"Why?"(This section updated September 25th 1999) The purpose of this site is twofold - firstly, to collect together as much "Forteana" in a single place as possible, inviting the reader to submit their favourite anecdotes for inclusion in the site. Nothing will be represented as "factual" unless I can verify it from at least two separate sources, one of which is not the Internet! The second reason for the existence of this site is to explore the psychology behind "Belief Systems" - why we feel the need to believe in things which cannot be proven or demonstrated. There are many sites on the web which collect the unusual, but I have yet to find another site which asks why we want to believe... The "Updates" situation will improve soon! Honest! I have some articles in progress, and am tidying up the site structure in general... Stay tuned... If you've read everything on the site already, why not visit some of the other interesting sites on my Jump Page? And finally... following a number of complaints about problems with Geocities' case-sensitive URL, I have obtained a proper domain name - if you know anyone having trouble getting here, send them to HTTP://www.Paranormal.org.uk New/Updated:Roswell - a roundup of "the story so far"...
My Jump Page is in the process of being updated - about 30 expired links have been removed so far, with several links updated/added. The Cult of The SubGenius - Hoax, Joke or Exposéé of Evangelical Practices? SETI@home - The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence at Home Coming Soon:E-Mail rationalisation - each page of the site will soon have a different E-Mail address, to allow me to "sub-contract" their editing in the future...This site is split into a number of loose headings, as follows: "Why?" - (this page) Contains a discussion of Belief Systems, the Physics, Physiology and Psychology behind them and representations of the Paranormal in the Media. It also links to the responses to my Faith/Philosophy Survey, started in June 1998, to tabulate the belief systems of as many faiths and philosophies as I could find out contact information for. Mind - Paranormal mental powers, such as Telepathy, Remote viewing, Astral projection, Premonition and Psychokinesis. Brainwashing and 'mind control'. Body - Unusual physical capabilities, such as Psychic surgery, Pain control and Paranormal strength Life after Death - Covering Near-death experiences, Mediums and psychics, Ghost sightings and Religious dogma Strange Places - Ranging from Ancient monuments and Mythical continents to Alien bases and strange sites on Other planets Strange Things - Animal, Vegetable, Mineral & "Other";… all things weird and unexplainable Aliens and UFOs - Sightings, Landings and Abductions - close encounters of every kind! Hoaxes & Humour - Fakes, Fakers and Funnies… Credits & Index - A list of the more major Contributors, References for further study, an Index of site content by keyword, a Jump Page for other related sites, E-Mail addresses and a list of pre-prepared Searches for up-to-date info.
Thanks once more to GeoCities for providing the web space which has made this project possible. |
Belief Systems"He believes in things all the more thoroughly the less he comprehends them, and does not believe in the correctness of those ideas which he comprehends most easily." (Wilhelm Reich) - Why do we feel the need to believe in things which are untestable and unprovable? The "God Spot" - a brain structure dedicated to religious experience?The human species seems to have an innate need to have something outside its own personal experience to believe in, whether it is religion, alien ships filling the skies, governmental conspiracies or psychic connections with an unseen spirit world. We all seem to believe in something, and, perversely, hold those beliefs more strongly the more people who challenge them. Neuroscientists from the University of California in San Diego have localised an area in the brain which they have called the "God-spot" because the activity detected there seems to be directly related to thoughts of God and spiritual experiences. This area is positioned to the front and centre of the brain, in exactly the same area where some Eastern religions describe the location of the "third eye", or area of "cosmic consciousness". It is also the place where some ancient religions performed the operation of "trepanning", or cutting of a small hole in the skull, a practice said to enhance the spiritual awareness of the individual. A spokesman for the University of California team said at a conference: "This (brain structure) may have evolved to impose order and stability on society". One case study, reported in "Sightings" magazine, vol.2 issue 8, p.44-47, is that of Georgio Bondiovanni, an epeleptic whose seisures are centred in and around the "God spot". During such seisures, he has been observed to develop stigmata (it is alleged that videotape exists of this), and on recovering he produced a series of prophecies and "holy revelations", which he now recounts at lectures and conferences around the world. Perhaps tellingly, at the time he was first observed to develop his stigmata whilst visiting the town of Fatima, (famous for "the Miracle of Fatima", where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to three children and given them three prophesies) there were reports of UFO activity over the town… If it could be proved that a particular area of the brain is responsible for religious faith, it is not a very big leap of the imagination to also connect it with other types of belief, such as UFOlogy and Spiritualism. Peet, 23rd April, 1998
A Quantum Mechanical view of realityBy "Ammonite" Quantum Mechanics is the basis of reality and Quantum Mechanics says that nothing is really real! Things only exist when they are being observed and indeed nothing can be known about them while they are not being observed. From observations we can only say how something behaved in the past and nothing at all about what will happen until the next observation. The original interpretation of the theories led to some strange paradoxes. "Schrodinger’s Cat" is the most famous example: A cat is placed in a box with a radioactive source which has a 50% chance of emitting a particle in a pre-allotted time. A detector will smash a vial of cyanide and kill the cat if such a particle is detected. According to the rules, while the cat is unobserved it is in a state of ‘superposition’ where it is neither dead nor alive. It is only when the box is opened and the ‘waveform collapses’ that we find the cat alive or dead. The many strange features of the theory can be resolved by the ‘Many Worlds’ scenario. It goes like this: When ever a choice is made (live or dead cat) the Universe splits into two copies of itself, one with each outcome. So when ‘you’ open the box in this Universe to find a living cat there is another ‘you’ in another Universe opening the box to find a dead cat. Although the ‘Many Worlds’ theory resolves some of the paradoxes of the original interpretation, I am still unsatisfied that this gives a true picture of reality. This is all very well, but what of the origin of the universe? According to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, something can be created out of nothing as long as it obeys the rule:- D E x DT < hwhere ‘DE’ is the amount of energy in the system, ‘DT’ is the time that it lasts and ‘h’ is Planck's constant. ‘h’ is very, very tiny but there is a growing belief that the total energy of the Universe is very close to zero. Therefore the entire Universe could just be a Quantum Fluctuation. There is also another possibility that is even stranger. Photons act as both particles and waves but both properties can never be measured at the same time. Also, when an observation is made of the particle properties it forces the photon to have acted as a particle in the past. The argument is the same for wave properties. Thus an observation made now can affect how something behaved in the past. So, as observations of more and more distant galaxies are made, the nature of the observations could be affecting the galaxies themselves. Indeed, measurement of the cosmic background radiation, the echo of the Big Bang, might be ‘creating’ the Big Bang and the Universe. Of course the ‘Many Worlds’ theory would say that the observations we make are simply choosing which one of the infinite number of possible Universes we inhabit. Ammonite, 8th June 1998 |