Onslaught White

Story by Darkhawk & Tiger

New York, the past few hours have contained sights that shock even the most calm of people.

A nocturnal creature known as BatWing, has created much terror among the city.

His master, the Crimson powered Onslaught has taken the city into his palm, and is ready to squeeze.

Many people have died, as heroes have failed to stop the evil threatening the city. The only force holding Onslaught back is the constant interefernce of super-powered heroes, but today is the day he will meet his match.

The clouds darken, the wind howls and vengeance takes form.

All of a sudden banshees, ghosts & bats are flying in the air wherein they converge on a point in the sky and disappear. Nobody sees this directly, but out of the corner of their eyes. Then a gold medallion falls and settles to the ground.

A motorist drives up on a Red-n-lack Harley Davidson. His name is Johnny Storm. He's just passing through, but he stopsto see what the hell that tower is doing there.

A voice calls out to him. PICK UP THE MEDALLION. It commands.

Storm picks up the medallion as the wheels of the bike start to go aflame. The bike's look transforms into demonic-like as the rider is transformed as well.

Johnny Storm is now the GHOST RIDER!

His mind floods with villent images of the past few hours. He can hearvoices of the innocent scream for justice.

He knows who caused this, he knows what to do.

The crowd scatters, terrified of this new demon-like being, Unaware that he is here to help.

Some run, others stand & watch. The Spirit of Vengeance has been awakened.

"ONSLAUGHT!", He screams, his voice sounds like Armgeddon. "I have seen your terror, the innocent cry out for me. They will have their revenge, the cries will be apeased."

The flaming wheels start spinning as Ghost Rider rides up to the tower.

He reaches the outer wall of the Silver Tower, pauses, then revs the engine & crashes through the wall like it was paper.

Onslaught sits on his throne and watches his viewing globe. Suddenly he stands up alert, urprised that a bike rider just crashed through his imenetrable defenses.

The light shines in his eyes as he starts to get angry because this Rider is a wild card he did not plan on.

Onslaughts decides to send the five remaining Nimrods to be rid of this gnat.

Deep down in the basement of an old abandoned comic book store, things don't look good for the planet's remaining heroes.

A blinding white flash appears in the center of the room, then fades. "Shatter, get up I think we're clear.", Quasar says, looking down at Shatter, who is barely breathing.

"Oh man, this isnt good.", Quasar shakes his head in despair. He then begins trying to revive Shatter, when he suddenly wakes up.

"uhhh...what the hell hit me?", Shatter asks, obviously hurt.

"Take it easy," Quasar tells him. "Onslaught hit you pretty hard."

Shatter remembers now, being slammed against the wall like a toy. He keeps his wound hidden & starts to get up.

"Slow down hot shot, you took a nasty hit.", Quasar says, trying to help him up.

I'm ... fine, just point me out to Onslaught. His butt is mine!"

"Ahem....hell...we uh were here first. AND ... I doubt a kid like you could take out Onslaught.", someone says.

Shatter stands up and looks around, "Who are you callin' kid?! Uhm... whoever you are!" now looking around confused.

"Pretty big talk for someone who can't even tell where I am.", he replies.

Quasar holds Shatter back, "Hold on there Shatter, that's the Spider."

"Yeah, you win the door prize, tell him what he's won Johnny!", Spider says.

Shatter turns on his sound shock power, to light up the oom. "Ok, now who are you guys? Is everybody here a superhero?"

"Not only that, but we're New York superheroes....these are my friends, but they're not up to fighting the Big Guy again...and I have already failed twice against him.", Spider replies.

"you too uh? Well since we're all here and all have something in common why ddon't we just go back and take another crack at BIG RED.", Shatter says.

"By the way these are Blink, Amphibious and Mimic. We had a few others injured.", Spider introduces.

"Nice meeting y'all, so who's coming along on this little rai?", Shatter asks, turning his injured side away, hiding it from everyone else.

"Well lessee, uh your friend and . . . me. That's about right.", Spider replies.

Shatter spins around, partially revealing his wound. "No way, I'm going too, I took out Bat Freak and I wanna make sure he stays out."

Quasar turns to Shatter and tells him, "I tend to agree with him."

"Excuse me but I could "mimic" his power and take him out.", Mimic interrupts.

Spider says, "You'r not going with your insides coming out the side." He turns to Mimic and barks, "And you guys are WORSE than he is!"

Blink pipes p, "He's rifht you guys, we all got hit hard. I know Spider didn't start this team to help fillthe cemetary."

Blink then turns to Spider and says, "Promise to call us if you want back-up?"

Spider buries his head in his and, then says "See this is why you other aren't going. Yeah I'll bet Onslaugh would let me call timeout so I can call you on my cell phone." He pauses, searches himself and then says, "Must have left it in my other suit. By the way I forgot whee's the phone here?", he replies.

Amphibious speaks up, "What's a phone?"br>
Then Shatter says, "Look gang, it's been fun but we really don't have time for this. Quasar, Spider let's go take this guy out!"

"First of all I said you're not going anywhere! Second, who put ou in charge boy wonde?", Spider says. He thinks, "Awww...kids...."

Shatter then concentrates all of his energy around his fist & walks up to Spider. Quasar watches, almost smiling at this arguement.

"You gonna stop me Spider?", He asks, his power getting brighter.

Spider pauses a moment for thought, then replies, "I can have you webbed up for an hour.", he says.

"Not before I blast you through that wall!", Shatter says, gritting his teeth.

Quasar decides enough is enough and separates them. "Hello...did you forget that we're in the middle of a WAR here?"

"No! No! No! You're not thinking what Ive got in mind. Here let me show you." Spider walks toward Shatter again and webs him a cast. "That's better. Now the Dr. says you can fight. But if you're not better in the morning, call me. Oh, and one more thing, don't make me regret this."

Shatter laughs, "Ok, ok, now that we're all pals now let's go make sure Onslaught doesn't have a monring!"

"Yea yea yea Let's get jiggy wit it!!"

Quasar begins to teleport them away, then Blink yells, "Bye guys, have fun stroming the castle."

The teleport circle closes and the 3 heroes are gone.


Ghost Rider has made his way to the main hall where he meets the five Nimrods. He pauses the bike and then revs it up and starts cracking heads!

Ghost Rider commands his shoulder spikes to ravish the first Nimrod.

"Halt or be destroyed.", a Nimrod commands.

"Vengeance will be served by my hand!", Ghost Rider replies as he wraps his chain around its head and rips it off the second.

The third Nimrod starts firing.

Ghost Rider starts aiming too, but this one has HELLFIRE! The third one rusts.

The next Nimrod stands in front of the trail. Ghost Rider pulls his chains back and throws it at the road block. The chains shatter right through it.

He rides up to the last one and stares at it. The Nimrod's hands grab his head right before it explodes.

Meanwhile Onslaught sat watching, "Not to bad for a dead man."

The wheels on the bike grow more fiery as its Rider climbs the stairways, burning up what he leaves behind and smashing statues with his chain.

Finally he arrives at Onslaught's Throne Room. The Rider takes his hands off the bike and sets the doors aflame of hellfire. As they burn, he enters on his bike with his chain in hand. Onslaught stands and commands BatWing to do battle, "BatWing GO!"

BatWing flies in the air and dives at Ghost Rider, who catches his throat with his right hand and throws him with incredible might accross the room. Then he spins the chain in the air and launches it and garbs hold of Onslaught. Onslaught tries to snap the chain, but fails because the chain can never be broken. Then turning the bike around, Ghost Rider brings the Red Man off his pirch.

The chains retract to Ghost Rider's hands as both his foes stand against him. Onslaught orders BatWing, "Sonic scream Bat." BatWing screeches, but to no avail. It had no effect on the intruder.

"Claw attack now." BatWing answers scratching at Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider stares at BatWing and looks deep into his mind.

Then Ghost Rider grabs both claws and lifts BatWing into the air. "You are nothing more than a pawn in this game. The Spirit will set you free." Ghost Rider's eyes stare into BatWing and gives him the penance stare. BatWing falls, as Onslaught falters from the feedback.

The Rider gets off his bike and faces Onslaught, who asks, "Who are you?"

"I am the Spirit of Vengeance. Ghost Rider! Sent by the souls of innocents who have died this day. I will have vengeance, and you will perish."

Onslaught strikes with a levitating beam, but the energy is dispersed around him, and for the first time Onslaught is surprised to meet failure.

Ghost Rider returns attack, sending spikes that chink Onslaught's armor. Momentarily sending Onslaught staggering.

Onsalught sends a wave of Crimson energy at his foe which surprisingly knocks him backward. Then at long lastOnslaught detects his foe's power source: the Medallion, that the Rider bears. And now he'll try to add it to his already high arsenal.

Onslaught morphs down for physical combat. As they lock up, Ghost Rider sends Onslaught's armor ablaze with hellfire. It breaks the two apart for a moment as Onslaught sneaks in & grabs hold of the flashing medallion. In a last-second ditch save Ghost Rider commands his chains to attack Onslaught, but they fail to stop Onslaught from pulling the medallion off.

With prize and victory at hand, Onslaught returns to his throne giving no notice to Ghost Rider, whose hellfire flame starts to dissipate with each second passing.

Onslaught would surely be unstoppable if not for the distraction of the appearance of three.

Onslaught turns to recognize Quasar, Spider & Shatter united against him.

With Onslaught momentarily distracted, Ghost Rider commands the medallion to return. It burns the non-it wielder's hand until it is released.

The medaillion drops & glides into its master's hand where it is put back into place fully rejuvenating the Ghost Rider!

Gost Rder now noticing the heroes three says, "Now it's a whole new ballgame."

To Be Concluded in Onslaught Omega

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