Fifth Season Past Episodes |
NightOctober 14, 1998
Braga said in a chat: "Showing up this season are the Malon, intergalactic toxic waste dumpers who will wear hot suits and be covered with slime and boils."
Extreme RiskOctober 28, 1998
(Shows October 28) Extreme Risk: Torres erratic behavior, which includes orbital skydiving, begins to alarm her crewmates; meanwhile Lt. Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill) finishes the Delta Flyer, his 24th-century "hot rod"vessel that combines Borg and Starfleet designs.
"We just filmed an episode where B'Elanna is dealing with some self-destructive behavior, and we had a great scene where it was really about that. It's more interesting to see the dance that people do in relationships where they don't talk about exactly how they're feeling." ( Another Universe Mania Magazine)
In The Flesh
November 4, 1998
(Shows November 4) In The Flesh: Voyager discovers Species 8472 has constructed a simulation of Starfleet headquarters in San Francisco so they can practice posing as humans in their first step of an invasion of Earth. Boothby: Ray Walston. Archer: Kate Vernon. Ensign Gentry: Zach Galligan. Adm. Bullock: Tucker Smallwood. Janeway: Kate Mulgrew. Chakotay: Robert Beltran. Torres: Roxann Dawson. Paris: Robert Duncan McNeill.(According to TV Guide.)
Once Upon A Time
November 11, 1998As Voyager searches for the Delta Flyer and its missing crew, including Paris, Tuvok and Ensign Wildman, Neelix tries to amuse Wildman's daughter with a holonovel featuring a creature called Flotter (Wallace Langham).
November 18, 1998
Infinite Regress
November 25, 1998
Nothing Human
December 2, 1998TV Gen: The Doctor (Robert Picardo) accesses another holographic physician to help him deal with an alien organism that has attached itself to Torres, but the new doctor is patterned after a Cardassian war criminal. Dr. Moset: David Clennon. Tabor: Jad Mager
Thirty Days (Down Deep)
December 9, 1998
The U.S.S. Voyager makes a fascinating discovery, a massive ocean floating in space and populated by the Moneans, a maritime alien species. When Janeway learns that the Monean's deep sea home is losing containment, she offers Starfleet technological assistance, a modified, now seaworthy Delta Flyer piloted by an eager Lieutentant Tom Paris. But soon after Paris and Riga, one of the young Monean scientists, return from their deep sea exploration, Paris is accused of a stunning breach of protocol - with dire consequences.
Counterpoint (Refugee)
December 16, 1998Written by Michael Taylor.
Kir: Randy Oglesby. Prax: J. Patrick McCormack. Vorik: Alexander Enberg. Torat: Randy Lowell. Adar: Jake Sakson.
Director: Les Landau, Guest Cast: Mark Harelick, Randy Oglesby, J. Patrick McCormack, Alexander Enberg, Randy Lowell, Jake. According to TV Quest.
(According to WebTrek)
Latent Image
January 20, 1999While using his holo-imaging device, the Doctor (Robert Picardo) discovers his short-term memory buffer has been altered. This prompts him to immediately launch an investigation to discover who---or what---has caused it. Ensign Jetal: Nancy Bell. Naomi: Scarlett Pomers. According to TV Guide. Director: Mike Vejar
The Bride of Chaotica
January 27, 1999
Cast: Martin Rayner, Nicholas Worth, Jim Krestalude, Tarik Ergin |
February 3, 1999Tuvok finds himself attracted to an exotic alien woman when he becomes trapped on a wasteland planet.
UPN pulled another switch with Voyager's air schedule this season. "Gravity" was originally intended as the first show of the New Year but has been pushed back in to Sweeps. A Tuvok story. Tuvok, Chakotay and Paris land on a planet, located at the bottom of a gravity well, where they meet an alien woman (Lori Petty), who has been stranded on the planet for roughly fourteen years during which time she had to survive by fighting off sand people. While down there, the woman develops an infatuation with Tuvok. Voyager's attempts to retrieve the team are hampered by the fact that the planet exists in an accelerated temporal state, such that one hour on Voyager is three days for the team below. Tuvok has a close but non-intimate relationship with a woman in this episode and it explores facets of his character more fully. Lori Petty guest stars, presumably as Tuvok's love-- er, "intellectual" interest. This episode deals with a lot of Vulcan philosophy. According to Star Trek News.
Tim Russ said: "We just finished a heavy episode for Tuvok which involves a relationship with an alien woman. It's not an intimate relationship, but it is a close relationship. You get a chance to peek at flashback scenes within the story that give you an idea of what he felt when he was younger, before he became fully involved in the Vulcan philosophy. You get a chance to see what lies beneath (Tuvok's) surface." Written by Bryan Fuller & Nicholas Sagan. (According to WebTrek.) |
February 10, 1999
Guest Cast: Scarlett Pomers and W. Morgan Sheppard |
Dark Frontier Part 1
February 17, 1999
Susanna Thompson as Borg Queen TV Gen: Jeri Ryan - Seven of Nine on Star Trek: Voyager
Dark Frontier Part 2
February 17, 1999 |
The Disease
February 24, 1999Guest stars Musetta Vander as Tal and Charles Rocket as Jippeq. Story by Kenneth Biller. Teleplay by Michael Taylor. Directed by David Livingston.
Harry and Tal become sort of chemically bonded after their sexual encounter. It is a natural occurence for her species, and it goes away with time. Harry doesn't really get sick, it is more akin to a Ponn Farr type scenario. The species that the woman he is intimate belongs to "glow" after intimate encounters and this is spread to Harry. The experience between them is a bonding experience which links the two. After they are separated, Harry starts experiencing withdrawal symptoms. This is complicated by the fact that Harry's alien girlfriend comes from a xenophobic species. (According to WebTrek.)(According to WebTrek.) |
Course: Oblivion
March 3, 1999Director: Anson Williams |
The Fight
March 24, 1999
Story By: Michael Taylor Teleplay By: Joe Menosky guests: Ray Walston as Boothby
Ned Romero as Great Grandfather ![]()
Guest Stars : Ray Walston as Boothby Thanks to the April 99 issue of Star Trek Monthly Magazine: Trapped in a chaotic area of space, Voyager’s only means of escape is if Chakotay can communicate with the race of aliens who live there.
Meanwhile, Voyager had come upon a damaged alien ship, its crew members having suffered the same condition as Chakotay. The First Officer went on a vision quest, where he again returned to the boxing ring. Back in the present, Chakotay awakes, realising that the aliens have been trying to give him instructions for how to get back to normal space. Chakotay is unable to understand the instructions, however, and attempts to contact them again, thinking back to his Vision Quest, in which members of his crew attempted to prevent him from taking part in the fight. His quest soon led him back to the boxing ring, but the Doctor stopped him before he could take part in the fight..
Chakotay develops somesort of mental illness which holds the key to an alien secret. Voyager enters a patch of "chaotic space," and Chakotay goes on a vision quest which eventually takes him into... boxing!? According to Visual Effects Supervisor Ron B. Moore (not to be confused with DS9 writer Ron D. Moore!!), we should look for some really weird aliens, possibly CGI creatures, in this show: "I would like to do more really weird aliens. And a show I'm doing right now is going to allow me to touch on it. Look for, The Fight."(According to WebTrek.) |
Think Tank
March 31, 1999
April 26, 1999 |
Someone To Watch Over Me
April 28, 1999 |
May 5, 1999 Guest Cast:
Relativity (aka Time Bomb)
May 12, 1999
May 19, 1999
May 26, 1999
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