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PHOTO BY: Paramount Pictures


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Star Trek: The Magazine

October 2000

The time is past

Star Trek: The Magazine Click on image for larger version
One of the enduring issues on the show has been Janeway’s relationship with Chakotay, and many fans continue to be disappointed that things haven't gone further between the two of them. Kate doesn't think it ever will come to anything. "I think it's a bit late in the day for that," she says. "But they're full of surprises, these people; they may approach it, but if they do it would be, I think, terribly bittersweet since we don't really have the time to fully investigate that. I think it leaves the door open to a wonderfully poignant goodbye. Maybe even an element of tragedy -- ships truly passing, what could have happened." Or their future relationship may revolve around a Starfleet follow-up on the Maquis members of Voyager's crew, as hinted in 'Lifeline.' "I think there will be a struggle because of Chakotay's Maquis background," Kate says. "Janeway will fight for him; he may fight for Janeway. I think it's better that way."

Emotional dilemmas

Romance and its disappointments aside, Kate has said before that she’s not wild about superhero action shows. "I prefer the human dilemma, and I love it particularly when it throws Janeway and she has to regain her equilibrium; when she has to truly examine her own morality, her conscience, and her flaws, which are numerous."

Lasting relationships

If she could look into Janeway's future, Kate thinks some friendships forged aboard Voyager will endure through the years. "I think she would always seek out Chakotay," she says. "And Tom Paris, and her beloved Neelix, and B'Elanna." What about Seven of Nine, whom Janeway has nurtured from Borgdom toward humanity? "I think that could continue to evolve very nicely in a sort of student-mentor way" she says. "Seven will have so many difficulties in Federation space, I think. She'll need to find a different kind of sea legs, and an even more provocative way to show her humanity will be when this ship finally lands: who will Seven be when she has to finally and quite deliberately confront her humanity?"

Right now Kate would like to see a little more of the captain with B'Elanna Torres -- a twosome that created a real spark when the series began. "They're wonderfully juxtaposed personalities," she says. "First of all, I adore Roxann Dawson; she's a dear friend of mine. I don't know why they don't put us together more often. I suppose they think that we each have so much intensity that they need to spread it around more carefully."

Kate will face the ending of the series with mixed emotions. "I'm very much looking forward to closing this chapter, all the while knowing very well that it will have reverberations for me of probably epic proportions for a long time to come. The sheer energy, the sheer intimacy, the secret world that I have shared with those people for so long: it will be devastating to have it withdrawn so abruptly."

Home stretch

"It's going to be awful, those last 10 shows; I know it. It's going to be unbearable for me. When you’re in the trenches with people this long, it's hard to say goodbye. But it's very crucial that I get back to my life, and get back to the theater. I adore my children, and I'm crazy about my husband. He's made huge sacrifices to accommodate my schedule, and it's time for me to turn the light on him. He does all the commuting, so that's going to have to change a bit. We're building a house in Cleveland, getting my boys through the rest of high school, and trying to relax a little bit. I think it's going to be hard for me to relearn that."

Final adventures

Meanwhile, the Season Six cliffhanger left the intrepid captain assimilated aboard a Borg vessel, along with B'Elanna and Tuvok; the story plays out in October's season opener. Asked about what she thinks the audience can expect for Voyager and its crew as the series draws to its close, Kate says: "I think that the writers will be very clever; I think that they will be extremely astute; they will be romantic; they will be dangerous. They will take the Maquis, the Borg, the Klingons--they will take every matter in hand. Everything will have to be reckoned with at the end. And it's going to be extremely poignant."

  • (Added May 11, 1999)In Star Trek Communicator under an announcement of wedding bells was this announcement.

  • (Added April 25, 1999 from Totally Kate: The Kate Mulgrew Page)

    April 22, 1999


    Former Cuyahoga County Commissioner Tim Hagan and actress Kate Mulgrew, Starfleet Capt. Kathryn Janeway on "Star Trek: Voyager," have quietly married. The ceremony, which reportedly included only the couple and a close friend of Mulgrew's, took place Monday [April 19] in Florida.

    Hagan, who will give the afternoon commencement address at Cleveland State University May 9, and receive an honorary doctorate from the university during the ceremony, did not run for re-election for commissioner last year, a post he had held since 1983. The father of two daughters is now serving as a consultant to CSU's Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, in charge of developing the college's new Civic Forum speakers' program. Hagan is also a consultant to the nonprofit Mandel Foundation.

    Mulgrew, the mother of two sons, is expected to return for at least one more season as Capt. Janeway. However, don't confuse TV with real life. It was only acting when, on a recent "Star Trek: Voyager" episode, Mulgrew's character gave a big romantic smooch to a passenger aboard the USS Voyager.

    Sci-Fi tv

    by Ian Spelling

    February 1999

    What a difference a few months can make! It was just this past spring, during a break from production on "Hope and Fear," Star Trek: Voyager's fourth season finale, that Kate Mulgrew sat in a director's chair situated a few feet from the Voyager set, sounding a bit cranky and looking rather drained. Today, nearly a dozen episodes into Voyager's new year, she's chatty and upbeat, alert and re-energized. "I was feeling many things about what transpired last season," the actress explains. "I was very tired at the end of last season. I was, frankly, exhausted. It was an odyssey. Of course, the addition of Seven of Nine [Jeri Ryan] was difficult. It impacted not only on me, but on the whole company. We had to welcome Jeri, assimilate her--for lack of a better phrase--into the cast and into the storylines. I had to find my own adjustment to this new dynamic.

    "What I needed and what I wanted--and what I got, thankfully--was a rest. It was a wonderful rest, my kind of rest--I did a TV movie that I'm very proud of, Riddler's Moon. I played a character that was very, very far removed from Janeway. I also took my mother to Europe, and I spent time with my children. All of my angst simply dropped away.

    Back on the set, my lack of angst has only been enhanced by the leadership of Brannon Braga, who's now running the show [as executive producer, in the wake of Jeri Taylor's retirement]. Under this new regime, more attention is being paid. I feel galvanized. The writing has reached an entirely new level of intelligence. Brannon is very smart and very talented, as is [co-producer/writer] Joe Menosky. They're willing to take risks and we're all feeling that, all reaping its benefits. I've had more fun doing the first 10 shows of this season than I've had in years. I'm completely relaxed and as confident in our writers as I've ever been. It's nice to feel that way again....what's different about the fifth year of Voyager? "You're seeing a new and, I think, interesting Janeway. The voice that Brannon has found for her is really much more my voice than it had been before. And he has fashioned around that voice a wonderful, commanding and confident presence. But it is a presence of ease. It is the Captain in a deeply relaxed and authoritative stance. She speaks not in a measured way, but freely and with conviction, and with wit and heart. She's not as verbose now but more direct and simple, and that is very much reflected in her interaction with her crew, these people who've been with her in the trenches for five years. Why would she be verbose with them? Now we'll see that shorthand, that unspoken conversation that happens between people who know each other well, who are around each other so much and work so closely together.

    "Our first episode of the season, 'Night,' was very interesting. The first time you saw Janeway she was actually quite depressed. Not only was she lonely, but she felt very strongly that were it not for her 'mistake' of five years earlier [as depicted in the pilot, "The Caretaker"], none of this would have happened. She felt that she deprived her entire crew of a future, of any kind of real happiness. She was what you would have to call clinically depressed. I loved exploring that aspect of Janeway. A couple of episodes after that, in 'Extreme Risk'you saw B'Elanna [Roxann Dawson] deal with a different level of depression. What Brannon's doing--and I think it is remarkably good for Voyager--is letting you know where these characters are at, deep inside, at the season's beginning. It's setting the stage for anything else that may or can happen later on in subsequent episodes."

    Indeed, and it looks like Janeway is getting intimately more involved with her Voyager crew as well. "This year, you're going to see more between Janeway and everybody. Let me put it this way: Brannon has taken the first nine episodes and given everybody their own show, an hour of their own. Within each of those hours, you see Janeway involved with the episode's principal characters. I asked Brannon to reintegrate Janeway into her crew's lives and that is precisely what he has done. It's exactly what I thought we needed after last season. After the first nine air, we'll go into some very interesting waters. You'll see Janeway's other sides, and some of it won't have anything at all to do with her crew but will be intensely personal. She still has some great skeletons in her closet. She has laughter that nobody has heard yet and a capacity for love that nobody has really seen. Before this journey is over, it's my hope we'll have seen that laughter and that love, and other colors of this woman as well."

    Part of that journey involves some old Trek friends.

    "You will also see our 100th episode, 'Timeless.' LeVar Burton directed it and I thought that was somehow appropriate because he has been through the experience himself on Star Trek: The Next Generation and he knows our show so intimately," Mulgrew observes. "The work that we've done has been so hard, but because the attention to the work has always been so complete, the time has flown by for me. This is the longest I've ever played any one character, and that has been a fascinating experience. I know Kathryn Janeway very well indeed, but still not as well as I intend to get to know her. I just find Janeway endlessly fascinating. She's a great character for an actress to play."

    What viewers will not see now or, quite likely, ever, is a romantic liaison between Janeway and Chakotay (Robert Beltran). Yes, Mulgrew sighs, she did see the fan poll that cited Janeway and Chakotay as the Voyager characters they most wished to see hook up. Yes, she saw the poll that suggested Mulgrew and Beltran should appear as paramours on UPN's newfangled version of The Love Boat "I'm sorry to say I don't think The Love Boat is going to happen," Mulgrew chuckles "Clearly, if our writers on Voyager wanted to go in a romantic direction with Janeway and Chakotay, they would have gone that way already. I think we're at a point now where we'll strive to maintain and complicate this very intimate relationship that Janeway has with Chakotay, which is already more intimate [than any relationship] I have with any of the others. There are nuances to the relationship between Janeway and Chakotay that I love, that will certainly be enhanced, but I do not think we will ever get romantic."

    Going off in a different direction, Mulgrew comments on year four of Voyager. It was a solid season for the series. There were several outstanding episodes and few clinkers. The departure of Jennifer Lien as Kes and the arrival of Ryan as Seven of Nine opened up the story possibilities tremendously. Of course, so many episodes were devoted to the sultry Borg newcomer that some Trekkers took to calling Voyager "The Seven of Nine Show." While Janeway had her own moments to shine in "Concerning Flight," "Scientific Method" and the "The Omega Directive," she also figured prominently in several Seven-heavy hours, as she played mother hen/mentor to the the fledgling Borg-human, who struggled to understand herself, her body and the concepts of individuality, freedom of choice and teamwork. Cases in point, "Retrospect" and "Hope and Fear."

    "There was a lot going on in season four, story-wise," says Mulgrew. "'The Killing Game' two-parter was very strong, very exciting. That was excellent. I fondly remember 'Scientific Method.' That was the episode that I stopped smoking--and it showed in my performance. I just let go. Actually, I allowed my feelings to play, I think very nicely, into Janeway's personality most of last season. Janeway was under a lot of pressure last season, as was I. The changes were coming fast and furious for both Janeway and me. 'The Gift' was very hard, but it was also well done. What you saw in Janeway's scenes with Kes was me fighting to keep it within the confines of Janeway saying goodbye. I must say that I felt Janeway would be quite shattered by this dear and loved member of her crew leaving for good. Playing those scenes as I did, with genuine feeling, was also my way of saying goodbye to Jen in the best possible way.

    "What else? I love the relationship I have with Leonardo da Vinci [John Rhys-Davies], so I enjoyed 'Concerning Flight.' I would like to see that relationship deepened even further, if possible. I have to be honest and say I don't know how Brannon and Joe feel about that. They've never cared much about the Holodeck program, at least for Janeway. And my own vote on it isn't in yet. But I do love John and hope he comes back for more.

    "I also liked 'Hope and Fear,' our season finale. I felt that was a mild but very effective ending to a traumatic and seminal year for Voyager," she continues. "Going back to what we were talking about earlier, how last year was very trying for me and how I was exhausted by the time you saw me on the set of 'Hope and Fear,' I can tell you, one by one, about last year's traumas. I felt the loss of Jennifer Lien very keenly. Jeri Ryan came in at exactly the moment Jennifer left. They even worked together on 'The Gift,' and that was very difficult for me. I don't need to go into more detail about that than I already have. Anybody with a heart can understand why that was difficult. I don't think that Jennifer was, in any way, remotely happy or pleased with what was going on, although she had agreed to it. Poor Jeri Ryan was shot out of the cannon. Jeri Taylor was on her way out. It was just an emotionally rocky time for me and, I think, all of us."

    Back now to the happy Mulgrew.

    As she noted, before returning to Paramount for Voyager's fifth season, the actress wrapped production on Riddler's Moon, a UPN movie that aired in November and co-starred LA Law's Corbin Bernsen. "That was an excellent movie, a lovely production. The chemistry between Corbin and myself was wonderful. My character was essentially a farmer from Indiana, a very austere woman, stripped down to the bone,"Mulgrew asserts. "I put on 10 pounds to play her and it showed. She looked very real. It was extremely liberating to do that before coming back to Voyager. It was really a relationship story with an SF twist at the end. I thought of it as several stories in one. It was the story of one boy's faith and his great desire to share that with his mother and his friend. It was the story of two peopIe falling in love. It was also the story of a mother's devotion to her son. There was humor and great heart to it, and I quite liked it."

    Returning at last to Voyager, Mulgrew contemplates her futuristic future. More precisely, she's pondering the rumors that Voyager and her crew may at long last reach the Alpha Quadrant this season, and she's considering the idea that Voyager will be the only Trek game in town during the 1999-2000 season, once Deep Space Nine bids adieu for good next summer. Then, thinking speculatively, Mulgrew addresses where she thinks both Janeway and Mulgrew will end up post-Voyager. Would Mulgrew ever consider another ride in the science fiction universe? "I'm holding back on offering my reaction to the possibility that we'll return to the Alpha Quadrant this year. I don't want to lie to you. I'm just not sure how I feel about it yet," she explains. "I'm not at all sure what the repercussions of returning to the Alpha Quadrant would be. What happens to the Maquis aboard the ship? Why would the crew stay together? How could they stay together? Would the show become a legal drama, with everybody being court-martialed? I haven't actually discussed any of it with Brannon because I've been so focused on the episodes that we've been doing, but it's there in the back of my head. We could meet interesting new aliens on the way back, encounter new problems with old enemies. It could be very interesting. I guess we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get there.

    "As far as Voyager being the only Star Trek show on the air once Deep Space Nine is over," adds Kate Mulgrew, "I would welcome it. Its like children, isn't it? It's always nice when the mother takes one child on a trip. To have our year in the Sun, will be good for all of us and for the show itself. And life after Voyager for Janeway? Of course, Janeway will want to go back out into space again, probably as soon as she can. She's like the scorpion; it's her nature. As for me doing more SF, 'I've learned one or two things in my old age: Never say never and never say die. Voyager has been such a remarkable experience. My guess is that after we've done our last show I'll need to refuel, to take a little time off. Maybe I'll throw myself on the stage, and then I'll see. Five years ago, I said I never understood nor was particularly fond of SF. Now I love science fiction, and I find it curiously enchanting. That only reinforces one of those two things I know: Never say never."

    People in the News

    7.28 p.m. ET (029 GMT) November 25, 1998

    CLEVELAND (AP) — Kate Mulgrew, captain of television's Starship Voyager, will soon be boldly going down the wedding aisle.

    The actress became engaged to Tim Hagan, a Cuyahoga County commissioner, over the weekend in California, The Plain Dealer reported Wednesday.

    The wedding will take place "as soon as she gets back from Delta Quadrant,'' joked Hagan, referring to the "Star Trek: Voyager'' story line.

    Actually, the couple plan to marry during the show's hiatus next spring.

    Mulgrew, 43, and Hagan, 52, met five years ago at the U.S. embassy in Ireland where Hagan's friend, Jean Kennedy Smith, was ambassador. Mulgrew's mother fixed them up because she thought Hagan would be just right for her daughter. Both were previously married; Mulgrew has two sons.

    In the following interview the words in yellow have a different perspective when you realize that all the Voyager crew have already signed up to do two more seasons after season five. There is some unknown reason that Paramount wants Voyager wrapped and off the lot by the end of 2000. If Voyager shoots for seven seasons, they would film through 2000 without a spring hiatus. The seventh season of the series would be somewhat shorter than previous seasons, but it would all get finished before 2001. So it up to UPN and those in charge of Voyager as to whether there will be two more years!

    From "Journey's End for Voyager Captain?" in TVGen: "It makes me very sad to think about saying goodbye," Kate Mulgrew says. But Star Trek: Voyager's Capt. Janeway will jump ship when her contract expires in 2000. "The imposed intimacy of these circumstances — working together on a long-term television series — is just like a family. You become deeply familiar with everybody, and you develop a genuine love for them."

    Strong as her feelings are for the Voyager (Wednesdays, 8 pm/ET, UPN) cast and crew, Mulgrew has another love: "I want to get back into the theater," she says. "I never left it, but I want to pursue it with the kind of focus and discipline that obviously has not been possible in this chapter of my life."

    It's also not possible in Los Angeles: "New York is where I first came when I was very young to start my eclectic career, and I have always missed it. It was appropriate for a time to live in New York, but as you get older you'll find that you have to be in the place that feeds you. And for me, that's New York."

    The actress visited her adopted hometown recently, to donate one of her Voyager uniforms — "It's allegedly a size 2," she laughs — to Planet Hollywood's memorabilia collection. While a trunkful of Trek clothes could come in handy if she's looking to finance a New York apartment, Mulgrew says she isn't much of a collector herself. "I'll keep my pips," she says. "But the rest will go. You shouldn't hold on to the past."

    Science Fiction Age

    In a article by Melissa Perenson (almost the exact same article as in Sci-Fi Univese "Visiting Voyager" by Melissa J. Perenson), "'I get involved in that,' says Mulgrew of the staging process, 'in every scene I do. Depending on the director, it can be a wonderful thing, or a very annoying thing. Today it worked. And Bob is wonderfully inventive, too. So when I'm acting with him, it's a mutual admiration society.'"

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    Started Page August 14, 1998.