Onslaught Blue

Story by Tiger


8:30 am, Early morning over the skies of the United States. 3 figures encased in a transparent-white energy bubble streak across the steel blue sky.

"Can't move too fast, I don't want anybody blacking out." Quasar says.

"No problems here." Shatter answered, as he watched the ground move rapidly underneath them. "What about you chere`?" Shatter asked Michelle.

"I'm fine hon, I just wish you didn't have to fight this maniac." She said hugging him.

"Heads up gang, New York is dead ahead." Quasar told them. Shatter looked up and saw something that got his attention.

"Quasar, stop here! It's the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarier. I know Fury a little, maybe it'll be safe to leave you here Michelle." Shatter said.

"Safest place I can think of J." she said.

They flew up to the window and one of the gunners shouted, "Director Fury, there's two men and a woman flying out there."

"WHAT!" Fury yelled dropping his coffee and jumping out of his chair.

"Want me to open fire sir?" Fury recognized Shatter.

"Fire on them boy and I'll tear you up like a kleenex at a snot party!" Fury turned around. "Get that door open private!" He barked to a man standing at the controls.

Once inside Shatter began introducing everybody. "This is Quasar, Director Fury."

"Pleasure to meet you son." Fury said, greeting him with a firm handshake.

"And this is my girl Michelle."

"Hello m'am." Fury said bowing slightly.

Jasond looked around and noticed the disorder. "What happened?"

"BatWing," Fury said. "He caught us with our pants down. No worry, Stark Industries just installed a new securi-shield."

Shatter began to speak up, "I need a favor Sir." Jason told him.

"After what you did for your country, I'd be glad to help."

"Well," Shatter said. "Quasar and me are gonna go pick a fight with Onslaught and his pet bat. I was wondering if you'd keep my lady safe." Fury stood there for a moment, then spoke up.

"You have a lot of guts son, you and Quasar. I'll personally see to it that nobody harms one hair on her head."

"Thank you Sir, we will be back."

"I hope so, don't keep this pretty lady waiting." He said. Shatter and Michelle said their good-byes. They knew time was running too short to get emotional.

Quasar and Shatter turned to go then Michelle stopped them. "Guys," she said. "Yeah," they both answered and turned around. "Have fun storming the castle." She said smiling. They both smiled back and flew off. The whole crew of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Helicarrier slauted them as they went.

Chapter 2:First Strike

Shatter & Quasar drew closer to Onslaught's Tower, they know they may never return alive. "So how do we get in?" Shatter asked.

"I think I can negate his powers just long enough for us to get in." Quasar told him.

In Onslaught's antechamber he viewed the events outside. "Ah, such fear among the people. I crush hero after hero they send against me. It will be easy to enslave this world, the first of many. Then he notices Quasar and another figure nearing his location. "QUASAR!" He shouts angrily. "I know not how you found me, but I shall see you dead before me soon!"

He gestures to BatWing. "Come my servant, I have need of you." He then begins to activate the Nimrods, far from finished but they will have to do.

"BatWing,lead my toys and crush the heroes entering the main hall."

"Skree!" BatWing responds, and flies ahead of the small Nimrod army.

Outside, Quasar begins to tap into his awe inspiring powers. "Here goes everything." He says jokingly. The crowd watches from a distance, keeping safely back. A gold and silver tinted portal opens in the side of Onslaught's Tower. "That's our way in," Quasar says. "Once we're there nobody can follow."

"Let's rock!" Shatter says, his blue aura flashing. Quasar smiles as they move in.

Soon after the portal closes, and they are surrounded. "NIMRODS!" Shatter yells. "Not a whole army!"

"I didn't like the sound of that Shatter, fought these before?"

"Yeah,they play rough."

For a moment,the robots stand motionless. Then BatWing flies, circling them. "That's what I came here for." Shatter says. "It's been on a killing spree." Then, just as Quasar begins to frame an answer, the Nimrods come online, and begin to close in. Quasar puts up his deflector field around them.

"Uh uh boys, don't get so close." Quasar says.

"I have an idea." Shatter says. "I won't be much good against these robots but I can nail the Bat myself. Can you handle the tin can gang?"

"Yeah, a 2 pronged attack would work better. But remember Onslaught is in here somewhere."

"I will" "Shatter promises.

Then Quasar teleports Shatter into the room that BatWing just flew into. Then he turns to the Nimrods, "Robots eh? I thought he could do better." He says and starts blasting away.

Chapter 3:BatWing v.s. Shatter

Shatter almost instantly apprears in BatWing's chamber. There are minor "trophies" strewn about. One of them is a black cloak. "Here batty batty..." Shatter yells jokingly. *Yeah right, keep joking while he guts you J, maybe this would work better if I had a burrito to lure him with*

Just then, BatWing swoops down toward Shatter, at a speed undescribed by words and with a deadly accuracy. He claws Shatter's back, luckily only minorly cutting him. "Gaah!" Shatter yells as he feels BatWing's claws.

"That was may favorite jacket Bat-freak!" Shatter yells as he fires his blue bolts at him, narrowly missing. "Skree!" BatWing screeches as he darts toward him again. Unknowing that his screams are empowering his opponent.

"Oh shut up!" Shatter yells as he side-steps BatWing's plunging dive attack, grabs his wing, and slams him into the ground.

"Reeaaa!" BatWing screams in pain. He lashes out with his claw, and cuts Shatter, deeply this time.

"AHH!" Shatter groans as he grasps his side. Which allows BatWing to get airborne again. *side,hurts..bad...Have to think..of a plan.*
Shatter staggers and falls on the floor,as BatWing begins circling. And BatWing unleashes his deadly sonic scream, attempting to destroy Shatter.

*Come on, batty just a little closer* then, thinking his enemy dead, glides in for the finish, and to feed. He flies down quickly to Shatter, who is silently absorbing BatWing's primal screams.

As BatWing nears Shatter's montionless body, Shatter summons a hugs wave of soundshock and spins around quickly, sending a flashing blue wave at BatWing. "No blood for you today!" Shatter says, then stops his blast, which has slammed BatWing into the wall. BatWing falls to the ground. Shatter walks over to BatWing, soundshock blast ready to end his existence. Then BatWing looks up weakily at the one who has defeated him. Shatter turns off his power. "No, if I kill you then I become you." He holds his side in pain, and walk away, hoping to find Quasar. BatWing looks up and him again, then fades to unconsciuosness.

Chapter 4:The Nimrods

Quasar teleported Shatter into the room BatWing flew in then dropped his deflector shield and readied himself for a fight against a small army of robots. Hmmm... how many robots does Onslaught have 10..20? No problem. Seventy Five to be exact. Despite the odds, Quasar has the power to destroy many more than this. These Nimrods are only partly constructed, but still very dangerous.

They bein to surround Quasar, attemptin to overwhelm him. "You boys seem in a hurry to get acquainted, ok one game and that's all." He then grabs several of them with his electromagnetic powers, and begins to crush them into a huge ball.

The metal strained as it bent making a loud creaking noise.

He then aimed the ball at a crowd of them and sent it barreling toward them. "Steee-rike!" He shouted as the flew in all directions.

Suddenly a few of the robots fired their steel cables at him, attempting to pull him down. Then the rest began firing lazers at him. It wasn't looking good for Quasar as he fell to the ground.

The Nimrods kept pouring it on, the ones who had him tied released their grip and began to fire also. Quasar laid there, motionless.

Then the Nimrods began to glow red, they didn't know that Quasar was magnetically crusing their cooling units.

Quasar turned on his force-shield just as they were going to explode. Then as the smoke cleared he stood up and dusted himself off. "Onslaught must have forgot to program brains into these tin can idiots. I am glad that they let me feed on their lasers" He laughed, Well it's been fun kids but I got another party to go to. Oh why am i excusing my self to a pile of slag?" He said then flew away looking for Shatter.


Shatter walked away from Bat-Wing clutching his side. He was cut badly, and broken or craked ribs were possible. His blood dripped as he walked, leaving a small puddle.

He stopped and tied his torn jacket around himself attempting to stop the bleeding. He griited his teeth as he tied the knot tightly. After this is over I better get to a hospital, but I gotta be sure Michelle is ok first.

Then the room began to swirl around him,and the walls seemed to dissovle. He found himself in a large corridor. "Man this is something you don' see everyday. I'd hate to see what he pays for property tax." He said jokingly, trying to keep his mind off the pain.

He began to walk toward the huge door at the end of the hallway. "Well looks like everybody's favorite tyrant has a big ego. Time to knock."

He triggered his power and then fired at the door, blowing a gaping hole large enough to drive a Buick through. "Lucy, I'm home."

Then he saw a massive figure in crimson armor, sitting atop a throne in the back-center of the room. Two ice-blue dots glared out at him through the blackness of the helmet's shadow.

"I care not for your levity human, nor do I care for you defeating my servant!"

"Oh, you mean Bat-Fink, the killer rodent?"

Hold your tongue young man, lest you wish it be ripped from the base of your mouth!" Onslaught threatened him. Shatter flared his powers, trying to hide his pain.

"Whatever." He retorted calmly. "Oh by the way, my space cowboy partner is trashing your tin woodsmen."

Most impressive human, but you shall not live to tell of your achievement!"

His voice boomed as he fired a bolt of energy at Shatter,which hit him hard and sent him rolling across the room. "Aaahh!!!" He yelled.

Shatter pulled himself up, then fired at Onslaught, pushing his powers to their limits. "Let's Rock!" Ho shouted, ignoring his injuries.

Pulsing, blue streams of soundshock energy flew at Onslaught, staggering him at first, then driving him back. *I hurt him, I got him on the ropes*

Shatter pushed himself to the extreme, feeling his powers flow like never before, but his sides felt like it was on fire. Seconds later, Onslaught fell,and Shatter stooped.

He fell to his knees, exhausted. "It's over...can't ..hardly..move, but I know I beat him." Then there was a flash of crimson light and Onslaught stood again. "Well done 'hero', you caught me off-guard, and hurt me more then any being ever has. But not nearly as bad as I shall hurt you!"

Onslaught raised his hand toward Shatter, and a green aura grabbed him, and lifted him high off the ground. His mind racing frantically, Shatter tried to find a way to escape. But before he could act, he was crased into a wall,then slid down in apin unlike any he has ever known. *overconfident jerk...* is the last thing in his mind before he blacks out.

Quasar came flying into the room,just in time to see Shatter lose consciuousness. "SHATTER!" He shouted, and flew over to him.

"Ah, Quasar, failed your friends again I see. No matter I will see you dead before the day is over."Then Onslaught started to channel his awesome powers.

Quasar quickly grabbed Shatter and said, "Sorry big red, we're checking out." Then he teleported them away, as a crimson ray struck the wall, leaving a smoldering hole.

Onslaught repaired the hole with a wave of his hand. And the door with another,. Then his ominous laugh rung out through the citadel, and to the streets below.

The few people remaining outside see no more heroes coming to save the city, only a silver tower, glowing with evil under a crimson-black sky.




Next Issue there are gonna be some big things happening that will effect Shatter forever!
Mail all Feedback to: Slammer63@hotmail.com in the subject line write SHATTER!

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