Credits and IndexAlphabetical index of articles: Battle for your mind, the - Brainwashing & mind control article by Dick Sutphen Brazil aliens and UFOs, 1996-1997 - a roundup of fascinating reports "Cult of The SubGenius, The" - Hoax, Joke or Exposéé of Evangelical Practices? "Doctor Persinger's God Machine" - a machine to produce mystical experiences "God Spot", the - a brain structure related to belief Quantum Mechanical view of reality, a - by Ammonite Remote viewing - SRI research into "projected consciousness" Remote viewing (2) - Remote Viewing in the U.S. military "Roswell Incident", 1947, the - A timeline, and the "Project Mogul" explaination SETI@home - The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence at Home Unleashing the power of the mind - by Gary R. Huspek
While you're here, why not check out some other interesting sites on related subjects... Thanks go out to: Andy G. & Game Control Mairi C. Andy M. & Powerhouse Computing Alok W. & Pear Electronics June M. & Aberdeen I.T. George A. & The Presentation Business for help, advice and the use of their web connections in setting up this site (I don't have a 'phone line...!) Thanks also to GeoCities for making this project possible! Peet, July 6th 1998 |