After a much-needed break, Ariel decides to spend some time on the beach and work on her tan. Enjoying the solitude, she starts to doze off until she feels a shadow fall over her. She looks up and it's Fisher.
"Ah, Ariel. Enjoying the beautiful day?"
"Why, yes, Fisher. What brings you to the island this time?"
"Well, I am here on unofficial business. I understand someone's birthday is coming up"
"How did you know that? I didn't tell anyone."
"Come now, Ariel, we know all there is to know. That is why I am here. I want to know what it is that you would like for a present. You know we can grant you any fantasy you would like."
"I haven't really thought about it."
"Oh, come on now, we all have our fantasies. Surely you can submit one and enjoy."
"Well, actually, there is one fantasy I do have but it's very personal."
"No one has to know. You can fill out your form and submit it to Roarke. Don't even sign it. I'll take care of the rest."
"Okay, Fisher, I will do that. Thanks a lot."
Roarke is sitting down, enjoying a cup of tea on his bedroom balcony when that familiar sound comes out of the room. "Damn, can't even enjoy a peaceful cup of tea. Well, better go see what this guest's request is and get to it."
He opens the canister and takes out the form. "What is this? Damn that Fisher! He can't even send me a completed form. No name! How am I suppose to know how to address this guest when they arrive? Do I have to do everything?"
After taking several minutes and reading the fantasy Roarke mumbles to himself. "How original. This one wants to have a sexual escape with someone she finds very attractive. One of the most requested fantasies. I just wish once in awhile someone would be a little more original."
All Roarke could get out of the incomplete form was that it was a woman who was requesting the fantasy. "I wonder who the lucky bloke is."
"Hello, Roarke, keeping busy?" Fisher says sarcastically.
"Well, if it isn't Fisher. I didn't expect to see you again so soon. I understand you aren't too fond of traveling."
"I don't mind traveling as long as it is by plane, train or automobile." "What brings you to the island, another review perhaps?"
"No, no, Roarke, business, but not unpleasant business," Fisher says with a chuckle. "You have been requested to participate in a fantasy by a special guest."
"I don't participate in any fantasies. I have to be everywhere all the time making sure the fantasies are going as planned. Who will run the island? You know I have to keep my eye on two of my assistants."
"Let me guess - you're talking about Cal and Harry."
"How did you guess?"
"That is why I'm here, Roarke. I was sent here to overlook things while you are, shall we say, incapacitated."
"There is no way you are capable of running things around here. Who is this special guest anyway?"
"I can't reveal that information now, but I guarantee you won't be disappointed."
"Somehow I don't like the sound of this."
"Trust me, Roarke, after all I owe you."
"That is what worries me."
"Look you will still be on the island and be able to find me whenever you like, to check in. I don't think you will want to find me though."
"Don't be so sure"
"Roarke, you really don't have much choice in this. The fantasy has already been approved and is all set to go. You can't disappoint a guest, you know"
"Alright. When will this guest be arriving?"
"Tomorrow around noon. You will be given instructions soon enough as to what you are expected to do."
"I can hardly wait"
"Hey, Harry, have you heard the good word?"
"That the boss got a special request to be involved in a fantasy. He will be out of our hair all week."
"Really? What kind of fantasy, and who would request him?"
"I don't know, and don't care. All I know is, we will get some peace and be left alone."
"We still have to worry about Ariel, Cal. She is loyal to Roarke and will make sure our chores are done."
"I ain't worried about some shapeshifter babe. Just buy her some flowers and candy and she will be all ours."
"I am not so sure, Cal."
"Will you quit worrying all the time, Harry. Just relax and trust me."
"Everytime I trust you, Cal, we get in serious trouble. Who is going to be in charge while Roarke is away?"
"Well, this might not be so bad after all."
"And what good word might that be, Cal?"
"Hey, Fisher, I knew Roarke wouldn't be with us when we were meeting the plane full of guests, but where is Ariel?"
"Don't worry about her, Cal, she is taking a short vacation."
"How come she gets a vacation and not us?"
"Cal, your time will come, if you can manage to behave yourself."
The first guest arrives and steps out onto the boardwalk. "This is Mary and her fantasy is to try to get the romance back with her actor husband Ted. It seems that Ted is growing apart from his wife and continually tries to find time to be away from the home. Mary is very upset by all of this and is desperately hoping we can help."
The second: "Ah and this guest is Betty Betz. She is hoping to become an aspiring actress and screenwriter. Betty is an only child and has an overactive imagination." He steps forward and says, "Welcome to Fantasy Island!"
Roarke enters the suite gingerly, not knowing what to expect. I don't like this feeling, he thinks to himself. I usually know everything that is going on. Now I have no insight what
I am in for or who I am in it with. He opens the balcony windows and notices that he is on the south side of the island. This part of the island isn't used too much. It is basically used for secret private rendezvous. What did I get myself into? he wonders to himself. All the sudden there is a knock on the door.
"Finally, we can get this thing started and over with."
Roarke goes to open the door.
"Hello there, Roarke"
"Ariel, what are you doing here?"
Ariel moves about the room looking around and sits on the bed. She runs her hands over the bedspread, caressing it.
"So, what do you want to do now?" she asks Roarke, looking at him with quizzical eyes.
"What are you talking about, Ariel? I am glad to see you, though. Can you believe I was requested to be in someone's fantasy and I have no idea who it is? This is a waste of time. Have the new guests
arrived and are they underway on their fantasies? I am counting on you, Ariel, to manage things while I am gone. You are the only one I can truly trust."
"I am sure everything is fine, but unfortunately, I won't be able to overlook things for you."
"Well, why not?"
"You see, I am involved in a fantasy, too."
Oh, really? How come I wasn't notified of this? I have to end this right now. I can't afford you and I to be off the same time. Can you imagine what will happen? So who requested you in their fantasy and what are you expected to do?"
"Actually, I am not in someone's fantasy, but have been granted a fantasy of my own."
"I don't understand."
"It is my birthday and Fisher told me I could have one fantasy as a gift and, well, here I am."
"So what is your fantasy?"
Ariel laughs and rises off of the bed. She walks towards Roarke who has the most puzzling look on his face.
"My dear, Roarke, as wise as you are, you haven't figured it out yet."
"No, Ariel, I haven't. Can someone please explain what the hell is going on here?"
"I am experiencing my fantasy and you are part of it."
"What…. what is your fantasy Ariel?" Roarke asks swallowing hard.
Giggling, Ariel asks, "What's the matter, Roarke, you look a little nervous."
"Nervous, I am not nervous, just confused."
"My fantasy is to spend a whole week with you. Just the two of us, with no interruptions."
"What…why Ariel we could have done this…"
"What…we could have done this while working together? Are you kidding? We would never get the time and you would be off worrying about Cal and Harry and what they are up to, what the guests are up to, and have constant interruptions. This is the only way Roarke. I thought you would be pleased."
"I am pleased, just surprised. I had no idea this would be so important to you."
"Come on, Roarke, you hadn't noticed the way I try to find time for us to be together. All the late night cocktails in your room. All the endless games of backgammon till it is almost morning. Look, if you're not interested, then we can call this off right now. I would understand and no hard feelings. I just had to try."
Ariel walks towards the window and looks out at the sea. Her arms are crossed in front of her and it appears she is visibly upset but trying to hide it as best as she can.
Roarke, realizing her vulnerability, walks towards her and puts his hands on her arms rubbing them up and down. "Ariel, I am sorry. I didn't mean to come off like I don't care. I do care. I care a lot for you, too. I was just caught off guard and all uptight, not knowing what I was in for, or who I was in it with. Please don't cry."
"I'm not crying. Don't flatter yourself!" she says, sniffing and trying to hold back the tears, refusing to face him.
"Please forgive me." Roarke starts kissing her shoulder lightly, working his way down her upper arm and back up towards her neck. Ariel can't help but to respond to his erotic touch as she has
longed for it for so long.
"Ted, isn't this place beautiful. It is like living in paradise."
"Yeah, Mary, it is a beautiful place, alright, but I can't help thinking of all the opportunities that I might be missing."
"What on earth could you be missing that is more important than us spending some quality time together?"
"I didn't mean that our time together wasn't important, but there were a lot of roles I could try out for. You know, so I can bring some more money into the household. Think of all the wonderful things you
can buy."
"Right. I never get to see the money you bring home. You got me on this allowance and it just isn't fair. I need clothes, and things for the house."
"You just bought some clothes"
"Ted, I have nothing to wear!"
"Oh yes, you do, try picking some of your clothes off the floor and washing them sometime. Then, after they are clean, hang them up in your closet or put them away in a drawer. Then you would realize
how many clothes you do have."
"Are you calling me a slob again, you said you wouldn't…. wouldn't…(sob sob) go there."
Mary turns away from Ted trying to hide the tears.
"Oh, come on, Mary. Listen, I am going to go out for a bit and look around. This will give you sometime to pull yourself together."
"I don't need to pull myself together! I need for us to spend some quality time. This vacation was supposed to be for us to be together, alone, without the kids, phone calls, and you running here and there."
"I need some fresh air."
Ted grabs his sunglasses and leaves the room. Mary just stares at the door with her jaw ajar. She can't believe how mean he is being, and selfish. What did she see in him to begin with, to marry him? She already went through one divorce and desperately doesn't want to go through another.
Ted goes out to the bar and sits down. "What'll it be mister?"
"A Bloody Mary, please."
"One Bloody Mary coming right up!"
While sitting there sipping his drink Ted looks around at the girls on the beach and thinks, Oh why on earth did I get remarried? To think all I gave up and for who...
"So what's the word?" Cal asks Ted.
"Huh, you talking to me?"
"Well, yeah, you look like you need someone to talk to."
"Are you married man?"
"Good for you. My wife, she strangles me. I can't have any time for myself. I am trying to get my career going again and I can't. Everytime I get a part or a show of my own she wants to be in my show and she just isn't that good of an actress. She is like the kiss of death and I can't tell her. I find myself looking for any reason I can, just to get away from her. I know that isn't what marriage is supposed to be like, but I can't help it. What hurts the most is, I was warned ahead of time but I just didn't listen."
"Sounds real bad. Why do you blame her for your failed acting career? Maybe it isn't all her fault."
A young girl in a red bikini sits down at the bar across from Ted.
"Hey, do me a favor man, ask her if she wants a drink on me."
"Will do."
Betty settles into her room and sets up her typewriter. Now lets see what kind of story I can come up with this time, she thinks to herself. I just have to get out of this rut. I can't depend on
my father forever to support me, and my chances of meeting a rich guy are getting slimmer everyday. I just need one good idea to get me going.
Suddenly there is a knock on the door.
"Come in."
"Ah, Ms Betz, I see you are getting all settled."
"Yes, Mr. Fisher, I am trying to. I am hoping that some really good ideas start popping into my head now that I am here."
"I am sure you will start thinking of some killer ideas."
"Ohmigod!! I am getting an idea now. It is a love story with a tragic ending. I better get started right away now that the idea is fresh."
"Go to it, girl."
"Come on, Cal, we need to get this trash to the dump site before Scotty leaves, or else we will be stuck with it till next week."
"Alright, Harry, alright! I'm coming. That Scotty better wait for us! Remember, Harry, that Roarke isn't around now, so you can relax a little."
They arrive at the dumpsite and pile up the trash for removal.
"Hey, Harry, look. I think someone is using the cottage over there by the sea."
"Really? No-one has been there for ages. You know what that cottage is used for and I don't remember anyone asking for a fantasy that would require its use."
"Me either, but the windows are open and look - there are tracks in the sand. Let's go check it out."
"What are you, crazy, Cal? What if it is someone's hiding out or something. We could get hurt."
"Stop being a wuss all your life, Harry. Are you coming or not?"
"Alright but be quiet."
The men creep quietly towards the cottage and sneak under one of the windows. They hear some talking and giggling. Slowly they start to recognize the voices and look at each other with mouths wide open.
Cal covers his mouth to stifle his laugh and runs away from the cottage behind some bushes. Harry follows suit.
"Can you believe that! That was Roarke and Ariel in there. They spent the whole night together!"
"Yes, I realize that, Cal. We better leave before we get caught."
"Leave! I am not leaving. So what if we get caught. Who do you think would be more embarrassed? Us or them? I want another look."
"Cal," Harry whispers, but Cal doesn't listen and
continues to run under the same window again. This time Cal
takes a peek inside the window.
"Wow, holy cow!" He runs back to Harry.
"That Ariel has some body, and she is practically
"I don't want to hear anymore, Cal."
" - and the boss has a big smile on his face."
"Cal, I said I don't want to hear anymore!"
"I think we should go knock on the door and ask for a cold drink. What do you think, Harry?"
"What, are you crazy, Cal?"
"With the look on the boss's face, he might even give us our freedom just to get rid of us and get back to business."
"I'm leaving now."
"Okay, Harry, wait up!"
At that moment the back door opens up and Roarke and Ariel run down the sand into the water laughing.
"Boy, I am really on a roll now!" Betty says with
a smile, "This could be the movie of the week."
There is a knock at the door.
"Who is it? I am busy now and can't be interrupted,
please go away.
"Ms. Betz, it is me, Fisher. May I come in, please,
I would like to talk to you, it would only take a moment."
"What is it, Mr. Fisher?"
"Well, Ms. Betz, I noticed you haven't been out of your room much, not even for dinner. It might do you some good to get some sun and see some people once in awhile."
"I can go out to eat and see people anytime I want, but when I am on a roll like this, I can't stop now. I am almost finished my movie anyway, and I am going to play the lead female role. I have an idea on the kind of look I want for the lead male part but I haven't put a name to the face yet."
"Well, may I take a look?"
"I guess it would be okay, but please be honest."
Fisher sits down and begins to read the script. After a few silent moments he looks up at Betty and says, "This is good. I mean really good."
"Really, you think? You're not just saying that,
are you?"
"No, I am not just saying that at all. In fact, there happens to be a male actor here on the island. I am sure he could give you his professional opinion, as he has done several movies and television shows. Why don't you let him have a look and see what he thinks."
"Do you think he would read it for me?"
"Let's ask him and see."
Fisher and Betty find Ted at the restaurant dining with Mary. By the looks of things Mary is doing all the talking and Ted looks bored to death.
"Excuse me, Mr. Danson, I was wondering if I could have a minute of your time."
"Of course, Fisher, what is it?"
"This here is Ms Betz and she is a screenwriter and an aspiring actress. She just wrote a screenplay that she feels could be a big hit. She was wondering if you would take the time to read her
screenplay and give her your honest opinion."
"Well, I would be honored to."
Betty hands over the script to Ted. Ted puts his glasses on and starts to concentrate on what he is reading. It seems like forever to Betty, who sits there patiently trying to read his facial expressions. While she is looking at him, she realizes that Ted has the look she wants for the lead male part. She thinks to herself that if he likes the script, she may offer him to try out for the part.
Finally he looked up, put the script down on the table, removed his glasses, and rubbed his eyes. He looked up at Betty. "This script was the best script I have ever read in my entire life. No words can describe how good it is. All you need is the right actors to carry the parts and you, my lady, are going to the top."
"Really? You think it is that good."
"Yes, I really do."
"Well, Mr. Danson, since you feel it is so good, perhaps you might be interested in trying out for the lead role."
"Me? I would be honored."
Mary smiles warmly at Betty and says, "Is there a female role?"
"Oh, this is my wife, Mary, Ms Betz. She is also an actress."
"Oh, really, what have you been in, Mary?"
"Well, I was in Melvin and Howard, Powder, and
Ted and I starred in Gullivers Travels together."
"Oh, I never seen any of those, sorry."
Mary's smile quickly vanished.
"So, Betty, what is this story about?" Mary is
"It's about a guy who is unhappily married and to get out of his marriage, he plots to kill his wife. He can collect on the insurance money and won't have to go through a messy divorce in court. He plans the perfect murder that is fail proof and gets away with it. See, he and his estranged wife star in this play where the wife in the play dies from a heart attack and since they star together he gives his wife a drug that induces a real heart attack. Everyone around believes
that she died playing the part. She always gave her best in any role and took her roles very seriously. Some believe that when the time came for her to die she truly believed she was dying and did actually die. No one imagines the husband had poisoned her so he got away with it. He then takes off with the understudy who is a sweet girl and they live happily ever after."
"That is so tragic." Mary says.
"No it isn't. It is pure genius." Ted replies.
"I am playing the part of the understudy and I
really would be honored if you would play the husband. All we need
is someone to play the wife. Hey, Mary, since you are an actress would
you be interested?"
"Yeah, Mary, you have been looking for work for how long now. "
"Oh Ted, you can't be serious."
"I am, Mary, this might be the part you been looking for to be recognized by directors. You are always complaining how you need
"Oh alright, Ted. Betty, I will do it. When do we begin rehearsals?"
"Let's start tonight, unless you two have other plans."
"No, tonight is fine."
"Ted! We were supposed to go dancing and for moonlit walk on the beach, remember. Just the two of us."
"Oh come on, Mary, we can do that another night. This sounds more interesting."
With that Ted and Betty get up from the table and Mary follows along with her head hung low.
"Well, Fisher, I am glad to see that the island isn't in shambles. I am also a bit surprised, too."
"Roarke! I didn't expect to see you now. You still have a couple of days left on your fantasy or have you had enough?" Fisher says with a smile.
"I could never have enough with that girl, but I did want to check things out, much to the dismay of my lady friend."
"Well, I am happy to report everything is fine."
Meanwhile Mary, Ted and Betty are walking across the lawn to rehearse the play some more.
"Who are they?" Roarke asks Fisher.
"Oh them, they are some guests experiencing their fantasies. The fantasies actually intertwined with each other."
"One of them doesn't look to happy, now does she? What is her problem?"
"She came here hoping to rekindle some of what you probably been experiencing the last few days but so far no such luck. But she may get something else out of the deal."
"It is too late for me to change anything so I hope you know what you are doing, Fisher. I have to get back to Ariel, we are having dinner soon."
"Enjoy yourself, Roarke, you lucky dog."
"I'll try and I hope my staff has been most helpful."
"They have been well behaved. I guess they like their present boss."
"Tell them not to get too comfortable."
Fisher offers Betty, Ted, and Mary the opportunity of performing their play in front of a few guests on the Island. They accept
to see how they are reviewed.
"I am so nervous, it has been so long since I have performed live," Mary says.
"Oh, honey, you'll do fine. Remember one thing that they told us when we first arrived. We aren't suppose to tell anyone about what happened to us on the island, so if the play is a failure the
audience won't be able to tell anyone," Ted says with a smile.
"Thanks for the vote of confidence!"
The curtain goes up and the three actors perform their parts to a tee. The audience shows their appreciation by giving them a standing ovation.
"I guess they really liked it, huh, Ted," asks Betty.
"It would appear so," he agrees.
"Look, they won't stop applauding us," smiles Mary.
Mary looks radiant, a look Ted hasn't seen on her face in a very long time. Maybe this is what she really needed after all, he thought. Maybe it wasn't him, but her, having a difficult time managing her career. It happens often in showbiz. One day you are such a huge star that you have to turn down parts and then all the sudden you can't find a part worth a darn.
"I am so sorry that we have to go home tomorrow. It came around so soon. Mary says to Ted and Betty. "Well, Mary, just think, as soon as we get home, we can try so sell Betty's play to a producer and who knows what will happen from there," Ted says.
"I am hoping someone takes notice," says Betty. "I feel like this is the play I was born to write."
Meanwhile, back at the cottage, Roarke and Ariel are sipping champagne by the fireplace after having just enjoyed a delicious meal.
"Oh Roarke, I don't want this to end! All I have to look forward to is work, work, work."
"It isn't that bad, Ariel. At least we get to see each other every day, and every night." "I did tell you that someday I wanted to help you remember how nice it is to be close to someone again."
"That you did indeed, and I thank you."
Roarke leans over and gives her a kiss. Here we go again! Suddenly they hear a bang outside.
"What was that? Did you hear that, Roarke?"
"Shhhhh…. Someone is outside."
Roarke gets up and sneaks out the back door, trying to catch whoever it is in the act.
"Ah ha! Caught you! And what do you think you are doing out here?"
"Boss, I was just ….ah…you know…trying to make sure you guys were okay. We haven't heard from you in awhile and there is no one else around on this part of the island. I wanted to make sure you didn't need anything." Cal responds shakily.
Roarke drags Cal in by the collar into the living room.
"Here is our noise."
"Cal, how dare you!" cries Ariel.
"I'm sorry guys, really, I was just worried about you."
"How did you know we were out here? This fantasy was held in confidence. You have no business being on this part of the island and you know it. I knew when Fisher told me you were well behaved that you were up to something. Where is your partner in crime?"
"Harry? He isn't here, really. Nice place."
"Alright, Cal, be on your way. This is our last night together and three is a crowd."
"Oh, alright, sure, sorry." Cal says and then leaves the cottage.
"The nerve of him, Roarke. He knew he wasn't suppose to be here." Ariel cries.
"I know, but you know he can't help himself. He is just jealous."
"Too bad he'll never find out what he is missing," laughs Ariel.
"Yes, that is too bad, isn't it," Roarke says while putting his arms around her waist and lowering her down to the floor.
Mary and Ted are walking on the pier towards the plane.
"I hope you had a good time during your stay here?" Fisher asks.
"It was lovely; the weather was beautiful, and Ted and I worked out some of our problems. Maybe when we get home, we can work out some more of them," Mary says, looking at Ted before stepping onto the plane.
"What she doesn't realize, Mr. Fisher, is most of her problems came from lack of self esteem. When she performed that play in front of the audience and got such a warm reception, it brought her back. It was like a huge weight was lifted off of her."
"I am glad to hear it, Ted. See it wasn't you so much after all, but her unhappiness with the way her life was going, and since you are her husband, you had to take the brunt of it all. Along with the fact that her children are grown, they don't depend on her as much. She just needed a little ego push and now maybe she got it and won't feel like she has no other options but to work on shows you are doing. She can now try to branch out on her own."
"I think you maybe right. Thanks again." Ted says, shaking Fisher's hand.
Next comes Betty lugging her typewriter and files along.
"My dear, why didn't you let Cal carry that stuff for you?
"That's okay, this is what I have waited and worked my whole life for. I don't want to take a chance of it falling in someone else's hands and something happening to it. I can feel it in my bones that
this play is going to be a huge hit."
"Remember me when it hits Broadway," smiles Fisher.
"Will do, bye," Betty says as she enters the plane.
The plane starts its engines and takes off.
"Well done, Fisher. You showed that you are capable of running thinks around here too. Who needs Roarke? " Cal says.
"Roarke who?" laughs Harry.
"The same Roarke who is your boss!" Roarke approaches the crew, walking arm and arm with Ariel.
"Boss, ah.. hope you had a nice…." stutters Harry.
"It was very nice, thank you, Harry." Ariel just smiles.
"See Roarke, everything is the way you left it. No catastrophes. I know you are shocked and probably disappointed," remarks Fisher.
"Disappointed, shocked, never! Surprised maybe. I guess it is time for you to leave the island, too, Fisher."
"Actually, I was kind of hoping that we are even now. I gave you and Ariel here a nice fantasy and took care of all the needs of the other guests. Maybe I can have a little vacation of my own before I go back. Lets say a day or two?"
"Maybe one day, Fisher, maybe one day."
They all turn to walk back towards the island resort. All the sudden Ariel faints.
"Boss, boss, wait!" Harry screams.
Roarke turns around and discovers Ariel looking dazed and very pale.
"Ariel are you alright?" Roarke asks while helping her up.
"Yeah I just got real tired and lost my balance. I am alright really."
"Probably from all those orgasms!" Cal remarks.
"Cal!" screams Harry while looking at Roarke.
"What, Harry, you heard it too."
"Alright you two, help Ariel to the infirmary," Fisher snaps.
"I am alright; I don't need to see the doctor. I probably just need to eat something."says Ariel.
"No, Ariel, I insist," says Roarke, "better to be safe."
Cal and Harry escort Ariel to the resort.
"Hope everything is alright with her, Roarke."
"I am sure it will be. Like she said, probably just needs something to eat," Roarke says, but the look on his face indicates he is quite concerned.
concerned about Ariel? Read Power Struggle!
Don't get chocolate fingerprints
on the forms...