
Story by Darkhawk & Tiger

This is their greatest challenge of their lives.

Ghost Rider - the Spirit of Vengeance

Quasar - the Protector of the Universe

Spider - a veteran mutant hero

Shatter - the world's coolest rookie mutant hero

They face an Onslaught. Powered by the limitless Crimson, he is the greatest threat in the world's recent history. His last obstacle are these four heroes who have joined together for a common goal.

Spider says, "Here's Johnny!"

Shatter says, "David Letterman!"

Quasar chimes in, "Onslaught defeated! Film at 11."
Onslaught responds, "You stooges can never defeat me!"

Then Shatter replies, "Hey Moe! Is he talking to us? Nyuk Nyuk"

Onslaught raises his hand, and says, "Behold my mighty hand."

Spider says, "Behold my impact webbing!" Before Onslaught iniates attack, Spider shoots it in his face, impairing his view.

Onslaught tears the webbing off, and rases both hands this time, and releases a Crimson shockwave.

Ghost Rider steps in front of the blast to take one for the team. Protected by the medallion, the attack is repelled.

Onslaught notices his pawn BatWing is still down, so he creates and modifies a Nimrod in BatWing's image.

Noticing the new opponant, Shatter says, "Oh man! Not another one!"

Nimrod-BatWing takes to the air and before his spider-sense could go off, Nimrod-BatWing dies at Spider. As Nimrod-BatWing's metal claws near Spider's throat, Shatter aids him with a blast which sends it rolling.

Spider says, "Hey don't try n take my head off!" Then looks at Quasar and Ghost Rider. "You two take Big Red, and the Kid and I will throw down with Rob-Bat."

Shatter says, "People better stop calling me Kid!"

Ghost Rider and Quasar move up to tackle Big Red. Quasar nodds to them.

Shatter starts to fire at the circling Bat-Robot.

Spider joins in, trying to slw it down with his webbing, then one of Shatter's blast hits its mark, creating a hole in its wing, which reappears.

"Oh great, you mean we can't hurt this thing?", Spider says, dodging a dive from Nimrod-BatWing.

"There has to be some way, Shatter says. "I got an idea, get it's attenion."

Spider swings up high, bounces off the wall & lands on Nimrod's back. "Yee-ha, ride 'em Spider!", Spider shouts, trying to hold on.

Shatter suddenly kneels down, looking exhausted.

Nimrod-BatWiing flaps wildly, trying to gte Spider off his back. "Shatter, this is no time for a break..."

Then Nimrod-BatWing thinking Shatter is weakened, ignores Spider and dives in for the kill.

"Woaahhh, Shatter I could use a hand here." Spider says, then gets an idea.

He covers Nimrod-BatWing's face with webbing making him miss his dive, as he spirals toward Shatter, Spider leaps off. Then Shatter spins around, caching Nimrod-BatWing off guard and blasts it, knocking it against the wall.

Spider pickingup on Shatter's unspoken risk, uses is impact webbing to stick Nimrod-BaWing to the wall.

"Good shot Spider, now it's my turn!", Shatter says, sending a pulsing blue blast at Nimrod-BatWing's head totally destroying it. The rest of it falls to he ground lifeless.

Spider walks over to Shatter & says, "Good plan, but next time LET ME IN ON IT OK!"

Shatter replies, "Sorry, I had to improvise, how was your ride?"

"Justremind me never to ride a giant bat again. Now it's time to stop yacking and lend a hand.", Spider says, joining Quasar & Ghost Rider.

"Let's rock!", Shatter yells, following close behind.

------------------------------------------------------------ (So you think you missed the Big Guns battle? Not the case as you will see now....)

Quasar & Ghost Rider move up closer and unleash their first wave of attack. Quasar channeling the power through the quantum bands sends a power blast. Ghosyt Rider releases his shoulder spikes with hellfire streaking behind them.

Onslaught is prepared, yet chooses to block Quasar's attack as the Hellfire spikes attack from the opposite side. Quasar's attack has no effect while the spikes of hellfire knock Onslaught backward.

The Big Red Obstacle returns attack by dropping parts of the metallic ceiling on the Ghost Rider.

Quasar with his cosmic awareness knows that Ghost Rider can get out himself and then launches a solo attack Using both quantum bands, he creates a strong energy field around his fists and starts duking Onslaught. When Onslaught staggers and falters, Quasar joins his fists together and drops it down on Onslaught with a force. Onslaught stops moving.

Quasar turns to see Ghost Rider emerge from the wreckage of metal. Quasar says, "I did it. Onslaught's defeated."

Ghost Rider says, "Wrong. I still sense life."

Onslaught rises as if nothing happened.

Ghost Rder throws his chain that misses Quasar and hits Onslaught in the face.

Onslaught says, "No one survives Onslaught!"

Quasar walks over to Ghost Rider's side and the two together will unleash a blast.

In the background Shatter & Spider have defeated the Rootic BatWing.

Onslaught brings up a shield, but it does not hold the blast and is destroyed. While he is stunned Spider & Shatter join the fray.

BatWing wakes up from being unconscious and free of mind control. He glances at the ensuing fight and decides he wants no part of it. BatWing stands to his feat, leaps up & flies away.

Onslaught notices the retreat, and temporarily gets distracted. So Shatter whispers into Quasar's ears, who raises an eyebrow. "You want me to what?", Quasar replies whispering.

"Just do it.", whispers Shatter.

Quasar quicklycreates a yellow boot out of his quantum bands and positions it to kick Onslaught in the butt. Spider falls on his back laughing out loud.

"YOU DARE!?", yells an in infuriated Onslaught.

"I dare you to do it again.", says Shatter.

Spider stands, and thinks it's time for him to join the fray. THWIPP THWIPP "Wow! Look at those fireworks!...oh yea... that's right you can't see.", Spider says.

Onslaught sends some crimson waves that totally miss their mark & makr imperfections in the walls.

Ghost Rider's chains wrap around Onslaught holding him." Ghost Rider says, "You two better back off.", referring to his less-empowered allies, Spider and Shatter.

Spider's extra-sensory warning starts more than tingling..he grabs Shatter & spins to the opposite space of the room creating a BIG web shield.

Quasar decides Enough is Enough, and Onslaught's going down. The big blast from his quantum bands hits dead center and as Onslaught's physical form dissipates, the resulting energy scatters throughout the room. When there is silence Onslaught remains in an astral form. Realizing that he can longer win this fight he opens a portl & exits. Split-seconds later, Quasar follows entering and the Spirit of Vengeance leaves its host joining as well. Johnny Storm falls to the floor unconsious as the portal closes.

The tower begins to shake as Spider peeks frm the web shield, "Are we there yet?" He drops the shield and surveys the scene.

Good plan, but next time LET ME IN ON IT!", Shatter says.

"Uhm...spur of the moment,,,,had to improvise.", Spider replies. "Now would you like to stay here & go down with the Tower or do you want to exit this popstand?"

"As much as this was fun I'd like to go home now....who's that guy over there?", Shatter says pointing to Johnny Storm.

Well I dunno how he got here, but I doubt he would like us to leave him here. Let's split!", Spider says.

Spider runs to the unconscious Storm, picks him up as Shatter makes one of the wall holes bigger. THWIPP With the web line extended, the three heroes swing to the ground.

The crowd watches the tower fade away & the sky returns to normal.

As Spider turns Storm over to the paramedics the medallion attached to Storm disappears.

"I don't know what happened to this guy, think you can handle it?" Spider asks. The paramedics nod & put him in the ambulance.

"Well...looks like we pulled it off Spider.", Shatter says.

Spider replies, "Today we won a battle, but are we truly finished with the war?"
Before Shatter could make a response, a massive SHIELD helicarrier lands a the crowd disperses to make room.

The doors open several SHIELD agents ove out, a tall man steps out and starts barking orders.

He walk up to Shatter & Spider. "Surprised to see you two together, but I guess I shouldn't be. Looks like you boys cleaned up the town again."

Shatter smiles, and greets Fury, "I guess I have a talent for being in the middle of things."

"That's one habit you shouldn't break," Fury says, "Oh before I go somebody wants to see you."

Michelle runs out & jumps up, throwing her arms around Shatter. "Miss me?", he says smiling.

Fury looks back, grinning and walks back on to the Helicarrier, with a single gesture, the troops follow.

"So who's your friend?", Michelle asks.

"You don't recognize your friendly neighborhood Spider man? Nice punch your boyfriend packs, it was good to have him along.

Shatter shakes Spider's hand, "Thanks for inviting me to the party, but I got to get moving."

Amphibious & Blink make their way throgh the crowd. "So did you two have fun?", Blink asks.
"That's an understatement.", Spider says.

The group getacquianted and the crwd starts to gather around. Somebody in the crowd yells, "Smile heroes!" and snaps a photo. Little do they know, this is one moment in history that will have a great impact on things to come.

The majority of the crowds only know Spider, and start cheering his name, "Spider! Spider!"

A few hours later the heroes that joined to protect have left. Siryn left injured decides to return to her studies. Amphibious and Thunderbird disappear without any credit. Havok leaves to take care of "family business" in Alaska. Blink & Nate Grey leave together. (Take that for what you will. *s* - JL.) Mimic is left in the hospital to recuperate.

So then the one who brught them together The Spider is alone....temporarily. A redhead walks up behind him.

"Yes miss?", he asks.

"Hello Mr. Spider, my name is Jean.", she says.

"Yeah yeah that's me, uh...you need soem help?"

"Hmm well... I could use some help in Dr. Conner's class."

"Uh.....what?", Spider replies.

"I'm Jean Crey, I'm in your class at ESU.", she says.

"That's silly....I don't go to ESU.", Spider tries to convince her.

"Well maybe the Spider doesn't, but I know a Ben Reilly who does..."

The saga of Onslaught is over, and whew did it take time to write and type. Follow the Spider in next month's X-MEN #1 as Spider assembles a team to battle a rampaging villain. Tune in to Shatter #5 for new developments in Shatter's life. Thanks for joining us....this officially ends what we had planned for 1998! Join us as we debut new books, and new characters MONTHLY from TwIsTeD Marvel.

Johnny "DARKHAWK" Linger
      - AND -       

Brett "SLAMMER" Six

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