Robert Beltran
Roxann Dawson
Jennifer Lien
Robert Duncan McNeill
Kate Mulgrew
Ethan Phillips
Robert Picardo
Tim Russ
Jeri Ryan
Garrett Wang
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Ever recognize a face or a voice but could not remember where you have seen the actor or actress? Added links to filmographies (actors' and actresses' histories of movies and TV shows) for the Guest Cast on each of the reviews on Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, Season 6 and Season 7pages. Just click on the links and check them out!

Information comes Star Trek Continuum, TV Guide Online, TV Quest and The Internet Movie Database.

I know all the actors on Voyager can do a great job and these ratings are not necessarily a reflection on their acting abilities.

You might say I have a five star system. but instead of stars I am using these five creatures.


This picture means the script stinks.


This picture means the script was slow.


This picture means the script was attention getting.


This picture means the script was not only attention getting but had a meaningful plot.


This picture means the script was not only good with a meaningful plot, but was outstanding.

Season 2

The 37's


After atmospheric disturbances force the crew to land the Starship Voyager on a mysterious planet, Captain Janeway leads an away team in search of the source of the centuries-old distress signal detected by the ship's sensors. They discover the source of the SOS to be an old Earth aircraft. Upon further investigation, the team finds a massive chamber containing eight earthlings in cryogenic units, one of which is Amelia Earhart (Sharon Lawrence). After releasing them from suspended animation, the U.S.S. Voyager crew comes under attack when a group of the planet's inhabitants mistakes them for members of the Briori -- an alien race which abducted more than 300 people from Earth in 1937 and brought them this planet as slaves.

It's learned that over time, the slaves revolted and killed the aliens. The eight surviving "37's" became part of the planet's history and the cryogenic chamber was their shrine. Since then, the descendants of the original 300 cultivated the planet and created a home much like Earth. The crew of the U.S.S. Voyager is invited to stay, and Janeway must face her greatest challenge as she allows each crewmember the personal choice to stay behind and begin a life among these kindred Humans.

Production: 820
Airdate: 8-28-95
Stardate: 48975.1
Director: James L. Conway
Writers: Jeri Taylor & Brannon Braga


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Sharon Lawrence as Amelia Earhart Actress, Producer filmography
David Graf as Noonan Actor filmography
James Saito as Japanese Soldier Actor filmography
Mel Winkler as Jack Hayes Actor filmography
John Rubenstein as John Evansville Actor filmography

Never saw this show



When First Officer Chakotay borrows a Shuttlecraft to perform the Pakra, a solitary Indian ritual commemorating his father's death, he inadvertently drifts into Kazon-Olga territory and becomes the target of a Kazon youth attempting to earn his Olga warrior name by killing the Federation enemy.

Striking back, Chakotay disarms and destroys the Kazon ship, but not before rescuing the young boy named Kar -- the only surviving lifeform -- by transporting him aboard the Shuttlecraft. Soon, the two are pulled via tractor beam aboard a larger Kazon vessel sent to investigate the explosion. Led by Razik and Haliz, the Kazon-Ogla hold Chakotay prisoner during which he learns that because Kar has failed in his first mission, he doesn't earn his name and is sentenced to die... by Chakotay's hands.

Meanwhile, fearing their mission comrade is in danger, the Voyager crew -- with Kes and Neelix providing their expertise on Kazon -- sets out to find Chakotay

Production: 821
Airdate: 9/4/95
Stardate: 49005.3
Director: Winrich Kolbe
Writer: Kenneth Biller


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Aron Eisenberg as Kar Actor filmography
Patrick Kilpatrick as Razik Actor filmography
Tim de Zarn as Haliz Actor fimlography

Never saw this show



The Doctor receives information that Voyager has suffered a massive Kazon attack and that most of the crew has abandoned ship, so he ventures from Sickbay, via remote holo-projection system, to aid those still on board.

Once he's on the ship's near-deserted Bridge, The Doctor must determine what is and what is not reality. Much to his confusion and counter to his program, The Doctor shows human life signs when, during a struggle with a Kazon warrior, he experiences injury and pain. He meets Lieutenant Barclay, learns of Dr. Lewis Zimmerman, the engineer who wrote his medical holographic program and amazingly, discovers that The Doctor has a wife -- Kes. He's in a state of disbelief when Barclay tells him he must completely destroy Voyager.

Production: 817
Airdate: 9-11-95
Stardate: 48892.1
Director: Jonathan Frakes
Writer: Brannon Braga


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Dwight Schultz as Barclay Actor filmography

Never saw this show



Aggressive space-dwelling lifeforms attach themselves to the Starship, creating an electrophoretic field. The occurrence increases Kes' metabolic activity and accelerates her reproductive process, causing her to prematurely enter the elogium -- the time of life when Ocampa bodies become fertile. However, the elogium occurs only once, so if Kes is ever going to have a child, it must be immediately.

Before making his decision whether or not he will father Kes' child, a bewildered Neelix seeks the advice of Tuvok. Meanwhile, while considering how long it may take to get the ship home, Janeway wonders if it may be necessary for the crew to start having children to provide the next generation of personnel.

Production: 818
Airdate: 9-18-95
Stardate: 48921.3
Director: Winrich Kolbe
Story: Jimmy Diggs & Steve J. Kay
Teleplay: Kenneth Biller and Jeri Taylor


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Nancy Hower as Ensign Clarke Actress filmography
Gary O'Brien as Crew member #1 Actor filmography
Terry Correll as Crew member #2

Never saw this show

Non Sequitur


Ensign Harry Kim is confused when he awakens to find himself on Earth -- in 24th century San Francisco -- working as a design specialist at Starfleet Engineering and engaged to be married to Libby. When he accesses his service records, they mysteriously indicate that he was never a crew member aboard U.S.S. Voyager.

Although he has longed to be with Libby, his sense of duty compels him to return to the reality he knows -- and the Delta quadrant. Soon the dazed Kim meats Cosimo, an alien in the guise of a local shop owner, who explains that a temporal anomaly in the space-time continuum has transported him to an altered reality. Kim learns that if he recreates the circumstances that brought him to Earth and then flies into the time-stream, there's a chance he might be able to transport back to his reality. Upon further investigation, Kim finds information on his onetime crew member Tom Paris which indicates that Paris is a convicted traitor and alleged Maquis sympathizer. Kim travels to Marseilles, France, to track down the recently paroled, drunk and disheveled Paris who claims he never made it aboard Voyager. Before long, Starfleet personnel believes Kim is a Maquis spy and put him under house arrest.

Production: 822
Airdate: 9/25/95
Stardate: 49011
Director: David Livingston
Writer: Brannon Braga


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Louis Giambalvo as Cosimo Actor filmography
Jennifer Gatti as Libby Actress filmography
Jack Shearer as Admiral Strickler Actor filmography
Mark Kiely as Lieutenant Lasca Actor filmography



A spatial distortion phenomenon occurs not only in space but inside the ship as well, changing Voyager's structural layout and completely disabling it. As Voyager is compressed and twisted by this unknown anomaly, the crew must work frantically to stop it.

Captain Janeway is incapacitated when she comes in contact with the strange force and soon, Neelix winds up missing. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew is trapped in a maze on Deck Six and the Doctor is confined to Sandrine's Bar as the force pushes inward, closing on them.

Production: 819
Airdate: 10-2-95
Stardate: Unknown
Director: Kim Friedman
Story: Arnold Rudnick & Rich Hosek
Teleplay: Kenneth Biller


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Larry Hankin as Gaunt Gary Actor filmography
Judy Geeson as Sandrine Actress filmography
Tom Virtue as Baxter Actor filmography
Terry Correll as Crewman



When Kes spends free time with a smitten Tom Paris, Neelix is overcome with jealousy and instigates a messy fight with the Lieutenant. In the aftermath, the Captain sends the sparring pair on a shuttlecraft mission to an M-Class planet, to replenish food supplies. When their craft experiences an interference pattern, they crash on the planet. Seeking cover from the trigemic vapors, Paris and Neelix seal themselves inside a cave and then discover they have company there -- an embryonic pod which hatches an alien baby, a repto-humanoid being. They must work together to sustain the newborn -- and preserve each other's life when its angry mother approaches.

Production: 823
Airdate: 10-9-95
Stardate: 49068.5
Director: Jonathan Frakes
Writer: Tom Szollosi


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

George Spelvin as Gleknar

Never saw this show.

Persistence of Vision


As they ready for a first encounter with the Bothan alien species, a strange psionic field causes the U.S.S. Voyager crew to succumb to a delusional state and their most deeply buried thoughts surface. During this ordeal, the characters in Janeway's holonovel program become real, and her beloved Mark appears; Paris faces off with his disparaging father, the Admiral; Kim is finally reunited with his girlfriend, Libby; Tuvok talks to his Vulcan wife, T'Pel; and Torres is seduced by Chakotay. The ship is effectively disabled and it's up to an unaffected Kes and The Doctor to block the mysterious field.

Production: 824
Airdate: 10-30-95
Stardate: Unknown
Director: James L. Conway
Writer: Jeri Taylor


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Stan Ivar as Mark Actor filmography
Michael Cumpsty as Lord Burleigh Actor filmography
Carolyn Seymour as Mrs. Templeton Actress filmography
Thomas Alexander Dekker as Henry Actor filmography
Lindsey Haun as Beatrice Actress filmography
Warren Munson as Admiral Paris Actor filmography
Patrick Kerr as Bothan Actor filmography
Marva Hicks as T'Pel Actress filmography

Never saw this show.



While Chakotay leads an Away Team to drill for minerals on a moon's surface, they accidentally disturb a village and encounter its defensive inhabitants -- a group with Indian origins. A regretful Chakotay then experiences flashbacks of himself as a defiant 15-year-old who disappoints his father be not embracing the traditions of his tribe.

The natives employ a cloaking device to disable Voyager and the endangered Away Team must transport out, leaving Chakotay alone on the planet. When he's confronted by the aliens, they respond to his familiar tattoo marking. Chakotay recognizes the tones of their language as those of his own people and applies what he recalls from his father's teachings on their heritage to assure the natives of Starfleet's peaceful intentions and his sympathetic perspective. Along the way, he reconciles the conflicts he had with his now deceased father.

Meanwhile, while tending to the pregnant Ensign Wildman, The Doctor is challenged by Kes to show more compassion for his patients. So, he programs himself with a simulated flu virus to experience the discomforts living beings can feel.

Production: 825
Airdate: 11-6-95
Stardate: Unknown
Director: Alexander Singer
Story: Larry Brody
Teleplay: Michael Piller


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Henry Darrow as Kolopak Actor filmography
Richard Fancy as Alien Actor filmography
Douglas Spain as Young Chakotay Actor filmography
Nancy Hower as Ensign Wildman Actress filmography
Richard Chaves as Chief Actor filmography

Never saw this show.

Cold Fire


The crew is hailed by Ocampa colonists on an alien space station who, at long last, lead them to the female mate of The Caretaker, a mysterious being who may have the ability to send the U.S.S. Voyager home. As Tuvok tutors Kes in honing her rapidly maturing mental abilities, it's concluded that her burgeoning powers have been extremely underestimated.

Tanis, a male Ocampa colonist, agrees to introduce Captain Janeway and her crew to an entity they call Suspiria, the female mate of The Caretaker. As the Voyager crew builds great hope of returning home soon, Tanis implores Kes to stay with her Ocampa people on the alien space station.

Production: 826
Airdate: 11-13-95
Stardate: 49164.8
Director: Cliff Bole
Story: Anthony Williams
Teleplay: Brannon Braga


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Gary Graham as Tanis Actor filmography
Lindsay Ridgeway as Girl Actor filmography
Norman Large as Ocampa man Actor filmography

Never saw this show.



Kazon intruders board the U.S.S. Voyager and steal a Transporter control module. That collateral enables their leader, Culluh, to persuade rival sects to join together to conquer the Federation ship. Surprisingly, the mastermind behind the Kazon's scheme is an advisor with Cardassian, Maquis, and Starfleet tactical experience -- none other than Seska, the despised traitor and former intimate of Chakotay.

When Chakotay learns that Seska devised the Kazon plot, he secretly sets out alone -- against protocol -- to thwart her. The Kazon are one step ahead of him and he's quickly captured and brutally interrogated. With their First Officer in the hands of the enemy, the Voyager crew braces for a dramatic showdown, but Seska has one more trick up her sleeve.

Production: 827
Airdate: 11-20-95
Stardate: 49211.5
Director: David Livingston
Writer: Kenneth Biller


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Martha Hackett as Seska Actress filography
Anthony De Longis as Culluh Actor filmography
Terry Lester as Haron Actor filmography
John Gegenhuber as Kelat Actor filmography

Never saw this show.



In search of precious tellerium needed to power the ship, Janeway, Tuvok, Torres and Neelix transport to an Alsaurian city occupied by the hostile Mokra. Tipped off to the U.S.S. Voyager crew's presence, Mokra soldiers capture Tuvok and Torres. During the commotion, Janeway is secreted away by Caylem, a local eccentric who believes she is his long lost daughter.

Neelix is not discovered and transports back to the ship with the necessary minerals and the bad news that the others have been discovered and taken prisoner. As Voyager searches for its arrested crew, Janeway goes undercover, forced to rely on her own devices and the help of her odd new protector, Caylem, to break into the prison and rescue Tuvok and Torres.

Production: 828
Airdate: 11-27-95
Stardate: Unknown
Director: Winrich Kolbe
Story: Michael Jan Friedman & Kevin J. Ryan
Teleplay: Lisa Klink


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Alan Scarfe as Augris Actor filmography
Tom Todoroff as Darod Actor filmography
Glenn Morshower as Guard #1 Actor filmography
Joel Grey as Caylem Actor filmography

Never saw this show.



When the crew finds a deactivated humanoid robot floating in space, Chief B'Elanna Torres is able to repair this mysterious mechanical "man." When it comes to "life" the sentient artificial lifeform, Automated Unit 3947, explains that its kind is near extinction and asks Torres to build a prototype for construction of more units. In accordance with Prime Directive, Torres must decline the request, but when 3947's Pralor homeship is located, the robot abducts her and threatens to destroy Voyager unless she constructs the prototype.

Torres discovers that the robots are programmed to achieve victory while Janeway and her crew, taking measures to rescue her, find themselves in a war of alien robots

Production: 829
Airdate: 1-15-96
Stardate Unknown
Director: Jonathan Frakes
Writer: Nicholas Corea


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Rick Worthy as Automated Personnel Unit 3947/Gravic Commander 122 Actor filmography
Hugh Hodgin as 6263

Never saw this show.



After Voyager is severely attacked by Kazon and one of its crewmen killed, Chakotay appeals to Janeway to start thinking more like the Maquis. Janeway knows she must strengthen Voyager's position in the quadrant and, although it's a difficult decision and is against her beliefs and training, she agrees to take steps toward a strategic alliance with leaders of several Kazon factions. When they come together for a conference, its eminently clear that there are no rules in this region of space. Unbeknownst to Voyager, there is a traitor in their midst.

Seeking an intermediary to begin talks with the Kazon, Neelix shuttles to Sobras, a planet with a Kazon settlement. There, he makes contact with an acquaintance -- Jal Tersa of Kazon-Pommar. Meanwhile Janeway's initial meeting with Culluh and Seska is unsuccessful but Neelix is able to befriend Mabus, a governor of the Trabe, an exiled sect and bitter enemies of the Kazon. Thinking that the Trabe have compatible goals of peaceful co-existence, Janeway forms an alliance with them -- with deadly results.

Production: 831
Airdate: 1-22-96
Stardate: 49337.4
Director: Les Landau
Writer: Jeri Taylor


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Martha Hackett as Seska Actress filography
Anthony De Longis as Culluh Actor filmography
Charles Lucia as Mabus Actor filmography
Raphael Sbarge as Michael Jonas Actor filmography
John Gegenhuber as Kelat Actor filmography
Larry Cedar as Tersa Actor filmography
Simon Billig as Hogan Actor filmography
Mirron E. Willis as Rettik Actor filmography

Never saw this show.



Lieutenant Paris makes history by becoming the first person to make a transwarp flight. But soon after his shuttle returns from warp ten he undergoes startling biochemistry changes. His cell membranes begin to degrade and despite the Doctor's best efforts, Paris dies. Hours after the pronouncement of death, Paris is discovered breathing, his body going through accelerated mutations which leave him radically transformed into a bizarre and terrifying cross between a human and amphibian.

Production: 832
Airdate: 1-29-96
Stardate: 49373.4
Director: Alexander Singer
Story: Michael DeLuca
Teleplay: Brannon Braga


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Raphael Sbarge as Michael Jonas Actor filmography
Mirron E. Willis as Rettik Actor filmography



When a crew member is murdered, Tuvok's investigation leads to another crewman, Ensign Suder, who finally admits he is the perpetrator. Vulcan instincts prohibit Tuvok from determining a logical motive for committing such a crime, so he attempts to understand the violent impulses of a criminal by performing a mind-meld on Suder.

When Tuvok removes himself from duty, the Doctor initiates treatment which removes Tuvok's emotional suppression abilities. Meanwhile, Chakotay puts Paris on report for running an illegal gambling operation and Neelix embraces his role as the ship's Morale Officer.

Production: 833
Airdate: 2-5-96
Stardate: Unknown
Director: Cliff Bole
Story: Michael Sussman
Teleplay: Michael Piller


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Brad Dourif as Suder Actor filmography
Angela Dohrmann as Ricky Actress filmography
Simon Billig as Hogan Actor filmography



Voyager spots a Cardassian designed, self-guided missile carrying a warhead capable of significant destructive force. As it travels toward Rakosan, a heavily populated planet, Torres reports that she's partly responsible for its virtually unstoppable status. When she was a Maquis, she intercepted the missile and changed its program to assault its own makers, but it later went astray and now she's the only hope I stopping it. So Torres volunteers to transport to the missile's interior and reprogram it again. But before she can detonate the warhead, the onboard computer tries to destroy her first, meanwhile Jonas transmits classified information on the mission to Seska.

Production: 834
Airdate: 2-12-96
Stardate: 47582
Director: LeVar Burton
Story: Gary Holland
Teleplay: Gary Holland and Lisa Klink


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Raphael Sbarge as Michael Jonas Actor filmography
Nancy Hower as Ensign Wildman Actress filmography
Michael Spound as Lorum Actor filmography
Dan Kern as Kellan Actor filmography

Death Wish


A rebel Q escapes imprisonment from inside a comet and demands asylum aboard the U.S.S. Voyager. Just as quickly, the well known Q arrives to force the escaped Q back to the continuum, the extra-dimensional domain in which their immortal kind exist. Meanwhile, the escaped Q proclaims that if Captain Janeway grants him sanctuary, he intends to commit suicide to end the tedium he has endured as an immortal being.

Noting the dictates of Starfleet protocol, Janeway holds a hearing to consider the request for asylum. The tables are turned on Q as a Federation personnel preside over a trial in which he must defend the Q Continuum and the ever logical Tuvok acts as counsel for the escaped Q. A courtroom drama ensues when Q calls himself to the witness stand along with a varied group of other people including Commander William T. Riker, whose lives were profoundly changed by Q's influence.

Production: 830
Airdate: 2-19-96
Stardate: 49301.2
Director: James L. Conway
Story: Shawn Piller
Teleplay: Michael Piller


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

John de Lancie as Q Actor filmography
Gerrit Graham as Q2 Actor filmography
Peter Dennis as Isaac Newton Actor filmography
Maury Ginsberg as ? Actor filmography ?
Jonathan Frakes as Commander William Thomas Riker Actor and Director filmography



Voyager detects a distress call from a weakend lifeform aboard a small spacecraft and quickly beams a deathly ill Vidiian female to Sickbay. The doctor starts treating her for advanced stages of the phage by transferring her decaying body into stasis and creating a temporary, healthy holographic program of her being. As he becomes aquatinted with the alien, a hematologist named Danara Pel, something momentous occurs -- his adaptive program allows him to experience love and romance for the first time.

Lieutenant Paris continues to be insubordinate and espionage is more complicated than Jonas thought when Seska instructs him to plan an accident which will damage Voyager's warp coils.

Production: 836
Airdate: 2-26-96
Stardate: 49504.3
Director: Cliff Bole
Writer: Kenneth Biller


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Martha Hackett as Seska Actress filography
Raphael Sbarge as Michael Jonas Actor filmography
Michael Spound as Lorum Actor filmography
Susan Diol as Dr. Denara Pel Actor filmography
Rick Gianasi as The gigolo Actor filmography



Neelix, a suddenly self-proclaimed journalist, hears a rumor that a fellow crew member has expressed displeasure with Starfleet and requested leave. Soon Tom Paris is relieved of duty to become a pilot with a Talaxian convoy -- leaving a saddened Voyager crew behind. Almost immediately, the Kazon-Nistim and the scheming Seska attack the Talaxian fleet, kidnap Paris and attempt to coerce classified information from him. Meanwhile Neelix suspects someone aboard Voyager has been secretly communicating with the Kazon and his sleuthing leads him directly to Paris.

Production: 835
Airdate: 3-13-96
Stardate: 49485.2
Director: Les Landau
Story: Jeff Schnaufer and Ed Bond
Teleplay: Jeri Taylor


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Raphael Sbarge as Michael Jonas Actor filmography
Simon Billig as Hogan Actor filmography
Jerry Sroka as Laxeth Actor filmography



Astounding consequences occur when the U.S.S. Voyager, while attempting to evade a pursuing Vidiian vessel, enters a plasma cloud. Before they can clear it, the engines stall, anti-matter supplies drain and a proton burst, originating from within the ship, cause heavy casualties and breaches the structural integrity of the hull. When Ensign Kim and Kes disappear into a void in space, Captain Janeway discovers that a duplicate Voyager with an identical crew exist in a parallel universe.

While the crew feverishly attempts to contain the worst onboard disaster ever, the doctor struggles to keep alive Ensign Wildman's newborn, half-human, half-Ktarian baby. Then, Janeway discovers that although a divergence field has caused all sensor readings to double and every particle on the ship to duplicate, there is not enough antimatter to sustain both vessels. As the Vidiians close in on them, she meets the other Janeway face to face to determine a solution, knowing only one of the two ships can survive.

Production: 837
Airdate: 3-18-96
Stardate: 49548.7
Director: David Livingston
Writer: Brannon Braga


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Simon Billig as Hogan Actor filmography
Nancy Hower as Wildman Actress filmography
Bob Clendenin as Vidiian Surgeon Actor filmography
Ray Proscia as Vidiian Commander Actor filmography ?
Keythe Farley as Vidiian Actor filmography
Christopher Johnston as Vidiian Actor filmography



Tuvok and Bennet's shuttle crash lands on a sacred haven for the Drayan, an alien race which has shunned outside contact for decades. While Bennet lies dying from his injuries, three frightened Drayan children venture out from hiding. The young ones tell Tuvok that they have been abandoned by their people to die on the planet, and beg his help in saving them from the imminent arrival of the "morrok" -- the messenger of death.

While Tuvok tries to calm the tiny trio, he cannot comprehend why a society would forsake its own children. Then, during the night, two of the youngsters mysteriously disappear. Meanwhile, Janeway makes contact with the Drayan's First Prelate, Alicia, and in the course of trying to rescue Tuvok and the remaining child, there is an amazing revelation about this mysterious race.

Production: 838
Airdate: 4-8-96
Stardate: 49578.2
Director: James L. Conway
Story: Anthony Williams
Teleplay: Lisa Klink


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Marnie McPhail as Alicia Actress filmography
Tiffany Taubman as Tressa Actress filmography
Sarah Rayne as Elani Actress filmography?
Tahj D. Mowry as Corin Actor filmography
Richard Garon as Bennet Actor filmography

The Thaw


The U.S.S. Voyager activates an automated message from members of the Kohl settlement, who, years earlier, survived an environmental catastrophe by submitting themselves into artificial hibernation. When the crew transports the Kohl's hibernation pods on board, they find humanoids in deep stasis with suppressed metabolic activity -- but with active minds and complex sensory systems controlled by a computer.

In an effort to help the Kohl people, Torres and Kim equip two pods with Starfleet technology and submit themselves into stasis. With their mental and physical activities closely monitored, they enter the environment created by the computer attached to the Kohl pods. Once there, Torres and Kim find that the humanoid's dreadful fears about recovery and survival have caused their computer program to manifest a devious, omnipotent clown - the idealization of their fear - and a cast of other nightmarish characters. Then, the clown holds Torres and Kim hostage while making increasingly unreasonable demands of Janeway.

Production: 839
Airdate: 4/29/96
Stardate: Unknown
Director: Marvin V. Rush
Story: Richard Gadas
Teleplay: Joe Menosky


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Michael McKean as Clown Actor filmography
Thomas Kopache as Viorsa Actor filmography
Carel Struycken as Spectre Actor filmography
Patty Maloney as Little Woman Actress filmography
Tony Carlin as Physician Actor filmography
Shannon O'Hurley as Programmer Actress filmography r



A Bizarre occurrence causes Neelix and Tuvok, who are attempting to transport back to the U.S.S. Voyager from an away mission, to arrive aboard the ship as one. The crew is astonished when a strange but oddly familiar alien humanoid with dark speckled skin and pointy ears - which is neither Tuvok nor Neelix - appears. The Doctor's bio-scanner shows that Neelix and Tuvok's patterns have merged, causing the pair to become one entity - Tuvix.

While Tuvix assimilates and starts to become a valued member of the team, Kes struggles with the fact the Neelix may not be a part of her life anymore. Meanwhile, the Doctor devises a method to restore Tuvok and Neelix, except for one variable - Tuvix does not want to die. When the Doctor, who is programmed to follow certain ethical guidelines, cannot perform the separation, Janeway is left with a monumental decision.

Production: 840
Airdate: 5-6-96
Stardate: 49655.2
Director: Cliff Bole
Story: Andrew Shepard Price & Mark Gaberman
Teleplay: Kenneth Biller


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Tom Wright as Tuvix Actor filmography
Simon Billig as Hogan Actor filmography
Bahni Turpin as Swinn Actress filmography

Never saw this show



When Janeway and Chakotay contract a deadly virus from an insect bite, the Doctor cannot find a cure. Unable to perform her duties, Janeway is forced to turn over permanent command of the ship to Tuvok and retreat, with Chakotay, to a small planet which shields the effects of the fatal disease.

As the U.S.S. Voyager moves out of communication range, Captain Janeway leaves Tuvok with strict orders not to contact the Vidiians for help, even though they may have more sophisticated medical technology to handle the crisis. While the ship's crew is stuck with the harsh reality of abandoning their leader and first officer forever. The former Captain and Commander, alone on a strange planet, awkwardly drop protocol and begin to explore another side of their relationship.

Production: 841
Airdate: 5-13-96
Stardate: 49690.1
Director: Alexander Singer
Writer: Jeri Taylor


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Simon Billig as Hogan Actor filmography
Susan Diol as Dr. Danara Pel Actress filmography
Bahni Turpin as Swinn Actress filmography

Basics Part 1


In an emergency message to Chakotay, Seska discloses that their newborn son has been banished by Culluh to a servant colony. Chakotay feels conflicted about rescuing the baby because he was manipulated into fatherhood by Seska. When the crew detects a distress signal from a Kazon shuttle, they transport aboard the critically injured Teirna, a former aide to Seska, who delivers the news that Culluh has killed Seska. So, with Teirna restricted to secured quarters, the U.S.S. Voyager heads on a rescue mission through the Kazon-Nistrim territory where Kazon raiders viciously attack the ship. Before long, the fierce battle is over and the U.S.S. Voyager crew has lost--outwitted by their most bitter foe. Surrounded and defenseless, Janeway must give up the ship to the Kazon.

The crew must accept that they have been tricked by Culluh who relishes taking the helm of the U.S.S. Voyager. At his side is an alive and well Seska who taunts Chakotay with their son. Then, the Kazon abandon the 148 member U.S.S. Voyager crew on the surface of Hanon Four, a primitive, ferocious planet. Stripped of their technology, they must use the most basic skills to survive. While they watch helplessly, their enemy lifts off the surface with their ship, but unbeknownst to the Kazon two starfleet crew members are stowed away on board.

Production: 842
Airdate: 5-20-96
Stardate: Unknown
Director: Winrich Kolbe
Writer: Michael Piller


Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Jennifer Lien as Kes
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Guest Cast:

Martha Hackett as Seska Actress filography
Anthony De Longis as Culluh Actor filmography
Brad Dourif as Suder Actor filmography
Henry Darrow as Kolopak Actor filmography
John Gegenhuber as Teirna Actor filmography

Picture Album of the Cast and Crew

Behind the Mask

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