"Hey, Ariel, when is the next plane of guests supposed to arrive? I haven't heard anything for awhile."
"I don't really know, Cal, I haven't heard anything either. I am going to ask Roarke about that now."
Ariel goes into the main house.
"Harry, have you seen Roarke?
"He is upstairs, Ariel. He hasn't been down all morning."
"That's unusual. I think I will go up and find out what is going on. If I am not down in a few minutes send up a rescue squad, will you." Ariel says with a smile as she goes up the steps towards Roarke's room.
She arrives at his bedroom door and listens for a moment. She hears no sounds so she knocks lightly.
"Yes, who is it?" Roarke asks.
"Roarke, it is me, Ariel. I wanted to know if everything is alright. Harry says you haven't been downstairs all morning."
"I am alright I am just tired. I will talk to you later."
Ariel feels disturbed by his answer. She knows it is Roarke but his voice sounds faint. She stands there for a minute deciding on whether to leave or not. She starts to walk away but then goes back and knocks again.
"Yes" Roarke answers.
"Roarke, it is Ariel again. Please let me in, I need to see you. It will only be a moment."
"Go away, Ariel, please."
"No, Roarke, if you don't open this door I will."
There is a moment of silence and then the door opens. The room is dark and Roake is standing there in a black t-shirt and black sweat pants. He looks worn out. Ariel enters the room carefully not sure what to think. "Roarke we were wondering when the next plane of guests is expected to arrive?"
"We won't be having any guests this week, Ariel. Please pass that message on to the staff."
"Okay, well, that is strange. Business bad?" Ariel says knowing that probably isn't the reason.
"No, it's just that I am not feeling too well. I need to rest for a couple of days and things will get back to normal."
"What is wrong Roarke? Is there anything I can do to help? Have you seen a doctor?"
"Yes, the doctor was here. Unfortunately, there isn't much he can do as it has to run its course, so to speak."
Roarke goes to lie down as he seems so tired it is too much for him to stand.
"Please, Roarke, let me bring you some special tea. My grandmother taught me how to make a special blend and it does wonders when you aren't feeling well."
"I am sure it does wonders, but no thank you. All I really need right now is to rest."
"Okay, well perhaps later when you are feeling a little stronger. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask. I will check in with you later, okay."
"Okay, and thank you."
Ariel leaves the room and shuts the door. She has this very uneasy feeling that there is more going on here. She didn't think that Roarke could ever get sick and what kind of sickness does he have?
Harry sees Ariel come down the stairs. "Is everything alright, Ariel? I don't ever remember a time when he didn't come down for breakfast at least."
"Yes, everything is fine, Harry. He said that he isn't feeling too well and wants to rest up a bit. We won't be having any guests to the island this week, either."
"Really, I guess we all get a well deserved break then. Won't Cal be pleased."
"Yes, I am sure he will be."
"Good Morning, Harry, and how are you this lovely morning?" asks Ariel.
"Splendid, Ariel, and you?" replies Harry
"Fine, and how is our boss today?" "Can't say, haven't seen him yet."
"He hasn't been down this morning either? Isn't that unusual two days in a row?"
"Yes very unusual. I would go up to check on him myself but I thought maybe not."
"I'll go."
Ariel goes up the steps again to Roarkes bedroom door. Again she listens for a moment and there is silence. She knocks and awaits a reply.
"Yes, who is it?"
"Roarke, it is me again, Ariel. I was wondering if you were up for our tea this morning?"
"I am sorry, Ariel, not this morning."
"Roarke open up." Ariel says with urgency.
Slowly the door opens and Roarke appears
"Still not feeling any better, Roarke?"
"No, like I told you, I just need some rest. Now if only I could get some, I would start to feel a lot better."
"You got rest all day yesterday. You can't blame me for worrying. This is just not like you. I've never known you to be sick like this."
"Ariel, just let me be. I am fine and all I want is to be left alone. Is that too much to ask?"
"Come on, Roarke, you owe me more than that after all we've been through together. Why won't you level with me and tell me what is going on around here or do I have to get the info out of the doctor?"
Roarke lets out a hoarse laugh. "He won't tell you anything because he doesn't know anything. This is out of his league."
"Well, tell me then, I deserve to know. We aren't just coworkers anymore. What is going on with you?"
"It is nothing."
"Okay then, well, I need you to at least stop the rain. We can't finish the additions to the dancehall with the weather not cooperating. It hasn't stopped raining for over two days."
Roarke looks uneasy and then turns away from Ariel towards the wall.
"Look, I know you aren't feeling well, Roarke, but all you have to do is snap your fingers and then go back to bed."
Roarke just sits down slowly on the bed and lays down.
"Roarke, you can stop the rain, can't you?"
"No, I can't not now"
"I don't understand."
"I lost my powers," Roarke says looking down. "Please Ariel you can't tell anyone!"
Ariel walks over to the bed and puts her finger on his lips. "Shhhh I won't tell anyone. I know what that would mean if I did. Your secret is safe with me but why didn't you tell me as soon as this happened?"
"I couldn't. I just am ashamed and feel so tired. I need this to end quickly."
"How did it happen? I mean what caused it?"
"I don't know but I am extremely vulnerable right now. The aging process is going to catch up with me soon if I don't find a way to get back to normal and I am extremely susceptible to all germs."
"It will be alright, Roarke, I am here and I will help you. Let me take care of you."
She pulls the blankets over his body to keep him warm. She notices the fear in his eyes so she lies down next to him and cradles him in her arms. "Now try to get some sleep. I won't let anything bad happen to you."
Roarke looks up into Ariels eyes. "I don't know what I ever did right to deserve you, Ariel."
"Cal, and where are you heading off to now?" asks Harry
"I am going to rent a movie. I thought I would take advantage that we aren't having any guests this week and relax a bit. Want to join me?"
"Absolutely not!"
"Why not? You don't know what you're missing."
"Cal, something strange is going on here. I think it is best that I stay close to the house and there is always something that needs to be done around here even when guests aren't present."
"What do you mean strange? What is going on?"
"I am not sure but Roarke hasn't been out of his room for two days now. Ariel is up there with him now and she has been up there for awhile."
Cal starts to chuckle. "They are probably picking up where they left off."
"Cal, I don't think so! This might be serious."
"Harry, I always tell you, you worry too much. I wasted enough time already. If you change your mind stop by the room."
"What movie did you rent Cal?"
"It's called Caligula."
"Cal, that is disgusting!"
"Hey, to each his own. How come watching a movie based on Roman times is disgusting but what Ariel and the boss are up to up there isn't?"
"Go away, Cal, and enjoy your disgusting film."
As a bolt of lightening and thunder came roaring out of the sky Ariel awakens to find herself still in Roarke's room. She notices through the slightly parted drapes that it is nighttime. She looks over at Roarke who is sleeping peacefully in her arms. She listens for a few moments to his steady breathing and wonders what he is dreaming about. She also wonders to herself how she could take advantage of poor Roarke's situation. Since he is powerless she knows she can have a lot of fun with him but she isn't sure he is up for the kind of fun she has in mind. It might be too much for him in his weakened condition. Maybe if she is lucky she will try to find out.
Another sound of thunder came crashing out. Roarke awakens at this one taking a moment to realize where he is and who is with him. Ariel pretends she is asleep to see what he does. He looks over at Ariel's sleeping form and stares at her admiring her figure. As her boss he has to control the urges he feels for her even though they spent that week together alone a month ago. It just wouldn't be professional if he was always grabbing and kissing her whenever he felt like it, which was quite often. Now they were alone and he couldn't help himself. He reaches out slowly to slightly stroke her arm. He traces his finger up along her arm and over her neck to the side of her face.
Ariel rolls over on her side with her back to Roarke still pretending to be asleep and wanting to see how far this will go.
Her sudden movement doesn't deter Roarke from continuing his caress. He now strokes her back ever so softly and leans forward to kiss her spine ever so lightly. The softness makes Ariel giggle and she turns back towards Roarke.
"Sorry I couldn't help myself. You just look so beautiful lying there with the moonlight coming in. I missed you so much, Ariel."
Ariel strokes Roarkes face and says, "I miss you, too, Roarke, more than you can know. How are you feeling?"
"Right now, much better." He leans forward and kisses her hard on her mouth.
"Good morning, Harry." Doctor Roscov says
"Dr. Roscov, what brings you here this morning?"
"Good morning, Harry." Doctor Roscov says
"I am here to see our boss."
Harry leads the Dr to the patio where Roarke is sitting drinking a cup of tea with Ariel.
"Well, Roarke, I am glad to see you are finally out of bed."
"Ariel convinced me to get some fresh air and to try her special tea. I finally conceded."
"And Ariel, you never rescheduled your appointment. You know you really should let me check you out."
"What! Ariel you told me that you saw the Dr. and he said everything was alright." snapped Roarke.
"Oh Roarke, I will. I just know it is nothing. Like I told you it was probably the heat or that I didn't eat that morning."
"Well Ariel if it isn't anything than you have no reason not to let me see you. It would only take a few minutes to give you the physical." Says Roscov.
"I will make an appointment today." Replies Ariel.
"Promise." Asks Roarke
"I promise but my main concern right now Dr is Roarke here. He looks like he is in need of your services much more than I am." Says Ariel
"That is why I am here this morning. Ariel, will you excuse us please."
Ariel looks surprised and then hurt. She gets up from the table and makes her exit.
"Ariel, the doctor can see you now."
Ariel puts down the magazine she was reading and follows the nurse into the examining room.
"The Dr will be right with you." The nurse says as she leaves the room closing the door behind her.
About a minute later Dr Roscov opens the door and enters the room.
"Hello there Ariel I am glad you finally made it in to see me."
"This is more Roarkes idea. I feel fine just, a little tired, but who isn't."
Dr Roscov first checks Ariels blood pressure and pulse. He then looks down her throat and in her ears. "Everything looks alright so far, so we don't have a virus or cold."
"The fainting spell did happen about a month ago so I guess if it was a cold I would have known it by now."
"Ariel, do you think you can give me a urine sample now?"
"Yes, sure if you think it is necessary but why?"
"Just routine."
"I am going to draw some blood first and run some routine tests like to check for blood sugar and cell count - the usual, and hand your urine sample to the nurse on your way out okay?"
"That is it? Okay when do you expect the results?"
"Probably in a couple days. You can call us if you like."
Dr Roscov takes the syringe and starts taking blood out of Ariels arm and then labels each tube.
"Alright you two vacation is over for now. Our next set of guests are expected to arrive Monday."
"Roarke, you are finally up and about. Feeling better?" Harry asks
"Yes I am fine."
"How many guests are we expecting, boss?" asks Cal "Only three." Roarke says and then walks away
"He doesn't look much better to me Harry."
"For once I agree with you Cal. He seems so pale and weak."
Ariel comes walking towards the main house after finishing her gardening work
"Oh Ariel, I almost forgot to tell you Dr Roscov's office called. They want you to call them."
"Okay, thanks, Harry."
Ariel goes into the house and calls the Drs office.
"Yes, this is Ariel, I received a message that Dr Roscov wanted me to call. Yes, I can hold. Hi, Dr Roscov, how are you? Can't you tell me over the phone what you found? Well if you insist, I can come over around noon is that alright? Okay, I will see you then, bye."
Ariel hangs up the phone and just stands there for a moment staring at the wall.
"Is everything alright Ariel?" asks Harry
"What, yes everything is fine." smiles Ariel.
"Ariel wait, I want to ask you something else."
"What is it, Harry?"
"Did you ever find out what was wrong with Roarke? He still doesn't seem to be much better."
"No, I never did; it seems like a big secret around here."
"Oh I just thought, since you two are close…"
"Apparently not that close, Harry." Ariel turns away from Harry and walks out of the room.
Once again Ariel finds herself waiting in the Drs. office. She looks down at her watch impatiently. "What a waste of time this is," she says to herself. "I don't know why he couldn't tell me over the phone."
The door opens and the nurse looks over at Ariel
"Ariel, Dr Roscov said for you to wait in his office."
Ariel lifts herself out of the seat and follows the nurse into Dr Roscovs office.
"Have a seat he will be right with you."
Ariel takes the seat in front of his desk. She looks around his office noticing the pictures of what appears to be Roscov's family and a whole bunch of medical books. On the wall are diplomas with his name on them.
"Ah Ariel, thanks for coming in so soon." Roscov says as he closes the door behind him
"Sure Doctor."
She waits for him to sit down at his desk and has her chart in front of him.
"So what did you find, doctor, that was so important you couldn't tell me over the phone?"
"Well Ariel I think I found out why you fainted that day and why you are feeling so tired lately."
"Don't tell me I've got what Roarke has? By the way doctor, what does Roarke have?"
"We aren't here today to discuss Roarke's situation, Ariel. You wouldn't want me to bring him in here to discuss yours, would you?"
"No, I guess not."
"Ariel do you have anyone here on the island that is close to you?"
"Do you mean like family or friends? What is it, doctor, now you are scaring me? Just please tell me. Is it real serious?"
"I am sorry, Ariel, I didn't mean to scare you, and no your condition isn't a serious one but one that requires some medical supervision."
"I am listening, doctor."
"Ariel, you are pregnant. The blood work estimates you are about 5 weeks. Can you tell us when your last period was?"
Ariel just sat there stunned looking at the doctor.
"You're kidding doctor. This can't be. I haven't menstruated for years! This is impossible!"
"Your urine and blood indicate otherwise. I hate to ask you this but I must. Do you know who the father is?"
"What is so funny, Cal?"
"You know the boss isn't right. How long have we been on the beach sunning without being called to set tables or clean up the rooms."
"It is quite unusual but don't knock it. Maybe he just wants to give us a break."
"Are you kidding not our boss. He doesn't give us any breaks."
From a short distance they hear a hum.
"Oh no Roarke said we wouldn't be having any guests till Monday!" Cal screams.
"Hurry up, Cal, or we will be late."
Cal and Harry quickly pick up their lounge chairs and towels and run towards the main house. "What are we going to do, Cal, there is no time to change our clothing?"
"Just go meet the plane, Harry!"
Cal and Harry start running towards the dock. As they get closer they see Roarke already standing there waiting for the plane to land. "It is alright boys I'll take care of this one." Roarke says without turning around.
"You can go back to sunning yourselves."
Cal and Harry look at each other. Cal shrugs and starts to walk back towards the main house. Harry follows suit.
The plane comes to a halt and the door opens. A very tall, bald man in a dark suit exits the plane. "Hello there, Roarke. Glad to see you were able to make it to meet me. I didn't think you would."
"Hello there, Ryerson. Long time no see. I didn't want to disappoint you by sending someone else to meet you."
The two men start to walk back towards the main house not looking or speaking to each other.
"Ariel apparently there is a guest joining us today."says Harry
"What guest? We aren't expecting anyone till Monday, I thought."
"So did I, but the plane came in and a man got off."
"Who is it and what is his fantasy?"
"I don't know. Roarke told Cal and me to leave and he would take care of it."
What is going on around here with all this secrecy?"
"What did the doctor want, Ariel?"
"Oh nothing, my tests came back, that is all."
"Is everything alright?"
"Yes, everything is fine."
Roarke and the mysterious guest enter the main house. They walk past Ariel and Harry without looking at them or saying a word. They enter Roarke's office and with one last look at Ariel, Roarke closes the door. After about a half hour the doors reopens and the mysterious man walks out and up the steps.
Roarke comes out afterwards and starts to head for his bedroom.
"Roarke!" yells Ariel
Roarke stops and turns around to face Ariel, already knowing what she is going to ask.
"Let's go upstairs and talk, shall we."
"There is nothing to talk about, Ariel. I am going to lie down."
Roarke turns back around and continues on his way to his room. Ariel just stands there stunned.
Harry, noticing Ariels hurt feelings, tries to change the subject, "Ariel, your garden looks beautiful. Roarke was right, you do have a special talent."
"Thanks, Harry" Ariel says without looking at Harry.
"Ariel, whatever it is it will blow over."
"I am not so sure, Harry."
Ariel is enjoying the beautiful evening. The sky is so clear she cam see all the stars. It is warm but with a soft breeze blowing. Nights like this make things not seem so bad.
"I'd thought I would find you here."
Roarke started to approach Ariel as she was standing on the balcony looking out at the sea. He places his hands on her shoulders and pulls her close to him. He then places his head next to hers so that they both can look out at the sea. Ariel pulls away.
"What is wrong, Ariel?"
"Nothing, Roarke, I just feel like being on my own tonight."
"Come on, Ariel, it is me. The evening is beautiful. I thought we could go for a walk on the beach or maybe go to my room for a little bit." Roarke says with a smile.
"No, thank you. Not tonight." "Ariel, are you upset about something? What is wrong? You know you can talk to me."
"Roarke, it is just you shut me out of everything. Everything except when you want to be close to me, then you are real interested in what I am thinking and doing."
"What are you talking about?"
"All this secrecy. What is wrong with you, who was that man you were talking to earlier, why didn't you tell me anyone was coming to the island?"
Roarke looks down and sighs. He then leans against the railing looking very tired again.
"Please, sit down I will tell you."
Ariel takes a seat at the table and waits patiently for him to start his explanation never taking her eyes off his face.
"The man you saw me talking to today is Ryerson. He is from the council. Apparently the council feels I have overstepped my boundaries."
"Overstepped your boundaries, what are they talking about? You do a magnificent job here. If they think it is so easy, why don't they try it sometime."
"Well, for one thing I refused a fantasy request and that started it all. Then, they weren't too happy about our relationship. They feel it would be better if you were sent somewhere else."
"What! I refuse to go! Who do they think they are? What goes on between us doesn't interfere with our job performance and they know that."
"The council's view on this is that our personal relationship is going to effect our working relationship. How, I don't know as they wouldn't say but something is going to come out of it that they are not happy about."
"Does this concern the council has have anything to do with your recent power loss?"
"Yes exactly. It is a form of punishment."
"You also mentioned you refused a fantasy request. You never told me that. Why did you refuse it?"
Roarke leans forward from the railing and turns towards the sea with his back at Ariel.
"I'd rather not go into that for now."
"So, if we don't continue to see each other personally, will they restore your powers to you?"
"They also want you to leave the island."
"Oh, I see."
"Ariel, I can't let you leave. It has been so long since I have been with anyone that makes me feel like you do. I don't want to go back to the way things were. I never realized how lonely I was." Roarke says.
He looks almost as if he has tears in his eyes. He keeps his head down so she can't see the pain in his face.
Ariel rises out of her chair and walks over to Roarke and holds him. "Everything will be alright. We will all work it out somehow."
"I need you, Ariel, I really do."
They start to kiss passionately and then walk with their arms around each other into the house and up to Roarke's bedroom. Ariel knows she has to tell Roarke something else but also knows this isn't the best time. He has enough on his mind right now and she doesn't really feel like talking anymore anyway.
Roarke makes passionate love to Ariel but there was something more there to it than in previous times. Ariel can feel his passion and that he really means what he is doing. She closes her eyes and lets the wave of pleasure overtake her.
Ariel awakens to what appears to be another beautiful day. She rolls over and looks at Roarke who is still sleeping in from their earlier encounters. He almost appears as if he is smiling in his sleep. Although she knows Roarke is suffering from his power loss, she can't help but be a little happy it happened. He never had time for her as he was always busy attending to the guests fantasies and they are closer now than she could have ever dreamed. She leans over to kiss him lightly on his forehead. She slowly gets out of bed and turns on the shower and steps in the shower stall. As she is shampooing her hair the shower door opens and it is Roarke standing there with a bottle of liquid soap in his hand.
"Mind if I join you?"
"By all means," smiles Ariel as she opens the shower stall door wider to let Roarke in.
"Have you found out anything about this guy, Harry?"
"No, Ariel didn't know anything about him either. Cal, better go see what he wants for breakfast."
Cal walks over to Ryerson who is sitting patiently at a table.
"What can I get you, Sir?"
"I'll have two eggs over easy, wheat bread toasted lightly and coffee black."
"Coming right up."
Roarke comes down the steps and sees Ryerson sitting awaiting his breakfast.
"Harry, has anyone taken his order?"
"Yes, Cal just did."
Roarke walks over to the table.
"Morning, Ryerson. I hope you slept well."
"I slept fine. Must be the sea air. You look like you didn't get enough sleep last night however."
"On the contrary I slept fine."
"Your hair is wet."
"I just got out of the shower."
Roarke takes the seat across from Ryerson.
"So lets discuss how we can resolve this situation. I need to get healthy in order to continue my work."
"All I can do, Roarke, is tell the council that I spoke to you and let them know what you are going to do about it."
"I told you I am not going to change my mind. Ariel stays with me. I need her as she is the only person I can trust and as far as that fantasy goes….I just can't."
"I see. Well you're not giving me much to go back to the council with in order for them to change their minds but you have an excellent record that should hold some weight. Along with the fact that the island looks beautiful and between you and me… I don't blame you about Ariel."
"Thanks for understanding," Roarke says it but doesn't look like he really appreciated the comment at all.
Cal brings out Ryersons meal.
"Well, I'll let you enjoy your breakfast." Roarke gets up from his seat but has to hold on to the table for support. Ryerson just watches him and does feel sympathy.
"Roarke, I will do whatever I can to convince them."
Roarke just smiles back and nods.
Roarke goes back to his room to see if Ariel is ready to join him for breakfast. At first when he enters the room he doesn't see her but then quickly notices the bathroom door closed. He lies on the bed to rest for a few minutes but then he hears an unpleasant sound. It sounds as if Ariel is getting sick. He gets up and goes to the bathroom door.
"Ariel, are you alright? Is there anything I can get you?"
"No Roarke please… I will be alright just give me a minute."
He hears the toilet flush and then the water turned on. Ariel then opens up the door with a smile on her face.
"Ready to go?"
"Ariel are you sick. Can I get you anything?"
"No, I am fine, just something I ate last night."
"What could that have been?" Roarke asks with a slight smile.
Roarke and Ariel go seat themselves at the table. Cal comes over to see what they would like to eat. After Cal takes their order and delivers it to the chef he stops by Harry
"What is this every morning?
"What are you talking about now Cal?"
"Roarke and Ariel every morning they come down together and every evening they go up together."
"It is none of our business Cal."
"Oh yeah, well I do know something that Roarke doesn't want us to know."
"What Cal, what is that?"
"He is powerless. He lost his powers some form of punishment."
"I don't believe you, Cal."
"It is true, Har, I overheard him talking to that strange fellow and somehow Ariel is to blame."
"Ariel, what could she have done?"
"Beats me."
"Well Cal, I still wouldn't push my luck with the boss. Ariel still has her powers and that is enough."
"I am going to ask him."
"Ask him what? Cal, are you crazy?"
Cal walks away from Harry and towards the table Roarke and Ariel are sitting at.
"Hey, boss I heard a rumor."
"Oh, and what may that be?"
"That you've been a bad boy and upset some people. That you ah, lost your gift."
Roarke doesn't say anything just stares out in space.
"Well boss, I just wanted to tell you that me and Harry are still going to do our jobs and I am sure everything will get back to normal for you soon. You don't need to worry." Cal says and pats Roarke on the shoulder.
"Gee thanks, Cal, I feel so relieved." Roarke says sarcastically.
"No sweat boss, well I got to run and deliver the mail. See ya."
Ariel looks at Roarke and giggles. "I wonder what he is up to now?"
"I am sure we will soon find out." Roarke says taking a sip of tea
"Ariel is it?"
Ariel turns around and sees the man Roarke calls Ryerson
"Yes I am Ariel is there anything I can do for you?"
"I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. My name is Ryerson." He says outstretching his hand.
"Pleased to meet you Mr. Ryerson." Not accepting his handshake
"Have I've done something to offend you Ariel?"
"Excuse me Mr. Ryerson but I have some work to do."
"Hard work is good but for a women in your condition you should be taking it easy."
Ariel turns around sharply, "What did you say?"
Ryerson smiles. "I am surprised Roarke lets you work out her in the hot hot sun all day. Surely there are other jobs you could do that wouldn't require you to be on your feet all day. You would think a man as wise as Roarke would know better unless he was never made aware of your situation. He does know, Ariel, doesn't he?"
Ariel turns away from Ryerson not sure what to say to him.
"Oh I see, he doesn't know does he? What a pity. Don't you think he should be informed?"
"Look Ryerson or whatever your name is this is my business and I will handle it anyway I see fit!"
"That is true but it took two to get you in that condition. As I see it it would have only been a matter of time. I don't think you realize the seriousness of the situation."
"I think I do."
"No I don't think you really do. Roarke's relationship with you may ruin him and he doesn't even realize it or care. Along with the fact that he doesn't know you are with child. Remember, he doesn't have the power to see things right now."
"Explain something to me, why are you so upset with Roarkes and my relationship. It doesn't effect you and we still do our job."
"That is where you are wrong. It does effect your job and his job. Do you know he refused a fantasy because you were involved? His judgement is clouded."
"What are you talking about?"
"You have been requested to participate in a fantasy of a previous guest who took quite a liking to you. Roarke refused the request right out. Now I think he wouldn't have done that if you weren't so friendly with each other. I see you didn't know. You two should talk to each other more often. After all from what I heard the basis for a good relationship is communication."
"If I participate in this fantasy will Roarkes powers be restored?"
"It might help but I think the council is more upset by your closeness to Roarke as it would prevent this from happening again. They also wonder how you are going to manage your job with a child to take care of."
Ryerson notices that he has made his point with Ariel.
"You know I really can't blame Roarke. You are beautiful and you can become any woman he wishes you to." Ryerson says stroking Ariels face.
Ariel turns away in disgust. Ryerson walks away.
"Good morning, Nurse Kelly." Cal says as he brings the mail over to her.
"Good morning, Cal."
"Anything going out today?"
"Oh yes there is but could you give me a minute I have to run it through the meter."
"Sure take your time. I am enjoying the air conditioning."
Nurse Kelly gets up and runs back to run the letters through the postage meter. Looking on her desk Cal sees Ariels medical file lying out. He looks around and the office is empty. Out of curiosity he lifts the file so that it is on top. He looks around again to make sure Nurse Kelly isn't on her way back and sees she isn't. He opens the file trying to take a peak when he hears. "Here you go Cal, thanks for waiting."
"No problem. Have a nice day."
"You too, Cal.,"
"Roarke, I need to speak to you."Ariel says
"What is it Ariel? You look upset."
"Maybe you ought to sit down. This is big."
Roarke takes a seat, not taking his eyes off of her. He can tell she has something big to tell him by her demeanor.
"Remember when I fainted on the dock and you told me to go see Doctor Roscov and I didn't at first because I thought it was nothing."
"Well, I finally did."
Roarke leans forward nervously.
"What did he say it was?"
Ariel takes a deep breath.
"He told me that I am pregnant."
Roarke just stares at her face, waiting for a smile and a laugh to break out but none does. He clears his throat. "Is he sure. How far along are you?"
"Yes, he is sure as I showed high HCG levels in my urine and blood. I am about 6 weeks along now."
"It explains a lot."
"What do you mean by that?"
"The reason you've been so tired and got sick this morning and why Ryerson is here. No wonder the council was so upset."
"They already know."
"They know everything. How are you feeling?"
"I am fine, just a little nauseous in the morning and tired. It is perfectly normal." Ariel's voice becomes shaky. "I am so sorry, Roarke. I've never meant for this to happen. If I had known I could get pregnant…"
Roarke walks over to Ariel and puts his arms around her. "It's going to be okay. It isn't your fault. It takes two you know," he says, holding her head in his hands and wipes away her tears. He then reaches his hand over her belly and caresses it softly.
"I wonder if it is going to be a boy or a girl." He says with a smile.
"Ariel, why are you out here raking the leaves? You shouldn't be doing that and you know it."
"Oh Roarke, I am fine and I need the exercise. You told me you wouldn't become a worry wart."
"I won't, but maybe you can just type out some memos for me instead."
"I will do that later, okay."
"Alright, but I don't want you lifting anything heavy like that bag of soil over there. Ariel, I mean it!"
"Roarke go away and let me finish. I will be careful."
Roarke walks away. Ariel finishes raking the leaves up and prepares the soil for planting. She plants the bulbs in and all that is left is to add the remaining soil. She looks around to see if anyone is around to help but no one is. "I"ll just drag it over." She thinks to herself. She drags the bag of soil over and then feels a sharp pain on the left side of her abdomen. The pain was so sharp it drags her to her knees.
She breathes deeply waiting for the strong cramp to subside and it does alittle. "I better lie down for a bit," she thinks to herself and goes into the house.
"Well I think I have said and got everything I need here, Roarke. I hate to leave it is absolute paradise here. How could you take such a risk and lose everything?" Ryerson asks.
"The Garden of Eden was paradise to some, too. Do your best for me, Ryerson. I will await an answer."
"Take care, Roarke, and give my best to Ariel."
Roarke shuts the door of the plane after Ryerson boards it.
"Good riddance!"
Ariel awakens about two hours later. Boy, I must have really been tired, she thinks to herself. She starts to get up when she feels wetness between her legs. Lifting the covers off of her bed she swings her legs over to the side. She looks down and sees a red stain where she was lying. She quickly runs to the bathroom. After a few minutes she comes out and runs for the phone.
"Yes, this is Ariel, I need to speak to Dr. Roscov. No, you can't take a message, page him, this is an emergency!"
Roarke walks back towards the house and notices the rake and soil lying on the ground. I thought Cal told me he would still do his job he thought to himself. Harry comes out of the house.
"All is arranged for the guests to arrive on Monday, sir."
"All arranged? What are you talking about, Harry?"
"I got a message from Fisher and he said all is a go for Monday."
Roarke stares at Harry for a moment then looks at the rake. He snaps his fingers and the rake flies up over to the shed. Then the soil is poured over the bulbs and the empty bag is flown in the garbage can. He then looks at Harry who is smiling at him.
"All is well again, I assume."
"I guess so." Roarke says with a smile.
"Cal hurry up! We have to get the place in order before Roarke's guest arrives."
"What is the big deal? We are always having guests arrive. Why is this time so different?"
"It is that Ryerson fellow and Roarke seems nervous about his arrival. This could be big."
The plane lands and Ryerson exits the plane. He walks towards the main house past Cal and Harry.
"Do you have any luggage sir?" Cal yells towards him.
"No thank you." Ryerson replies.
"If there is anything you need, anything at all, please let me know." Harry screams.
Ryerson walks into the main house and into Roarke's office.
"Ryerson how are you? Hope you had a nice flight." Roarke tells him while shaking hands.
"The flight was fine Roarke. Let's get down to business shall we."
"By all means."
"As you noticed your powers have been restored to you. We still aren't too pleased with Ariel's condition. We don't think this is the place to bring up a child in. In fact, Roarke, we don't think Ariel will be able to complete her pregnancy even without any interference from us."
"Why do you think this pregnancy won't be successful?"
"It isn't in the cards so to speak. Ariel should never have been able to conceive a child. We think the only way this happened was that while you were rendered powerless you became mortal and was able to father children. We still aren't sure how Ariel's body allowed an egg to fertilize."
"It seems sometimes you don't have all the answers do you? The fact is that she is pregnant and the fetus is growing. She has to take some extra precautions and be under close medical supervision but there is a very good chance she will carry this child to full term."
"She almost lost it didn't she?"
Roarke got up from behind his desk and leaned forward towards Ryersons seat.
"You better not tell me you or anyone else had something to do with that!"
"That is what I am trying to explain to you. Ariel probably won't be able to carry this baby full term. We think you should realize and accept that. Also, not to think that we had anything to do with the outcome."
"I think as long as you and the others let things be everything will be alright. I just want to make sure that we won't be expecting any surprises from the Council. If it is meant to be it will be."
"That is why I am here to assure you we will not interfere unless we feel that it is interfering with the services you are to provide here. Oh, one last thing. We added some time to your and Ariel's sentence. We feel it is a fair trade off."
"I knew you would want to make an example out of us somehow."
"Take care of yourself and Ariel…dad." Ryerson says with a smile and exits the office.
Roarke walks outside and watches Ryerson disappear down towards the dock. He looks up at Ariel's bedroom window and sees her looking out. He decides to go up and explain it all to her. "Now Ariel you were suppose to be in bed."
"I can't stay in bed all the time. I feel fine no pain at all."
"Are you still bleeding."
"No it stopped. What did he want?"
"He brought us some good and some bad news. The good news is the council won't be hampering in our business unless we give them reason to."
"And the bad news?"
"The bad news is they are extending both our contracts to serve this island. Together at least."
"How much longer?"
"I don't know. It is really nothing just a slap on the wrist. Just to show that they don't really approve of our behavior and to show others it won't be tolerated. "
"You mean I have to stay on this island with you longer than expected?' Ariel says putting her arms around his neck.
"Yes I am afraid you do. I hope it won't be too torturous for you."
"Oh well, if that is the way it has to be." She kisses him on the mouth. "You know Roarke since I've become pregnant I feel so much more alive. In more ways than one."
"I've noticed. I am not complaining by any means but once guest start to arrive again I won't be able to keep this pace up."
"Since we have a couple more days till the new guests arrive lets not waste anymore time."
Don't get chocolate fingerprints
on the forms...