYPE'S Color Specifier for HTML Programming