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January 7th, 2004

I have dug myself out of my little coffin because I felt the need to address something.  Oh and before I get into it, thanks to anyone who is still been reading for updates.  I needed to take a break from the WWW for a while and now I am back on a hopefully regular basis.  Oh and one last thing, Happy New year to you all and a special shout out to my homie Liz in CA who I haven't talked to in forever and a day.  Now down to business.

A recent poster to my guestbook has caused me to actually post something on this site.  That's something I haven't done in almost a whole year.  I made some comment about ODU Cheerleading entirely jokingly and someone obviously took it to heart.  So my response to that post (from an anonymous poster by the way) is go fuck yourself.  I don't like anon posters (short for anonymous) because I feel that is a pussy way to be.  If you're not big enough to come out and say what you're thinking without all the secrets, then you get rude responses from me.  So again, go fuck yourself.

With that being said, expect more updates in the near future, I've missed my little home on the web.  Drac is back.


March 20th, 2003

I've been pretty busy lately.  As you can tell it's been several months without any new content or updates.  This is still where I like to spout off at the mouth, but I've been busy maintaining the Team Holly website to really devote much time here.

Anyway, I'm going on vacation in June to Ocean City in Maryland with a couple of my friends.  I'm pretty excited about it, but kind of bummed that more people aren't going with us.

I've been spending too much time online especially on Ebay.  I've bought all kinds of cool stuff and am considering selling a few things on there just to get rid of them.

My burner officially broke and that pissed me off, but what are you gonna do?  Sorry to everyone who does check this page regularly.  Just yell at me in my guestbook or e-mail me and I'll start updating this thing more often.  I guess I just don't live that interesting of a life, but when funny stuff does happy or something pisses me off I try to write it here for the whole 3 people that visit here regularly to have something to laugh at with me.  Okie dokie well that's it for now, I'm off to smoke and eat food and make phone calls.  Later



December 11th, 2002

Wow I haven't updated my pages in a loooong time. Just wanna give a shout out to the Orlando area. My peeps know who I'm talkin' bout. Anyway as to what's up with me. Well actually not a whole hell of a lot. Life goes on and I'm still spending an absorbent amount of time online, just not anything page worthy. I'm not gonna shut down my realm anytime soon just hopefully will have cool stuff for you all to look at sometime at somepoint. Well thanks for checking in on my and hopefully I'll have updates when something cool/exciting happens. Later peeps.


October 15th, 2002

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been kind of busy with other projects of mine. September was a crazy month and October is shaping up to be even more hectic. I've been really devoting a lot of time to the second site that I maintain, The Team Holly Website. It's mostly Magic stuff, but I think it has some funny things on it. My sister even wrote an article for the site that I found pretty humorous. Other than that not a lot going on in my life right now. No new news or updates so to speak. Not even any pictures to post. I finally got my scanner issues fixed by just going out and getting a mack daddy scanner. Between now and November 2nd, I probably will be pretty busy getting ready for State Championships. Well thanks for checking in and hopefully there will be some updates or something semi-interesting to report in the next few days.


August 27th, 2002

Not much in the way of news for my own personal site. However I am pleased to announce that as of yesterday I have posted a brand spanking new site with all the information you'd ever want to know about the mythical, the legendary.... Team Holly. I've been wanting to set up a site for the team, but just never really had the time to do it. Well time seems to be my middle name these days so the site is up and running at least most of it is. Included on that site is our own card set "Crackmonkey" the set like the site is still under construction. Check it out at



July 23rd, 2002

**Precisely 1 hour later**

The pictures are up in the Photo Album. They can all be viewed by clicking here. The new He-Man cards can be viewed by clicking here. Should have put links in earlier but I forgot.


July 23rd, 2002

The Realm has had over 400 hits. Not too shabby even if I do say so myself. I'm smoking like a mad man and yes later today there will be pics up from the Daniel Birthday tradition lol. So sit back grab a snack and enjoy cause by the time you read this they will be up and fully functional. Hope everyone liked the new He-Man cards.


July 22nd, 2002

Recently I've been keeping myself quite busy by downloading movies and other cool stuff off the internet. This is very time consuming and can be a little frustrating. I would offer some of these cool things for you to download off my website personally, however I'm sure that there would be some nasty legal actions taken against me and I also don't have the webspace. So if any of you are interested in what I have please feel free to e-mail me at and I'll be happy to trade movies or give some to you if I like you. Some stuff includes every single episode of South Park, the first 26 Episodes of Dragon Ball Z and miscellaneous episodes of the Cell Games from DBZ. So feel free to drop me a message I'm happy to trade stuff. I hope to get all the Dragon Ball Z episodes however I'm new to the cartoon and it's all a little confusing and very geeky... I love it. Peace.


July 21st, 2002

As promised the updates are here. I have a few new pictures to add to the galleries. Mainly some fun Magic cards I made up based on everyone's favorite cartoon from the 80's, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe! I downloaded the very first Episode of He-Man entitled "The Diamond Ray of Disappearance" thus it inspired me to pay homage to my old school favorite cartoon. There should be a couple of new pictures in the friends section since Daniel just had a party. Well that's all for now. Hope you enjoy the new stuff.


June 29th, 2002

I'm alive!!!! After a loooong vacation Dracomos has risen from the ashes like the immortal Phoenix. So where have I been? Well I didn't actually go anywhere. I just needed a break from the duties here at the Realm. My heart hasn't been in it for a while. Too many things on my mind and too many other obligations to devote as much time here as I used to. So instead of giving little or nothing at all to my few faithful readers, I decided to give nothing at all. However rest assured that vacation time is over. There shall be updates on a more regular basis because quite frankly I have a lot to say.

Hold that thought, I must find my smokes... ( a few seconds later) I have returned yet again. I put a post here on the realm not too too long ago asking for help from any and all readers here at the Realm. Believe it or not I have actually gotten a few responses. I do get comments in the form of e-mail from time to time. Most of these people wish to remain anonymous for whatever reason and I shall respect there wishes. So now comes my great plea from any and all readers. Send me letters or comments, tell me stories or hell tell me jokes. Think my page sucks ass, let me know. All constructive criticism will be taken into account. All letters become property of The Realm and maybe posted here at my discretion. So write away send them all to All letter will get a response.

Now on to what's new in my life. It has been a great while since I actually posted any news and what's happenings, so I will try to summarize in as few of sentences as I can. Team Midgard took a break from the Magic tournament scene for a while up until May where we all played in the Judgment prerelease. I got seventh place and got some packs all was good. For the past 2 months however I have devoted a lot of my time and energy into a new game called Mage Knight. It is great fun, but I shall spare you the boring details of my little hobbies.

I've seen lots of great movies. And of course I was at Star Wars: Episode 2 on opening night. I wasn't that impressed with the film. I actually thought it made Phantom Menace look like a great movie. I'm not going to pass major judgment on the film until the third and final Prequel is released. In about 3 years that is. Damn you George Lucas. Until then I am eagerly awaiting the releases of the Next two Matrix films, The Hulk, X-Men 2 and the 2 final Chapters in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. For those of you who haven't seen The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, you should all be slapped severely with a spiral notebook. Stop reading right now, go to your local movie house and watch the damn movie! It is truly one of the finer pieces of cinema to be released in a long while. Spider-Man of course is also another decent movie which surprised me quite a bit. I was wondering when they'd actually make a decent rendition of a comic book to film. Don't even start me with how crappy the Batman series went. Spider-Man was really decent even for the non-comic book buffs.

So enough about movies let's see what else can I go on about. I've been keeping busy. Working here and there. As some may recall I actually posted something about Count Chocula and other General Mills cereals that seemed to have went MIA in the past few years. I am pleased to report that at least in Columbus, Ohio most stores are now restocking their shelves with the famed monster cereals. The Count, Boo-Berry and Frankenberry have all been sighted. Speaking of other great things from my youth, I was watching cable the other day and on TNN I saw probably one of the most classic episodes of the A-Team. You all remember the A-Team don't you? Come on, Mr. T in his finest role ever. Anyway the episode had a much much younger Hulk Hogan as the guest star. Ahh memories. Other things that have been MIA in particular is my Canadian homie Liz. Where the heck are you girl?

I guess in closing to this lengthy meaningless babble I can say a few things to wrap this up. It is most definitely great to be back. Pay no attention to the rest of this post as it is just a jumble of thoughts plucked out of nowhere in particular. I hope that no one has gone dumber having listened to it. Thanks.


March 28th, 2002

No page news. Scanner is still broken though I'm looking into getting it fixed. I just have a special shout out to my biological bro. Today was his birthday. Happy birthday bro!


March 27th, 2002

Well after my semi-depressing entry on the 24th, everyone out there in the world will be happy to know that I'm just fine. Actually I'm better than fine. I'm fucking hunky dory. Why the sudden change in 3 days you ask? Because I have the best friends in the whole world that's why.

On to updates. I'm actually going to be devoting some time into putting some updates on the page. Crackmonkey is coming along nicely and soon we might actually get to work on it hardcore. For tonight though I'll be posting some pictures though I'm not sure how many. Hope you all enjoy. Well I'm gonna finish this smoke and do some more updates in this section and add my pictures. Take care all.


**About an Hour Later on the same day**

After fighting with my scanner and not being able to do what I want to do I only have 1 new picture today. It's of Sara on her wedding day. Sorry about this folks, but there are sometimes technical difficulties. Thanks again.

March 24th, 2002

I just recently got back from a trip. I went to Maryland. The details of the trip are not as important as the discovery within myself and the questions that I've asked myself since my arrival back home. Sometimes it takes a change of scenery to open up your eyes to things that you didn't know were around you. And sometimes it takes a while for you to realize the things that you have are more important and should be given a little bit more attention before it's too late.

Destined to fail. That's what I've pretty much been told now for several years. Not once or twice mind you and not on just one thing, but there is only one thing that I've been told I'll be destined to fail at that actually is starting to bother me. If anyone knows me by now they know that details are very seldom given and that more often than not I'm just spouting off at the mouth. Especially when it comes to talking about my own life at least on personal matters that is.

I've had a very rude awakening in the past 24 hours. I think that I know myself pretty well. I've found out that I don't really know shit. I'm capable of things that I never thought that I would be capable of. I've heard that statement so many times that I think part of me knows it's true. However I don't want anyone else to have the satisfaction of telling me I told you so. I've been given a deadline and I guess for now I might as well enjoy the ride until it's time to get off.

Sorry for not having much cheerier things to talk about, but this is my page and if you don't like it get your own. Peace I'm out.


PS: Pictures are coming this week

February 26th, 2002

Well someone was bitching at me to put down some new updates. So let's see since there is nothing new as far as changes to the web page I guess I can say what's going on in my little corner of the world.

Hmmmm not much actually. Planning on taking a trip real soon maybe. See some cool peeps in Maryland. Might be happening. Not entirely sure though. Oh and before I forget have to give a shout out to Ohio Dominican College and two of the cheerleaders in particular. My sis and her friend. Everyone else sucks from what I've heard.

Well take it easy out there.


February 8th, 2002

The card set Crackmonkey will be receiving a lot of attention in the following month. Hopefully new pictures will be up soon. I have to confer with the three other designers of the set. Other than that not much news to report as far as Updates to the realm. I apologize for the length in between now and my last post. I have had a lot of things to keep me busy. Updates should return to a more normal pace now that all of the big events (Christmas, New Year's, Superbowl) have passed.

It suddenly struck me that next month is my birthday. Damn I'm getting old. If there is a party I'll snag the new digital camera and take plenty of pictures. Speaking of parties, I have a couple of pictures back from New Year's Eve this year. I'll post those sometime soon. Oh yeah and I finally have Road Runner. Though it has been pissing me off through constantly being down and dropping me I at least have it and can download really fast now. That's exciting. Maybe that'll give me more incentive to update a little more often.

I went to the Torment Prerelease for Magic: The Gathering on the 26th of January. I went along with the usual Team. Steve didn't do very well, but hey he did pretty damn good seeing as how he got shit in his packs. Daniel on the other hand placed 7th. I was pretty proud. I ended up winning. And for that they gave me a box of cards. I can't complain when someone gives me Magic cards. In any case it was loads of fun. Our next tournament appearance won't be until sometime in March or April from the looks of it. Kind of sucks, but I could really use the break in all honesty.

Until next time take it easy.


January 8th, 2002

No real new updates to report. Just posting to let everyone know that I survived the Holiday season. Christmas was pretty good. I got a 24 speed burner. Now I will be burning everything in the world. My next task is to eventually (that is whenever my cable company makes it available) get Road Runner so I can download everything in the world which I will then put on to CD's.

New Year's came and went though it was relatively uneventful. I didn't even really party that hard and I wouldn't even consider what I did "drinking". It was very chilled, just mainly hung out with my family and some friends. Not a bad time just nothing all that thrilling either.

Yesterday morning I got a very surprising phone call from a very very good friend of mine who lives in Australia. She called me up just to chat and to see how I was doing which was very nice of her.

Well that's all for updates today. I will post more when I get around to it. Take care out there.


December 22nd, 2001

I have added something to the front page to make it not look so plain and boring. The original piece of art was done by Wayne England in a piece called "Phantom Whelp". Just giving credit where it's due. I may change it around some more than it already is, but for now I'm happy with the results.

In other page news, now that I have finally figured out all the virus problems on my computer I will be slowly adding cards to the much anticipated Magic set exclusive to the Realm entitled "Crackmonkey". Be on the look out for those very very soon. I will post here when/if any new cards are added and a link to where they can be found.

I have archived all posts and news from August 2001-October 2001 in the Archived Updates section. Well I'm off of here for now. I have to continue to crush the Rebel Alliance and make them fear the dark side in Galactic Battlegrounds. Take care and feel free to post thoughts in the Guestbook or drop me an e-mail with comments or suggestions to cool letters or posts will be posted here. Got something you wanna say, have something bugging you, wanna bitch about anything in the whole wide world? Send me your e-mails or post them in the Guestbook. All mails will be replied to. If you wish you don't have to use your real name. Thanks

December 21st, 2001

Reflective period. Bear with me for a bit. Little piece of writing I found interesting maybe you will as well.

"As the memories flood the shores of the present, don't be washed away by it's seductive feel against your skin. The past is in the past for a reason. Remember it for what it was not what you wish it is." -Anon

Alright got that out of my system. Page updates. Well for now there will be few to none until after the Christmas season is done. At which point there will be something a little prettier to look at on the main page.

Not only that I have to try and tear myself away from my newest addiction. Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds for PC.

Anyone out there who hasn't seen Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring yet I suggest you get your ass out there and go see it. It's an absolutely wonderful movie. In my humble opinion anyway.

Well from me to all of you out there have a safe and happy holiday season.


November 13th, 2001

I have page updates today! Woo hoo! I know you're all excited out there. The updates have actually been posted before this actually gets posted funny ain't it? Anyway there are now about a dozen new pictures in the photo gallery under my friends. Including some pictures of where I stayed during spring break this year in Gatlinburg, TN. A couple other interesting ones. I apologize that I didn't get more quality pictures out of 2 rolls of film, but most of the pictures I took turned out poopy. Oh well that should tide you over for now. Take care out there and be careful.

Side note: The events yesterday with the Plane Crash in New York, my thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims.


November 11th, 2001

Actual page news today. I finally got off of my lazy ass and went and got my film developed. While there weren't a lot of great pictures there are some really good ones on there. Plenty for you to enjoy. Those will be posted either later today or tomorrow so be on the look out for those. Other than that, not much going on here in the realm. Been a slow week.

Team Midguard news, we went to states and Drac here sucked ass. I didn't do very well at all, but a shout out to Daniel who finished out the day with a 6-3 record! Congrats on having the second highest tournament win loss record in Team Midguard history. I will post when the pictures are added to the photo album. Have a good day.


November 6th, 2001

Well let's see. Ummm... I don't have a whole lot of updates. I still have like two rolls of film that are beginning to become older than dirt that I haven't developed. Other than the fact that I'm moving this page most likely to the main page at some point. Just too plain looking on there or I might do a spiffy picture or something there. Just so it's not so plain looking.

Team Midguard news: November State Championships are coming up this Friday. The last few days have been spent endlessly thinking, analyzing, playtesting, building, re-thinking etc.. We've narrowed the field down a lot and picked out our three decks we're taking. I happen to love my deck. It has one mack daddy card in it. It simply says in non-magic terms, "pick any card you want and your opponent isn't allowed to play with it anymore." I keep thinking to myself i need that when i play euchre and hearts and spades and stuff. or hell even poker. could you imagine recking someone's poker hand by having one that said the card that they had in their hand for their flush just wasn't allowed to be played at all? Anyway I might update this page some after the tournament so keep an eye out for that. See ya around people.
